
Ichiki Mitsuhiro, Masuda Toshiki - Akekure Nikki

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016年11月19日 at 下午 03:30:57

Artist: Ichiki Mitsuhiro, Masuda Toshiki
Title: Akekure Nikki
Source: 刀剣乱舞‐花丸‐
Tags: 大和守安定 加州清光 刀剣乱舞 Yamatonokami Yasusada Kashuu Kiyomitsu Touken Ranbu -Hanamaru- ed ending TV Size
BPM: 142
Filesize: 3728kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.63 stars, 102 notes)
  2. Hanamaru (4.02 stars, 304 notes)
  3. Hard (3.04 stars, 233 notes)
  4. Normal (2.22 stars, 144 notes)
Download: Ichiki Mitsuhiro, Masuda Toshiki - Akekure Nikki
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
「明け暮れ日記 (TV Size)」
   曲:大和守安定 (CV:市来光弘)、加州清光 (CV:増田俊樹)

#刀剣乱舞‐花丸‐ ED1

reDL, if you DLed before 11/9 15:54
  1. 00:02:637 (1,1,1) - 01:20:378 (1,2,3) - 这里统一一下nc的下法?音乐上是一样的部分,其他难度同
  2. 00:43:620 - 00:50:380 - 00:57:140 - 01:00:520 - 01:10:660 - finish?
  3. 00:50:380 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 就这一部分是三条长白线1nc的,和kiai其余部分一样改成两条更合理
  4. 01:02:210 (3) - 3->4近了
  5. 01:26:716 - 有两条绿线
  6. 01:27:561 - normal sample?
  1. 00:03:060 (1) - 1->1保持1.4ds
  2. 00:04:116 (2) - etc. 虽然合曲但normal难度放1/4短滑条还是不太合适新人玩,建议就换成一个单点
  3. 00:23:340 - 00:57:140 - 01:10:660 - finish?
  1. 00:04:116 (2) - 00:07:496 (2) - 01:21:857 (6) - 01:25:237 (2) - 仔细听一下应该是snap到1/6,最高难度同
  2. 00:08:763 (6,1) - 00:09:397 (2,1) - 间距上区分一下?前者空了1/2后者空了1/1,读起来不太直观
  3. 00:23:340 - 01:10:660 - finish?
  4. 01:02:210 (6) - 01:05:802 (4) - 01:12:350 (5) - nc?
  1. 00:23:340 - 00:57:140 - finish?
  2. 00:41:930 (1,2,3,4) - 这个梗可以让它们尾部间距和前面这部分 00:36:860 (1,2,3) - 一样不碰到一点,看起来更加干净
  3. 01:03:478 (5) - 01:16:998 - 考虑addition soft finish,感觉这里适合这样连续敲两下。如果想采用的话也加到别的diff
Topic Starter

Garden wrote:

  1. 00:02:637 (1,1,1) - 01:20:378 (1,2,3) - 这里统一一下nc的下法?音乐上是一样的部分,其他难度
    00:03:060 這裡因為跟了效果音所以才下了NC,全部難度都一樣,這個效果音是這顏色的note XD
  2. 00:43:620 - 00:50:380 - 00:57:140 - 01:00:520 - 01:10:660 - finish? 下音效下到亂了... 都加了,謝謝
  3. 00:50:380 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 就这一部分是三条长白线1nc的,和kiai其余部分一样改成两条更合理 fix!
  4. 01:02:210 (3) - 3->4近了 這我做低難度的地方都會縮點間距,前面同樣的部分都改成0.8x,感謝提醒
  5. 01:26:716 - 有两条绿线
  6. 01:27:561 - normal sample?

  1. 00:03:060 (1) - 1->1保持1.4ds 漏了 thank you
  2. 00:04:116 (2) - etc. 虽然合曲但normal难度放1/4短滑条还是不太合适新人玩,建议就换成一个单点 原本想說還是堅持一下為了跟那音效所以不改,但想想1/4好像真的很兇殘所以改了 (欸
  3. 00:23:340 - 00:57:140 - 01:10:660 - finish?
  1. 00:04:116 (2) - 00:07:496 (2) - 01:21:857 (6) - 01:25:237 (2) - 仔细听一下应该是snap到1/6,最高难度同 !!! 完全沒注意到,都改了!
  2. 00:08:763 (6,1) - 00:09:397 (2,1) - 间距上区分一下?前者空了1/2后者空了1/1,读起来不太直观 你這麼一提發現很有道理.. 也不知道放哪好,就先擺個合理的位置 (?)
  3. 00:23:340 - 01:10:660 - finish?
  4. 01:02:210 (6) - 01:05:802 (4) - 01:12:350 (5) - nc?
  1. 00:23:340 - 00:57:140 - finish?
  2. 00:41:930 (1,2,3,4) - 这个梗可以让它们尾部间距和前面这部分 00:36:860 (1,2,3) - 一样不碰到一点,看起来更加干净 調整了 謝謝
  3. 01:03:478 (5) - 01:16:998 - 考虑addition soft finish,感觉这里适合这样连续敲两下。如果想采用的话也加到别的diff 說的有道理,已改~~
謝謝你的mod,基本上全改了 (沒回的地方也改了),很多我忽略的細節都找到了真的非常感謝!! T_T
想做GD! :)算了好像满了

00:03:060 (1) - 这个NC感觉没必要,去了吧
00:09:186 (1) - ^
00:10:665 (2,3) - 感觉ctrl+G更适合这个节奏
00:13:200 (1) - 因为你在00:09:820 (1,2) - 这是拆成两个1/1滑条,那么这里我建议也一样地拆
00:16:580 (5) - NC
00:18:270 (1) - 去NC
00:19:960 (3) - NC
00:22:495 (1) - 去NC
00:26:086 (1) - 去NC
00:28:621 (1) - 去NC
00:27:565 (2,3,1) - 这里我推荐之间在00:28:410 - 一个1/1拉过去,毕竟是Easy,打打节奏就行了,你这是Normal的下法
00:32:846 (1) - 去NC
00:36:437 (1) - 去NC
00:38:339 (3) - easy的话非常不推荐出现1/2,建议把这个去了吧,而且你看00:41:930 (3,4) - 这里你就没下,保持统一比较好
00:46:578 (4) - 建议叠在00:44:888 (2) - 上,因为你放在原来的那个地方切flow了,感觉不是很必要
00:47:000 (1,1,2) - easy难度转盘和NOTE之间最好隔四条大白线,因为NOTE和转盘同时出现会对新手玩家造成困扰,所以我推荐去掉后面这两个NOTE
00:50:380 (1,2,3) -

01:20:378 (1,2) - 直接叠起来就好了

00:03:060 (1) - 去NC
00:09:186 (1) - 去NC
01:20:378 (1,2,3) - 要么不叠,要么完全叠好


00:09:186 (1,2,1) - 这可以完全叠起来
00:17:213 (3,4,5) - ^

这么快就开坑了← ←我需要信仰充值
[ Easy ]
00:27:565 (2,3,1) - 这里会不会相对于easy难了些?00:28:410 - 然后这里大白线有个重音,感觉 滑条尾巴带过不是很好
00:38:339 (3,4) - 这里连续单点,可能会被搞事?大概
01:20:378 (1,2) - 完全叠住?或者不叠住?因为这样的遮挡,感觉DS不符合规准,然后也可能被搞事
Nice diff

[ Normal ]
00:10:876 (2) - 这里来回感觉打击感 比较弱,重音鼓在白线上面,换成单点加1/2滑条?
00:16:580 (1,2,3,4) - 蓝线接滑条,Normal是不行的吧?不过Advance应该就挺好
00:35:381 (4,5) - 都换成1/2滑条?因为这里都是一个节奏,但是用了两种不同的处理方式,感觉这样忽略了音乐节奏
00:47:000 (1) - 貌似这种连续来回不太好在Normal里面的话
01:14:040 (1,3) - 打了一下,发现这里重叠会影响读图,打3的时候滑条1还没有完全消失,3会被挡住
01:20:378 (1,2,3) - 大概不行?

[ Hard ]
00:19:115 (5,6) - 这里我觉得可以改1/2滑条,人声有停顿的感觉,继续单点,感觉效果不是很好
00:21:861 (1,2) - Hard可以不用这么空拍吧?中间蓝线好强的音,要不要考虑加上?
00:47:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1) - 这块大概已经不是Hard的难度了吧?要不要考虑简化些呢?

Hi, M4M

00:11:510 (1) - 这一整个combo的flow略乱。

00:17:213 (3,4) - 若果没搞错的话你这里是想要跟鼓点的,但是这一段其他有vocal的地方你都是跟的vocal,所以把第二个圈删了吧,或者把这两个圈换成一个1/4的滑条。

00:22:706 (1,2) - 你这张图其他地方遇到这个音都是两下原地的,这里统一一下吧。

00:23:129 (1,2) - NC在2上。

00:48:690 (1,2,3,4) - Pls NO, 打起来不爽而且达不到强调的作用。

00:54:816 (4,5) - Ctrl+G一下,现在这里显得特别像随手摆的

01:20:801 (3) - NC

01:21:857 (6) - 01:25:237 (4) - 1/6

00:07:496 (2) - 绕中心旋转-40度然后调整一下位置。

00:48:690 (1) - 问题同主难度。

01:01:577 (3,4,5) - 间距玩大了。

01:20:801 (3) - NC


00:57:140 (1,3) - 这种遮挡一是不合适,二是不好看,至少要降一降Stack Leniency让这两个圈重叠(虽说这样对于玩来说更不合适),最好干脆改到。

Aimod DS

Topic Starter

kanor wrote:

想做GD! :)算了好像满了

感觉你是不是一直都开着堆叠效果作图呀.......三连都没有叠,最好关了,完全叠起来舒服点 原來這可以關...
00:03:060 (1) - 这个NC感觉没必要,去了吧 這有個hitsound的梗,全難度都有的~
00:09:186 (1) - ^
00:10:665 (2,3) - 感觉ctrl+G更适合这个节奏
00:13:200 (1) - 因为你在00:09:820 (1,2) - 这是拆成两个1/1滑条,那么这里我建议也一样地拆
00:16:580 (5) - NC
00:18:270 (1) - 去NC
00:19:960 (3) - NC
00:22:495 (1) - 去NC
00:26:086 (1) - 去NC
00:28:621 (1) - 去NC
00:27:565 (2,3,1) - 这里我推荐之间在00:28:410 - 一个1/1拉过去,毕竟是Easy,打打节奏就行了,你这是Normal的下法
00:32:846 (1) - 去NC
00:36:437 (1) - 去NC
00:38:339 (3) - easy的话非常不推荐出现1/2,建议把这个去了吧,而且你看00:41:930 (3,4) - 这里你就没下,保持统一比较好
00:46:578 (4) - 建议叠在00:44:888 (2) - 上,因为你放在原来的那个地方切flow了,感觉不是很必要
00:47:000 (1,1,2) - easy难度转盘和NOTE之间最好隔四条大白线,因为NOTE和转盘同时出现会对新手玩家造成困扰,所以我推荐去掉后面这两个NOTE 好 原來如此..
00:50:380 (1,2,3) -

01:20:378 (1,2) - 直接叠起来就好了

00:03:060 (1) - 去NC
00:09:186 (1) - 去NC
01:20:378 (1,2,3) - 要么不叠,要么完全叠好
低難度苦手.. 暫時先這樣


00:09:186 (1,2,1) - 这可以完全叠起来
00:17:213 (3,4,5) - ^
都改了 謝謝你



[ Abhor ] wrote:

[ Easy ]
AIMOD里面有几个DS的问题,微调下那? 我都看了但感覺AIMOD是壞的...
00:27:565 (2,3,1) - 这里会不会相对于easy难了些?00:28:410 - 然后这里大白线有个重音,感觉 滑条尾巴带过不是很好這全部都條過了,現在應該好了
00:38:339 (3,4) - 这里连续单点,可能会被搞事?大概刪了NOTE
01:20:378 (1,2) - 完全叠住?或者不叠住?因为这样的遮挡,感觉DS不符合规准,然后也可能被搞事 疊了
Nice diff 謝謝~

[ Normal ]
00:10:876 (2) - 这里来回感觉打击感 比较弱,重音鼓在白线上面,换成单点加1/2滑条?
00:16:580 (1,2,3,4) - 蓝线接滑条,Normal是不行的吧?不过Advance应该就挺好
00:35:381 (4,5) - 都换成1/2滑条?因为这里都是一个节奏,但是用了两种不同的处理方式,感觉这样忽略了音乐节奏
00:47:000 (1) - 貌似这种连续来回不太好在Normal里面的话
01:14:040 (1,3) - 打了一下,发现这里重叠会影响读图,打3的时候滑条1还没有完全消失,3会被挡住
01:20:378 (1,2,3) - 大概不行?
現在來看這Normal跟Easy的難度落差有點大 (汗) 就像你說的改Advance比較適合,但我不喜歡這個難度名稱..

[ Hard ]
00:19:115 (5,6) - 这里我觉得可以改1/2滑条,人声有停顿的感觉,继续单点,感觉效果不是很好 重聽了幾次 調整過了
00:21:861 (1,2) - Hard可以不用这么空拍吧?中间蓝线好强的音,要不要考虑加上?
00:47:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1) - 这块大概已经不是Hard的难度了吧?要不要考虑简化些呢?



_Yiiiii wrote:

Hi, M4M

00:11:510 (1) - 这一整个combo的flow略乱。

00:17:213 (3,4) - 若果没搞错的话你这里是想要跟鼓点的,但是这一段其他有vocal的地方你都是跟的vocal,所以把第二个圈删了吧,或者把这两个圈换成一个1/4的滑条。 這裡沒有鼓.. 這是鐵琴

00:22:706 (1,2) - 你这张图其他地方遇到这个音都是两下原地的,这里统一一下吧。

00:23:129 (1,2) - NC在2上。 hitsoung的梗

00:48:690 (1,2,3,4) - Pls NO, 打起来不爽而且达不到强调的作用。 本來就沒又要打起來爽,只是多點改變才不無趣/color]

00:54:816 (4,5) - Ctrl+G一下,现在这里显得特别像随手摆的

01:20:801 (3) - NC

01:21:857 (6) - 01:25:237 (4) - 1/6 漏了已改

00:07:496 (2) - 绕中心旋转-40度然后调整一下位置。

00:48:690 (1) - 问题同主难度。

01:01:577 (3,4,5) - 间距玩大了。這間距是原始的間距,只是只有這裡出現才覺得大

01:20:801 (3) - NC


00:57:140 (1,3) - 这种遮挡一是不合适,二是不好看,至少要降一降Stack Leniency让这两个圈重叠(虽说这样对于玩来说更不合适),最好干脆改到。

Aimod DS


updated, thanks for mod
你这种摸最好在前面写上from xxx's q
Right :roll:
Check! - Means it's been checked and nothing wrong has been found
Please ignore my note/slider placement on the timeline, i do that to show make my point more clearer
Red - Indicates that an unrankable issue has been found

  1. change bg to .jpg, to save space
  2. if you can find a 192kbps mp3 since 128kbps is kinda eh, it's ok but if there's a higher ver use that

  1. 00:03:905 (1) - remove nc theres no need to add one here since the beat doesnt change, also you're keeping things inconsistent doing that nc you got atm z
  2. 00:19:960 (1,2) - you could make these paralel orz
  1. 00:31:790 (4) - you could make this only a 1/2 slider and add a note on the white tick since you're missing sounds oo
  2. 01:08:125 (2,4) - you could fix this blanket up : o
Topic Starter

C00L wrote:

Right :roll:
Check! - Means it's been checked and nothing wrong has been found
Please ignore my note/slider placement on the timeline, i do that to show make my point more clearer
Red - Indicates that an unrankable issue has been found

  1. change bg to .jpg, to save space
  2. if you can find a 192kbps mp3 since 128kbps is kinda eh, it's ok but if there's a higher ver use that
ok, I'll change the mp3 later

  1. 00:03:905 (1) - remove nc theres no need to add one here since the beat doesnt change, also you're keeping things inconsistent doing that nc you got atm z no. it's an idea with the hitsound in 00:03:060、00:09:186、00:22:495 so there should be a NC
  2. 00:19:960 (1,2) - you could make these paralel orz it's parallel..
  1. 00:31:790 (4) - you could make this only a 1/2 slider and add a note on the white tick since you're missing sounds oo
    no.. it's same as 00:34:536 and for me, 00:32:424 vocal is more important
  2. 01:08:125 (2,4) - you could fix this blanket up : o ok
thanks for mod

m4m from q

没sb的话请取消widescreen support

00:37:705 (3) - 建议是改成2个1/4滑条,后面都是这样的呀
00:49:535 (1) - 这个位置感觉不是很舒服,可以顺着前面的滑条头放到右边啊
00:50:169 (3) - 感觉很别扭,不如就放二连
00:51:648 (5,6) - 这个建议改成1/2滑条+2连
00:55:028 (5,6) - Ctrl+g
01:08:442 (4) - 很莫名,就放个圈不好吗
01:21:857 (6) - 1/6
01:25:237 (4) - ^
01:27:561 - 如果是我的话我可能会让这个点能按

00:48:690 (1) - H放1/4滑条可以吗,我不是很清楚

01:14:040 (1,3) - 挡箭头了吧

  1. 00:21:650 (5,1) - there are two different rhythms, but you use the same pattern?
  2. 01:03:267 (4) - finish is too loud at 1/2 beat, remove
  3. 01:27:138 (4) - NC
  1. 00:35:381 (4,5) - if you use 4 as 1/2 slider, 5 should be same.
  2. 00:50:169 (2) - remove finish
  1. 00:10:453 (2) - move it to make the flow better.
  2. 00:50:169 (3) - same as Normal, since there is no sound in the music
  3. 01:16:575 (3) -
  1. 00:26:720 (2) - 00:33:480 (2) - add finish?
  2. 00:43:620 (1) - sound is really small at here, volume 45%?
I suggest to use the color yellow in the last slider for all diffs.

Nice mapset.
Coming from your queue btw.

  1. 00:04:750 (1) - Clickable sliderend to have variety? I don't like when same thing repeats over.
  2. 00:12:355 (4,5,6) - This has sound in song. 00:12:777 (7,8,9) - This doesn't.
  3. 00:54:605 (3,4,5,6) - It can be more spaced.
  4. 01:27:561 - I would map the sound here.
  5. 01:19:099 - A kind of slowing pattern instead of break would be better in this difficulty. This break shouldn't be longer than other diffs since it's harder. You can map the 'Yooo' at the end of the break if you want.
  1. 00:21:861 (1,2) - 00:35:381 (1,2) - Maybe make it like these? 00:42:775 (5,6) - There is sound but no hit it is annoying :/
  2. 00:46:155 (3,4) - Make sliderends clickable.
  3. 00:49:958 (2,3,1) - I would make these jumps since it's kiai part. OR, Make 2-3 a slider because there is no sound on 3.
  4. 00:59:041 (2,3,4) - Make these like this since its kiai -> 01:01:577 (3,4,5) -
  1. 00:31:367 (3,4,5) - -> Like this?
Topic Starter

Vert wrote:

m4m from q

没sb的话请取消widescreen support ok

00:37:705 (3) - 建议是改成2个1/4滑条,后面都是这样的呀 剛進入一個新的part時不想一開始就這麼刺激
00:49:535 (1) - 这个位置感觉不是很舒服,可以顺着前面的滑条头放到右边啊 ok
00:50:169 (3) - 感觉很别扭,不如就放二连 2連打著不好
00:51:648 (5,6) - 这个建议改成1/2滑条+2连 不懂
00:55:028 (5,6) - Ctrl+g
01:08:442 (4) - 很莫名,就放个圈不好吗 跟著vocal的
01:21:857 (6) - 1/6 ok
01:25:237 (4) - ^ ^
01:27:561 - 如果是我的话我可能会让这个点能按 ^

00:48:690 (1) - H放1/4滑条可以吗,我不是很清楚 目前是沒有問題的

01:14:040 (1,3) - 挡箭头了吧 改了



cmn_891127 wrote:

  1. 00:21:650 (5,1) - there are two different rhythms, but you use the same pattern? 為了容易跟音樂所以這樣下的
  2. 01:03:267 (4) - finish is too loud at 1/2 beat, remove 加綠線條了聲音
  3. 01:27:138 (4) - NC

  1. 00:35:381 (4,5) - if you use 4 as 1/2 slider, 5 should be same. ok
  2. 00:50:169 (2) - remove finish 這裡是有鼓的
  1. 00:10:453 (2) - move it to make the flow better. ok
  2. 00:50:169 (3) - same as Normal, since there is no sound in the music 這有鼓
  3. 01:16:575 (3) - nice
  1. 00:26:720 (2) - 00:33:480 (2) - add finish? 不了,感覺沒意義,聽著vocal順順得挺好
  2. 00:43:620 (1) - sound is really small at here, volume 45%? ok
I suggest to use the color yellow in the last slider for all diffs. 我在考慮看看~

Nice mapset.


heyronii wrote:

Coming from your queue btw.

  1. 00:04:750 (1) - Clickable sliderend to have variety? I don't like when same thing repeats over. I dont know what you mean :?
  2. 00:12:355 (4,5,6) - This has sound in song. 00:12:777 (7,8,9) - This doesn't. yes, but two triples are better to play
  3. 00:54:605 (3,4,5,6) - It can be more spaced. ok, fixed
  4. 01:27:561 - I would map the sound here.
  5. 01:19:099 - A kind of slowing pattern instead of break would be better in this difficulty. This break shouldn't be longer than other diffs since it's harder. You can map the 'Yooo' at the end of the break if you want. no.. if I map on Yoo, I should map it in the beginning too...
  1. 00:21:861 (1,2) - 00:35:381 (1,2) - Maybe make it like these? 00:42:775 (5,6) - There is sound but no hit it is annoying :/
  2. 00:46:155 (3,4) - Make sliderends clickable. i cant understand..
  3. 00:49:958 (2,3,1) - I would make these jumps since it's kiai part. OR, Make 2-3 a slider because there is no sound on 3. there's a sound, is drum :o
  4. 00:59:041 (2,3,4) - Make these like this since its kiai -> 01:01:577 (3,4,5) -
  1. 00:31:367 (3,4,5) - -> Like this?
Thank you!

Everything is ready.
Everything is ready, waiting for BN..

From #modreqs
Just quickly checking some stuff


  1. normal-hitnormal5 seems to have a 5 ms delay, as seen in audacity. Consider cutting it accordingly.

    Ranking Criteria - Audio wrote:

    Hitsounds must have an acceptable range of delay under 5ms. Every hitsound file should start in time, preferrably at 0ms. This is to ensure that every map doesn't sound mistimed, and therefore could provide acceptably synchronized rhythm feedback to players.

  2. I'd be very careful of that spread between easy and normal. Normal has a lot higher slider velocity as well as spacing, and the rhythm is also fairly complicated for this skill level, so in those ways it's reminiscent of a Hard. This difficulty would fit better being called "Advanced", rather than "Normal". Consider changing this for the sake of proper indication of difficulty. It is harder than a Normal, so it'd only make sense if the name of the difficulty reflected that. Abhor seems to have mentioned this as well.

  3. 128 kbps bitrate is quite low, 192 kbps would be more preferable. I'd suggest you take it off of the official video, since it's 720p.
    After looking through previous mods it appears you also mentioned this.

    Azure wrote:

    C00L wrote:

    1. if you can find a 192kbps mp3 since 128kbps is kinda eh, it's ok but if there's a higher ver use that
    ok, I'll change the mp3 later
  4. Tags, note that we can also take metadata from said video.
    1. 睦月周平 Shuhei Mutsuki (composer, arrangement, seen here)
    2. 大和守安定 Yamatonokami Yasusada 加州清光 Kashuu Kiyomitsu (characters of respective CVs, can be found here again)
    3. 第一話エンディング・テーマ first episode theme (first episode ending theme, also on the album cover)
  5. Not entirely sure whether the artist field is correct at the moment. I'm pretty sure the CVs would be there as well, that's at least what the description of the official youtube video says. Also not sure about the '&' in between. There are other official sources as well though, for instance their homepage, however I can't check it very well. Mind providing your sources? To be entirely sure you should consider calling IamKwaN regarding this. Wouldn't want unnecessary interruptions during the ranking process.

  6. Change your background extension to .jpg instead of .png, as this will save file size. The format, which you are currently using, has an additional layer for transparency which is unnecessary. This suggestion seems to have been mentioned earlier as well.

    C00L wrote:

    1. change bg to .jpg, to save space


  1. 00:02:637 (1,1) - Refrain from stacking or overlapping objects in easy difficulties. This can be very confusing for newer players and generally objects should be visible from the moment they appear. To properly introduce new players to the game, gameplay elements, including regular hit objects, should not be obscured. Consider unstacking them.
    ^ 01:20:378 (1,2) - not stacked, but still overlapping.

  2. 00:11:510 - I'd say this beat is pretty strong, so having it clickable would be appropriate. Preferably a 1/1 slider to reflect the long vocal. Something like this would work, for instance.

  3. 00:13:622 - Slidertick hitsounds are often discouraged. Making the same sound as regular auditory feedback might cause confusion. I'd suggest you to lower the volume to about half of what would normally be set here, 23 in this case, in order to differentiate between the two but still produce the same sound. Hearing a loud hitsound on a slidertick would seem quite odd in my opinion. This applies to all slidertick hitsounding.

  4. 00:27:565 (2,3,1) - I'd be very careful of placing slider trains like these in easy difficulties. I'd have done it like this, to reduce rhythm density.

  5. 00:38:550 - Regarding hitsounding, add clap and soft addition. Same goes for 00:41:930 - .

  6. 00:48:690 - This spinner recovery time is kind of questionable. At 180 bpm it is recommended to have a whole measure of recovery in easy difficulties, according to most BNs, which translates to about 3.16 beats for 142 bpm, yet this is only 2 beats. You may or may not have to remove 00:49:535 (1,2) - depending on the circumstances. Consider asking the BN who is modding your map about this to avoid problems later down the line.

    Standard Ranking Criteria - Guidelines wrote:

    Try to avoid using hitobjects directly after spinners (especially on Easy/Normal difficulties). Spinners are sometimes the hardest element for players, and having a hitcircle or slider half a beat (or even a beat) after a spinner will commonly result in frustration and a broken combo. Hitobjects directly after spinners are fair game for Hard/Insane difficulties, but try to give a nice pause for Easy/Normal difficulties.

I'd suggest you gather more mods before calling for BNs. 12 SP is enough for it to be iconed, but that does not mean it's ready to be.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Naxess wrote:

From #modreqs
Just quickly checking some stuff


  1. normal-hitnormal5 seems to have a 5 ms delay, as seen in audacity. Consider cutting it accordingly.

    I cut the hitsound for 2~3ms, it may be better now, if i cut 5ms, this ring sounds weired.

  2. I'd be very careful of that spread between easy and normal. Normal has a lot higher slider velocity as well as spacing, and the rhythm is also fairly complicated for this skill level, so in those ways it's reminiscent of a Hard. This difficulty would fit better being called "Advanced", rather than "Normal". Consider changing this for the sake of proper indication of difficulty. It is harder than a Normal, so it'd only make sense if the name of the difficulty reflected that. Abhor seems to have mentioned this as well.
    hm.. acturally I'm not sure about this :? I'll wait a BN to check this then remap or do something else for this problem.
  3. 128 kbps bitrate is quite low, 192 kbps would be more preferable. I'd suggest you take it off of the official video, since it's 720p.
    After looking through previous mods it appears you also mentioned this.
    yes, I forgot this haha, thank you for mention me again.

  4. Tags, note that we can also take metadata from said video.
    1. 睦月周平 Shuhei Mutsuki (composer, arrangement, seen here)
    2. 大和守安定 Yamatonokami Yasusada 加州清光 Kashuu Kiyomitsu (characters of respective CVs, can be found here again)
    3. 第一話エンディング・テーマ first episode theme (first episode ending theme, also on the album cover)
    I think the "Shuhei Mutsuki" is not necessary to add into tags cuz no one will use this word to search this map. As another mapper mapped this song, she doesn't add this into tags, too.

  5. Not entirely sure whether the artist field is correct at the moment. I'm pretty sure the CVs would be there as well, that's at least what the description of the official youtube video says. Also not sure about the '&' in between. There are other official sources as well though, for instance their homepage, however I can't check it very well. Mind providing your sources? To be entirely sure you should consider calling IamKwaN regarding this. Wouldn't want unnecessary interruptions during the ranking process.
    I had asked a QAT for this artist before I submitted, he said if the artist was too long just keep the CV... so yep I wrote the CV only :o I'm gonna to ask IamKwaN for this complicated metadata.

  6. Change your background extension to .jpg instead of .png, as this will save file size. The format, which you are currently using, has an additional layer for transparency which is unnecessary. This suggestion seems to have been mentioned earlier as well.
    I'm typically to use the png as BG cuz the image is clear than jpg. :? well... I'll changed it.


  1. 00:02:637 (1,1) - Refrain from stacking or overlapping objects in easy difficulties. This can be very confusing for newer players and generally objects should be visible from the moment they appear. To properly introduce new players to the game, gameplay elements, including regular hit objects, should not be obscured. Consider unstacking them.
    ^ 01:20:378 (1,2) - not stacked, but still overlapping.
    changed this to a slider
  2. 00:11:510 - I'd say this beat is pretty strong, so having it clickable would be appropriate. Preferably a 1/1 slider to reflect the long vocal. Something like this would work, for instance.

  3. 00:13:622 - Slidertick hitsounds are often discouraged. Making the same sound as regular auditory feedback might cause confusion. I'd suggest you to lower the volume to about half of what would normally be set here, 23 in this case, in order to differentiate between the two but still produce the same sound. Hearing a loud hitsound on a slidertick would seem quite odd in my opinion. This applies to all slidertick hitsounding.

  4. 00:27:565 (2,3,1) - I'd be very careful of placing slider trains like these in easy difficulties. I'd have done it like this, to reduce rhythm density.

  5. 00:38:550 - Regarding hitsounding, add clap and soft addition. Same goes for 00:41:930 - .
  6. 00:48:690 - This spinner recovery time is kind of questionable. At 180 bpm it is recommended to have a whole measure of recovery in easy difficulties, according to most BNs, which translates to about 3.16 beats for 142 bpm, yet this is only 2 beats. You may or may not have to remove 00:49:535 (1,2) - depending on the circumstances. Consider asking the BN who is modding your map about this to avoid problems later down the line.
I deleted some sliders and notes after spinner

I'd suggest you gather more mods before calling for BNs. 12 SP is enough for it to be iconed, but that does not mean it's ready to be.

Good luck!
Heyo!, initial offset seems a bit wrong beats come a bit too early, try 1388 and see how that sounds, the timing point here 00:09:834 (1) - can be deleted bc of it and just resnap the notes (seems like 4ms later) and you can also delete the timing points here 00:21:876 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - I doubt this is the only thing in the song thats kinda offtimed since when you listen on 00:22:087 (3,7) - it just should be a tiny bit later for that strong drum so it just follows the same drum like the rest of the song. also can delete those things in the lower diffs (timing points are inconsistent atm across diffs aswell btw)

Hope that fixes it, gl! :D
Topic Starter

Wishkey wrote:

Heyo!, initial offset seems a bit wrong beats come a bit too early, try 1388 and see how that sounds, the timing point here 00:09:834 (1) - can be deleted bc of it and just resnap the notes (seems like 4ms later) and you can also delete the timing points here 00:21:876 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - I doubt this is the only thing in the song thats kinda offtimed since when you listen on 00:22:087 (3,7) - it just should be a tiny bit later for that strong drum so it just follows the same drum like the rest of the song. also can delete those things in the lower diffs (timing points are inconsistent atm across diffs aswell btw)

Hope that fixes it, gl! :D
Thank you for timing check :cry: it's better now!
00:21:876 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) is a problem for me before you check

For M4M
Feel free to reject this request if you don't get much time lol.

Starred, nice song!
Checked Metadata, overally good, but just not sure if it should be 'Ake Kure Nikki' or 'Akekure Nikki'. I guess Akekure makes sense since it's actually an ancient work of Japanese rather than 2 words.

  1. Structrual Issue
    Overrall it's good.
  2. Minor Picks
    01:03:283 - If I were you I'd choose the white tick to map the hit, you can go with it, but personally I just suggest making the hit right on the downbeat. Whether on drum or on vocal, the previous white tick is a better choice.

  1. Structrual Issue
    I'm fine with the rhythm-wise stuff, but the patterns are not really fine for me. The main reason is that for 1/2 intervals, they are just fine, but for 1/1 intervals, you used 1, 1.2x, 1.4x, which may lead to confusion of players of this level. Since 1.0x is pretty like 3/4 distance for 1.4x, and you are actually using blue ticks in this diff. Suggesting to make adjust to unify the distance setting.

  1. Structrual Issue
    Overall good.

    00:50:395 (1) - Strongly suggest making this slider normal or at least give it another combo. Prefer making it in normal velocity since it's just a Hard diff and it's pretty confusing without any notice to get this slowed down slider here. Another reason here is that you used a 1/6 + a jump here which is quite hard to tell.
  1. Structrual Issue
    Clean and nice.

    Just make sure your timing points' hitsound setting is the same at 00:35:415 - and 00:36:030 - .

    00:29:169 - It's pretty easy to read as 1/2. Maybe it's not a good idea but if we make a 3/4 slider here, it will work.
  2. Minor Picks
    00:45:642 (2,5) - Since you used some other hitsounding system here it's like a little bit strange to use original whistles. Also since here is just on blue tick, I think it's good to leave it as blank.

    00:48:706 (1,2,3,4,1) - I love this part, both the music and your way to deal with it.

Forum PM for any questions related. Thank you!
From my Queue


  1. Try to add a spinner on every single diff
    Try to have at least one spinner in each difficulty to create variety in the map and fluctuation among scores.

    ~Ranking Criteria.
  2. Hanamaru diff haves 2 uninherited/inherited points in the same place.
    Timing Lines
    No two uninherited or two inherited timing sections should be placed at the same point. An inherited timing section may be placed on an uninherited timing section (but only to change the slider speed).

    ~Ranking Criteria
  3. The Hard diff haves Unsnapped objects.
    Unsnapped objects
    00:04:274 - Slider end
    00:07:654 - Slider end
    00:17:796 - Slider end
    01:22:014 - Slider end
    01:25:395 - Slider end


  1. 00:14:909 (1,2) - It's weird to read it when you are playing in Hidden mod.
  2. 00:22:197 (2) - Missing note.
  3. 00:29:169 (3) - It's weird to read it when you are playing in Hidden mod.
  4. 00:35:731 (2) - Missing note.
  5. 00:47:649 (4,6) - Doesn't looks good.


  1. 00:17:338 (4) - There's no sound here, for make a triplet.
  2. 00:18:289 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Try to make it more sthetical.
  3. 00:19:557 (7,8) - Is better if you use a slider instead.
  4. 00:50:290 (3) - There's no sound here, for make a 1/4 slider.

Good song & good mapping


Topic Starter

Atrue wrote:

For M4M
Feel free to reject this request if you don't get much time lol.

Starred, nice song!
Checked Metadata, overally good, but just not sure if it should be 'Ake Kure Nikki' or 'Akekure Nikki'. I guess Akekure makes sense since it's actually an ancient work of Japanese rather than 2 words.

I used 'Ake Kure Nikki' in first but the matadata from KwaN is 'Akekure Nikki', so I changed to Akekure :o

  1. Structrual Issue
    Overrall it's good.
  2. Minor Picks
    01:03:283 - If I were you I'd choose the white tick to map the hit, you can go with it, but personally I just suggest making the hit right on the downbeat. Whether on drum or on vocal, the previous white tick is a better choice.

    ok, fixed

  1. Structrual Issue
    I'm fine with the rhythm-wise stuff, but the patterns are not really fine for me. The main reason is that for 1/2 intervals, they are just fine, but for 1/1 intervals, you used 1, 1.2x, 1.4x, which may lead to confusion of players of this level. Since 1.0x is pretty like 3/4 distance for 1.4x, and you are actually using blue ticks in this diff. Suggesting to make adjust to unify the distance setting.
I adjusted most 1/4 & 3/4 and DS of this diff, I think is easier now~

  1. Structrual Issue
    Overall good.

    00:50:395 (1) - Strongly suggest making this slider normal or at least give it another combo. Prefer making it in normal velocity since it's just a Hard diff and it's pretty confusing without any notice to get this slowed down slider here. Another reason here is that you used a 1/6 + a jump here which is quite hard to tell.
here is a mistake from adjusting timing, it's 1/2 slider XD sorry

  1. Structrual Issue
    Clean and nice.

    Just make sure your timing points' hitsound setting is the same at 00:35:415 - and 00:36:030 - .

    00:29:169 - It's pretty easy to read as 1/2. Maybe it's not a good idea but if we make a 3/4 slider here, it will work.
  2. Minor Picks
    00:45:642 (2,5) - Since you used some other hitsounding system here it's like a little bit strange to use original whistles. Also since here is just on blue tick, I think it's good to leave it as blank.

    00:48:706 (1,2,3,4,1) - I love this part, both the music and your way to deal with it.
fixed all!! thank you for loving that part 8-)

Forum PM for any questions related. Thank you!

謝謝黃書 :)


Zyl wrote:

From my Queue


  1. Try to add a spinner on every single diff spinner is not necessary :?
    Try to have at least one spinner in each difficulty to create variety in the map and fluctuation among scores.

    ~Ranking Criteria.
  2. Hanamaru diff haves 2 uninherited/inherited points in the same place.
    Timing Lines
    No two uninherited or two inherited timing sections should be placed at the same point. An inherited timing section may be placed on an uninherited timing section (but only to change the slider speed).

    ~Ranking Criteria
  3. The Hard diff haves Unsnapped objects. fixed
    Unsnapped objects
    00:04:274 - Slider end
    00:07:654 - Slider end
    00:17:796 - Slider end
    01:22:014 - Slider end
    01:25:395 - Slider end


  1. 00:14:909 (1,2) - It's weird to read it when you are playing in Hidden mod. yes, but i think it's playble
  2. 00:22:197 (2) - Missing note. ???
  3. 00:29:169 (3) - It's weird to read it when you are playing in Hidden mod. ^
  4. 00:35:731 (2) - Missing note. ???
  5. 00:47:649 (4,6) - Doesn't looks good.


  1. 00:17:338 (4) - There's no sound here, for make a triplet. follow the vocal
  2. 00:18:289 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Try to make it more sthetical. it's same DS with different degree :?
  3. 00:19:557 (7,8) - Is better if you use a slider instead. to follow the lyrics, notes are better
  4. 00:50:290 (3) - There's no sound here, for make a 1/4 slider.

Good song & good mapping

thank you~


thank you for mods!
from m4m诶嘿
  1. widerscreen support统一下哈
  1. 00:02:655 (1,2,1) - 开头这里顺向flow+DS感觉有点没表现出感觉?NC拉开点距离或者改个flow像这样的
  2. 00:23:148 - 看后面的排列能理解这个NC的下法 但是这里这个flow这NC效果表现的就不明显了...
  3. 01:01:804 (8,1) - 这里距离突然变近伴随这样的flow 有种刹车了的感觉 有点不太好0.0
  4. 01:02:649 (2,3,4) - 这个flow也感觉有点平了 没表现出起伏嗯 可以配合前面那条改一下这里排列
  5. 01:08:459 (4) - 感觉还是直接用note好吧 这样子的好像和vocal有点迷之违和
  6. 01:12:368 (1) - ctrl+G接前接后都挺好的
  7. 01:13:635 (4,5,1) - 4-5-6flow有点不圆滑?其实感觉这两个滑条可以都ctrl+G
  8. 01:20:396 (1,2,3) - 和开头一样的NC配置?
  1. 00:13:218 (1,2,3) - 这个包出来的flow有点奇怪的样子 :?
  2. 这个Hard好棒啊1111
  1. 00:03:500 (1) - N的话这里大概不需要NC?
  2. 01:27:156 - 不需要的绿线?
  1. 00:43:635 (1) - nazi 略微没包好
好图啊 怒射星
Good luck! :)
感觉要被打死 忘记摸
个人打起来ar7有点慢 hr9.8又不会打xd
00:19:345 (6) - 我认为这个键打起来很多余
00:48:705 (1,2,3,4) - 这四个slider可以用四方跳代替吧
01:27:156 (1) - 这个slider改成circle我觉得更好

暂时mod一个难度改天把其他的补上 :D
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