I'd like to see a change in the bolded section of this rule, since it doesn't fit very well with the way maps are created nowadays. Personally, I often try emphasizing vocals completely. Since they tend to extend through several beats, they should be hold notes, but the hitsound on a sliderend tends to be overmapped in these cases, since vocals don't end on any sound at all sometimes and just continue into the next note. This makes audible sliderends redundant, and silencing them would be fitting here in my opinion.Ranking Criteria wrote:
Hitsounds from notes and sliders must be audible. These provide feedback for the player, and having them silent in a rhythm game doesn't make much sense. If you don't like the default sounds, then find replacements rather than silencing notes. You can use hitsounds from the Custom Hitsound Library or easily find others online. Lowering the volume of a few notes to provide a dampened effect is usually fine, but complete silence is always unacceptable. The end of a spinner (or even the entire spinner) the sliding sound of a slider, and the end of a slider can be silent, but only do it if it makes sense. Finally, you cannot silence both slider ticks and slider slides together.
Also, there is the case where mappers try emphasizing strong, short synths by using cleverly placed 1/8 sliders instead of circles, in this case unsilenced sliderends sound sloppy and it would be overall better for the map to maintain the hold feel of the slider while not hearing additional sounds that don't match the music at all.
Example: https://osu.ppy.sh/b/678428
02:29:048 (1,2,1) - 02:29:978 (1,2,1) - first paragraph
02:48:117 (1,2,3) - second paragraph
EDIT 1: The rule is actually written quite confusing, I'll suggest a rewording as well (suggestions appreciated, since I'm bad in writing these):
Ranking Criteria wrote:
Hitsounds from notes and sliders must be audible. These provide feedback for the player, having them silent in a rhythm game doesn't make much sense. If you don't like the default sounds, then find replacements rather than silencing notes. You can use hitsounds from the Custom Hitsound Library or easily find others online. Lowering the volume of a few notes to provide a dampened effect is usually fine, however, silencing circles and sliderstarts completely is not allowed. The end of a spinner (or even the entire spinner) the sliding sound of a slider, and the end of a slider can be silent (even completely), but only do it if it makes sense. Finally, you cannot silence both slider ticks and slider slides together.