-00:29:458 (1,1) - would be cool if these were in the same line xd
-01:37:172 (1,2) - not sure why you decided to use 1/4 sliders when you use 1/2 for the same rhythm here 01:36:315 (1,2) -
-01:44:887 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - not sure what you're exactly mapping here. You're totally ignoring how the drums are ;; aka map blue ticks and less white
-01:52:601 (1) - since you use extended slider here, why dont do the same with 01:52:815 (2) - ? so there's actually 4 1/12 sliders uhm that'd mean change a lot of patterns too, dunno
-02:02:780 (2,1,2) - i think it'd play a bit more natural like this
http://puu.sh/kAe9S/3274f13edc.jpg -02:11:405 (5) - it'll be better without this note cuz, in addition that there's nothing there and 280 bpm xd, you do a 1/6 right after. so it's kinda hard to tell whenever it's 1/8 or 1/6 in that sense. Or maybe you could do a repeater for the 1/6 so it's easier to play, espcially in parts like these 02:18:101 (6) -
-02:22:601 (1,1,2,3,1) - the distance usage here is quite weird... Short gap using high ds but long gap use low ds, it should be the other way around
-02:24:101 - you shouldn't miss this drum, the melody you're trying to map is also in this spot
-02:26:887 (1) - i was surprised that it didnt end at 02:27:422 - like others patterns
-02:31:172 (1,2,3) - the snapping during these is so variable that i think it's better to just ignore them using a long weird slider maybe
-03:51:744 (1,2,1) - flow tho ;,
-also i didnt like too much these 1/4 sliders that ends on nothing, feels like an artificial rhythm to me 04:14:887 (1) - 04:28:601 (1) - and similars spots at the beginning
-some stuff repeats in the map in case you apply them
solid stuff tho i dont like some patterns personally cuz im weird
gl <3