Do you think the quality standards for beatmaps are currently too high?
We all know that maybe 3 years ago things were quite relaxed, and many newer mappers are able to rank maps if they work hard enough (I believe it took me 3 months myself to be able to rank something).
But within the recent few years, the standards for mapping quality has shot so high that it often takes new mappers years of mapping experience to even rank something that can be considered mediocre. I personally know a few users who have been mapping for over 2 years and have not gotten anything ranked yet.
A high quality threshold itself, is not a bad idea, however what we are doing in turn, is cutting off the flow of newer generation mappers. Let me explain; A major milestone for any starting mapper is getting their first ranked map. With this milestone just becoming harder and harder to achieve, many potential mappers have given up on mapping sheerly because they feel like they are putting a lot of effort and getting no reward/recognition from it.
Part of the cause for this was majorly due to the BN score system that has been established 1~2 years ago. It only served to increase tension between the group, and many BNs ended up becoming scared to nominate anything with even the slightest questionability. With the QAT and BN score system gone, the major problem has been removed, however the community as a whole, seems to only be unable to lower their standards back again now that the barline has already been set so high.
So I'm starting this discussion because I believe something needs to be done about it.
I'm probably the biggest hypocrite by starting this discussion.
We all know that maybe 3 years ago things were quite relaxed, and many newer mappers are able to rank maps if they work hard enough (I believe it took me 3 months myself to be able to rank something).
But within the recent few years, the standards for mapping quality has shot so high that it often takes new mappers years of mapping experience to even rank something that can be considered mediocre. I personally know a few users who have been mapping for over 2 years and have not gotten anything ranked yet.
A high quality threshold itself, is not a bad idea, however what we are doing in turn, is cutting off the flow of newer generation mappers. Let me explain; A major milestone for any starting mapper is getting their first ranked map. With this milestone just becoming harder and harder to achieve, many potential mappers have given up on mapping sheerly because they feel like they are putting a lot of effort and getting no reward/recognition from it.
Part of the cause for this was majorly due to the BN score system that has been established 1~2 years ago. It only served to increase tension between the group, and many BNs ended up becoming scared to nominate anything with even the slightest questionability. With the QAT and BN score system gone, the major problem has been removed, however the community as a whole, seems to only be unable to lower their standards back again now that the barline has already been set so high.
So I'm starting this discussion because I believe something needs to be done about it.
I'm probably the biggest hypocrite by starting this discussion.