osu! MapNotifyer
Are you one of those people who play osu on a stream? I am. So I started developing this program for my stream. Then I started developing the program. Then I realized: Hey, I can share this with other people for their streams! So I finished the program and now here it is. This is osu!MN. Or osu! Map Notifier. A program created by me. PeachMaster(or PeachKing). A program that saves what map you are playing to a text file. It is pretty simple to setup, and easy to master.
WubWubWolf and Cookizi Compatible.
How does it work you may ask(don't worry! it doesn't have anything to do with hacking!)
It grabs the osu! process window title, then chops it up to only show the beatmap name. If there is no beatmap it will simply say: No Current Beatmap.
This program is 100$USD. Just kidding. It is free to download for any purpose.
Now let's say If you are one of those people that like my software? Then donate(more software coming soon)
Latest Version: 1.3(yes I skipped 2 because those are private projects)
Fixed: Random Program Crashes
Added: Green Screen! It will most likely not work well, but hey! At least it kinda works.
Added: Error Handling! If there is a error, the program will tell you right away. Also, it will keep working even AFTER an error.
Added: osu! Laser support! If you use laser, then this will work as well.
Fixed: The source code project. Faishal Akbar Reported that the .pfx file is corrupt. I removed the file, so you can edit and publish the code. If you want to use the source, create a new Test Certificate. Make sure you run it as Admin.
Added: Also added a setup. Although it is the Visual Studio basic setup, I will make a better one.
Working on: Github. I have no idea how to work it, can someone help me?
Working on: Auto-Updater. So you don't need to come here all the time.
Working on: BeatmapBot. A bot that runs on this code, for Twitch. On a !beatmap command, it will say the beatmap.
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qm3i6biqk4ef90b/osuMapNotifyerV1.3.zip?dl=1
This software is OPEN SOURCE. You can do anything with it. Here is the source project:
Enjoy. Also my birthday is on the 14th.
Have any issues? Reply!
Are you one of those people who play osu on a stream? I am. So I started developing this program for my stream. Then I started developing the program. Then I realized: Hey, I can share this with other people for their streams! So I finished the program and now here it is. This is osu!MN. Or osu! Map Notifier. A program created by me. PeachMaster(or PeachKing). A program that saves what map you are playing to a text file. It is pretty simple to setup, and easy to master.
WubWubWolf and Cookizi Compatible.
How does it work you may ask(don't worry! it doesn't have anything to do with hacking!)
It grabs the osu! process window title, then chops it up to only show the beatmap name. If there is no beatmap it will simply say: No Current Beatmap.
This program is 100$USD. Just kidding. It is free to download for any purpose.
Now let's say If you are one of those people that like my software? Then donate(more software coming soon)
Latest Version: 1.3(yes I skipped 2 because those are private projects)
Fixed: Random Program Crashes
Added: Green Screen! It will most likely not work well, but hey! At least it kinda works.
Added: Error Handling! If there is a error, the program will tell you right away. Also, it will keep working even AFTER an error.
Added: osu! Laser support! If you use laser, then this will work as well.
Fixed: The source code project. Faishal Akbar Reported that the .pfx file is corrupt. I removed the file, so you can edit and publish the code. If you want to use the source, create a new Test Certificate. Make sure you run it as Admin.
Added: Also added a setup. Although it is the Visual Studio basic setup, I will make a better one.
Working on: Github. I have no idea how to work it, can someone help me?
Working on: Auto-Updater. So you don't need to come here all the time.
Working on: BeatmapBot. A bot that runs on this code, for Twitch. On a !beatmap command, it will say the beatmap.
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qm3i6biqk4ef90b/osuMapNotifyerV1.3.zip?dl=1
This software is OPEN SOURCE. You can do anything with it. Here is the source project:
Enjoy. Also my birthday is on the 14th.
Have any issues? Reply!