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Have you been in a fight?

lol wtf
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Once in high school I was walking with a group of people and this short fat kid with an attitude mouthed off at me. So I said something back, I think we pushed each other, I don't remember. Then he went off and got a big stick and came back for me. Since I know people are overconfident when they have weapons I just went up to him and closed the distance before he could get a good swing, and I grabbed the stick off him and chased him around with it. Good times.

Other than that I haven't really been in any fights, even though it sounds like fun.
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Cool thread. I have a few instances where I've been in a fight but the most notable time was in middle school, which was my last physical fight ever and what converted me into a pacifist.

I was enrolled in a catholic private school. I didn't really get along with a lot of people while I was there so I always got bullied for being "anti-social" and just looking the way I did. I had like these huge ass circle glasses and my hair went down to the bottom of my back. My hair wasn't straight either so people would pull at my hair but they'd get away with it cause rich people always get away with shit...

Anyways, there was this one day in my class where a bunch of girls I didn't like walked past my chair behind me, and one by one, they all put gum in my hair and later on, I found out it was so intricate that my hair would have to be cut off. In the moment however, I couldn't feel the gum being put in my hair or anyone playing in it for that matter. I was fucking furious when I saw them pointing at me and laughing at me. So I flipped, literally flipped my desk and threw it at the main bitch who planned it, cause she was laughing it up too damn hard. I ended up getting expelled after that. I kicked her so hard, I broke her arm and the school tried to cover it up by settling up with the family but that never happened. She ended up getting suspended with the other girls.

8-) probably not much of a fight but I'd rather not attack anyone ever again. I have been in anger management for 7 years and will continue to do just that.
Sounds like she deserved it, good job.
First fight i had was in like year 5 (we are 10years old for you americans), we just kinda threw dodgy punches at each other not realy hurting but i tried to kick him, failed kinda but got his coat dirty and he started crying because his mom just bought it for him lol.

Second one was a year later some kid was just rubbing me the wrong way so i punched him in the face and he had a blood blister under his eye the next day, after that we were good friends for years

After that i didnt really have any fights of relevance, through year 7-11 (age 11-16) in school i was one of the guys who was friends with everyone but necessarily super popular.

Honestly im super skinny and 6 ft so if i got into a fight with someone my age know id probably snap in half
I had a go at HEMA last week. I might go again tomorrow, idk I'm feeling pretty trash this afternoon.
when i was 10. i only remember i was getting beat up, so i started running and she was chasing after me. she was so much bigger than me tho smh.
Back in middle school there was this one specific bitch who liked to follow me around and tell me horrible shit like, "Hey, when are you gonna stop following me back home? Are you trying to rape me?"

Because I was really anti-social, I just ignored her a couple of times, even during class (yes, she would tell me shit like that even in class). Anyway, when we were at the PE lockers, this cunt thought it was a good idea to throw coins at me, and so I snapped because that shit is fucking annoying. I ran up to her, grabbed her by her head and just smashed it a couple of times against the locker. I don't know if I fractured her nose but I didn't see her for some time so she probably did. All I got was in-school suspension. :^)
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