
Long Overdue Intro

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I'm not exactly new, but I realized that I haven't made an intro in like... the full year I've been playing so this is long overdue. As a result, I decided to make one. Not sure exactly what I should be posting here, as I'm rather introverted and don't really give too much away about myself unless asked.

That being said I will state that I am a rather devoted mouse player, in combination with my trusty X and Z keys.

I guess you can sorta ask me other things if you want x.x
you have 24 hours of playtime in one year. do you even play the game?
also welcome to the forums, a place which stepping into is one of the worst mistakes in your life
Welcome to osu!
just, Welcome :D
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Regarding my playtime...
Meh. I was inactive for a while, and I generally play once every few days when I get bored or whatnot. That and I'm on my second computer within the last twelve months so yea. That contributed to the lack of gametime as well.

I play a lot of other games, okay?! Like... I wish osu! could be my life but it isn't and in a lot of ways that sucks lol. That and I'm lazy and blech.

On another note: Thank you to everyone who (officially, at least) welcomed me.

Welcome back!
Welcome to the forums!
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