
Baracuda - Where is The Love (Nightcore Mix)

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Thanks poison <3~

And nice Hard jericho as always ;D
Woah, this map is incredible!
As expected from Andrea =D

Starring this *
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Thank you! >_<


According to Wiki, the song's title is "Where Is The Love". You might wanna fix that.
Not making an easy, bro? In my opinion, the spacing on Normal is far too wide for it to be the easiest difficulty. I'm sure I could make one if you're stuck.
I'm not sure how the background is in any way related to the song. Nor am I sure it's terribly SFW...

Lunah's Normal;

00:20:300 (1,2,3) - Make the 3 of this combo be on the center line...
00:23:010 (1,2,3) - ...and make the 3 of this combo be in the same place.
00:51:132 (1) - This spinner is a little short and a little random; you could map through it for greater effect.
02:15:496 (5) - 1/4 repeating slider in a normal = D: You could change it to a 1/2 repeating slider to the same effect.
02:32:775 (1) - I'd rather there just be a hitcircle here, then a slider from 02:33:114 to 02:33:453.

Jericho's Hard;

OD -1?
01:24:674 (3) - Clap goes on the end of this slider...
01:25:352 (4) - ...and not on the start of this one.
01:47:035 (1) - Clap is out of place on the end of this slider.
02:22:272 (1) - ^


00:24:704 (7,1) - Dat antijump
00:30:803 (7,8) - Mid-combo mid-stream jump o.o
01:10:444 (2,3,4) - Flip horizontally? Or the previous slider, it doesn't really matter.
01:31:450 (5,6) - It's probably just me but I found this spacing incredibly hard to read.
01:34:330 (5) - This slowdown seems a little out of place, and, among the sliders of the same length and same pattern, is also pretty hard to read.
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DiamondCrash wrote:



According to Wiki, the song's title is "Where Is The Love". You might wanna fix that.
Not making an easy, bro? In my opinion, the spacing on Normal is far too wide for it to be the easiest difficulty. I'm sure I could make one if you're stuck.
I'm not sure how the background is in any way related to the song. Not am I sure it's terribly SFW...

Lunah's Normal;

00:20:300 (1,2,3) - Make the 3 of this combo be on the center line...
00:23:010 (1,2,3) - ...and make the 3 of this combo be in the same place.
00:51:132 (1) - This spinner is a little short and a little random; you could map through it for greater effect.
02:15:496 (5) - 1/4 repeating slider in a normal = D: You could change it to a 1/2 repeating slider to the same effect.
02:32:775 (1) - I'd rather there just be a hitcircle here, then a slider from 02:33:114 to 02:33:453.

Jericho's Hard;

OD -1?
01:24:674 (3) - Clap goes on the end of this slider...
01:25:352 (4) - ...and not on the start of this one.
01:47:035 (1) - Clap is out of place on the end of this slider.
02:22:272 (1) - ^


00:24:704 (7,1) - Dat antijump
00:30:803 (7,8) - Mid-combo mid-stream jump o.o
01:10:444 (2,3,4) - Flip horizontally? Or the previous slider, it doesn't really matter.
01:31:450 (5,6) - It's probably just me but I found this spacing incredibly hard to read.
01:34:330 (5) - This slowdown seems a little out of place, and, among the sliders of the same length and same pattern, is also pretty hard to read.
Thanks, some fixed.

Btw why you didn't star awww T.T
Star for you~ >w</
Where is the love?
Blue: Sugestion. Not necessary, but should take good effects.
Green: Notification or cosmetic thing. May, but don't ha....

What for i'm writing this... i couldn't find ANYTHING wrong here.
"Creator's Words" : Adirittura andre?! XD
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Yay, all is now finished!

Ready for modding~
star for sure good job mate.
Hey, I don't like the normal-hitclap2.wav, but it's probably only me.

Good job, guys ^.^
Thank you >w<

I want this shit ranked! <3
Yuji Tokaji
Go Andrea !

Star !
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Thanks all of you guys for the support (:
just amazing
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Changed the mp3 from 320kbps to 192kbps.

Adjusted kiai time, resnapped all notes and fixed storyboard on all the difficulties!
02:21:674 - How about moving this 1/4 of a tick ahead to ensure that you hear the "woo" effect.
02:27:095 - ^
02:32:516 - ^
02:43:358 - ^

Remove thumbs.db from the SB folder as well.
this mp3 sounds really fuzzy if you can give me the non nightcore mix I should be able to get you a decent ver also you need to tell me how much the % is used on the tempo and pitch adjustments
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ztrot wrote:

this mp3 sounds really fuzzy if you can give me the non nightcore mix I should be able to get you a decent ver also you need to tell me how much the % is used on the tempo and pitch adjustments
Sorry but no, I have changed the mp3 and all the things already 2 times. :/

Thanks anyways, really :3
B-bubbled, I guess.
Card N'FoRcE
No, seriously.

Throwing my two cents noone will probabily care about.

- Andrea's Crazy Love:
  • .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    01:34:410 (5) - if YOU BATs do this, then don't tell people not to make 0.5 sliders like these
    New combos are not consistent: sometimes they're based on voices, sometimes on rhythm...
    .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:08:183 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:44:774 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 01:28:142 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ok for symmetry, but try making them well spaced too was too hard?
    00:03:948 (7) - 00:06:658 (7) - 01:34:918 (6) - change of pattern, new combo to make it look better?
    00:31:222 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:33:848 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 2007 (?) random placement
    00:50:195 (4) - 00:54:261 (4) - 01:32:208 (7) - 01:34:918 (6) - 01:57:957 (6) - new combo to tell rhythm change
    01:38:815 (1) - i don't see the reason for it to be so up
    01:55:078 (4,5) - CTRL-H and new combo to (4) looks waaaaaaaaay cooler
    .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    00:30:883 (7,8,1) - 01:31:530 (5,6) - 02:44:713 (5,6) - what the hell?
    02:15:576 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - this stack looks TERRIBLE during play.
    02:20:997 (4,5) - new combo to (5)
This map "looks" playable only because it's OD8 and most of the beats are 1/2.
Can't check timing atm, but i will.

Also, lies.

EDIT: kudosu denied by my request.

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Really useful, thanks Card :3

Bubble popped >_<
01:34:410 (5) - Yes, as card said. This 0.5x shouldn't be here and should be changed.
Cyclone mentioned this as well in a different map. (Bottom of page and next)
A certain MAT agrees as well.
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Mafiamaster wrote:

01:34:410 (5) - Yes, as card said. This 0.5x shouldn't be here and should be changed.
Cyclone mentioned this as well in a different map. (Bottom of page and next)
A certain MAT agrees as well.
Fixed, Re-Bubble please >_<


Go for rank ! :D
B-bubbled, I guess.
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Thanks again :)
oops creator's words
What you did with my difficulty, it is out of rhythm .. and i already downloaded new mp3
Lucas Almeida_old
Liked it. Star
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@[DBF]: Thanks for your star :)

@orioncomet: Orz why did you read that >///<

@Lunah: What's wrong? All it's fine o.o

@Lucas Almeida: Thanks for your star and for your comment <3
star 8-)
okay looks okay sad that we couldn't find a better mp3
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Thank you ztrot <3
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