
Should I get the first Ouendan game, or the second?

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I really like Elite Beat Agents, and I want to import one of the Ouendan games. The thing is, I don't know which one I should even get!
I heard Ouendan 2 was better because it has most of the same additional features from Elite Beat Agents, but I'm still not completely sure...
So, what do you guys think? As far as people who've played the game, of course.
If you're only going to get one, get the second one. You should really just buy both though because the gameplay is addictive and we always want more of it. But yeah, Ouendan 2 is objectively more polished and full-featured than the first, and equally fun and enjoyable in all other respects, so there's no downside to buying the second one rather than the first one.
Yes, I must say, I enjoyed the song list in Ouendan 2 more than I enjoyed the first one, although that may be just me.

Also, unlockable hidden mode.
Listen to the soundtracks of both games and see if you like one more. If you still can't decide, just get the second since it adds some nice little things (Level intro and ending skipping, bonus unlockable levels, Hidden mode).

And I'm just going to say here that Azure_Kyte's avatar creeps me out.
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Thanks, I ordered a used copy of the second game off of Amazon since a new copy is a bit out of my price range at the moment.

It's already in the US, (can't remember what state, I think California), and it's supposed to arrive about Friday. I'll probably wind up waiting out side for the mail man if the mail isn't there when I get home from school then.(sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not there 'til later).

I suppose technically I'm not the one importing, but it was imported at one point, right?

Yes, I made sure that the seller had good reviews, etc, etc.

I'll probably post on this thread when it arrives, I'm super excited about it!
(not right away of course, I want to test it first!)
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Awesome, it just arrived in the mail!
I decided to clear the data as soon as I got it so I would be completely surprised. (The game wasn't new, and the previous owner was on the third difficulty)

Anyway, I'm just glad it works, and I hope I have fun playing it!
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