
Status Update

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Nesoi wrote:

fuck everything.
why :(
Got titled with "cold as ice". Congrats me.
mfw flirting

I want miykah's title
I suck at modding, kill me
I'm just gonna post this

Zain Sugieres
Don't worry dude I wouldn't really care that much if I got unmutualed by someone I don't even talk to and who is obsessed with fake korean boys wearing a ton of makeuo

OT: going to sleep

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Don't worry dude I wouldn't really care that much if I got unmutualed by someone I don't even talk to and who is obsessed with fake korean boys wearing a ton of makeuo
they look good without makeup too ;)
Another good day ~ life is fun
I need to get good at modding
I need to get good at mapping
I need to get good at game
I really need to get good at modding, holy dang. Can't stop anything worth a damn lately
Listening to some LiSA songs
bored, really bored
Hot water spilled to my hands ._.
Zain Sugieres
I am already good at the game I just have to get even better

Catgirl wrote:

status: just casually showing up to work 25 minutes late, no big deal

30 minutes today lol
i went to sleep at 7pm and slept for almost 14 hours and overslept work lol
Reached 100 kudosu, I have more kudosu than some BNs now

RoseusJaeger wrote:

Reached 100 kudosu, I have more kudosu than some BNs now

Kisses wrote:

RoseusJaeger wrote:

Reached 100 kudosu, I have more kudosu than some BNs now
You've modded longer than me and you aren't in the category of "some BNs". But you're cool.

OT: Trying to get a new signature

I would have been a BN a long time ago if I had fucking read the wiki so I could have got a good score on part A on the test (which is basically questions about the responsibilities of BN and not actually modding capability itself)

Kisses wrote:

I would have been a BN a long time ago if I had fucking read the wiki so I could have got a good score on part A on the test (which is basically questions about the responsibilities of BN and not actually modding capability itself)
Ay, RIP. I need to study for Part A and Part B, tbh.
You can write a 1000 pages essay about me.
It doesn't matter, I do not give a fuck.
I got PP today
I want maki today.
DeletedUser_6709840 WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING EVERYTIME I TRY TO DOWNLOAD A SPECIFIC MAP??? It only happens on the map i have a GD on and no other ones.
listening to depressing music that i used to like 5 years ago and just thinking about depressing things in general and gonna stay up all night and get no sleep cause i'm depressed
Decided to quit FG and OT. If I don't post here in these forums within 48 hrs then I've successfully found something else to pass the time and will be gone for good

Kisses wrote:

Decided to quit FG and OT. If I don't post here in these forums within 48 hrs then I've successfully found something else to pass the time and will be gone for good
good luck with that

if you find something else let me know too because i'm so bored at work lately
Dear Police Officers, let me keep watching anime outside the closed public library on their wifi in peace please. I wanna watch yaoi and you're making it awkward
hunger games when
Rewatching Runningman Ep. 55, poor Kwang Soo ((:
status: always ignored...

Catgirl wrote:

status: always ignored...
No ;)
OT: Busy day, but I enjoyed it :3
Slacked a little tho
>3 boxes of apple juice
>Honey lemon drink
>mom brought me 2 boxes of donuts
Atatus: finding new game to play
Drawing time!
Zain Sugieres

Kisses wrote:

Decided to quit FG and OT. If I don't post here in these forums within 48 hrs then I've successfully found something else to pass the time and will be gone for good
I will probably leave the osu forums soon. I will probably just play danganronpa and league with friends

OT: eating noodles
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