
Quick renaming of Animated Buttons

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This question is bit more on the technical side but still relates to skinning. When making animated buttons (menu-back or example) the way to animate them is to add numbers at the end: menu-back-0, menu-back-1... but then i encountered a problem. One of my animated buttons goes WAY to fast, and im not gunna touch AnimationFramerate in skin.ini since that will screw up more things thus the only way is to just add more frames. Basically im just gunna duplicate everything a couple of times. The problem with that is when i do, windows names it "menu-back-0-copy"

Is there a quick way just to name everything "menu-back-X" in ascending order starting from 0?
o x
Sorry :/ I don't think you can.
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I found out how to do this my self, i might as well share incase someone stumbles upon this post.
Basically, import all the pictures into Photoshop, and create an frame animation.

Next go to:
File > Explort > Render Video.

For file name, call it "menu-back-" MAKE SURE THERES A "-" AFTER BACK
on the first drop down, change it to "Image Sequence"
format: png
starting #: 0
digits: 1

at the very bottom set Alpha Channel to "Straight - Unmatted"
the defualt is "none" which will make a background even if its in png format. which is bad, unless u want that.

what will happen is Photoshop will save and name every frame "menu-back-X" where X is the frame sequence starting from 0.
Avid, AfterEffects and other programs have this ability too.

Looks like i solved my own problem lol. I hope my solution will help others too. :)
o x
Woop :D good job! I'll be sure to keep this is mind next time I need it and if anyone else is looking for a solution I will link them this!
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