
OBC 2017

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Ladies and gentlemen!
Welcome to the third Osu Balkan Cup!

WINNERS: Fixr & timiimit

OBC is a 2v2 osu! tournament in osu! Standard. Only players from Ex-Yu countries can apply. Those are Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo. There are no requirements other than the country one. Players of any skill level can apply - the more the merrier. Tournament starts in March and ends in April.

How to apply?
Application protocol
Applications are now officially open and they're ending on February 28th 23:59 CLOSED.

If you wish to apply for the tournament, you'll need to send a PM to Schultzika(me). Your message must contain links to the players' profiles (your teammate and your own). Soon after you should get a message of approval from me.
The only requirement for the tournament is that both players from each team have one of these flags(players do not necessarily need to be from the same country):
  1. Serbia
  2. Croatia
  3. Slovenia
  4. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  5. Macedonia
  6. Montenegro
Solo applications are not taken into consideration. If you're having troubles finding teammates, there are plenty of players in #balkan channel.

Tournament staff
Tournament staff
Hosts: the ones who started it all
  1. Schultzika
  2. Dostedt
Coordinator: responsible for making schedules and tables
  1. Gumica
Streamers: responsible for live streaming the tournament
  1. Schultzika
  2. Finnu
Commentators: voices you'll be hearing in live streams
  1. Schultzika
  2. Finnu
  3. Gumica
  4. Venattrix
Additional commentators: additional voices to fill in the awkward silence
  1. Dostedt
  2. - Aki
Map pickers: responsible for picking a suitable map pool for each stage of the tournament
  1. Finnu
  2. Schultzika
  3. Naotoshi

Tournament organization
Tournament organization
The tournament will start off with a group stage. Number of groups and number of teams in each group will vary depending on the number of teams applied. The tournament will then proceed to the double elimination stages. Also, depending on the number of teams applied, first elimination round will be either round of 32 or 16. Most likely it will be round of 16, since the expected number of teams applied is about 40.

Once the application phase is over, all teams will be sorted by their average pp score. Then, each team will be given a seed number depending on their pp. Better teams will be put in higher seed groups and so on. Number of seed groups will also depend on the number of teams applied. All seed groups will have the same amount of players, with the exception of last seed group which will most likely have less players, since we don't know how many teams will apply.

After the seed groups have been decided, real groups will be randomly drawn. Each group will be given one team from each seed group, with the exception of last seed group which will probably have less players. That way, all groups will be somewhat equal in terms of skill and number of teams.

Each round will have a different map pool consisting of 19 maps:
  1. 6 No Mod
  2. 3 Hard Rock
  3. 3 Hidden
  4. 3 Double Time
  5. 3 Free Mod
  6. 1 Tie Break
Map pools will always be published on Sunday evening, 6 days before the next tournament stage. That's the given time for preparation. Once the scheduled time comes, all teams will proceed to play their matches according to the protocol described later in this post.

Tournament schedule
Tournament schedule
The tournament will be held over the course of 2 months on the following days:
  1. Group stage: March 11th and 12th
  2. Round of 16: March 18th and 19th
  3. Quarter finals: March 25th and 26th
  4. Semi finals: April 1st and 2nd
  5. Finals: April 8th and 9th
Rules regarding scheduling and rescheduling

  1. The Excel Spreadsheet containing just the dates for matches will be posted by the end of January. However, we still have the right to change the schedule before the application phase is over.
  2. Exact schedule for each match in a round will be posted on Sunday(6 days before the round) after all the matches of the previous round have been finished.
  3. If for some reason you can't attend a round, you must contact Gumica before the schedule for that round is posted (on Sunday evening). OBC staff will contact all the participating players and make a schedule that suits everyone.
  4. If you decide to reschedule your match AFTER the schedule has been posted, we will not help you reschedule it, you will have to do it on your own. You'll have to contact the opposing team and figure out when exactly do you want to play. If the opposing team agrees, then you simply contact Gumica and we'll accept your proposal. Keep in mind though, opposing team is not forced to accept your rescheduling proposal. They can insist that you play according to the original schedule, and if you don't appear, you will lose. But fair play is strongly encouraged here, so we don't think this will happen.

Match protocol / Rules
Match protocol / Rules
If you wish to reschedule your match, contact Gumica as soon as possible! Details are in the box above.
Some matches will not be overseen by the tournament staff. That means the players will have to organize the matches themselves. Protocol for a match is stated bellow. Make sure to follow these rules. In case you have a question, feel free to ask any of the tournament staff members. There will surely be someone online at the time of each match.

Creating a room

When the time of your match comes, contact your opponents. Anyone can make the room you'll play in. The name of the room MUST follow this format:
OBC2017: (team x) vs (team y)
Substitute x and y with your team numbers which can be found here: Teams.
For example:
OBC2017: (team 13) vs (team 24)
The room must have a password (any password will do). When everyone enters the room, team with the bigger pp sum MUST BE blue. The other team is red.
Team pp sums can also be found here: Teams.
Players from the blue team MUST BE on slots 1 and 2 in the room, while the red ones MUST BE on 3 and 4.


1. Blue team chooses warmup map - the map is played.
2. Red team chooses warmup map - the map is played.
-Warmup maps can be anything(ranked or not) but the length must be under 7 minutes.

Ban phase

3. In ban phase, blue team first bans one map, then the red one and so on(to ban a map, just type the name of the song in chat).
  1. Teams in seed 1 and 2 have 2 bans available
  2. Teams in seed 3 have 3 bans available
  3. Teams in seed 4 have 4 bans available
  4. Teams in seed 5 have 5 bans available
  5. Teams in seed 6 have 6 bans available
  6. Teams in seed 7 have 6 bans available
You can find your team seed here: Seeds.
This is so the weaker players don't have to play the maps they can't even play.
IMPORTANT: These rules apply only in group stage. In the elimination stage of the tournament, all teams have only 2 bans.
Tie break map cannot be banned.
IMPORTANT: A team doesn't have to use all their bans.


4. The match starts - red team chooses a map from the map pool, then the blue team and so on.
-This is repeated until one team wins(number of wins required depends on the tournament stage).
-Each map from the map pool can be played only once.
-Maps must be played with specified mods.
-Free mod maps are played with free mods, no mod must stay no mod.
  1. If a team from seed 1, 2, 3 or 4 plays a freemod map, at least 1 of their members MUST USE EITHER HD, HR, OR BOTH
  2. If a team from seed 5, 6 or 7 plays a freemod map, they're NOT REQUIRED TO USE MODS
  3. Teams from seed 5, 6 or 7 ARE ALLOWED TO USE NO FAIL if they wish while teams from other seeds AREN'T
IMPORTANT: These rules apply only in group stage. In the elimination stage of the tournament, all teams must use at least one mod and no fail is not allowed.
5. If the result is a tie, tie break map is played.
-Tie break is treated as freemod except nobody is forced to use any mods.
6. When the winner is decided, anyone from the winning team must send Gumica a match link(when you create a multiplayer room under the Multiplayer tab BanchoBot will say "Match history available here").
-If you don't send Gumica the match link - both teams get 0 points.

Missing players?

  1. You're allowed to be 15 minutes late. If a team doesn't show up, they lose 4:0
  2. Team is allowed to play with 1 member missing(1v2 is allowed though unrecommended)
  3. If a player disconnects while playing, the map is played 1v2 until the end. Other maps are still 2v2 if the player reconnects

Badge for the tournament winners.
Eternal glory for every soul that clashed on circly osu! fields of honor.

Supporters most likely - we'll announce the actual quantities later.
If you need additional info or just want to chat with us, send a message to Dostedt or stop by in #balkan.
If you don't need anything, make sure to hang out with us in #balkan anyway because that's where all the fun is!

Tournament overview

This section will be regularly updated to provide information on current state of the tournament.


Group stage - DONE




Round of 16 - DONE

Quarter finals - DONE

Seni finals - DONE

Finals - DONE
- Aki
hey im from kosovo and im black
kosovo woooooooooooooo
Ajmo, znaš ko če bit sa mnom :D
mapam bojna cavoglave za warmup

Gumica wrote:

Ajmo, znaš ko če bit sa mnom :D
nikog drugi ne bi bio, samo jedan i edini melon
Drugače je, kar zanimivo tole, samo problem je da jaz osu igram samo za sprostitev, max difficulty hard, pa tko nobenga moda ne špilam kokr pa normaln osu!
Mogoče bi pa res probu za foro :P

Seni wrote:

mapam bojna cavoglave za warmup

pošalji kad svršiš
Če je kdo, ki nima partnerja mi lohk pise. (ne mislim lih zmagat, tko da ni treba bit dobr :P)

Vrlo privlačno, mada znam da neću ništa postići, lel.
Do nisam trash prijavio bi se :P

InsertRS wrote:

Do nisam trash prijavio bi se :P
vjeruj mi, bit će i puno gorih igrača od tebe. npr kix, seni, ja
Ono kao sad kad nisam igrao 2 meseca hahaha, a I da sam u formi ne verujem da bi bile 250 strim mape koje igram
someone be my mate pl0x
Haven't played since last year's tournament, looking for some other pleb to make a team with me. :3

Klina wrote:

- R.Horse Mechanical Keyboard RH 7380
- Wacom Intuos pen & touch small CTH-480
System Specs:
- Quad Core i3-3220 @3.30 Ghz
- 8 GB ram
- Gigabyte Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Titanium Dual Fan
do you even have to play or does your computer do it itself?
Looking for a teammate! :)
Looking for a teammate as well to be honest.
Da li mogu da se prijavim za Taiko? Ako da, onda kako? Mada mogao bih da igram i standard posto jesam underranked
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Gd Plasmodius wrote:

Da li mogu da se prijavim za Taiko? Ako da, onda kako? Mada mogao bih da igram i standard posto jesam underranked
samo standard se igra xP

schultzika wrote:

Gd Plasmodius wrote:

Da li mogu da se prijavim za Taiko? Ako da, onda kako? Mada mogao bih da igram i standard posto jesam underranked
samo standard se igra xP
Ok, kako da se prijavim?
piše ti u prvom postu

- Aki wrote:

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krenilo je

schultzika wrote:

krenilo je


[ L u k a s ] wrote:

- Aki wrote:

lmao balkan 4 life
Koje ce mape da budu ? od kolko do kolko zvezdica?
OK, naš tim iskusnih organizatora i mapera je sastavio grubi draft map poola za eliminacijski krug. Imate oko mjesec dana za pripremu, sretno svima!

Ne znači da neću vidjeti ovu provokaciju ako nemam interneta u kući, seni

Dostedt wrote:

Ne znači da neću vidjeti ovu provokaciju ako nemam interneta u kući, seni

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savo204 wrote:

jel to prijetnja ili prijava? :D

Dostedt wrote:

do you even have to play or does your computer do it itself?
I have to play, but it's nice when you have 400+ fps xD

schultzika wrote:

savo204 wrote:

jel to prijetnja ili prijava? :D
s tim rankovima kladim se da nije prijetnja :P

Klina wrote:

s tim rankovima kladim se da nije prijetnja :P
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Evo imamo 32 ekipe, idemo do 64? :D

Klina wrote:

s tim rankovima kladim se da nije prijetnja :P
uff besno
Tražim osobu za Parenje
koliko je bilo igraca prosle godine , cini mi se manje nego ove
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Mojanovic wrote:

koliko je bilo igraca prosle godine , cini mi se manje nego ove
bogami da

prosle godine 37 ekipa, a zasad imamo 39 i jos 20 dana prijava :D
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Evo i nove obavjesti!
Datumi su određeni:
  1. Group stage: March 11th and 12th
  2. Round of 16: March 18th and 19th
  3. Quarter finals: March 25th and 26th
  4. Semi finals: April 1st and 2nd
  5. Finals: April 8th and 9th
Winners bracket se igra na ove datume

Losers bracket se igra na ove datume

Grupe ce izgledati otprilike ovako
Cant play HR
Ko je raspolozen za ispadanje u prvoj rundi ili da bude poslednji u grupi neka se javi :)

Klina wrote:

s tim rankovima kladim se da nije prijetnja :P

KaRaMeLa wrote:

Ko je raspolozen za ispadanje u prvoj rundi ili da bude poslednji u grupi neka se javi :)
It's simmilar to football. Most likely, the best 2 teams in the group will proceed. However, because the applications are still ongoing, we cannot confirm the exact number of groups and teams in them which is why the slots in the Ro16 are empty. This will all be updated once the applications are finished.

Here is one of the pictures from last year for reference on how it works:
OBC banter is best banter

Comfy Slippers

Seni wrote:

mapam bojna cavoglave za warmup
anice kninska kraljice za max banter

svaka čast na ovome, motivacija za skrabove poput mene da pokušaju/mo postat prosjek do idućeg turnira :D
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ja saM dretatdiran i oliom pusit ikujcr3e XSDXxdxd
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