
Animated HitCircleOverlay (flash white when appearing)

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Mio Winter
Sorry for making so many new threads in the last couple of days, but there's another thing I'd like to tap your brains about.

I want to make hitcircles flash bright white just as they start to pop in, and then the hitcircles can return to their usual form after they've made the initial flash.

Why? Because then (I think) it'll be easier for me to tell in which order the set of circles appeared in. I don't think numbers are superior to being able to tell the order based on arrival time.

So the way I attempted doing this was to create one HitCircleOverlay-0.png and one HitCircleOverlay-1.png. The first png is a completely white circle and the second is the HitCircleOverlay's normal form. This works fine, except for that the animation is really slow, so the hitcircle is often still white when I click on it. I want it to flash in just a couple of milliseconds.

Anyone know how to achieve this? : )
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