
Need help changing osumania's comboburst

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Hey, I notice that one of the latest updates added a comboburst picture to Osumania, and I want to change it

however I dont know anything about skinning osumania (and i couldnt find any info for this one)
can someone help me to change that picture? it is the only thing i want to change.
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i cant believe i was THAT blind to miss that

thank you very much pawsu !! got it working :lol:
wait so how do u change it i have no fucking clue how to do it
Caput Mortuum

ArmyOfAnarchyTV wrote:

wait so how do u change it i have no fucking clue how to do it
why are you digging
put your desired picture in the skin folder with "comboburst-mania-(number).png" as the name
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