
Rib - Akaito

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6th wrote:


**fixed diff :

00:12:332 (1) - I would make it straight idk why this isn't straight ;-; applied
00:13:214 (4) - Move it to (248;336) I like it here
00:13:390 (5) - I'd use a slider or delete slider works great here
00:25:037 (4) - Move it to (288;224) applied
00:26:626 (4) - Move it to (120;320) ^
00:26:802 (5) - Move it to (64;134) ^
00:41:273 (1) - Move it to (456;248) ^
00:41:449 (2) - Move it to (304;328) ^
00:41:802 (4) - Move it to (304;328) I like it here
00:41:979 (5) - Move it to (456;248) ^
00:42:155 (6) - Move it to (244;212) ^
00:42:332 (7) - Move it to (416;144) ^
00:42:684 (1) - Stack with the previous circle I don't think a stack works well here. Makes it hard to read and doesn't flow well into the next pattern
00:47:273 (7) - Maybe make from the 2 circles a slider ? this is actually better
00:53:802 - Add a circle I moved the previous pattern further away and I think it works better like that. This definitely made me realized what I did wrong before though
00:53:802 (4,5,6) - Maybe stack them ? I like it the way it is. looks better imo
01:01:214 (3) - Move it to (360;136) applied
01:01:390 (4) - Move it to (440;24) ^
01:06:155 (5) - Move it to (96;64) ^
01:07:390 (7) - Move it to (272;176) ^
01:19:743 (7) - Move it to (488;136) turned into a slider, removed 8
01:19:920 (8) - Move it to (376;152) ^^^^
01:21:508 (2) - Maybe it is hidden too much agreed
01:37:743 (5) - Move it to (416;296) applied
01:41:273 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - Maybe reduce jumps ? nerfed the first two jumps
01:48:332 (2) - Move it to (240;224) applied
01:53:449 (4) - Move it to (312;304) ^
01:54:861 (1) - Awkward combo, I tried to fix it i think its fine
01:58:567 (5) - Press CTRL+G ok
02:04:390 (6) - Move it to (72;152) applied
02:05:979 (7) - Move it to (24:208) ^
02:06:155 (8) - Move it to (152;288) ^
02:07:920 (6) - Move it to (192;320) ^
02:18:332 (1,2) - Invert ? ^
02:19:214 (4) - Move it to (144;312) ^
02:19:390 (1) - Move it to (136;120) ^
02:26:626 (4) - just paste from the previous one then press CTRL+G. Move it to (216;240) btw ^
02:27:861 (9) - stack it with the previous circle ? i like it like this
02:29:273 (4) - Move it to (400;240) applied
02:28:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Looks strange to me, I tried to fix it you fixed it
02:30:861 (6) - you're using useless points lol im using useless points
02:50:802 (1) - Move it to (208;64) applied
02:52:743 (2) - ^ i like it like this
02:52:920 (3) - Move it to (94;144) applied
02:55:390 (8) - Stack it with the next slider ? oh yeah this looks great
02:58:214 (1) - Move it to (232;208) applied
02:59:802 (8) - Move it to (248;288) it doesn't look as good, but it plays better
03:02:449 (1) - Move it to (112;72) i like it here
03:03:508 (5) - Move it to (72;120) ^
03:10:920 (9) - Move it to (48;200) applied
03:15:861 (3) - Move it to (216;216) ^
03:16:037 (4) - Move it to (480;216) ^
03:17:096 (10) - Move it to (304;56) doesn't flow well imo
03:22:920 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Awkward combo, I tried to fix it ^
03:26:273 (4) - Move it to (384;152) applied
03:30:684 (4) - Move it to (184;216) ^
03:34:214 (6,7) - Invert i did have this inverted before, im sure. Guess not
03:59:802 (1) - Maybe too hard ? No? there's a gradual buildup just before, in both the music and pattern difficulty. Besides, if this part is easy compared to the rest of the map
04:22:567 (1) - It is hidden it's hidden. I didn't see this one 8-)
04:44:096 (1) - Change that combo applied
05:06:861 (2) - Move it to (432;256) ^
05:08:449 (1) - I think making it finish at 05:14:273 would be better you're right. idk what I was thinking here
Holy crap that was a handful. How long did it take you for that?

Nevertheless this is EXACTLY what I needed, this is worth more than just one kudosu for me and I'd give you more if I could..but I can't. Guess I'll have to pay back in mods.

Thank you SO MUCH for the mod ! !
np, glad to see that my mod has been useful :-D it took me 1 hour and a half I think lol
Is there any anime or light novel for that BG? Very well mapped btw!
Hey, as requested from my queue.

You should probably get some custom combo colors going. Here's my suggestion:
Combo1 : 198,157,128
Combo2 : 245,103,103
Combo3 : 129,90,63
Combo4 : 190,39,22
Disable Countdown/Letterbox

[Red Thread]
Most of what I say in this mod can be applied in multiple places of the map so I didn't bother pointing every single occurrence out, so keep most of it in mind when you look through your map
  1. 00:01:214 (2,3,4) - Move all of these to white ticks, they currently don't even follow anything and it sounds completely off
  2. 00:07:037 (4,5,6) - This triple doesn't really fit with the 1/2 beat buildup of this part
  3. 00:09:155 (1,2) - Small overlaps like this typically don't look very good
  4. 00:17:979 - Recommend not skipping this beat
  5. 00:19:037 (6) - Perhaps end this at 00:20:008 and place a 1/2 slider at 00:20:096 ? Plays really nicely and emphasizes the drums, rather than having this repeat that goes on forever
  6. 00:29:096 (1,2,3) - If you're gonna do something like this then (usually) you'll want to start the slider on the white tick like so
  7. 00:33:773 (1,2,3,4,5) - Overmapped
  8. 00:45:067 - How come you skip this note but you place notes that don't even exist such as 00:40:302 (4) - 00:37:832 (5) -
  9. 00:47:626 - Don't skip this, you can either extend the slider or just place a note (I like a 1/1 slider more)
  10. 00:53:802 - Missed this beat but you placed a note 00:54:332 (3) - when there's not really anything there
  11. 00:55:390 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This rhythm is really spammy and could be improved a lot, try something like this:
  12. 00:58:920 - Try not to skip drum beats, specifically the snare, unless you have a really good reason to
  13. 01:05:449 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This whole section is incredibly dense for such a calm part, consider some 1/2 or even 1/1 sliders here
  14. 01:08:361 (1) - Maybe end this at 01:09:067 instead and then map the vocals? That seems like what you've been following for most of the map
  15. 01:10:567 (4,5,6) - Emphasis here is totally wrong. The jump from 4-5 is huge even though 5 is a weak beat, and then the jump from 5-6 is really small (even though 6 is where there should be a big jump considering the snare drum + vocal on this beat)
  16. 01:31:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - I don't see the reason for all these circles, especially considering the pace of the song actually slows down here...consider a slider or two. three? :3
  17. 01:34:920 (1,2) - This distance spacing makes this read as a 1/1 beat spacing (since similar DS was used for the circles prior to this)
  18. 01:49:567 (2,3,4) - Pretty random triple here
  19. 01:55:214 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This pattern is really messy. It can look a lot cleaner with better placement:
  20. 02:13:037 (6,1,2) - There's a lot of missed beats between these and it's really awkward to play (I don't even know what 02:13:567 (1) - this follows)
  21. 02:21:155 (4,5) - Much better as 1/2 sliders
  22. 02:21:155 (4,5) - This is snapped to 1/16 (accidentally I think)
Anyways, the rest of the map contains the same problems I listed above so I don't think I should repeat myself. If you do want me to specifically point them out then feel free to pm me and I will. :D

GL, really relaxing and great song~
Topic Starter

Synpoo wrote:

Hey, as requested from my queue.

You should probably get some custom combo colors going. owoo great suggestion! having some trouble putting code into .osu file. Please help
Here's my suggestion:
Combo1 : 198,157,128
Combo2 : 245,103,103
Combo3 : 129,90,63
Combo4 : 190,39,22
Disable Countdown/Letterbox applied

[Red Thread]
Most of what I say in this mod can be applied in multiple places of the map so I didn't bother pointing every single occurrence out, so keep most of it in mind when you look through your map
  1. 00:01:214 (2,3,4) - Move all of these to white ticks, they currently don't even follow anything and it sounds completely off applied
  2. 00:07:037 (4,5,6) - This triple doesn't really fit with the 1/2 beat buildup of this part mmm agreed
  3. 00:09:155 (1,2) - Small overlaps like this typically don't look very good ^
  4. 00:17:979 - Recommend not skipping this beat fixed
  5. 00:19:037 (6) - Perhaps end this at 00:20:008 and place a 1/2 slider at 00:20:096 ? Plays really nicely and emphasizes the drums, rather than having this repeat that goes on forever you're right, this is tons better
  6. 00:29:096 (1,2,3) - If you're gonna do something like this then (usually) you'll want to start the slider on the white tick like so fixed
  7. 00:33:773 (1,2,3,4,5) - Overmapped fixed
  8. 00:45:067 - How come you skip this note but you place notes that don't even exist such as 00:40:302 (4) - 00:37:832 (5) those were parts from when I was mapping for the first time, I guess i just didn't change them after all this time
  9. 00:47:626 - Don't skip this, you can either extend the slider or just place a note (I like a 1/1 slider more) fixed
  10. 00:53:802 - Missed this beat but you placed a note 00:54:332 (3) - when there's not really anything there fixed
  11. 00:55:390 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This rhythm is really spammy and could be improved a lot, try something like this: idk how I feel about this but I'll try it
  12. 00:58:920 - Try not to skip drum beats, specifically the snare, unless you have a really good reason to I skipped it because the vocals are the main focus for this part
  13. 01:05:449 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This whole section is incredibly dense for such a calm part, consider some 1/2 or even 1/1 sliders here this part is supposed to be a buildup to the chorus. I put 01:03:508 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - there to ease the player for this bit. Also the hitsounds gets louder with each note to emphasize the buildup
  14. 01:08:361 (1) - Maybe end this at 01:09:067 instead and then map the vocals? That seems like what you've been following for most of the map oh yeah this is alot better , idk why I've missed this one
  15. 01:10:567 (4,5,6) - Emphasis here is totally wrong. The jump from 4-5 is huge even though 5 is a weak beat, and then the jump from 5-6 is really small (even though 6 is where there should be a big jump considering the snare drum + vocal on this beat) fixed
  16. 01:31:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - I don't see the reason for all these circles, especially considering the pace of the song actually slows down here...consider a slider or two. three? :3 this is supposed to be the climax of the song. I put these jumps here for that reason
  17. 01:34:920 (1,2) - This distance spacing makes this read as a 1/1 beat spacing (since similar DS was used for the circles prior to this) fixed, moved the slider out so its easier to read
  18. 01:49:567 (2,3,4) - Pretty random triple here fixed
  19. 01:55:214 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This pattern is really messy. It can look a lot cleaner with better placement: yeah that looks alot better
  20. 02:13:037 (6,1,2) - There's a lot of missed beats between these and it's really awkward to play awkward to play? i think its fine. again, these slow parts are to focus more on the vocals and also serve as a psuedo break in the map (there's only one break)

    (I don't even know what 02:13:567 (1) - this follows) it follows....NOTHING!! fixed
  21. 02:21:155 (4,5) - Much better as 1/2 sliders hmm I like it the way it is
  22. 02:21:155 (4,5) - This is snapped to 1/16 (accidentally I think)

Anyways, the rest of the map contains the same problems I listed above so I don't think I should repeat myself. If you do want me to specifically point them out then feel free to pm me and I will. :D

GL, really relaxing and great song~
Thank you for taking the time to mod my map! I really appreciate it :D

@Nyice This song is a cover for a certain vocaloid song (this version is far superior imo).
That said, the red thread refers to an east asian belief that the red string ties around the ankles(a finger for japanese) of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way. These two almost always become lovers.
A handful of film, manga and anime makes references to this, but the picture I've used doesn't really have a source that its based on. I think the music video for the song is the closest thing to it.
IRC stuff
2015-08-23 05:16 Siirupp: 00:19:037 (7) - imo too long, should add a second slider or something else
2015-08-23 05:17 Siirupp: 01:17:273 (3) - Same kind of slider before this was great, but i think this should be different
2015-08-23 05:17 Siirupp: just kinda feels like it
2015-08-23 05:17 Siirupp: 01:56:449 (9) - The hit sound on this is kind of unnoticable, which made me think this was "muted" too and didn't fit
2015-08-23 05:17 Siirupp: a different hitsound fits there but i think that was just too unnoticable
2015-08-23 05:18 Siirupp: 04:13:390 (1) - 04:14:273 (5) This pattern was hard to read
2015-08-23 05:18 Siirupp: 05:04:920 (8) - IMO too long again, something else would maybe be better.
2015-08-23 05:18 Yumeko: for the first one, that slider serves as a psuedo break after the jump, it used to be longer
2015-08-23 05:20 Yumeko: and i've already put in a 2nd slider, adding in another would be weird imo
2015-08-23 05:20 Siirupp: that is true
2015-08-23 05:21 Yumeko: @2nd point, i'll have to rearrange the placing of the notes if i want to change the slider, as it wouldn't flow well. I'll have to test this out later
2015-08-23 05:21 Yumeko: but ill keep it in mind (i do feel that part could use a change)
2015-08-23 05:22 Yumeko: 01:56:449 (9) - is muted for a reason, just like 01:56:626 (1,1,1) -
2015-08-23 05:22 Yumeko: it just feels nice to play i think
2015-08-23 05:22 Yumeko: the 4 lone guitar hits
2015-08-23 05:24 Siirupp: hmm yea
2015-08-23 05:24 Siirupp: but to me it just sounded there was 1 too many muted hits
2015-08-23 05:24 Siirupp: don't know :D
2015-08-23 05:26 Siirupp: to me it fits better if the 9 is differently hitsounded, basically indicating that there is something different coming = muted notes
2015-08-23 05:30 Yumeko: hmm idk, it sounds like 9 is where the lone guitar hits starts so i made it silent
2015-08-23 05:30 Yumeko: 04:13:390 (1) - is fine but i turned 04:13:743 (1) - into a slider, removed 2
2015-08-23 05:30 Yumeko: 04:14:273 (5) - agreed, i turned 04:14:273 (4) - into slider and removed 5
2015-08-23 05:31 Yumeko: 05:04:920 (8) - agreed with this one, i changed it so its just like the first one
HI there. First time modding dont hurt me

03:40:567 (1) - Spinner should be changed to something different imo. I think you should map to the guitar. Having the spinner alone there feels plain and awkward. Adding Sliders + notes should be better rather than having a single spinner Can u have a look at it please?

03:33:508 (4) - Also maybe u can tweak the shape here to that it looks like a parallelogram maybe?

Thanks :>
Topic Starter

aaah400 wrote:

HI there. First time modding dont hurt me

03:40:567 (1) - Spinner should be changed to something different imo. I think you should map to the guitar. Having the spinner alone there feels plain and awkward. Adding Sliders + notes should be better rather than having a single spinner Can u have a look at it please? That's a really great point, that spinner was bugging me. I was wondering what I could do for this part, and I think its ok now :(

03:33:508 (4) - Also maybe u can tweak the shape here to that it looks like a parallelogram maybe? ok

Thanks :>
Thanks for the mod :D
\O/ from setsu's advertising~
im a beginner at modding so please have mercy

  1. first off, the slider velocity changes too much so chill on that
  2. maybe more streams instead of reverse sliders ? :3
  1. Title - アカイト ( The Romanised title would be ' Akaito ' )
[Red Thread]
  1. 00:11:008 (1) - this note isnt even ;_; idk if you intended it to be like tho ^^
  2. 00:08:096 (2,3) - this feels awkward to move your hand so maybe change it
  3. 00:16:920 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - tidy this up. when youre playing it really doesnt look even you can use the tiny grid space to fix it up.
  4. 00:19:037 (7) - change this to something else. its too boring to play with it repeating too long
  5. 00:22:037 - you might want to add something here to match the guitar playing something like this perhaps ? but really, you could do a lot of things here than just leave it blank.
  6. 00:27:332 (1) - another very awkward placed note to move your hand to
  7. 00:47:273 - this could be changed to something like this ?
  8. 01:01:390 (5) - why is this so far from the note before lol
  9. 01:09:155 (1,2,3) - i think you should space these instead of putting them in a straight line, imo it fits the music better if it was a jump
  10. 01:38:979 (5) - maybe move this down a bit ?
  11. 01:45:331 - something here as well
  12. 01:48:332 (2,3,4) - this feels weird when playing
  13. 01:50:273 (5) - imo, this is way too close to the note before
  14. 01:52:920 (1) - move this to the right just a bit so it'd be even lol
  15. 01:59:626 (2) - perhaps ctrl+g it ? to go with the flow better
  16. 02:10:743 (2,3,4,5) - imo these notes dont match the rhythm
  17. 02:12:684 (5,6,7) - ok so 6 should be farther from 5 and closer to 7
  18. 02:15:155 (5) - i dont like where this jump started since it doesnt flow very good but its your choice if you wanna leave it there or not since its fine like that ^^
  19. 02:17:273 (7,8,9) - maybe stack these ?
  20. 02:18:508 (2,1) - why is 1 so close to 2
  21. 02:31:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - even it up
  22. 02:33:332 (4) - i dont like where this is placed, it doesnt go with the next note
  23. 02:52:743 (2) - i think this should move to the other side
  24. 02:53:802 (7) - ctrl+g ?
  25. 03:13:743 (10,1,2,3,4,5) - i think you should change this so it flows with the next set of jumps or change where the next set is and leave this one
  26. 03:23:273 (3,4,5,6) - keep continuing the spiral jump lol
  27. 03:29:273 (8) - fit dat spiral
  28. 03:43:743 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - make this more circlely ? xD
  29. 04:02:273 - maybe a stream here ?
  30. 04:02:802 - you can add jumps or a slider here
  31. 04:34:390 (1) - care to bring this down a bit to make it even ? cx
  32. 04:45:508 (1) - wats dis doing here
  33. 04:47:449 (1) - i think this slider should start here 04:47:626 - and just delete the note thats on the end of it
  34. 05:07:214 - notes here

  1. this map is really fun to play ^^ i cant definitely see it getting ranked in the future, you've got a unique mapping style c: ! anyways, hf mapping~

  1. ps, you dont have to do what i ask ( though you most likely already know that ) its your map and i cant make you change what you like~
big boob
00:19:037 (7) - you could change this to a stream instead.

There are also a few places where you could shorten the slider and maybe add a triple right after the slider such as here 02:24:508 (8)
you can experiment with that~

overall the timing feels very natural best of luck!
Topic Starter

annxe wrote:

\O/ from setsu's advertising~
im a beginner at modding so please have mercy

  1. first off, the slider velocity changes too much so chill on that I think (for the most part) the SV changes are justified, they change according to pitch/vocal changes. If you have any gripes about certain sliders, let me know. Please.
  2. maybe more streams instead of reverse sliders ? :3 Yes agree, kind of. To be honest, I have no idea where to put streams, but i'll try to have more of them as less sliders
  1. Title - アカイト ( The Romanised title would be ' Akaito ' )

[Red Thread]
  1. 00:11:008 (1) - this note isnt even ;_; idk if you intended it to be like tho ^^ WHAT IS THIS DOING HERE. removed
  2. 00:08:096 (2,3) - this feels awkward to move your hand so maybe change it oh yeah definitely. I revamped this part leading up to 00:09:155 (1) -
  3. 00:16:920 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - tidy this up. when youre playing it really doesnt look even you can use the tiny grid space to fix it up. i think this is fine..The notes are close enough and it doesn't look/play all that weird. To me at least. If someone else mentions it i'll change it
  4. 00:19:037 (7) - change this to something else. its too boring to play with it repeating too long Many people suggested this. Changed to stream>repeating slider>slider
  5. 00:22:037 - you might want to add something here to match the guitar playing something like this perhaps ? but really, you could do a lot of things here than just leave it blank. I leave spots like these blank for a reason. These are supposed to be pseudo breaks of some sort (there's only one break in the map) and to increase the drain time to over 5 minutes(is this legal?). When this map first began, one of the first thing I did was put breaks in these spots (I had the intention of mapping a full mapset, but not anymore)
  6. 00:27:332 (1) - another very awkward placed note to move your hand to it is too. Changed this and the following part to allow better flow
  7. 00:47:273 - this could be changed to something like this ? I had this exact same placement but it turns out many people (myself included) would miss the note after the short slider, so I just removed it. I tested with various ways to map this part but I think the way it is right now, is one im most satisfied with.
  8. 01:01:390 (5) - why is this so far from the note before lol To emphasize the vocals. I think the placement of that note is justified because it lands on a strong vocal
  9. 01:09:155 (1,2,3) - i think you should space these instead of putting them in a straight line, imo it fits the music better if it was a jump don't think a jump fits here. Having it close together is like a buildup to the chorus..on that note, I changed these to
  10. 01:38:979 (5) - maybe move this down a bit ? i moved it down, and it flowed bad, so i remapped this bit
  11. 01:45:331 - something here as well see first point
  12. 01:48:332 (2,3,4) - this feels weird when playing fixed
  13. 01:50:273 (5) - imo, this is way too close to the note before ^
  14. 01:52:920 (1) - move this to the right just a bit so it'd be even lol ^
  15. 01:59:626 (2) - perhaps ctrl+g it ? to go with the flow better ^
  16. 02:10:743 (2,3,4,5) - imo these notes dont match the rhythm ^
  17. 02:12:684 (5,6,7) - ok so 6 should be farther from 5 and closer to i think its fine
  18. 02:15:155 (5) - i dont like where this jump started since it doesnt flow very good but its your choice if you wanna leave it there or not since its fine like that ^^ fixed
  19. 02:17:273 (7,8,9) - maybe stack these ? turned 7,8 into a slider
  20. 02:18:508 (2,1) - why is 1 so close to 2 idk i like it like this
  21. 02:31:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - even it up fixed
  22. 02:33:332 (4) - i dont like where this is placed, it doesnt go with the next note fixed
  23. 02:52:743 (2) - i think this should move to the other side i didnt move it left, but i did move the two notes closer to the slider
  24. 02:53:802 (7) - ctrl+g ? supposed to be like this
  25. 03:13:743 (10,1,2,3,4,5) - i think you should change this so it flows with the next set of jumps or change where the next set is and leave this one fixed .... :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
  26. 03:23:273 (3,4,5,6) - keep continuing the spiral jump lol ok
  27. 03:29:273 (8) - fite dat spiral i like how this one looks ;-;
  28. 03:43:743 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - make this more circlely ? xD ok
  29. 04:02:273 - maybe a stream here ? see point two
  30. 04:02:802 - you can add jumps or a slider here i like how it is
  31. 04:34:390 (1) - care to bring this down a bit to make it even ? cx okey
  32. 04:45:508 (1) - wats dis doing here good question! fixed
  33. 04:47:449 (1) - i think this slider should start here 04:47:626 - and just delete the note thats on the end of it oh my goodness, oh my dayum. i like this
  34. 05:07:214 - notes here see point three

  1. this map is really fun to play ^^ i cant definitely see it getting ranked in the future, you've got a unique mapping style c: ! anyways, hf mapping~
i cant definitely see it getting ranked in the future,
i cant definitely see it getting ranked in the future,
i cant definitely see it getting ranked in the future,
:( :( :( :( :( :( :(


  1. ps, you dont have to do what i ask ( though you most likely already know that ) its your map and i cant make you change what you like~
Oh my that was a handful! Sooooo much of the map is better because of this ! Thank you!!
praise setsuna

Vietz wrote:

00:19:037 (7) - you could change this to a stream instead. okey

There are also a few places where you could shorten the slider and maybe add a triple right after the slider such as here 02:24:508 (8)
you can experiment with that~ As said above, I have no clue how to use triplets/streams, hence why this map is so singletap heavy, but I'll definitely try my best to include them!

overall the timing feels very natural best of luck!
Thanks for the mod!! I owe you many thanks!
19:10 MikasaSerket: Hello I am here to mod your map
19:12 Yumeko: ;-; Thank you for taking the time to look at my map, I'll mod your map later today (I have things to do as of this moment)
19:12 Yumeko: please be patient ,_,
19:12 MikasaSerket: It is alright but thank you ^_^
19:15 MikasaSerket: 00:19:567 (6,7) -
19:15 MikasaSerket: Right here
19:15 MikasaSerket: This part does not make sense
19:15 MikasaSerket: The slider appears as if it is on top of eachother
19:16 MikasaSerket: I would suggest just slightly moving the slider away from eachother
19:17 MikasaSerket: 04:14:979 -
19:17 MikasaSerket: Right here
19:17 MikasaSerket: It just seems Like Kiai Time isn't right
19:17 MikasaSerket: 04:22:037 -
19:18 MikasaSerket: Right here seems a lot better
19:18 MikasaSerket: Also, The trasition seems very awkward
19:18 MikasaSerket: `04:29:979 (7,8) -
19:18 MikasaSerket: Too far apart even for expert
19:18 MikasaSerket: 04:35:802 (3) -
19:19 MikasaSerket: Slider is outside the grid
19:20 Yumeko: *-* thank you, if you could post this to the song thread, it'd be greatly appreciated, i'll get back to replying to it asap
19:21 MikasaSerket: I will ^_^
19:21 MikasaSerket: Would you mind giving me some kudoso for it?
19:21 Yumeko: of course
19:21 Yumeko: thats a given
19:21 MikasaSerket: Lol
19:21 MikasaSerket: I can see you spent quite a lot of time on the green offsets and volume
19:22 Yumeko: Yeah...i kinda got carried away with it
19:23 MikasaSerket: Have you tried using Distance snap before?
19:23 MikasaSerket: It is alright man
19:23 MikasaSerket: I am just saying you don't have to do all that, unless you want to, you know. '
19:23 Yumeko: I did but for the most part I didn't like it
19:24 MikasaSerket: Ah, I see
19:25 MikasaSerket: What I would recommend
19:25 MikasaSerket: Since it is a marathon map
19:25 MikasaSerket: To reduce the hp to just a regular 6
19:25 MikasaSerket: Since there are a lot of jumps in your beatmap
19:26 Yumeko: I had it at 7.5 before and everyone passed it ,_,
19:27 MikasaSerket: I see
19:27 MikasaSerket: I am not a pro player
19:27 MikasaSerket: So there is that
19:28 MikasaSerket: Your beatmap is very storyboard worthy
19:28 MikasaSerket: Like, It should have lyrics in the background
19:28 MikasaSerket: But that is optional
19:28 Yumeko: You don't have to be a good player to become a good mapper
19:28 Yumeko: I have no experience with storyboarding ,_,
19:28 MikasaSerket: Same here
19:28 MikasaSerket: You could ask someone who knows how to story board
19:28 MikasaSerket: But that is optional
19:29 Yumeko: I'll definitely try it out though, a few people asked for a sb
19:29 MikasaSerket: 00:30:684 (5,6,7,1,2,3) -
19:29 MikasaSerket: The flow seems awkward
19:29 MikasaSerket: 00:30:684 (5,6,7,1,2,3) -
19:31 MikasaSerket: 01:31:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) -
19:31 MikasaSerket: I do not know how to explain it
19:31 MikasaSerket: But it gets really repetitive
19:31 MikasaSerket: Like, it does not match the flow of the song
19:32 Yumeko: hmm i might as well reply now since im here
19:32 MikasaSerket: Ah
19:32 MikasaSerket: 02:11:449 (6) -
19:32 Yumeko: 00:19:567 (6,7) - i thought having 7 slide out in a direction was enough to indicate that there's another slider under 6, but I'll move it still
19:33 MikasaSerket: I think it just sounds better with a hit circle
19:33 Yumeko: 04:14:979 (7) - fixed
19:34 Yumeko: 04:29:979 (7,8) - i think this and 04:27:332 (3,4) - are justified really, they end on a really strong vocal cue and there is enough room after that so it's not overwhelming
19:35 Yumeko: also, people said the ending was one of their favourite parts (me too)
19:35 MikasaSerket: Ah
19:35 MikasaSerket: I see
19:35 MikasaSerket: 02:49:920 (7) -
19:35 Yumeko: 04:35:802 (3) - fixed
19:35 MikasaSerket: Slider seems weird
19:36 MikasaSerket: Maybe alternate slider and hit circle
19:38 Yumeko: 00:30:684 (5,6,7,1,2,3) - fixed...ithink
19:39 MikasaSerket: I cannot see it
19:39 MikasaSerket: It is the same
19:39 MikasaSerket: Update the beatmap :/
19:41 Yumeko: uhhh
19:41 Yumeko: I want to finish this mod first
19:41 Yumeko: its not healthy to update after every change
19:42 Yumeko: 01:31:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - this part is supposed to be the climax of the chorus, hence the jumps. That said, it still didn't flow well, so i made it more like 03:13:390 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
19:42 MikasaSerket: I see
19:42 MikasaSerket: I am having my friend testplay your map real quick
19:47 MikasaSerket: Aye
19:47 MikasaSerket: So
19:47 MikasaSerket: My friend was test playing it
19:47 MikasaSerket: He really likes it
19:48 Yumeko: I'm glad
19:48 Yumeko: someone out there enjoys the map
19:48 MikasaSerket: Lol
19:48 MikasaSerket: He really likes it
19:48 MikasaSerket: Honestly I think it is pretty good for a beginner
19:48 MikasaSerket: Really good
19:49 MikasaSerket: I didn't see any major problems with your beatmap
19:49 MikasaSerket: But, please fix the background
Modding stuff
19:10 MikasaSerket: Hello I am here to mod your map
19:12 Yumeko: ;-; Thank you for taking the time to look at my map, I'll mod your map later today (I have things to do as of this moment)
19:12 Yumeko: please be patient ,_,
19:12 MikasaSerket: It is alright but thank you ^_^
19:15 MikasaSerket: 00:19:567 (6,7) -
19:15 MikasaSerket: Right here
19:15 MikasaSerket: This part does not make sense
19:15 MikasaSerket: The slider appears as if it is on top of eachother
19:16 MikasaSerket: I would suggest just slightly moving the slider away from eachother
19:17 MikasaSerket: 04:14:979 -
19:17 MikasaSerket: Right here
19:17 MikasaSerket: It just seems Like Kiai Time isn't right
19:17 MikasaSerket: 04:22:037 -
19:18 MikasaSerket: Right here seems a lot better
19:18 MikasaSerket: Also, The trasition seems very awkward
19:18 MikasaSerket: `04:29:979 (7,8) -
19:18 MikasaSerket: Too far apart even for expert
19:18 MikasaSerket: 04:35:802 (3) -
19:19 MikasaSerket: Slider is outside the grid
19:20 Yumeko: *-* thank you, if you could post this to the song thread, it'd be greatly appreciated, i'll get back to replying to it asap
19:21 MikasaSerket: I will ^_^
19:21 MikasaSerket: Would you mind giving me some kudoso for it?
19:21 Yumeko: of course
19:21 Yumeko: thats a given
19:21 MikasaSerket: Lol
19:21 MikasaSerket: I can see you spent quite a lot of time on the green offsets and volume
19:22 Yumeko: Yeah...i kinda got carried away with it
19:23 MikasaSerket: Have you tried using Distance snap before?
19:23 MikasaSerket: It is alright man
19:23 MikasaSerket: I am just saying you don't have to do all that, unless you want to, you know. '
19:23 Yumeko: I did but for the most part I didn't like it
19:24 MikasaSerket: Ah, I see
19:25 MikasaSerket: What I would recommend
19:25 MikasaSerket: Since it is a marathon map
19:25 MikasaSerket: To reduce the hp to just a regular 6
19:25 MikasaSerket: Since there are a lot of jumps in your beatmap
19:26 Yumeko: I had it at 7.5 before and everyone passed it ,_,
19:27 MikasaSerket: I see
19:27 MikasaSerket: I am not a pro player
19:27 MikasaSerket: So there is that
19:28 MikasaSerket: Your beatmap is very storyboard worthy
19:28 MikasaSerket: Like, It should have lyrics in the background
19:28 MikasaSerket: But that is optional
19:28 Yumeko: You don't have to be a good player to become a good mapper
19:28 Yumeko: I have no experience with storyboarding ,_,
19:28 MikasaSerket: Same here
19:28 MikasaSerket: You could ask someone who knows how to story board
19:28 MikasaSerket: But that is optional
19:29 Yumeko: I'll definitely try it out though, a few people asked for a sb
19:29 MikasaSerket: 00:30:684 (5,6,7,1,2,3) -
19:29 MikasaSerket: The flow seems awkward
19:29 MikasaSerket: 00:30:684 (5,6,7,1,2,3) -
19:31 MikasaSerket: 01:31:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) -
19:31 MikasaSerket: I do not know how to explain it
19:31 MikasaSerket: But it gets really repetitive
19:31 MikasaSerket: Like, it does not match the flow of the song
19:32 Yumeko: hmm i might as well reply now since im here
19:32 MikasaSerket: Ah
19:32 MikasaSerket: 02:11:449 (6) -
19:32 Yumeko: 00:19:567 (6,7) - i thought having 7 slide out in a direction was enough to indicate that there's another slider under 6, but I'll move it still
19:33 MikasaSerket: I think it just sounds better with a hit circle
19:33 Yumeko: 04:14:979 (7) - fixed
19:34 Yumeko: 04:29:979 (7,8) - i think this and 04:27:332 (3,4) - are justified really, they end on a really strong vocal cue and there is enough room after that so it's not overwhelming
19:35 Yumeko: also, people said the ending was one of their favourite parts (me too)
19:35 MikasaSerket: Ah
19:35 MikasaSerket: I see
19:35 MikasaSerket: 02:49:920 (7) -
19:35 Yumeko: 04:35:802 (3) - fixed
19:35 MikasaSerket: Slider seems weird
19:36 MikasaSerket: Maybe alternate slider and hit circle
19:38 Yumeko: 00:30:684 (5,6,7,1,2,3) - fixed...ithink
19:39 MikasaSerket: I cannot see it
19:39 MikasaSerket: It is the same
19:39 MikasaSerket: Update the beatmap :/
19:41 Yumeko: uhhh
19:41 Yumeko: I want to finish this mod first
19:41 Yumeko: its not healthy to update after every change
19:42 Yumeko: 01:31:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - this part is supposed to be the climax of the chorus, hence the jumps. That said, it still didn't flow well, so i made it more like 03:13:390 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
19:42 MikasaSerket: I see
19:42 MikasaSerket: I am having my friend testplay your map real quick
19:47 MikasaSerket: Aye
19:47 MikasaSerket: So
19:47 MikasaSerket: My friend was test playing it
19:47 MikasaSerket: He really likes it
19:48 Yumeko: I'm glad
19:48 Yumeko: someone out there enjoys the map
19:48 MikasaSerket: Lol
19:48 MikasaSerket: He really likes it
19:48 MikasaSerket: Honestly I think it is pretty good for a beginner
19:48 MikasaSerket: Really good
19:49 MikasaSerket: I didn't see any major problems with your beatmap
19:49 MikasaSerket: But, please fix the background
19:51 MikasaSerket: I posted it
19:51 Yumeko: background?
19:52 MikasaSerket: Yes the background
19:54 Yumeko: 02:11:449 - i like having the slider here, single note is weird for me. so is a kickslider
19:55 Yumeko: 02:49:920 (7) - remapped this whole bit
19:55 Yumeko: and yes, that slider didnt fir
19:55 Yumeko: fit
19:55 MikasaSerket: I see
19:56 Yumeko: sorry but im going to ask you to edit the post ;-;
19:56 MikasaSerket: In what way?
19:56 Yumeko: and do [box=IRC stuff] chat log
19:56 Yumeko: my reply , after
19:57 Yumeko: 14:23 MikasaSerket: "Yes the background"
19:57 Yumeko: its tedious but
19:57 Yumeko: i want people to know what I take a look at every single suggestion and give feedback
19:57 MikasaSerket: I see
19:57 Yumeko: that*
19:57 MikasaSerket: When I mean the background
19:57 Yumeko: sorry for spamming...
19:57 MikasaSerket: I meant that it is too big
19:57 MikasaSerket: It is alright
19:57 MikasaSerket: I really could care less
Hello, great song and very fun map! Just a few quick things-
You may want to consider stacking more notes to make it look nicer.
For example,
00:04:214 (3) and 00:03:332 (8)
00:24:332 (1,4)
00:24:861 (3,7)
00:28:920 (6) - onto the start or ending of 3, or separate from 3
00:29:979 (1,5)
00:30:508 (4,6)
00:30:155 (2,7)
that's all I'll point out

00:14:273 (4) - move this out of the way of 00:14:626 (1)
00:15:332 (3,4,5) - move stack out of the way of 00:14:626 (1)

Good luck!
It's time for th4t 0n3 m0d.

Red Thread
00:01:743 (3) x:135 y:180 blanket
Move 00:24:861 (3) to where the head of 00:25:567 (7) is, because straight jumps sideways aren't that natural
02:28:037 (1) make the curve more balanced instead of one-sided
From 02:52:920 (3) to 02:54:155 (1) I think the jumps should get closer together, so they think it's slowing down. But it's just picking up
In general, during any kiai, since the map is basically just jumps, when there are finishes within the song, it should be a slider/stack
I think the break should end at 04:11:979 (1) all the notes before this -do- kind of fit the song, but it doesn't seem right tbh
04:21:861 to 04:23:096 should be changed to fountain(s) ex: 04:21:861 to 04:21:949 04:22:214 to 04:22:302
04:48:508 (1) to 04:51:332 (6) should be a fast section, not getting slow until after 0:4:51:332 (6)

This map isn't bad imo, it seems a bit too jumpy for this genre. But most of the jumps are natural-ish, nothing is really off or anything. Thankfully. Because changing one circle could throw off a whole pattern. ;___;
Topic Starter

Yahuri wrote:

Hello, great song and very fun map! Just a few quick things-
You may want to consider stacking more notes to make it look nicer. Yes, I suck at making maps look clean/beautiful. I definitely need to do this more but some parts are meant to be like that
For example,
00:04:214 (3) and 00:03:332 (8) okey
00:24:332 (1,4) It's supposed to be like this. Otherwise it'll be a big jump for such a slow part
00:24:861 (3,7) okey
00:28:920 (6) - onto the start or ending of 3, or separate from 3 ^
00:29:979 (1,5) ^
00:30:508 (4,6) ^
00:30:155 (2,7) ^
that's all I'll point out

00:14:273 (4) - move this out of the way of 00:14:626 (1) ^
00:15:332 (3,4,5) - move stack out of the way of 00:14:626 (1) ^

Good luck!
Thank you for the mod!!

Sukii-chan wrote:

It's time for th4t 0n3 m0d.

[Red Thread]00:01:743 (3) x:135 y:180 blanket ok
Move 00:24:861 (3) to where the head of 00:25:567 (7) is, because straight jumps sideways aren't that natural But I like this :c
02:28:037 (1) make the curve more balanced instead of one-sided fixed
From 02:52:920 (3) to 02:54:155 (1) I think the jumps should get closer together, so they think it's slowing down. But it's just picking up I think this does play better....i think
In general, during any kiai, since the map is basically just jumps, when there are finishes within the song, it should be a slider/stack
I think the break should end at 04:11:979 (1) all the notes before this -do- kind of fit the song, but it doesn't seem right tbh but then the drain time won't be over 5 minutes D: besides, I like this part
04:21:861 to 04:23:096 should be changed to fountain(s) ex: 04:21:861 to 04:21:949 04:22:214 to 04:22:302 not changing this :c unless more people tell me to
04:48:508 (1) to 04:51:332 (6) should be a fast section, not getting slow until after 0:4:51:332 (6) ^

This map isn't bad imo, it seems a bit too jumpy for this genre. But most of the jumps are natural-ish, nothing is really off or anything. Thankfully. Because changing one circle could throw off a whole pattern. ;___; Really? I think streams/stacks don't fit this...
Thanks for the mod!!! *-*
Hi there, as requested.
Do not kudo this post.
The singer is Rib while MikitoP is the composer, so we put Rib to the Artist field and MikitoP to the Tags. Also, Source should be an empty field.
Unicode Title: アカイト
Romanised Title: Akaito
Unicode Artist: りぶ
Romanised Artist: Rib
Tags: 'singing Rib', 'みきとP', 'MikitoP'
Poke me if you have any other questions, good luck!
Hi, I've modded again your map. The only things I want you to do is to focus on mapping itself and forget about spacing/patterns a moment (we'll care about that in the 2nd part of my mod), and apply all my mod before choosing if you keep it or if you don't.


00:00:685 (1) - Make it finish 1/2 earlier then add a circle on the red tick
00:03:332 (4) - Move it to (40;144)
00:06:332 (8) - Remove it
00:06:508 (1) - Move it at 00:06:332
00:06:684 (2) - Add a circle at (52;196)
00:06:861 (3) - Move it to (276;236)
00:07:037 (4) - Delete it
00:07:037 (4) - Make it at 00:07:037
00:07:390 - Add a circle here
00:08:096 (2) - Make it at 00:08:449
00:08:626 (5) - Remove it and add a circle at 00:08:802
00:08:096 / 00:08:096 - Make two circles here
00:16:126 - Add a circle at (148;190) ?
00:16:214 (3) - Move it to (148;190) ?
00:24:332 (1) - Add a slider 1/2 long here instead of the circle ?
00:24:684 - Add a slider 1/2 long
00:24:861 (3) - Remove the circle here
00:25:214 (4,5) - Make a slider instead of those 2 circles
00:27:332 (7) - make it at 00:27:508 and add a circle here
00:27:684 (1) - delete it
00:27:861 - Add a circle here
00:28:214 (11) - Make it start at 00:28:037 and finish at 00:28:390
00:30:684 (5) - Make it at 00:30:861 and add a circle here
00:35:626 - Make a slider 1/2 long here
00:35:802 (2,3) - Make them 1/2 later
00:37:567 (4) - Make it at 00:37:743 and add a circle here
00:38:273 (2) - ^
00:38:979 (5,6,1) - make them finish 1/4 later ?
00:40:390 (4) - Make it finish 1/4 earlier ?
00:41:626 (3,4) - make a slider instead ?
00:44:979 (6,7) - make 2 sliders 1/4 long instead ?
00:45:684 (10) - make a slider 1/1 long instead ?
00:47:449 (3) - Move it to (320;216) ?
00:48:155 (5) - Make a slider 1/2 long here ?
00:49:920 (2) - Move it to (104;208) ?
00:52:567 (1,1,2,3) - Strangely spaced. I advise moving 00:53:626 (3) to (384;184)
00:55:655 - to 00:56:890 - make a stream here ?
00:56:979 - Use the same mapping as at 00:45:684 if you applied my mod
01:04:214 (3,4,5) - Make a slider instead ?
01:07:037 - Remove the 3 circles here then move the slider at 01:07:567 (6) here
01:10:567 (4,5) - Make a slider instead
01:10:920 (6) - Make it finish at 01:11:361 -
01:11:802 - Use the same mapping as at 01:09:155 if you applied my mod
01:17:979 (6,1) - Invert position in the time bar
01:18:508 (3,4) - Make them start 1/2 later and add a circle here
01:19:567 (7,8) - Invert position in the time bar
01:20:626 (3,4) - Make a slider instead ?
01:26:626 to 01:27:861 - Make a spinner here ?
01:30:332 (7,1) - Invert position in the time bar
01:39:684 (1,2,3) - Remove that. Place 4 circles from 01:39:684 to 01:40:390, add a slider 1/4 long then add a slider at 01:40:390 3/4 long
01:22:214 (5,6,7) - Remove those 3 circles and make a slider from 01:22:214 to 01:22:655
01:44:979 - Insert break here ?
01:46:390 (1) - Make it finish 1/2 later OR make this one 01:47:273 (5) - finish 1/2 earlier
01:49:214 (6,7,1) - Invert position in the time bar
01:49:567 (1,2) - ^
01:50:802 (2) - Delete the circle here
01:50:979 (3) - Move it to 01:50:802 and make it repeat once
01:53:626 (5) - Make it repeat once
01:54:155 (6,1,2) - Invert position in the time bar
01:54:861 (4) - Make it finish 1/2 later OR make this one 01:52:037 (6) finish 1/2 earlier
01:55:390 - Paste that 01:52:567 (7,8,1)
02:02:096 (3) - Remove that
02:02:273 - Make this slider start at 02:02:096 and finish at 02:02:537
02:08:273 (8,9) - Make 2 sliders 1/4 long instead ?
02:08:979 - Use the same mapping as before
02:32:979 - Kiai time should start here imo
02:32:979 -> 02:55:037 - use the same mapping as previous kiai time
02:55:037 - Kiai time should stop here imo
02:57:684 (8) - Make it start at 02:57:508 and finish at 02:58:214
02:58:390 (2,3) - Invert position in the time bar
02:59:273 (6) - Make it start at 02:59:096 and finish at 02:59:449
03:02:626 (2,3) - Invert position in the time bar
03:03:155 (4) - Make 2 circles instead
03:04:214 (2) - Make it start at 03:04:041
03:04:920 (4,5) - Invert position in the time bar
03:05:626 -> 03:06:684 - Use reverse sliders instead. I suggest that
03:09:155 (3) - No reason to place a slider here
03:09:684 (5) - remove repeating and place 2 sliders
03:19:920 (7,8,9) - Make a slider instead
03:20:626 (2) - Make it finish 1/4 later ?
03:21:508 (4) - Make it finish 1/2 earlier then add a circle at 03:21:861
03:22:037 -> 03:23:096 - I suggest that since you were following the voice just before
--03:23:979 - Missing sound ?
--03:23:802 (12,14,1,2,1,2) - Making 3 sliders would be better imo
03:26:626 (6) - Make it finish at 03:27:155 ?
03:27:332 - Make 4 circles here
03:28:214 (5) - Make it start at 03:28:037 and finish at 03:28:567 ?
03:33:684 (1) - Make it finish at 03:33:861 then don't map from 03:33:861 to 03:34:567
03:34:567 (2) - Make it repeat once ?
03:36:684 (2,3) - Make a slider instead
03:39:155 (1) - Make it finish at 03:39:773
03:39:861 - I would have made a stream from here to 03:40:920 then I would make a spinner from 03:41:096 to 03:43:743
04:02:096 - Insert a spinner from here to 04:03:332 ?
04:07:743 (1,1,1,2) - Useless
04:15:155 to 04:19:920 - From here I suggest 2 possibilities.
Use this mapping : and add a slider from 04:20:273 to 04:21:508
04:14:626 (5,6) - Remove those circles
04:14:979 (7) - Move it to 04:14:626 and make it finish at 04:15:155
04:15:861 (4,5) - Invert position in the time bar
04:17:449 (5) - Make it finish at 04:17:979
04:18:684 (9,1) - Invert position in the time bar
04:20:273 (1) - Insert a spinner from here to 04:21:508
04:23:802 (4,5) - Make a reverse slider instead
04:24:332 (5) - Make a slider from here to 04:24:684
04:24:861 (7,8) - Replace by a slider
04:25:743 (2,3) - Invert position in the time bar
04:23:096 -> 04:27:684 - Use this mapping
04:29:273 (3,4) - Make a slider instead
04:30:155 - Make a slider 1/2 long
04:31:037 (2) - Repeat it
04:32:096 (5,6) - Make a slider instead
04:32:449 (7,8) - ^ and repeat it
04:32:979 (7) - Make a slider from here to 04:33:332
04:35:273 (1) - Repeat it
04:35:802 (3) - ^
04:38:096 (5) - ^
04:38:449 (6,7,8) - Move them to 04:38:626
04:39:861 (9) - Move it to 04:39:684
04:40:037 - Add a spinner from here to 04:41:273
04:41:626 - Add a spinner from here to 04:44:449
04:45:155 -> 04:47:096 - I suggest doing that
04:50:096 (1) - Make it finish at 04:50:626
04:51:684 (6,1) - Invert position in the time bar
04:52:567 (5,6) - Make a slider instead
04:53:273 (9,10) - Make a slider instead
04:58:655 - I think the stream should be longer and stop here 04:59:714
05:00:332 (4,5) - Make a slider instead
05:01:037 (3,4) - Make a slider instead
05:01:390 (5) - Make it finish at 05:01:920
05:03:155 (1,2) - Invert position in the time bar
05:03:684 (2) - Replace it by a circle
05:03:861 - Make a slider 1/2 long here
05:04:214 - Add a circle here
05:08:449 (1) - Make it finish at 05:13:920 ?

Phew, I think we're done for first part

P-S : There could be some incoherences, just tell me
Topic Starter
because of how I mapped the song, changing one thing will completely ruin the flow of that one pattern (for the most part) so when there is a 'remap' it means I either applied your suggestion and changed the position, or i reject it and completely remap the part(even though you said to not mind it, it bugs me alot). kinda same thing i guess?

6th wrote:

Hi, I've modded again your map. The only things I want you to do is to focus on mapping itself and forget about spacing/patterns a moment (we'll care about that in the 2nd part of my mod), and apply all my mod before choosing if you keep it or if you don't.


00:00:685 (1) - Make it finish 1/2 earlier then add a circle on the red tick done
00:03:332 (4) - Move it to (40;144) ^
00:06:332 (8) - Remove it ^
00:06:508 (1) - Move it at 00:06:332 ^
00:06:684 (2) - Add a circle at (52;196) I extended the sliderend here
00:06:861 (3) - Move it to (276;236) stacked with 2 ok nvm your suggestion is miles better
00:07:037 (4) - Delete it ^
00:07:037 (4) - Make it at 00:07:037 ^
00:07:390 - Add a circle here extended sliderend here
00:08:096 (2) - Make it at 00:08:449 remap
00:08:626 (5) - Remove it and add a circle at 00:08:802 remap
00:08:096 / 00:08:096 - Make two circles here remap
00:16:126 - Add a circle at (148;190) ? done
00:16:214 (3) - Move it to (148;190) ? done
00:24:332 (1) - Add a slider 1/2 long here instead of the circle ? remap
00:24:684 - Add a slider 1/2 long remap
00:24:861 (3) - Remove the circle here remap
00:25:214 (4,5) - Make a slider instead of those 2 circles remap
00:27:332 (7) - make it at 00:27:508 and add a circle here done
00:27:684 (1) - delete it done
00:27:861 - Add a circle here done
00:28:214 (11) - Make it start at 00:28:037 and finish at 00:28:390 done
00:30:684 (5) - Make it at 00:30:861 and add a circle here remap
00:35:626 - Make a slider 1/2 long here remap
00:35:802 (2,3) - Make them 1/2 later remap
00:37:567 (4) - Make it at 00:37:743 and add a circle here remap
00:38:273 (2) - ^ good change
00:38:979 (5,6,1) - make them finish 1/4 later ?
00:40:390 (4) - Make it finish 1/4 earlier ?so...a kickslider? that doesnt work in this song...
00:41:626 (3,4) - make a slider instead ? whoa this is actually really cool, so much that i remapped this whole pattern....which may be a bad thing
00:44:979 (6,7) - make 2 sliders 1/4 long instead ? really dont think kicksliders fit
00:45:684 (10) - make a slider 1/1 long instead ? nice change. transitions really well into the slow part unlike before, since i didnt map to the vocals like the rest of the map
00:47:449 (3) - Move it to (320;216) ? remap
00:48:155 (5) - Make a slider 1/2 long here ? done
00:49:920 (2) - Move it to (104;208) ? done
00:52:567 (1,1,2,3) - Strangely spaced. I advise moving 00:53:626 (3) to (384;184) ^
00:55:655 - to 00:56:890 - make a stream here ? stream mapped to nothing? i cant hear anything that could warrant a stream here
00:56:979 - Use the same mapping as at 00:45:684 if you applied my mod okey
01:04:214 (3,4,5) - Make a slider instead ? remap
01:07:037 - Remove the 3 circles here then move the slider at 01:07:567 (6) here remap
01:10:567 (4,5) - Make a slider instead remap
01:10:920 (6) - Make it finish at 01:11:361 - remap
01:11:802 - Use the same mapping as at 01:09:155 if you applied my mod I applied the earlier mod but not this one because the first mod makes the transition really smooth while this doesn't really do much imo
01:17:979 (6,1) - Invert position in the time bar okey
01:18:508 (3,4) - Make them start 1/2 later and add a circle here
01:19:567 (7,8) - Invert position in the time bar
01:20:626 (3,4) - Make a slider instead ?
01:26:626 to 01:27:861 - Make a spinner here ?
01:30:332 (7,1) - Invert position in the time bar
01:39:684 (1,2,3) - Remove that. Place 4 circles from 01:39:684 to 01:40:390, add a slider 1/4 long then add a slider at 01:40:390 3/4 long
01:22:214 (5,6,7) - Remove those 3 circles and make a slider from 01:22:214 to 01:22:655
01:44:979 - Insert break here ?
01:46:390 (1) - Make it finish 1/2 later OR make this one 01:47:273 (5) - finish 1/2 earlier
01:49:214 (6,7,1) - Invert position in the time bar
01:49:567 (1,2) - ^
01:50:802 (2) - Delete the circle here
01:50:979 (3) - Move it to 01:50:802 and make it repeat once
01:53:626 (5) - Make it repeat once
01:54:155 (6,1,2) - Invert position in the time bar
01:54:861 (4) - Make it finish 1/2 later OR make this one 01:52:037 (6) finish 1/2 earlier
01:55:390 - Paste that 01:52:567 (7,8,1)
02:02:096 (3) - Remove that
02:02:273 - Make this slider start at 02:02:096 and finish at 02:02:537
02:08:273 (8,9) - Make 2 sliders 1/4 long instead ?
02:08:979 - Use the same mapping as before
02:32:979 - Kiai time should start here imo
02:32:979 -> 02:55:037 - use the same mapping as previous kiai time
02:55:037 - Kiai time should stop here imo
02:57:684 (8) - Make it start at 02:57:508 and finish at 02:58:214
02:58:390 (2,3) - Invert position in the time bar
02:59:273 (6) - Make it start at 02:59:096 and finish at 02:59:449
03:02:626 (2,3) - Invert position in the time bar
03:03:155 (4) - Make 2 circles instead
03:04:214 (2) - Make it start at 03:04:041
03:04:920 (4,5) - Invert position in the time bar
03:05:626 -> 03:06:684 - Use reverse sliders instead. I suggest that
03:09:155 (3) - No reason to place a slider here
03:09:684 (5) - remove repeating and place 2 sliders
03:19:920 (7,8,9) - Make a slider instead
03:20:626 (2) - Make it finish 1/4 later ?
03:21:508 (4) - Make it finish 1/2 earlier then add a circle at 03:21:861
03:22:037 -> 03:23:096 - I suggest that since you were following the voice just before
--03:23:979 - Missing sound ?
--03:23:802 (12,14,1,2,1,2) - Making 3 sliders would be better imo
03:26:626 (6) - Make it finish at 03:27:155 ?
03:27:332 - Make 4 circles here
03:28:214 (5) - Make it start at 03:28:037 and finish at 03:28:567 ?
03:33:684 (1) - Make it finish at 03:33:861 then don't map from 03:33:861 to 03:34:567
03:34:567 (2) - Make it repeat once ?
03:36:684 (2,3) - Make a slider instead
03:39:155 (1) - Make it finish at 03:39:773
03:39:861 - I would have made a stream from here to 03:40:920 then I would make a spinner from 03:41:096 to 03:43:743
04:02:096 - Insert a spinner from here to 04:03:332 ?
04:07:743 (1,1,1,2) - Useless
04:15:155 to 04:19:920 - From here I suggest 2 possibilities.
Use this mapping : and add a slider from 04:20:273 to 04:21:508
04:14:626 (5,6) - Remove those circles
04:14:979 (7) - Move it to 04:14:626 and make it finish at 04:15:155
04:15:861 (4,5) - Invert position in the time bar
04:17:449 (5) - Make it finish at 04:17:979
04:18:684 (9,1) - Invert position in the time bar
04:20:273 (1) - Insert a spinner from here to 04:21:508
04:23:802 (4,5) - Make a reverse slider instead
04:24:332 (5) - Make a slider from here to 04:24:684
04:24:861 (7,8) - Replace by a slider
04:25:743 (2,3) - Invert position in the time bar
04:23:096 -> 04:27:684 - Use this mapping
04:29:273 (3,4) - Make a slider instead
04:30:155 - Make a slider 1/2 long
04:31:037 (2) - Repeat it
04:32:096 (5,6) - Make a slider instead
04:32:449 (7,8) - ^ and repeat it
04:32:979 (7) - Make a slider from here to 04:33:332
04:35:273 (1) - Repeat it
04:35:802 (3) - ^
04:38:096 (5) - ^
04:38:449 (6,7,8) - Move them to 04:38:626
04:39:861 (9) - Move it to 04:39:684
04:40:037 - Add a spinner from here to 04:41:273
04:41:626 - Add a spinner from here to 04:44:449
04:45:155 -> 04:47:096 - I suggest doing that
04:50:096 (1) - Make it finish at 04:50:626
04:51:684 (6,1) - Invert position in the time bar
04:52:567 (5,6) - Make a slider instead
04:53:273 (9,10) - Make a slider instead
04:58:655 - I think the stream should be longer and stop here 04:59:714
05:00:332 (4,5) - Make a slider instead
05:01:037 (3,4) - Make a slider instead
05:01:390 (5) - Make it finish at 05:01:920
05:03:155 (1,2) - Invert position in the time bar
05:03:684 (2) - Replace it by a circle
05:03:861 - Make a slider 1/2 long here
05:04:214 - Add a circle here
05:08:449 (1) - Make it finish at 05:13:920 ?

Phew, I think we're done for first part

P-S : There could be some incoherences, just tell me
>Sees wall of text
>Gives kudosu
>brb applying changes, will edit when im done nvm im just going to edit as im working thru it...hopefully i finish soon...maybe in a day or 2. or 3

pc crash killed most of my progress ,_, will continue another day. good thing i had a backup
Topic Starter
i remapped most of the map. hopefully its more fun now :D
Louis Cyphre
[Red Thread]

- Hitsounds are almost silent due to high music volume, i recomend to increase volume by at least 35%
- I suggest to use Normal hitsound sample instead of soft. Would be the best if you distribute Soft/Normal hitsound set
- Put another break somewhere before the existed break point. I believe 4 minutes of non stop play is way too insane
- The Approach Rate feels too high. I recomend to reduce at least by 1 point
- Delete "Rib" from tags, since it is already in title
- 02:32:978 (1) - object isn't snapped
- Why have you set so great spacing? The song itself is kind of quite and rock at once, but it's doesn't feel that intensive. Especially i see no reason at all to use such jumps and such set of spacing:
  • ● 00:24:684 (1,2,3,4,5) -
    ● 00:25:920 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
    ● 00:28:390 (4,5,6,7) -
    00:31:567 (1,2,3,4) -
    ● 00:40:743 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) -
    ● 01:01:214 (4,5) -
- i do not see any reasons to put additional streams in places like
  • ● 00:16:920 (7,1,2,3,4,5) -
    ● 00:19:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - etc
- 00:22:037 - Why there are no objects at this moment?
- 00:45:684 (1) - hard to read

I guess that's it. Nothing to add anything else. Good Luck
Topic Starter

Louis Cyphre wrote:

[Red Thread]

- Hitsounds are almost silent due to high music volume, i recomend to increase volume by at least 35% roger
- I suggest to use Normal hitsound sample instead of soft. Would be the best if you distribute Soft/Normal hitsound set ok
- Put another break somewhere before the existed break point. I believe 4 minutes of non stop play is way too insane there are pseudo breaks in the map
- The Approach Rate feels too high. I recomend to reduce at least by 1 point ok
- Delete "Rib" from tags, since it is already in title good point
- 02:32:978 (1) - object isn't snapped .....this wasnt here before
- Why have you set so great spacing? The song itself is kind of quite and rock at once, but it's doesn't feel that intensive. Especially i see no reason at all to use such jumps and such set of spacing: you could say that for any other 5 stars song... I thought about it, and you're right for some parts. I fixed the ones and stood out to me, but there's bound to be some bits that I missed out.
  • ● 00:24:684 (1,2,3,4,5) -
    ● 00:25:920 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
    ● 00:28:390 (4,5,6,7) -
    00:31:567 (1,2,3,4) -
    ● 00:40:743 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) -
    ● 01:01:214 (4,5) -
    this one emphasizes on the strong vocals, hence the increased distance in the jumpetc
- i do not see any reasons to put additional streams in places like buildup, although i used kicksliders at the end of the song, those didn't fit here
  • ● 00:16:920 (7,1,2,3,4,5) -
    ● 00:19:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - etc
- 00:22:037 - Why there are no objects at this moment? pseudo breaks
- 00:45:684 (1) - hard to read

I guess that's it. Nothing to add anything else. Good Luck
thanks for the mod!
Hello there M4M!

I like your song so far, but just a few things to keep in mind :)
click me
Unlike some other of your mods, I personally disagree to the fact that your design is bad. It is actually good.
However, you do need to watch how, where, and when you place your notes, as I found some of the notes in your entire song is off (feels weird cause its slightly off beat). As well as I also consider you to look into some other colors other than brown for your notes since I do not find it appealing.

Some of my suggestions for a beatmap like this would be light blue or even a neon green color

Here are some examples of the areas I believe you should either delete a note or add a note:
00:58:214 (5,6,1) - unstack 5, 6 or even delete a note here

01:34:920 (1) - This should be on the blue tick

01:52:832 (8) - This note is unnecessary

04:14:802 (6,7) - Delete 7 and make it a long slider instead

05:08:273 (1) - Delete this note and go straight into the spinner, end at the same place

Your beatmap looks good other than that. My suggestion is to now look for a BN to mod your map and I wish you the best of luck #Ranked
Topic Starter

gameuse wrote:

Hello there M4M!

I like your song so far, but just a few things to keep in mind :)
click me
Unlike some other of your mods, I personally disagree to the fact that your design is bad. It is actually good.
However, you do need to watch how, where, and when you place your notes, as I found some of the notes in your entire song is off (feels weird cause its slightly off beat). As well as I also consider you to look into some other colors other than brown for your notes since I do not find it appealing.

Some of my suggestions for a beatmap like this would be light blue or even a neon green color

Here are some examples of the areas I believe you should either delete a note or add a note:
00:58:214 (5,6,1) - unstack 5, 6 or even delete a note here I thought I changed this :c Good find!

01:34:920 (1) - This should be on the blue tick Yes and no. If I place the note on the blue tick here, it will ruin the rhythm. There's a fine line between mapping exactly to the beat/vocal and gameplay.

01:52:832 (8) - This note is unnecessary ok. turned into a slider

04:14:802 (6,7) - Delete 7 and make it a long slider instead remapped

05:08:273 (1) - Delete this note and go straight into the spinner, end at the same place I think this fits really well with how the song ends on that one last guitar + drum hit.

Your beatmap looks good other than that. My suggestion is to now look for a BN to mod your map and I wish you the best of luck #Ranked
thanks for the mod!
m4m from my queue:

Box for space
[General] Wouldn't general just be the whole map in this case? lol
Anyways for the hitsounds the first thing I noticed is that the claps at the start seemed extremely random, maybe you try to fix it so it's in a more uniform way, such as making the head of 1 a finish instead of a clap, and keeping the clap at the slider end, then doing clap at the slider head of 00:01:743 (4) - and onwards like that (skip 1 white tick for claps is usually what ends up sounding fine)

[Red Thread]
00:11:273 (6) - It would fit the music better if it was 1/8 repeat slider to go along with that snare(?) sound
00:16:920 (7,1,2,3,4,5) - Technically overmapped since there isn't any notes on 00:17:008 (1) - 00:17:184 (3) - 00:17:361 (5) -
00:17:802 - You should shorten the slider to end here then place a note where the slider end used to be, also why is the SV here so slow? It seems odd from going to a really slow SV to a fast slider velocity. I don't think the SV here is very justified since a note like 00:14:626 (1) - exist, where it goes from a higher note to a lower note on the slider ends, yet the SV is still relatively fast, so keep that in mind
Some things I would like to point out are notes like 00:28:567 (5) - , where the music indicates a pretty strong beat yet the mapping does not reflect on that. In this example there is a strong drum in the music at this point, yet there is no indication that the note is emphasized spacing-wise, also seeing how it's an extra it doesn't make too much sense to really just not emphasize the notes
00:45:067 - Add a note here? It would kinda be weird to overmap then not have notes when notes are actually in the song I guess
00:46:567 (4,1) - Maybe reduce spacing and move it to the bottom right corner to make a better antijump?
00:58:214 (1,2,3,4) - I feel like it would better emphasize the music if 2 were an antijump
01:07:567 (1,1,1) - I dunno the amount of overlaps here kinda make it feel unclean because they don't seem to be in a very uniform way :(
01:15:684 (2,3) - I never really found patterns like these very aesthetically nice, but it's always your choice in changing these things after all
01:34:832 - There is a pause here, it fits the music, but I feel like movng the note 01:34:920 (1) - to here will emphasize the vocals here (yes there are drums but if the song is saying sayonara you should probably emphasize the vocals instead, plus it's the final verse before it goes out of the chorus)
01:40:214 (5) - Why not make a triplet to follow along with the music followed by a slider?
01:42:332 (1) - Putting a slider here instead of mapping it kinda just seem lazy to me, knowing it follows the held note it's understandable, but it's not a very smooth transition to go from a "consistent" beat to just a held note
01:57:332 (1,2) - It's strange to me that 01:57:684 (2) - is clearly a strong note, yet it's not emphasize as if it is, and the spacing for 3-4 proceeding it is larger, so you should probably re-arrange to go along with the emphasized notes
02:03:332 (1,2) - What makes this different from the way that you mapped 02:01:390 (1) - , it kinda feel inconsistent the way it is (especially with the slow sv on 1 for the mentioned thing
02:09:862 (4,1,2,3) - Spacing makes this look really confusing with 1-2-3, try fixing the antijump from 4-1

I'm like tired so like, message me if you want more things, the things I mentioned are basically reoccuring throughout the map, also on a general overview, you should try to clean up any overlaps to make them look more intentional/cleaner. Anyways good luck with your map~

I kinda expect a small mod as well from you so it's like, idk I didn't want to stay awake doing this when I could be dying via studying
Topic Starter

Battle wrote:

m4m from my queue:

Box for space
[General] Wouldn't general just be the whole map in this case? lol
Anyways for the hitsounds the first thing I noticed is that the claps at the start seemed extremely random, maybe you try to fix it so it's in a more uniform way, such as making the head of 1 a finish instead of a clap, and keeping the clap at the slider end, then doing clap at the slider head of 00:01:743 (4) - and onwards like that (skip 1 white tick for claps is usually what ends up sounding fine) fixed the hitsounds at the start. I was moving some things around during my remap and I guess I missed out fixing the hit sounds too :P

[Red Thread]
00:11:273 (6) - It would fit the music better if it was 1/8 repeat slider to go along with that snare(?) sound
00:16:920 (7,1,2,3,4,5) - Technically overmapped since there isn't any notes on 00:17:008 (1) - 00:17:184 (3) - 00:17:361 (5) - turned into one big slider c:
00:17:802 - You should shorten the slider to end here then place a note where the slider end used to be, also why is the SV here so slow? hmmm you're right! I increased the SV

It seems odd from going to a really slow SV to a fast slider velocity. I don't think the SV here is very justified since a note like 00:14:626 (1) - exist, where it goes from a higher note to a lower note on the slider ends, yet the SV is still relatively fast, so keep that in mind
Some things I would like to point out are notes like 00:28:567 (5) - , where the music indicates a pretty strong beat yet the mapping does not reflect on that. In this example there is a strong drum in the music at this point, yet there is no indication that the note is emphasized spacing-wise, also seeing how it's an extra it doesn't make too much sense to really just not emphasize the notes
00:45:067 - Add a note here? It would kinda be weird to overmap then not have notes when notes are actually in the song I guess I don't think it's overmapped....added note
00:46:567 (4,1) - Maybe reduce spacing and move it to the bottom right corner to make a better antijump? ok. this is better
00:58:214 (1,2,3,4) - I feel like it would better emphasize the music if 2 were an antijump I like the way this plays out, but you mentioning this could be a antijump made me reduced the spacing
01:07:567 (1,1,1) - I dunno the amount of overlaps here kinda make it feel unclean because they don't seem to be in a very uniform way :( fixed overlapping, but 01:07:567 (1,1) - is staying
01:15:684 (2,3) - I never really found patterns like these very aesthetically nice, but it's always your choice in changing these things after all it does look kinda bad....
01:34:832 - There is a pause here, it fits the music, but I feel like movng the note 01:34:920 (1) - to here will emphasize the vocals here (yes there are drums but if the song is saying sayonara you should probably emphasize the vocals instead, plus it's the final verse before it goes out of the chorus) it's meant to follow the drums. I experimented with many placements here and i feel like following the drums is the best way to map this part. Plus, it lands on a blue tick which means I would have to use a slider for it to play nicely, but having a slider here doesn't really play well.
01:40:214 (5) - Why not make a triplet to follow along with the music followed by a slider? i like dis
01:42:332 (1) - Putting a slider here instead of mapping it kinda just seem lazy to me, knowing it follows the held note it's understandable, but it's not a very smooth transition to go from a "consistent" beat to just a held note I don't think the transition is rough at all, and it's not meant to be mapped lazily, that slider is there for the held note.
01:57:332 (1,2) - It's strange to me that 01:57:684 (2) - is clearly a strong note, yet it's not emphasize as if it is, and the spacing for 3-4 proceeding it is larger, so you should probably re-arrange to go along with the emphasized notes spot on
02:03:332 (1,2) - What makes this different from the way that you mapped 02:01:390 (1) - , it kinda feel inconsistent the way it is (especially with the slow sv on 1 for the mentioned thing 02:01:390 (1) - clearly has a lower pitch and a longer hold on the vocals, therefore longer(and slower) slider. I don't think it's inconsistent at all. Also 02:03:684 (2) - is mapped to "kono mama~" which follower a higher pitched and shorter hold compared to 02:01:390 (1)
02:09:862 (4,1,2,3) - Spacing makes this look really confusing with 1-2-3, try fixing the antijump from 4-1 this is confusing? i fixed it regardless

I'm like tired so like, message me if you want more things, the things I mentioned are basically reoccuring throughout the map, also on a general overview, you should try to clean up any overlaps to make them look more intentional/cleaner. Anyways good luck with your map~

I kinda expect a small mod as well from you so it's like, idk I didn't want to stay awake doing this when I could be dying via studying
Thanks for the mod :D
Am I now fit to be Yumeko's waifu? ;-;

Burn it all ;-;
As always, all mods are optional!

Timing Points:
00:00:685 Set Volume to 40%

Remove the timing points at the following:
00:01:214 - 00:01:390
00:06:508 - 00:08:979
00:11:008 - 00:11:802
00:13:037 - 00:15:420
00:20:449 - 00:45:508
00:46:037 - 00:55:214
etc etc. All timing points changing volume by small % should be erased.

Just average out volume % for each section. Don't need this many green lines for tiny auditory changes.

Actual Modding:
Just a note, I'm a huge fan of even geometry when it comes to notes, and that is reflected below~
00:11:008 (3,4,5) - Delete
00:10:567 (2) - Extend duration until 00:11:184
00:11:273 (6) - Delete. Replace with stream leading up to 00:11:802 (1) -

00:20:449 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - A bit boring. Make second and third jumps slightly further apart for moar variety.

01:06:155 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - These 8 notes, arrange into two squares, change combo into 4's

01:33:684 (4) - end at 01:34:037, and place extra note at 01:34:214

01:43:743 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Same as before

01:56:449 (8,1,1,1) - Instead of current pattern, I suggest overlapping the 01:56:802 (1) - with the note at 01:56:449 to better match music
01:57:332 (1) - Change to two overlapping notes instead of slider

02:52:920 - Suggest spinner from here to 02:55:567

03:40:920 (1) - should be moved closer to the next note. That, or move all notes a bit further apart and make pretty patterns :>

04:02:096 - Spinner here to a note at center at 04:03:332

04:44:802 (1) - Believe this could instead be spaced sliders until 04:45:861

04:58:567 (2) - here, looks fun, but ends up being kind of random - I'd suggest something more orderly.
Even combo -> slide down, odd combo -> slide up, then zigzag upwards.
Its 'boring' but certainly more playable.

I had more, but I lost most of in the three BSODs. I hate Win10 ;-;

If Yumeko-chyan~ edits Akaito, I'd be happy to mod again for free ;-;

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Take mah kudosu
Topic Starter

chikitani wrote:

Am I now fit to be Yumeko's waifu? ;-;

Burn it all ;-;
As always, all mods are optional!

Timing Points:
00:00:685 Set Volume to 40% ok...

Remove the timing points at the following:
00:01:214 - 00:01:390
00:06:508 - 00:08:979
00:11:008 - 00:11:802
00:13:037 - 00:15:420
00:20:449 - 00:45:508
00:46:037 - 00:55:214
etc etc. All timing points changing volume by small % should be erased.

Just average out volume % for each section. Don't need this many green lines for tiny auditory changes.
Sorry but unless this is a HUGE problem, I'm not going to tamper with the green lines.

Actual Modding:
Just a note, I'm a huge fan of even geometry when it comes to notes, and that is reflected below~
00:11:008 (3,4,5) - Delete
00:10:567 (2) - Extend duration until 00:11:184
00:11:273 (6) - Delete. Replace with stream leading up to 00:11:802 (1) -


00:20:449 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - A bit boring. Make second and third jumps slightly further apart for moar variety. This part is meant to be consistent (like the other identical pattern for this beat).

01:06:155 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - These 8 notes, arrange into two squares, change combo into 4's Not changing this, each placement is intentional.

01:33:684 (4) - end at 01:34:037, and place extra note at 01:34:214 Not changing. It plays really weird to me. I could remove the slider and add in the note, but I had that in earlier versions and mods suggest me to remove them.

01:43:743 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Same as before This part is meant to be consistent (like the other identical pattern for this beat).

01:56:449 (8,1,1,1) - Instead of current pattern, I suggest overlapping the 01:56:802 (1) - with the note at 01:56:449 to better match music Not changing this, unless more people tells me to
01:57:332 (1) - Change to two overlapping notes instead of slider ^^^^

02:52:920 - Suggest spinner from here to 02:55:567 I don't think a spinner fits here, its not good as a buildup.

03:40:920 (1) - should be moved closer to the next note. That, or move all notes a bit further apart and make pretty patterns :> I moved it closer, overlooked this somehow

04:02:096 - Spinner here to a note at center at 04:03:332 Spinner into a note is too short, but I added in a spinner regardless.

04:44:802 (1) - Believe this could instead be spaced sliders until 04:45:861 Spaced sliders....? Either way I like how this part plays

04:58:567 (2) - here, looks fun, but ends up being kind of random - I'd suggest something more orderly. Keeping how this one is played out >< Your suggestion is too calm compared to the intensity of the music
Even combo -> slide down, odd combo -> slide up, then zigzag upwards.
Its 'boring' but certainly more playable. More boring, yes. More playable? I don't see whats wrong with the current pattern

I had more, but I lost most of in the three BSODs. I hate Win10 ;-;

If Yumeko-chyan~ edits Akaito, I'd be happy to mod again for free ;-;

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Take mah kudosu
omg rinchan QAQ thank you for the candies
i thought i was the waifu
Topic Starter
holy crap what have you done
New Zealand op
hi m4m like we talked about in game

00:03:508 (5) - copy 00:02:802 (3) and rotate it
00:04:214 (2) - curve this slider the other way so it contrast with 00:04:920 (4)
00:20:096 (7) - move to 344x, 312y (or somewhere similar) plox . It looks neater imo and is also much easier to see/read.
00:44:979 (6,7,8) - are these suppose to be like this or did you misclick them? anyways stack them
01:01:214 (4,5) - This jump is a bit too big dont you think? Like nothing in the music makes it feel that it needs a jump
01:04:743 (1) - I think you should increase the SV a (tiny) bit. The vocals on this slider seem to be at a similar tempo to the rest of the section
01:34:567 (1,1,2) - I dont think I've seen that pattern before. Its interesting and plays really well :)
02:27:861 (7,1) - Nazi mod inc - move these 2 apart a tiny bit to avoid touching. Or use the same space between (6) and (7)
02:37:037 (1,2,3) - I think it wouuld be a good idea to use the same DS here or at least reduce 3 a bit
02:42:332 (3) - I think it looks better if you dont hide it so much
02:47:096 (6) - would look and play better if it was curved imo
03:38:096 (1) - ^
04:34:743 (2) - move out a bit?
04:59:802 (1) - (Im not one to talk since my slider art suck) This slider is kkinda unattractive, change it a little?
04:58:567 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - o.O
04:58:567 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ x8 3.3DS kicksliders is sort of overwhelming. Maybe im just too noob. If no other modder says anythign then ignore this comment by all means.

I tried to keep this nazi free as possible and only mention useful stuff (keyword = tried). I can tell you put a lot of effort into this map so I really do wish you all the luck in getting this ranked :)

PS I noticed some of your curved sliders have 4 points. You can make them neater and quicker if you just use 3
Topic Starter

Hi Im Nathan wrote:

hi m4m like we talked about in game

00:03:508 (5) - copy 00:02:802 (3) and rotate it
yeah I gotta work on how the map is looking visually
00:04:214 (2) - curve this slider the other way so it contrast with 00:04:920 (4)
00:20:096 (7) - move to 344x, 312y (or somewhere similar) plox . It looks neater imo and is also much easier to see/read. ok
00:44:979 (6,7,8) - are these suppose to be like this or did you misclick them? anyways stack them ...they're already a stack?
01:01:214 (4,5) - This jump is a bit too big dont you think? Like nothing in the music makes it feel that it needs a jump You don't it's too big? I don't think so but the jump right could be smaller i suppose
01:04:743 (1) - I think you should increase the SV a (tiny) bit. The vocals on this slider seem to be at a similar tempo to the rest of the section changed to .6
01:34:567 (1,1,2) - I dont think I've seen that pattern before. Its interesting and plays really well :) cool :D everyone else seems to disagree though
02:27:861 (7,1) - Nazi mod inc - move these 2 apart a tiny bit to avoid touching. Or use the same space between (6) and (7) this kind of mod is greatly appreciated. please be more nazi.
02:37:037 (1,2,3) - I think it wouuld be a good idea to use the same DS here or at least reduce 3 a bit agreed
02:42:332 (3) - I think it looks better if you dont hide it so much
I had it that close so people know that it's 1/4 beat after. I guess it was too close?
02:47:096 (6) - would look and play better if it was curved imo
03:38:096 (1) - ^ ok
04:34:743 (2) - move out a bit?
04:59:802 (1) - (Im not one to talk since my slider art suck) This slider is kkinda unattractive, change it a little? I have no idea what i'm doing either.
04:58:567 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - o.O
04:58:567 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ x8 3.3DS kicksliders is sort of overwhelming. Maybe im just too noob. If no other modder says anythign then ignore this comment by all means. Not overwhelming at all. Some of the jumps in the map is way harder imo

I tried to keep this nazi free as possible and only mention useful stuff (keyword = tried). I can tell you put a lot of effort into this map so I really do wish you all the luck in getting this ranked :)

PS I noticed some of your curved sliders have 4 points. You can make them neater and quicker if you just use 3 gotta find them all
Thanks for the mod!!
Greetings :D, first mod so I have no idea how to format soz x.x
00:02:802 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - maybe make the sliders a different shape each time, a bit repetitive
00:11:008 (3,4,5,6,7) - change these to triplet jump.
00:16:920 (7) - make the slider end earlier and you can fit another in
00:19:126 (1,2,3,4,5) - space notes a bit wider, it's a bit harder to see when the slider comes
01:21:508 (2) to 01:33:684 (4) - exact same rhythm for the entire bit, try to vary it a bit
01:30:861 (2) - a bit awkwardly spaced, make it fit more in a triangular shape
01:43:743 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - you used this before, maybe try putting each 1,2 at different angles
01:59:802 (3) - space it closer to 01:59:626 (2)
02:00:861 (7,8,9) - the triangle shape is slightly off.
02:03:861 (3) - awkwardly spaced, make it fit with the rest of the pattern
02:20:097 (9) - make it further to the left|
02:24:155 (7,8) - following the voice here, so delete 7 and maybe put 8 where the slider begins
02:38:449 (8) - make it go to the right not left
02:40:567 (3) - make it a single note
02:41:273 (6) - put this note more at the bottom left
02:41:979 (2) - make this a single note
02:54:684 (2,1,2,1,2) - make it same combo
03:01:743 (1) to 03:07:037 (3) - too many of the same linear sliders, make some a different shape
03:13:390 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - start a new combo every 8 notes
03:28:390 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - space these notes equally
03:40:920 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - could consider making each combo a funky slider :3
03:59:626 (9,1,2,3,4,5,1) - make them jumps
04:14:096 (2,3,4) - make it a triplet jump
04:20:802 (1,2,3,4) - heh 4:20 shape is a bit uneven, even it out
05:02:626 (4) - make the start and ends of the slider a single note
05:04:743 (7) - bit awkwardly placed, make it closer to the 8 slider
05:06:861 (2) - insert 6 jump notes after this in sync with the guitar
Topic Starter

Billythekidzz wrote:

Greetings :D, first mod so I have no idea how to format soz x.x
00:02:802 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - maybe make the sliders a different shape each time, a bit repetitive I changed a few of them
00:11:008 (3,4,5,6,7) - change these to triplet jump. i like this
00:16:920 (7) - make the slider end earlier and you can fit another in what in? another slider? it's fine the way it is right now
00:19:126 (1,2,3,4,5) - space notes a bit wider, it's a bit harder to see when the slider comes ok
01:21:508 (2) to 01:33:684 (4) - exact same rhythm for the entire bit, try to vary it a bit it's a repetitive song, I don't see why I need to change the rhythm when nothing really significant changes.
01:30:861 (2) - a bit awkwardly spaced, make it fit more in a triangular shape whoops. thought i fixed this
01:43:743 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - you used this before, maybe try putting each 1,2 at different angles meant to be like this
01:59:802 (3) - space it closer to 01:59:626 (2) good find
02:00:861 (7,8,9) - the triangle shape is slightly off. fixed
02:03:861 (3) - awkwardly spaced, make it fit with the rest of the pattern remapped
02:20:097 (9) - make it further to the left| ok
02:24:155 (7,8) - following the voice here, so delete 7 and maybe put 8 where the slider begins remapped, but I did this anyways
02:38:449 (8) - make it go to the right not left remapped
02:40:567 (3) - make it a single note i like it the way it is
02:41:273 (6) - put this note more at the bottom left ok
02:41:979 (2) - make this a single note i like it the way it is
02:54:684 (2,1,2,1,2) - make it same combo ok
03:01:743 (1) to 03:07:037 (3) - too many of the same linear sliders, make some a different shape The same instrument/sound plays throughout this part, it's meant to be like this.
03:13:390 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - start a new combo every 8 notes Not every 8 notes, but I add in some NC in here
03:28:390 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - space these notes equally meant to be like this
03:40:920 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - could consider making each combo a funky slider :3 tried that, didn't work out too well. I think I might change this to something though.
03:59:626 (9,1,2,3,4,5,1) - make them jumps meant to be like this
04:14:096 (2,3,4) - make it a triplet jump whats a triplet jump???
04:20:802 (1,2,3,4) - heh 4:20 shape is a bit uneven, even it out good find
05:02:626 (4) - make the start and ends of the slider a single note i like it like this
05:04:743 (7) - bit awkwardly placed, make it closer to the 8 slider i like it like this
05:06:861 (2) - insert 6 jump notes after this in sync with the guitar If i put this here i would have to do the same to the other parts of the map, which I feel doesn't really fit imo
Thanks for the mod!
Hello, I don't feel that there's much to change but:

00:11:979 (2) - This circle seems to be spaced incorrectly (different spacing between 1-2 and 2-3). With 2.0x spacing it fits perfectly between 1 and 3.

01:46:390 (1,2,3) - This part feels slightly awkward to play, change it to this maybe?

02:44:096 (3) - Slider seems like it is pointing in the wrong direction, maybe it would be better like this? It gives less variation though
Topic Starter

xenoframium wrote:

Hello, I don't feel that there's much to change but:

00:11:979 (2) - This circle seems to be spaced incorrectly (different spacing between 1-2 and 2-3). With 2.0x spacing it fits perfectly between 1 and 3. fixed

01:46:390 (1,2,3) - This part feels slightly awkward to play, change it to this maybe?
fixed, that slider is ugly anyways

02:44:096 (3) - Slider seems like it is pointing in the wrong direction, maybe it would be better like this? It gives less variation though
thanks for the mod! it was helpful c:

reducing OD to 8 will be a nice idea. 8.5 for a 5* marathon is hard I guess

change video's format to .avi. osu cant read mp4 files. dont forget to check this in .osu file also

00:04:214 (2,4) - looks strange. these polylines really dont fit much this type of slider will fit much better (also use ctrl +g ctrl +h for the second)

00:05:626 (6,1) - make them similar, using ctrl +g, ctrl +h, ctrl +j

00:08:449 (7,9) - correct the overlap

00:23:273 - this is a big white tick, it should be clickable, otherwise it brokes the rhytm. also here is no sound. so the slider should end here 00:23:449 - or it will be similar overmap

00:26:096 - same ^

00:52:567 (1,1) - there is no reason to spam nc..

01:10:567 (3,5) - this overlap really doesnt fit the song much.. try a blanket there

01:47:096 (3,5) - stack these notes

01:56:626 (1,1,1) - again useless spam nc. try to do some jumps better, also such sounds start from here 01:56:449 (8)

01:56:979 (1) - suggestion a 1/2 slider here

02:03:684 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these overlap really dont follow anything, its hard to read, jumps must be jumps, but this is just something incorrect.

02:18:509 (8,3,1) - stack the end of this slider with the circle

02:41:449 (1) - this curve is so assymetric, it should not exist

02:43:214 (7,1) - stack the end with the circle

02:56:096 (2) - improve this slider

03:24:332 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - useless NC spaming
04:30:155 (7) - improve this slider

i think thats all, i pointed most mistakes u have

also i want to tell u that ur map need really many improvements, also check nc (i like to put nc on the every big white tick), ur nc is really strange

gl, take my star!
Topic Starter

ohyeahitsjustme wrote:


reducing OD to 8 will be a nice idea. 8.5 for a 5* marathon is hard I guess

change video's format to .avi. osu cant read mp4 files. dont forget to check this in .osu file also really? I wasn't aware of this. thanks

00:04:214 (2,4) - looks strange. these polylines really dont fit much this type of slider will fit much better (also use ctrl +g ctrl +h for the second) fixed the first one but I moved the 2nd and 3rd slider around abit

00:05:626 (6,1) - make them similar, using ctrl +g, ctrl +h, ctrl +j ^^^^

00:08:449 (7,9) - correct the overlap it is fixed already??

00:23:273 - this is a big white tick, it should be clickable, otherwise it brokes the rhytm. also here is no sound. so the slider should end here 00:23:449 - or it will be similar overmap mapped to the vocals

00:26:096 - same ^ ^

00:52:567 (1,1) - there is no reason to spam nc.. fixed

01:10:567 (3,5) - this overlap really doesnt fit the song much.. try a blanket there i think its fine

01:47:096 (3,5) - stack these notes ok

01:56:626 (1,1,1) - again useless spam nc. try to do some jumps better, also such sounds start from here 01:56:449 (8) fixed

01:56:979 (1) - suggestion a 1/2 slider here its fine the way it is :L

02:03:684 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these overlap really dont follow anything, its hard to read, jumps must be jumps, but this is just something incorrect. hard to read? sorry but 90% of the map is harder than this. This is also a extra so you could say that to every other 5 stars map. I'm not changing this gave it some thought, remapped. I still don't think that was hard to read

02:18:509 (8,3,1) - stack the end of this slider with the circle plays great. Nice change

02:41:449 (1) - this curve is so assymetric, it should not exist remapped

02:43:214 (7,1) - stack the end with the circle remapped

02:56:096 (2) - improve this slider fixed

03:24:332 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - useless NC spaming fixed
04:30:155 (7) - improve this slider fixed

i think thats all, i pointed most mistakes u have

also i want to tell u that ur map need really many improvements :CCCCCCCCC , also check nc (i like to put nc on the every big white tick), ur nc is really strange ill try my best to fix them

gl, take my star!
Thank you so much for the mod! it helped alot. (stars too x-x omg)
[Red Thread]

  1. 00:02:096 (5,1,2,3) - Not really enjoying the uneven spacing here :P. You could be more consistent about DS's because they really improve the overall visual quality of your map.
  2. 00:01:214 (2,3,4) - Same here, the different spacings don't correlate with anything in the music.
  3. 00:07:743 (5) - This should be NC'ed going by your NC pattern.
  4. 00:09:155 (9) - This too. Also SV changes like this should be marked with NC in general.
  5. 00:15:861 - I really don't get the SV change...
  6. 00:19:567 (6) - Stream or something xP This is just really weird to play honestly...
  7. 00:31:567 (1,2) - Slider is better imo for vocals.
  8. 00:44:449 (3) - This should be your NC> Actually In general, try to NC on the downbeat because that signifies the start of a new measure.
  9. 00:42:861 (2) - This should be an NC too. For parts where the downbeat (large white tick) is mapped to a sliderend, begin the NC on the red tick before it. So in this case yea, NC, and remove the NC from 00:42:508 (1) - .
  10. 00:48:420 (5) - NC (remove from next note etc...)
  11. 00:52:037 (6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - Confusing spacing xPP. I would just se 1/2 sliders instead so the 1/1 gaps are less awkward to play. Again though, the slider velocity change is really odd for me :P.
  12. 01:02:626 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Move all sliders down 1/2 a beat. Sliders that begin on white ticks will play a lot better 9/10 times. You can hear a clear finish+drum on 01:02:802 - and this emphasis should be met with a click. Same with all the white ticks that follow because white ticks are just more important in music than reds.
  13. 01:10:920 (4,5) - Just doesn't flow well xP.
  14. 01:15:155 (7,1) - You should have a jump here honestly, for cymbal, and because song emphasizes this beat on 1. The jump from 01:14:979 (6,7) - doesn't make much sense to me.
  15. 01:17:802 (4,5,1) - Same idea here.
  16. 01:33:684 (4) - You miss some drum beats by using this SV though... 01:33:861 - and 01:34:214 - can both be made clickable.
  17. 01:40:214 (6) - Some drums on 01:40:390 - you skip with this 1/1 slider xP.
  18. 01:42:332 (1) - Yea its just not working for me xP. You just skip so many interesting drum beats in the background xP.
Work on better note placement. Try to give more meaning to each of your note placements. Why is the spacing how it is? Why is this pattern arranged in such a manner? Always try to have an answer to "why is this circle/slider here?" Also rework your NC pattern. I mentioned in my mod how you should be NC'ing.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

monstrata wrote:

[Red Thread]

  1. 00:02:096 (5,1,2,3) - Not really enjoying the uneven spacing here :P. You could be more consistent about DS's because they really improve the overall visual quality of your map. They're even though? I tidy them up regardless
  2. 00:01:214 (2,3,4) - Same here, the different spacings don't correlate with anything in the music. ^^^
  3. 00:07:743 (5) - This should be NC'ed going by your NC pattern. fixed
  4. 00:09:155 (9) - This too. Also SV changes like this should be marked with NC in general. I got told off for spamming NC >_> fixed
  5. 00:15:861 - I really don't get the SV change... was meant to be 1.15x I thought i fixed this :L
  6. 00:19:567 (6) - Stream or something xP This is just really weird to play honestly... I think it's fine as is. It was a stream early on but many mods suggested otherwise
  7. 00:31:567 (1,2) - Slider is better imo for vocals. it does too
  8. 00:44:449 (3) - This should be your NC> Actually In general, try to NC on the downbeat because that signifies the start of a new measure. okey I will try to apply this throughout the map
  9. 00:42:861 (2) - This should be an NC too. For parts where the downbeat (large white tick) is mapped to a sliderend, begin the NC on the red tick before it. So in this case yea, NC, and remove the NC from 00:42:508 (1) - . ^^^^^^^ seems like this map has NC problems, I'll try my best to fix them
  10. 00:48:420 (5) - NC (remove from next note etc...) fixed
  11. 00:52:037 (6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - Confusing spacing xPP. I would just se 1/2 sliders instead so the 1/1 gaps are less awkward to play. Again though, the slider velocity change is really odd for me :P. fixed
  12. 01:02:626 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Move all sliders down 1/2 a beat. Sliders that begin on white ticks will play a lot better 9/10 times. You can hear a clear finish+drum on 01:02:802 - and this emphasis should be met with a click. Same with all the white ticks that follow because white ticks are just more important in music than reds. While I think mapping sliders on white tick is great and should be followed 9/10 times, I don't feel like this is one of those 9/10 times. Half the sliders are mapped to a red tick (annoyingly it's where most of the strong vocal cues are). Me trying to apply that to the rest of the map will just end up being a unrecognizable mess that I'm not happy with. I'm inclined to apply all mods from someone who is regarded highly in the community such as you, but the map has already changed so much from my original ideals and it will just be another map that is trying to appeal to the majority than my own map.. That being said, I remapped this part since those slider sucked after many testplay. /rant
  13. 01:10:920 (4,5) - Just doesn't flow well xP. its fine imo
  14. 01:15:155 (7,1) - You should have a jump here honestly, for cymbal, and because song emphasizes this beat on 1. The jump from 01:14:979 (6,7) - doesn't make much sense to me. increased jump
  15. 01:17:802 (4,5,1) - Same idea here. increased jump
  16. 01:33:684 (4) - You miss some drum beats by using this SV though... 01:33:861 - and 01:34:214 - can both be made clickable. I had this before but earlier mods told me to change this. Reverted
  17. 01:40:214 (6) - Some drums on 01:40:390 - you skip with this 1/1 slider xP. fixed
  18. 01:42:332 (1) - Yea its just not working for me xP. You just skip so many interesting drum beats in the background xP.
    Not my style
Work on better note placement. Try to give more meaning to each of your note placements. Why is the spacing how it is? Why is this pattern arranged in such a manner? Always try to have an answer to "why is this circle/slider here?" I must've spent over 200 hours on this. Time to spend another 200 hours looking at each circle #rant

Also rework your NC pattern. I mentioned in my mod how you should be NC'ing. ill try my best

Good luck!
thanks for the mod. I've learned a lot of things.

edit :
learnt a few things, not the ignorant idiot i used to be
Hi Yumeko o/
[Red Thread]
  • NC
  1. First thing that definitely needs to be worked on is your NCs as there doesn't seem to be any consistently. Generally speaking it is best to NC either at the start of every new stanza OR to help with reading if there is a drastic change in rhythm, spacing or SV change. For example your first NC should be here 00:03:508 (5) - to indicate the beginning of the new stanza. The following one should be here 00:06:332 (1) - and 00:09:155 (1) -. You have it right untill here 00:15:861 (1) - where it should be 00:16:214 (3) -. 00:20:449 (1,2) - The NC use here is fine as you're indicating the 1/1 gaps. 00:26:802 (4) - this needs to be removed and placed here 00:27:508 (3) -. 00:28:743 (9) - NC here and remove this 00:29:273 (1) - and 00:29:979 (1) - . You probably get the picture by now, good general guideline to follow is to NC whatever is on the large white tick not the smaller one.


  2. 00:11:008 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this stream should really start here 00:11:273 (5) - as that's where the 1/4s really starts to kick off. Alternatively you can start it here 00:10:920 - but shorted this 00:10:567 (1) - by 1/4 as 00:10:920 - is a pretty strong beat and should be clickable imo so starting the stream here would be better. Secondly the stream needs to be extended as the 1/4s last until here 00:11:802 - as it sounds weird ending early. Here is my recommendation for rhythm here 00:10:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - .
  3. 00:13:390 (1) - this slider shouldn't be a 1/1. I recommend to change it to 2 1/2 sliders. There is a beat here 00:13:567 - that is completely skipped over and 00:13:743 - is a strong beat that should be clickable, avoid ending sliders on dominant beats where possible. The reason for two sliders over slider + circle is so that 00:14:096 (3,4,5) - these three notes can be accentuated as 00:13:920 (2) - is now a slider end.
  4. 00:14:626 (1) - this btw is correct usage of a 1/1 slider as it doesn't ignore any main beats.
  5. 00:16:920 (7) - same as before except this time 1/2 slider + single.
  6. 00:17:449 (1) - this needs to be shortened by 1/2 as again there's a beat here 00:17:802 - and 00:17:979 - should be clickable
  7. 00:19:037 (7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - overmapped, I cant hear any 1/4s in the music. If you're trying to emphasize the increase in pitch maybe try singles with increasing spacing or something? There shouldn't be a stream here tho imo.
  8. 00:23:096 (1) - just a suggestion but this would be nice as a 1/1 slider instead, would fit the vocals as 00:23:273 - atm doesn't seem to me mapped to anything.
  9. 00:23:979 (4) - optional but this should be 2 singles instead, see how there on drums on 00:24:155 - as well, you should differentiate this from these two 00:23:626 (3,5) - which only have drums on the white tick. This will make things more interesting as your highlighting the changes in the music.
  10. 00:24:684 (1) - same thing here as above, maybe instead make 00:25:037 (2) - a 1/2 slider?
  11. 00:25:390 (4) - I think this should be a 1/2 slider instead and add a single here 00:25:743 -
  12. 00:34:390 (5) - like before maybe a 1/1 slider instead?
  13. 00:32:449 (1,2,3) - this triple doesn't fit, should be fine with just a single + slider, if you want to keep that triple move the whole thing back by 1/2. In most cases overmapping like this is to emphasis the last note which in your case is 00:32:626 - where as the emphasis should be here 00:32:449 as its following the main beat.
  14. 00:34:214 (3,4,5) - the triple use here is a lot better as you're emphasizing the start of the vocals, 00:34:390 (5) - should be a 1/1 imo
  15. 00:36:508 (8,9) - incorrect use of an extended slider, reduce slider length by 1/4 pls. The slider end 00:36:773 - is mapped to nothing which alone is not a big deal but its the fact you're skipping 00:36:684 - which is where there are drums and where the vocals seem to end as well. Skipping main beats plays awkwardly.
  16. 00:38:802 (4,5) - swap these two around so its slider then single, I think it fits the vocals and drums better
  17. 00:40:214 (1,2,3) - again unnecessary triple, in this case if you want to keep it move it down by 1/2, i think it fits a lot better
  18. 00:41:626 (1,2,3) - probably better off just with just 1/2 here, I don't see any reason for a triple
  19. 00:49:920 (1) - this really should just be a 1/1 slider, try this for these two 00:49:743 (6,1) -
  20. 00:57:861 (1,1,2,3,4,5) - this section is undermapped, the song got more intense from the previous part but is rhythmically more simple.
  21. 01:01:390 (5) - I don't think this gap fits, 01:01:743 - at least add something here so you're not skipping over the main beat.
  22. 01:06:155 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I feel this is way more intense than the music is, especially the last three notes.
  23. 01:18:155 (1,2,3,4,5) - rhythm here can be improved as (2) kinda feels off, try this
  24. 01:21:508 (2) - the rest of the kiai is kinda just all 1/2s which is kinda boring. 01:23:802 (12,1) - this can be a 1/1 or even an 3/4 slider + single which follows the vocals and drums nicely
  25. 01:25:214 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - don't like the use of red tick sliders here as all the ends are covering the main beat, so many in a row isn't a good idea. Try something like this, also adds more diversity to the rhythm.
  26. 01:29:449 (3,4,5) - try this here
  27. 01:31:743 (1,2,3,1,2) - consider adding a stream here to go with the violin, would be more interesting than just 1/2 singles
  28. 01:35:979 (4,5) - swap these two around, slider ends on a main beat
  29. 01:36:684 (1) - you should probably just change this to a slider + single like before, 01:36:861 - this drum beat should be mapped
  30. 01:39:155 (1) - same here
  31. 01:42:332 (1) - don't think this fits, just mapping this part normally would be better imo as things are rather intense here then is a really long slow slider.
  32. I'm gonna stop here. The rest of the map has the same rhythm issues essentially as the ones I've already mentioned, I hope my explanations make sense orz. Try listening to the song more carefully and figure out what should be emphasized over others. Feel free to disagree but I think you shouldn't follow purely the vocals as at times it will result in the main beat being ignored which can make things play awkwardly.

I think you should just focus on improving the rhythm for now, feel free to call me back to mod gameplay when you're done. I hope this was helpful and didn't seem too nazi. This map has a lot of potential and the song is soooo gooood, also somewhat nostalgic as it reminds me of my mapping way back. Didn't proof read so ask if something doesn't make sense.
Good luck!
Topic Starter
lacking motivation, will finish the mod later ayy

moph wrote:

Hi Yumeko o/
[Red Thread]
  • NC
  1. First thing that definitely needs to be worked on is your NCs as there doesn't seem to be any consistently. Generally speaking it is best to NC either at the start of every new stanza OR to help with reading if there is a drastic change in rhythm, spacing or SV change. For example your first NC should be here 00:03:508 (5) - to indicate the beginning of the new stanza. The following one should be here 00:06:332 (1) - and 00:09:155 (1) -. You have it right untill here 00:15:861 (1) - where it should be 00:16:214 (3) -. 00:20:449 (1,2) - The NC use here is fine as you're indicating the 1/1 gaps. 00:26:802 (4) - this needs to be removed and placed here 00:27:508 (3) -. 00:28:743 (9) - NC here and remove this 00:29:273 (1) - and 00:29:979 (1) - . You probably get the picture by now, good general guideline to follow is to NC whatever is on the large white tick not the smaller one.


  2. 00:11:008 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this stream should really start here 00:11:273 (5) - as that's where the 1/4s really starts to kick off. Alternatively you can start it here 00:10:920 - but shorted this 00:10:567 (1) - by 1/4 as 00:10:920 - is a pretty strong beat and should be clickable imo so starting the stream here would be better. Secondly the stream needs to be extended as the 1/4s last until here 00:11:802 - as it sounds weird ending early. Here is my recommendation for rhythm here 00:10:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - . yep, this is much better. Applied your rhythm suggestion
  3. 00:13:390 (1) - this slider shouldn't be a 1/1. I recommend to change it to 2 1/2 sliders. There is a beat here 00:13:567 - that is completely skipped over and 00:13:743 - is a strong beat that should be clickable, avoid ending sliders on dominant beats where possible. The reason for two sliders over slider + circle is so that 00:14:096 (3,4,5) - these three notes can be accentuated as 00:13:920 (2) - is now a slider end. fixed
  4. 00:14:626 (1) - this btw is correct usage of a 1/1 slider as it doesn't ignore any main beats. fixed
  5. 00:16:920 (7) - same as before except this time 1/2 slider + single. fixed
  6. 00:17:449 (1) - this needs to be shortened by 1/2 as again there's a beat here 00:17:802 - and 00:17:979 - should be clickable fixed
  7. 00:19:037 (7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - overmapped, I cant hear any 1/4s in the music. If you're trying to emphasize the increase in pitch maybe try singles with increasing spacing or something? There shouldn't be a stream here tho imo. remapped, not sure if i fixed it though. Need some thoughts on this part
  8. 00:23:096 (1) - just a suggestion but this would be nice as a 1/1 slider instead, would fit the vocals as 00:23:273 - atm doesn't seem to me mapped to anything. 2 is mapped to the 'ra' but I do like the 1/1 slider better
  9. 00:23:979 (4) - optional but this should be 2 singles instead, see how there on drums on 00:24:155 - as well, you should differentiate this from these two 00:23:626 (3,5) - which only have drums on the white tick. This will make things more interesting as your highlighting the changes in the music. fixed
  10. 00:24:684 (1) - same thing here as above, maybe instead make 00:25:037 (2) - a 1/2 slider? fixed
  11. 00:25:390 (4) - I think this should be a 1/2 slider instead and add a single here 00:25:743 - fixed
  12. 00:34:390 (5) - like before maybe a 1/1 slider instead? fixed
  13. 00:32:449 (1,2,3) - this triple doesn't fit, should be fine with just a single + slider, if you want to keep that triple move the whole thing back by 1/2. In most cases overmapping like this is to emphasis the last note which in your case is 00:32:626 - where as the emphasis should be here 00:32:449 as its following the main beat. i wasnt going to change this but the map pattern became too stale. fixed
  14. 00:34:214 (3,4,5) - the triple use here is a lot better as you're emphasizing the start of the vocals, 00:34:390 (5) - should be a 1/1 imo fixed
  15. 00:36:508 (8,9) - incorrect use of an extended slider, reduce slider length by 1/4 pls. The slider end 00:36:773 - is mapped to nothing which alone is not a big deal but its the fact you're skipping 00:36:684 - which is where there are drums and where the vocals seem to end as well. Skipping main beats plays awkwardly. idk if you have the wrong version, dont see anything here?
  16. 00:38:802 (4,5) - swap these two around so its slider then single, I think it fits the vocals and drums better fixed
  17. 00:40:214 (1,2,3) - again unnecessary triple, in this case if you want to keep it move it down by 1/2, i think it fits a lot better does too
  18. 00:41:626 (1,2,3) - probably better off just with just 1/2 here, I don't see any reason for a triple i thought the triples was nice :L
  19. 00:49:920 (1) - this really should just be a 1/1 slider, try this for these two 00:49:743 (6,1) - applied
  20. 00:57:861 (1,1,2,3,4,5) - this section is undermapped, the song got more intense from the previous part but is rhythmically more simple. turned those singles into 1/2 sliders
  21. 01:01:390 (5) - I don't think this gap fits, 01:01:743 - at least add something here so you're not skipping over the main beat. fixed
  22. 01:06:155 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I feel this is way more intense than the music is, especially the last three notes. remapped. changed them all to 1/2 slider
  23. 01:18:155 (1,2,3,4,5) - rhythm here can be improved as (2) kinda feels off, try this good find, remapped
  24. 01:21:508 (2) - the rest of the kiai is kinda just all 1/2s which is kinda boring. 01:23:802 (12,1) - this can be a 1/1 or even an 3/4 slider + single which follows the vocals and drums nicely fixed
  25. 01:25:214 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - don't like the use of red tick sliders here as all the ends are covering the main beat, so many in a row isn't a good idea. Try something like this, also adds more diversity to the rhythm. remapped
  26. 01:29:449 (3,4,5) - try this here remapped
  27. 01:31:743 (1,2,3,1,2) - consider adding a stream here to go with the violin, would be more interesting than just 1/2 singles im digging the stream
  28. 01:35:979 (4,5) - swap these two around, slider ends on a main beat fixed
  29. 01:36:684 (1) - you should probably just change this to a slider + single like before, 01:36:861 - this drum beat should be mapped ^
  30. 01:39:155 (1) - same here ^
  31. 01:42:332 (1) - don't think this fits, just mapping this part normally would be better imo as things are rather intense here then is a really long slow slider. fixed
  32. I'm gonna stop here. The rest of the map has the same rhythm issues essentially as the ones I've already mentioned, I hope my explanations make sense orz. Try listening to the song more carefully and figure out what should be emphasized over others. Feel free to disagree but I think you shouldn't follow purely the vocals as at times it will result in the main beat being ignored which can make things play awkwardly.

I think you should just focus on improving the rhythm for now, feel free to call me back to mod gameplay when you're done. I hope this was helpful and didn't seem too nazi. This map has a lot of potential and the song is soooo gooood, also somewhat nostalgic as it reminds me of my mapping way back. Didn't proof read so ask if something doesn't make sense.
Good luck!
Ayachi Meme
hi yumeko senpai

great map! love it :) hope it gets ranked!
it will
your map has been fuk'd
Topic Starter
QAQ noooo
Shohei Ohtani
better dead than red

00:00:685 - So I know that these hitsounds were recently added so I'm gonna go ahead and be a little more critical than usual. anyways, there's no drums in this part. While I'm happy that you have claps on 2 and 4, they should ALWAYS be relevant to what's happening in the background.
00:02:802 (8) - Same with the finish here. The cymbal doesn't come in until the next slider (the big white tick on (1))
I think overall for your hitsounds, you're trying a little too hard to be creative. You should be focusing on what the drummer does in the background, rather than trying to add things. You can add little ornamentations, but in order for those ornamentations to be effective, you have to have a solid foundation.

I'm being wordy here since I'm the first one to look at these hitsounds and because for the first time in like 30 years I have free time.

Anyways, it's a concept that I learned during my Percussion Techniques class back when I was still studying to be a music teacher. In the world of Jazz Drumming (or any drumset world in general), your focus is on the high hat (or ride cymbal, depending on the style). Every beat, you hit the high hat. You can do little fills outside of that, but no matter what you do, you try your best to keep that high hat on every beat. This can be applied to osu! hitsounding. You can ornament, but no matter what, you have to keep your foundation consistent (or as consistent as it is in the backing drum track in the music). That's the difference that separates effective hitsounding from superfluous hitsounding. I'm not going to point out more because I hate making my mod posts longer than they should be, but go through the map and work hitsounds with that mindset.
00:19:743 (5,6,7) - a
00:31:920 (7) - Would prefer this to more directly be in the path that (6) is going in rather than to the side, especially since you're placing a pretty large jump here.
00:43:390 (7) - This is weird because there's like no reason to have a 1/4 jump here since I don't hear 1/4 in the music.
00:52:214 (1,2,3,4,5) - Linear patterns like this are fine for a bit but after a while they just make the map look blocky.
01:01:743 (1,2,3) - It's things like this that I think you should really look at. What is the reasoning behind this spacing? What in the music is calling for the spacing to be different here?
02:15:155 (4,5,6) - Patterns that fall back on each other generally just look messy unless there is a part of the music that makes it relevant
02:24:861 (9) - antijump why whywh yhwhyhwhywhyh
03:46:567 (1) - If you're gonna have a break, let the player break, don't force him to just tap shit.

Like I'm not gonna keep on writing out things because I get lazy easily and it's not effective for me to wall post, but here's the main issues that you should look at

1) Hitsounding. Already explained before
2) Note placement. Notes should be placed with some sort of consistency and reasoning. It's fine to have jumps, but the jumps have to be relatively consistent and you have to have a reason why you're placing larger jumps in certain areas
3) Following the music. Right now it feels sometimes that the map isn't really in sync with the music. This is apparent both in note placement and in hitsounding. You really have to listen to the music in order to be able to effectively map a good map that fits with it.

It's a good start. PM me if you have questions.
Topic Starter

Reditum wrote:

better dead than red

00:00:685 - So I know that these hitsounds were recently added so I'm gonna go ahead and be a little more critical than usual. anyways, there's no drums in this part. While I'm happy that you have claps on 2 and 4, they should ALWAYS be relevant to what's happening in the background. Thank you for the great advice, I admittedly rush through the hitsounding process a little bit (was my first time too, the two dont go well together). This is very helpful
00:02:802 (8) - Same with the finish here. The cymbal doesn't come in until the next slider (the big white tick on (1)) ^^^^^^^^^^^
I think overall for your hitsounds, you're trying a little too hard to be creative. You should be focusing on what the drummer does in the background, rather than trying to add things. You can add little ornamentations, but in order for those ornamentations to be effective, you have to have a solid foundation.

I'm being wordy here since I'm the first one to look at these hitsounds and because for the first time in like 30 years I have free time.

Anyways, it's a concept that I learned during my Percussion Techniques class back when I was still studying to be a music teacher. In the world of Jazz Drumming (or any drumset world in general), your focus is on the high hat (or ride cymbal, depending on the style). Every beat, you hit the high hat. You can do little fills outside of that, but no matter what you do, you try your best to keep that high hat on every beat. This can be applied to osu! hitsounding. You can ornament, but no matter what, you have to keep your foundation consistent (or as consistent as it is in the backing drum track in the music). That's the difference that separates effective hitsounding from superfluous hitsounding. I'm not going to point out more because I hate making my mod posts longer than they should be, but go through the map and work hitsounds with that mindset.


I will probably have to rework the hitsounds later on when I get more experience, so I shall leave the hitsounds (for the most part) as is.

00:19:743 (5,6,7) - a
00:31:920 (7) - Would prefer this to more directly be in the path that (6) is going in rather than to the side, especially since you're placing a pretty large jump here. fixed
00:43:390 (7) - This is weird because there's like no reason to have a 1/4 jump here since I don't hear 1/4 in the music. but there's no 1/4 jump here?
00:52:214 (1,2,3,4,5) - Linear patterns like this are fine for a bit but after a while they just make the map look blocky. This pattern is actually inspired by the lyrics of the song
"We've become unable to face each other" which is why the flow here is back and forth and why it's placed that way e.g 00:53:802 (1,2) - buut
I'm sure most people don't even care about these kind of things so...gonna need more opinions on this before changing it. I guess playability/visual > being artsy for the majority

01:01:743 (1,2,3) - It's things like this that I think you should really look at. What is the reasoning behind this spacing? What in the music is calling for the spacing to be different here? Just my style of preferring to map to the intensity of the vocals instead of anything else. 3 is mapped to the ni which to me sounded like it warrants a increase in jump. 1 and 2 though, fixed, I was sure I changed this but guess not
02:15:155 (4,5,6) - Patterns that fall back on each other generally just look messy unless there is a part of the music that makes it relevant fixed so the whole thing doesn't overlap with 3
02:24:861 (9) - antijump why whywh yhwhyhwhywhyh This is considered a antijump? Move it to 02:25:214 (11) -
03:46:567 (1) - If you're gonna have a break, let the player break, don't force him to just tap shit. I think the 3 seconds break between each one is plenty enough of time to rest. Previous testplays suggest I should map to the drums on 03:46:567 - and 03:49:390 - . Leaving it as is unless more people suggest I should remove them.

Like I'm not gonna keep on writing out things because I get lazy easily and it's not effective for me to wall post, but here's the main issues that you should look at

1) Hitsounding. Already explained before
2) Note placement. Notes should be placed with some sort of consistency and reasoning. It's fine to have jumps, but the jumps have to be relatively consistent and you have to have a reason why you're placing larger jumps in certain areas
3) Following the music. Right now it feels sometimes that the map isn't really in sync with the music. This is apparent both in note placement and in hitsounding. You really have to listen to the music in order to be able to effectively map a good map that fits with it.

It's a good start. PM me if you have questions.
thank you!
Red Thread:
  1. 00:52:037 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - they don't have to not face each other directly and horizontaly. you can play with the angle and it still will be "back and forth".
  2. 01:06:155 (3,4) - Since the 1 and 3 are the same angle it would be better if they would be the same as well.
  3. 01:56:273 (9,1,2,3,4) - i hate silent circles and imho it would be better to make them just quiet.
  4. 02:08:537 (6) - this hitsound feels weird if it is just by itself. change sampleset to normal.
  5. 03:17:449 (4) - too weird slider. i'd make him more "clean".
Topic Starter

cihy wrote:

Red Thread:
  1. 00:52:037 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - they don't have to not face each other directly and horizontaly. you can play with the angle and it still will be "back and forth". sick
  2. 01:06:155 (3,4) - Since the 1 and 3 are the same angle it would be better if they would be the same as well. remapped
  3. 01:56:273 (9,1,2,3,4) - i hate silent circles and imho it would be better to make them just quiet. experimented a bit, settled with 20%
  4. 02:08:537 (6) - this hitsound feels weird if it is just by itself. change sampleset to normal. redid hitsound for the whole map.
  5. 03:17:449 (4) - too weird slider. i'd make him more "clean". i gave him a makeover...and he looks uglier
sorry for the late reply, been busy :P thank you!

edit: waiting for one of my pending spot to free up so i can revive
+2 Star, love that map
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