
ladygaga's vma2010 dress

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she gets better at it every fucking year.
This is why I love gaga, fuck all you haters.

EDIT: and :3, she announced yet third album when she won the best music video award (which two of her videos were nominated for lolz)

oh oh and bieber won best new artist

EDIT2: holyfuck, gaga actually won 8 of the 16 awards.
Also florence+the machine got one!
That's some sexy meat she's got there.
She's exposing too much of her body.
I bet that just smelled fantastic.
Lol xD, i'm wearing such outrageous clothes give me attention.
This is some meat i'd love to beat
I'd rather Jar's pork on my fork
Lol xD, i'm wearing such outrageous clothes give me attention.

/me walks away
be careful of dogs on your way out Gaga
Florence + the Machine won something!!!! :D
she wears weird clothes, how does this make her awesome? not saying she doesn't deserve the awards but wearing the most random shit you can think of doesn't make you edgy or whatever you seem to think gaga is.

Cuddlebun wrote:

she wears weird clothes, how does this make her awesome?
It makes her awesomely smart. I don't know if you've noticed but she's carved out a pretty huge and loyal fan base and, due to the outfits she wears, almost all of her competition will be judged as copying her for wearing anything too different. She is pretty relentless in pandering to her fans, too. Almost every time I see her talk about anything she throws in something about how much she loves them. Years down the road people are going to be talking about how genius it was.
No, really. What the fuck? :roll: Is she cooler and more awesome now? (Like she'd have been already...)

Despite the fact that she even can't sing and in all of her music videos she had the weirdest and shittiest clothes ever.


Two wrote:

Years down the road people are going to be talking about how genius it was.

Tell me that was irony, please.

Galkan92 wrote:


Tell me that was irony, please.
you're going to have to elaborate, if you can

Two wrote:

you're going to have to elaborate, if you can
/me elaborates.

Two wrote:

Years down the road peop---
I'm sorry, you have no idea how much that made me laugh.
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Well, I don't know about the huge fan base, but I personally find her style entertaining. Not really that I laugh at her, but compared to all the lame content that is on the web right now (lolcats, failblog, etc), this is actually some pretty good and original stuff. I don't really know what her motives are though, but none the less, no one else has done this before her. I don't care if it's because they didn't think of it or if it's just that they were too scared or weren't attracted by the idea of doing it, because that really doesn't matter.

Lady Gaga successfully impressed me multiple times with her dresses, therefore respect her. I know I should actually be praising the person who designed them, but I'm assuming that she at least had a role in it. Also, I'm not saying anything about her singing skills here.

Takuma wrote:

Yes. xD

Takuma wrote:

Oh god I lol'd
I'm not dissing her music at all, I personally alternatively like/love most of her music. I just don't see how her clothes make her any greater or a better artist. Why should an artist be judged on how they dress?

unless you're Elton John or something
Ilu Takuma.

Ph0X wrote:

this is actually some pretty good and original stuff. I don't really know what her motives are though, but none the less, no one else has done this before her.
Your argument is completely flawed. Have you never heard of Madonna?

Basically, her motives are the same as Madonna's too. Shock factor. Be as crazy and outrageous as possible to get people's attention. Lady GaGa wears a meat dress and "hangs" herself in a performance? Madonna basically has sex on stage and compares John McCain to Hitler. All to get the masses attention and keep people talking about them.

Lady GaGa is NOT original. Thank you.

Also Takuma I love you <3333333
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Powerdrone wrote:

Ph0X wrote:

this is actually some pretty good and original stuff. I don't really know what her motives are though, but none the less, no one else has done this before her.
Your argument is completely flawed. Have you never heard of Madonna?
Actually, your argument is flawed, sir.

First of all. "Original stuff" and "No one has done this before" actually referred to the meat dress, and therefore.
Also, how is not knowing what her motives are and not caring about them make me flawed. Of course, everyone says that it's for shock, which most likely is, but you're not Lady Gaga, and you can have all the speculations you want, but you will never know for sure unless she says it herself. Still, I said that I DIDN'T CARE about what the motives were, so it really doesn't matter anyway.

And yes, I do know about Madonna, and I respected her just like I respect Lady Gaga now. Of course, she's not the first to use shock, nor the last. I would say that she pushed the extremes, but still, I'm sure many had done it before Madonna too so your argument doesn't even stand.

@Cuddlebun: I never said it made her artist or even a better person, I just said that I enjoyed what she did and found it entertaining. Also, all the artists do the same things, and it's little things like this that makes an artist stand out. Just like when you go to apply at work or university. There are thousands of others just like you applying, but what makes YOU better than the thousand others are the extra stuff you do outside of school/work.

Ph0X wrote:

First of all. "Original stuff" and "No one has done this before" actually referred to the meat dress, and therefore.

Also fashion designers have been making retarded clothes for years.
you're arguing about a fucking pop idol

what is this, middle school?

i am legitimately disappointed
you're arguing about a fucking pop idol
Idol huh? You gay?

If you want to know about her motives, she said extremely early on that she wanted to be a commercial shock artist. Would she repeat those words now? Probably not.

Ph0X wrote:

I like how you make the same mistake Powerdrone did, even after calling him on it.
Wow, I really like it <3
Sadly she's not a metal vocalist .-.
It's cooler to hate on Gaga than to like her.

Pokebis wrote:

It's cooler to hate on Gaga than to like her.
You know who's like Lady GaGa, except awesome and with real talent?

Prince Poppycock.

Powerdrone wrote:

Pokebis wrote:

It's cooler to hate on Gaga than to like her.
You know who's like Lady GaGa, except awesome and with real talent?

Prince Poppycock.
Obviously Lady Gaga doesn't have talent, guys. She's only been trained in this, she only went to NYU for music. It's not like she had to audition to get in or was forced to take private lessons or forced to write songs while under constant pressure, who says music majors ever have to do THAT? Oh wait.
puh puh puh poker face puh puh poker face mah mah mah mah
Any attention is good attention

Powerdrone wrote:

Pokebis wrote:

It's cooler to hate on Gaga than to like her.
You know who's like Lady GaGa, except awesome and with real talent?

Prince Poppycock.

Gaga has talent. You can even get talent on your iPhone these days!
I think i figured out why she's not a metal vocalist. To be a one, you need to have a good voice and be a good singer.

ShaggoN wrote:

I think i figured out why she's not a metal vocalist. To be a one, you need to have a good voice and be a good singer.
Obvious thing is obvious.

Skill > all
hey that's a nice meat dress

ShaggoN wrote:

I think i figured out why she's not a metal vocalist. To be a one, you need to have a good voice and be a good singer.

Mogsworth wrote:

Obviously Lady Gaga doesn't have talent, guys. She's only been trained in this, she only went to NYU for music. It's not like she had to audition to get in or was forced to take private lessons or forced to write songs while under constant pressure, who says music majors ever have to do THAT? Oh wait.
Seriously. I don't adore Lady Gaga, but I don't deny that behind the pop exterior is an extremely talented musician. Unlike other pop acts today (Katy Perry, Ke$ha, etc.), she actually could make a name for herself even if she wasn't doing standard pop music.

Honestly, they don't let people without at least some talent into uni music programs.
why did she change? she was extremely good before she adopted the pop veneer bullshit

god what a waste of talent
Because that's what makes her money. As unfortunate as that fact is.
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