
Chino (CV:Minase Inori) - Mahou Shoujo Chino (nenpulse bootl

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Athy 's mod strikes again

AtHeoN wrote:


02:53:310 (1,2) - i think this should be a slider instead

nazi blankets eks dee
00:32:174 (2) -
00:49:731 (2) -
00:57:913 (2) -
01:01:407 (4,5) -
01:07:629 (2,3) -
01:23:140 (2) -
01:20:754 (4) -
01:27:231 (2) -
02:05:583 (6) -
02:15:470 (1) -
02:17:856 (4) -
03:02:004 (2) -
03:19:560 (1) -
03:30:470 (1) -
04:27:401 (1,2) -
04:43:595 (4) -
sorry for late. i didnt notice that he finished so yeah


AR9.3~4가 적당한거같아요 지금은 너무 빠르네요
00:01:151 (1,2,3,4) - 하고 00:01:492 (1) - 를 강조할려면 -> 이런식의 흐름이 되어야 강조를 주기 쉽고 받을때 조금 더 흥미를 가지게 할수있을듯
00:00:470 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) -
00:10:015 (1) - 리버스를 없애고 00:10:356 - 여기에 복붙한다음 x415정도에 하나 넣어두면 조금 움직임이 생겨서 계속 조금씩 조금씩 움직이던 그 흐름이 끊기지 않는것같네요. 리버스가 있으니까 머ㅜㄴ가 여기서 중심잡기를 해야하나 움직여야하나 애매한
00:12:060 (1,2,3,4) - 하고 00:12:572 (4,1) - 이거 받기가 조금 힘든감이 있는데 00:12:060 (1,2,3) - 에서 13 거리를 조금 줄여보시는것도 혹은 00:12:572 (4) - 를 줄이거나
00:20:924 (1,2) - 두개를 중심으로 1그리드만 옮겨주시는건 어떤가요 Tiny기준
00:21:606 (1,2) - 애매하게 이 흐름이 잘 받아지지가 않는데 이렇게 바꾸고 나니 잘 받아지더군요 한번 try해보시는건..?
00:23:310 (1) - 이걸 x316정도로 오른쪽으로 옮기시는것도 좋을것같네요 지금 위치는 그 전의 7을 받고나서 뭔가 애매한 위치라고해야하나 조금 떨어뜨리는게 괜찮아보입니다
00:23:310 (1,1,2,3) - 그리고 이 흐름도 뭔가 받기가 힘든면이 없지않아 있는데 00:23:651 (1,2) - 를 조금 세운다음 00:23:651 (1,2,3) - 거리를 각각 좁혀 조금 더 수월하게 받을수 있게 만드시는것도 좋을것같네요. 대충 이런느낌? 바꾸시게된다면 00:24:674 (4) - 도 약간 왼쪽으로 옮기셔야할것같네요
01:06:095 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - x4정도 오른쪽으로?
02:00:470 (1) - 이거 너무 길게 뻗어져있어서 02:00:810 (2,3) - 받기가 너무 힘든데 조금 이정도만 기울여보시는건 어떤가용
02:01:407 (5) - 이건 반대로 x208 정도에 옮겨서 02:01:237 - 여기에 하이퍼가 달리는게 더 받기가 좋아보입니다
02:12:060 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 점점 가운데가아닌 점점 멀어지는 느낌으로 하는게 더 좋을것같습니다 이런느낌?
02:57:231 - 여기하고 02:57:572 - 여기 각각 강조가 있었다면 좋았을텐데 라는 생각
03:39:333 (1,2) - 이걸 받을생각에 미처 03:40:015 (1) - 를 받을 준비를 못한나머지 조금 당황스러운 03:40:015 (1) - 를 x12정도 오른쪽으로 조금만 이동시켜주는건 어떤가여
03:50:754 (4) - 를 03:50:327 (2) - 꼬리에 스택? 지금은 뭔가 칼타이밍같네요
03:56:975 (3) - 이거 받을때 뭔가 어색하고 빈 느낌이 좀 있는데 노트하나하고 1/2 슬라로 나누어주시는것도 좋을것같아요
04:20:072 (3,4,5,6) - 이거 뭔가 오른쪽으로 갔다가 왼쪽으로 돌아오는게 아쉬운데 차라리 이런 흐름을 만드시는건 어떤가요? 04:20:924 (1,2,3,4) - 이거 위치도 약간 손봐서 04:20:753 (6,1) - 에 하이퍼 안생기게하구
04:19:560 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) -
05:04:560 (1) - 도 00:10:015 (1) - 와 동일
05:23:310 (1) - 이렇게 끝나는거 뭔가 어색한데 조금 세부적으로 나누시거나 05:23:566 - 또는 05:23:609 - 에 하이퍼넣어서 05:23:651 - 이부분을 강조하고 끝내는 방법도 나쁘지는 않을것같네요

ar이 너무 높지만 않았다면 엄청 좋았을것같은데 꼭 고려해보시길 바랍니다. 오랜만에 캐치맵을 칝님의 맵을 봐서그런지 스트림은 역시 여전히 잘 짜시고 흐름 좋게 만드시네요 나중에 시간이 된다면 배우러가겠습니다 잘만드셨어요!


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all stuffs are really good tho!

all mods are just opinion so u can reject all of my shit things! no need to fix
good luck xd
hi comin in with a free mod for the cutest song i've ever heard in my whole life


  1. unlucky
  2. 01:10:356 (2,3,1,2) - perfect line?? would look nicer imo and doesnt effect any other structure
  3. 01:27:231 (2,1) - nazi blankt
  4. 02:39:163 (4,5,6,7,8,10) - this blanket could b improved really easily
  5. 03:07:970 (1,2,3,4) - this flow felt really awkward, i think that it would be improved a lot with higher spacing like all the other patterns like this in this section have, it doesn't have to be as big as those if you want to keep this kind of emphasis, but rn it just feels kind of ehh to me, i broke here on sightread z
  6. 03:18:197 (1) - all of these other streams have stream jumps at the end except this one, pretty easy to add in since 1 isn't structured on anything luckily
  7. 03:20:924 (1) - lol this slider end is stacked on neither of these notes 03:20:157 (4,5) xDxdXDdd
  8. 04:24:504 (1,2,3) - out of all these kick patterns, this is the only one that stood out on my playthroughs as being awkward, i think its the flow from 1 to 2, if you changed the angle a little this plays a lot better imo (2 and 3 are moved in the screenshot)
  9. 04:25:186 (2,3,4,1,1) - my mind is blown
  10. 04:50:924 (1,3) - super nazi
  11. 05:04:220 (5) - ctrl g ?!
  12. 05:23:651 - surprised to not see a note or even 1/4 slider here because of the sound, the fadeout is fine too though

    minor mod because your map is so g o o d
    take my star

good luck with rank!
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Kaifin wrote:

hi comin in with a free mod for the cutest song i've ever heard in my whole life Chino is cute and so is this song Cx


  1. 05:04:220 (5) - ctrl g ?! hmm i wanna keep copy pasting pattern here XD
  2. 05:23:651 - surprised to not see a note or even 1/4 slider here because of the sound, the fadeout is fine too though your idea is also good but i prefer this fadeout

    minor mod because your map is so g o o d
    take my star

good luck with rank!

it helps me a lot, thank you Kaifin!! :)

@Len thanks xdddd
mp3 is 318kbps orz, lower it to 192 first
00:00:470 - volume setting conflicts here
01:37:459 (2,3) - i think this should be a jump to emphasize 01:37:629 (3) - like you did on 01:37:970 (1,1,1) -
02:12:656 (8,1) - 04:01:747 (8,1) - this can be harder
02:20:924 (1,2,3,4) - this looks a bit weird, the directions orz, try this
03:04:901 (3) - same
04:25:356 (3) - same
05:23:310 (1,2) - the spacing is almost the same with 05:23:055 (2,1) - this, consider reducing it a bit

i don't know fruits and i don't see any ctb bns here yet so i can only give std icon, poke me if you need me
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Karen wrote:

mp3 is 318kbps orz, lower it to 192 first replaced to 192kbps xd
02:12:656 (8,1) - 04:01:747 (8,1) - this can be harder i think it's enough to be emphasized here

i don't know fruits and i don't see any ctb bns here yet so i can only give std icon, poke me if you need me
others fixed, thanks Karen :)
Power Supply
Yo i just updated the map and now the song file is gone????
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Powersuply wrote:

Yo i just updated the map and now the song file is gone????
i changed mp3 file so that to be rankable, please redownload :)
leaving a circle icon here
the standard diff is good to go
Luel Roseline
Really good.
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
thanks for icon Karen!! :)
pls rank -w-
OMG I should do asap
00:01:151 (1,2,3,4) - 개인적으로 이 부분은 한쪽 방향 반복 누르기, 그러니까 따닥이를 의도하고 만든거기 때문에 그냥 두는게 저에겐 더 적합해 보이네요
00:10:015 (1) - 1/2로 계속 점프하는게 살짝 루즈한 스타일이라 느껴져서 어느정도 변화를 주기 위한 리버스입니다. 00:08:711 (1,2,3,4) - 대충 요거랑 비슷한 의도라고 보심 될 것 같네요.
02:12:060 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 전자가 저에겐 더 마음에 드네요.
03:50:814 (4) - 디자인 상 균형 유지를 위해 어쩔수가 없는 부분입니다.
05:04:560 (1) - same as above
05:23:370 (1) - 요 부분은 나중에 생각해보는걸로

모딩 감사합니다!
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
i'll update ctb diff after bn check comes :idea:
osu need more chino

Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Narcissu wrote:

osu need more chino
Nakano Itsuki
rank chino
rank chino
rank plz
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
updated CLSW's diff since no icon pop :0
pop chino
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
PopPin Jump
PopPin Jump

PP Jump

Asahina Momoko wrote:

PopPin Jump
PopPin Jump

PP Jump

Meg wrote:

Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Ascendance wrote:

Meg wrote:

gochuumon wa ctb BN desu


Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Kagetsu wrote:


aaaaaaaaaa i'll fix that with next update orz
fix it
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
ok fixed the metadata error

the source
i asked to pro players for ctb diff and they said its fine
plus, questionable patterns already fixed when i mod it before
also momoko fixed the meta so its fine i think!

Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
thanks Len!! :)

2016-09-22 19:28 Spaghetti: a
2016-09-22 19:28 Spaghetti: ok
2016-09-22 19:28 Spaghetti: metadata source plis
2016-09-22 19:29 Asahina Momoko: o
2016-09-22 19:29 Asahina Momoko: ok
2016-09-22 19:29 Asahina Momoko: ACTION is editing [ Chino (CV:Minase Inori) - Mahou Shoujo Chino (nenpulse bootleg remix) [cappuChino!!]]
2016-09-22 19:29 Asahina Momoko:
2016-09-22 19:29 Asahina Momoko: here it is
2016-09-22 19:30 Asahina Momoko: o
2016-09-22 19:30 Asahina Momoko: calling
2016-09-22 19:30 Asahina Momoko: brb
2016-09-22 19:31 Spaghetti: oki
2016-09-22 19:32 Asahina Momoko: yeha im back
2016-09-22 19:32 Spaghetti: yehaj
2016-09-22 19:32 Spaghetti: ok source is gud
2016-09-22 19:32 Spaghetti: ACTION is editing [ Chino (CV:Minase Inori) - Mahou Shoujo Chino (nenpulse bootleg remix) [Crystal's Captivation]]
2016-09-22 19:33 Spaghetti: first two lines conflict on volume Cx
2016-09-22 19:33 Asahina Momoko: omg
2016-09-22 19:34 Asahina Momoko: k fixed xd
2016-09-22 19:34 Spaghetti: xd
2016-09-22 19:35 Spaghetti: y does the ctb diff end one tick after urs?
2016-09-22 19:36 Spaghetti: maybe extend one of your ticks at the end?
2016-09-22 19:37 Spaghetti: sounds like a hard downbeat ending anyways Cx
2016-09-22 19:37 Asahina Momoko: sure then i extend mine Cx
2016-09-22 19:37 Spaghetti: kk
2016-09-22 19:37 Spaghetti: isnt this chino bg already ranked?
2016-09-22 19:38 Asahina Momoko: yea but mine is mirror version
2016-09-22 19:38 Asahina Momoko: conpared to Lami's tantantatantan[
2016-09-22 19:39 Spaghetti: ah oki
2016-09-22 19:39 Asahina Momoko: i wanted to rank faster than that set but yea
2016-09-22 19:39 Asahina Momoko: ctb BN lol
2016-09-22 19:40 Spaghetti: w
2016-09-22 19:41 Asahina Momoko: w
2016-09-22 19:47 Spaghetti: 03:34:706 (1) - wai so many spinners lol
2016-09-22 19:47 Spaghetti: i feel like you couldve made a cool buildup to the next section after slider sv change section before
2016-09-22 19:47 Spaghetti: this feels kinda anticlimactic i m o
2016-09-22 19:47 Asahina Momoko: because i wanna let players hear chino voice lol
2016-09-22 19:47 Spaghetti: LOL
2016-09-22 19:47 Spaghetti: ok fine
2016-09-22 19:50 Spaghetti: 05:16:893 (1) - i feel like you should map this section like you were during the rest of this section up to 05:18:257 (1) -
2016-09-22 19:51 Spaghetti: to make the singletaps at 05:18:257 (1) - more emphasized
2016-09-22 19:51 Asahina Momoko: hm
2016-09-22 19:52 Asahina Momoko: then make them double like
2016-09-22 19:52 Asahina Momoko: 12 12 12 with 1/2 interval
2016-09-22 19:52 Spaghetti: hm try it
2016-09-22 19:52 Spaghetti: then update Cxd
2016-09-22 19:56 Asahina Momoko: k updated Cx
2016-09-22 20:00 Spaghetti: looks good
2016-09-22 20:00 Spaghetti: super cute map w
2016-09-22 20:01 Asahina Momoko: wwww
2016-09-22 20:01 Spaghetti: fix conflicting timing points on crystal's diff?
2016-09-22 20:02 Asahina Momoko: yea i fixed that you pointed out
2016-09-22 20:06 Asahina Momoko: then how should i do lol
2016-09-22 20:06 Spaghetti: oki it was glitching on my end
2016-09-22 20:06 Spaghetti: everything looks good xd
2016-09-22 20:06 Asahina Momoko: oh i see xd
2016-09-22 20:07 Spaghetti: oki ready for bubble?
2016-09-22 20:07 Asahina Momoko: ya Cx
2016-09-22 20:07 Spaghetti: oki will do rn
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
really ty Spaghetti CX
snapped break, changed 03:03:512 (2) - from 1/4 slider to circles and removed 2 nc
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
thanks Lasse!!
Oh boy
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