No you had good suggestions <3
Thanks again!!
Thanks again!!
Thank you so much!!!! Lots of helpful suggestions, definitely gonna use your queue again in the futureKaito-kun wrote:
Yo Nivrad o/. Sorry for tardiness, been dealing with some GD work recently. Anyways, here I am with the M4M request:
That background is too mainstream, change it :^). Jk, but seriously, try to find another background, 99% of Renard's songs have this background on them lol (or at least 99% of the ones I have). | lmao, I never noticed this before. i searched for some other bgs, but i couldn't get anything i find appropriate. besides, there's only one ranked with this bg and there's bound to be duplicates eventually, so I'll leave it for now
Increase OD on Hard to 6.5 (In fact, I would reccomend to increase the OD and HP on each diff, but I guess that would kill your intentions, but I suggest to at least increase OD on Hard) | ✓ you're right, 6 is too low. I made the HP range from 7-8 and I kept the OD at 7 for each diff (because 8 is too high for LN maps I think)
00:19:252 (19252|0,19252|4) - Delete both, or make into a single note, there's not enough emphasis to make it a double (And I think this is not the sound you are currently mapping on that section) | I actually did that for structural reasons. it's the beginning of a new section, so i want it to start off with a note on 1 and 5, kinda like "enclosing" the section or emphasizing the start of something new, even if it doesn't represent the sound as well. i actually do this all the time (well, for 7k I use lanes 1 and 7 of course) so umm i hope that's not too weird x_x
01:07:252 (67252|0,67252|4) - ^^^
00:40:552 (40552|3,40852|1,40852|0) - It feels sort of uncomfortable while playing that out of the two sounds, only one is emphasized with a double. My suggestion is to either make it a single note, like the last one, or make both doubles (it may increase or decrease star rating, so be wary of that) | ✓ true
00:45:352 (45352|3,45652|1,45652|0) - ^^^ | ✓
00:54:952 (54952|3,55252|0,55252|1) - ^^^ | ✓
01:38:152 (98152|3,98452|1,98452|0) - ^^^ | ✓
01:42:952 (102952|3,103252|0,103252|1) - ^^^ | ✓
00:50:452 - Add note here (?) (not pretty sure about it tbh, but that sound being ignored bothers me everytime I play that map.........) | I agree, I was iffy about this pattern too. But, if I added a note it would have to be a double (for consistency on that sound), and that would be too crowded. but, I didn't want to delete the LNs because one of the themes in this map is "LNs in the kiai" (lmao) so I remapped the bit before it to make it obvious i'm only charting the synth in this section
01:48:052 - ^^^ | same
00:57:052 (57052|3) - Make into a double, sound is pretty strong, so emphasizing it is the best choice. Also, regarding patterning, adding the note on col 3 can do the trick easily | ✓
01:29:152 (89152|2,89302|3,89602|2,89752|1) - Extend this to columns 1 and 5 | ✓
01:48:802 (108802|3) - Move to col 5 and 01:49:102 (109102|1) - to col 1 | I changed this while applying earlier suggestions
01:52:552 (112552|1) - Make into a double, add note preferably on col 4 | ✓
Delete this 01:18:052 (78052|3) - and move 01:17:452 (77452|0,77602|1,77752|2) - half a beat up (in 1/2 divisor, move everything I selected one line up [Just in case you don't understand]) This is not a suggestion, it's a snapping error, so please fix it | ✓ weeell i wouldn't call it a snapping error, exactly, cus i charted it this way on purpose to make the rhythm easier... but your suggested rhythm is better anyways so I changed it and rearranged the notes a bunch
Move 01:18:202 (78202|1) - to col 5 | got rearranged in last suggestion
Opinions about the diff: Imo, diff is pretty good in terms of patterning. But it falls flat when it comes to following the exact rhythm of the song. I couldn't understand which note represented which sound for most of the map. Tho I understand how hard it is to map a Renard song overall, since the song itself is sort of weird. | i see what you mean. i was trying to map both the synth and the drums at times x_x thanks tho!
00:22:552 (22552|0,22552|4) - Make it a triple, for coherence (felt weird, because with the starting part, I already got used to seeing a triple each time that sound appeared, but I found it weird when I reached that section because I heard those strong sounds, but I found no triple) ✓ yeah you're right
00:32:152 (32152|4,32152|0) - ^^^ | ✓
01:10:552 (70552|4,70552|0) - ^^^ | ✓
00:50:152 (50152|3,50152|0,50452|1,50452|2,50452|4) - Same thing as with Normal, it feels weird to only have one triple and the other one a double when both are the exact same sound with the exact same emphasis. (not gonna point out every place that has this problem, since I already did it on the Normal diff, just re-check those places) | ✓
00:57:052 (57052|0) - Wait, why one note? that sound is strong enough for a triple (considering you have been mapping this sound with triples already) | ✓ right P:
01:18:052 (78052|1) - Delete, sound is too faint, wouldn't reccomend mapping it for a Hard diff (I thought it was a ghost note at first) | ✓ blarp my ears are bad and i didn't notice these faint notes were part of a different layer
01:18:502 (78502|2) - ^^^ | ✓
01:18:877 (78877|0) - Add note here | ✓
01:40:852 (100852|0) - Add an extra note, you did it on 01:36:052 (96052|0,96052|4,96052|1) | ✓
Opinions about the diff: All I gotta say is, pretty good diff (=w=)b | d(^u^)
I'll be honest on this one, Hard+ is so dense it's making it difficult to mod XD. So I'll only tell you some things about the diff:
Careful with the LNs at the beggining, it may bring problems for future modding/ranking, but idk about that, imo it looks good (tho it can be improved) | ✓ I tried some inverse stuff and then some literal stuff but I didn't like any of them much. you're right, though, this could be a problem for rank. i decided to delete the intro in Hard and Hard+ completely. that might be overreacting, but I'm already expecting trouble for the kiai sections in Hard+ and Insane so I don't wanna push it
You repeat this pattern 00:22:852 (22852|4,22852|0,22852|2,23002|3,23002|1,23152|3,23152|1,23302|4,23302|2,23302|0,23452|1,23452|3,23602|3,23602|1,23752|4,23752|2,23752|0) - through the whole song. I would reccomend doing some variations of the same type of pattern, for example, THIS (Just noticed I just made an 8 m8 XD) | nice p8ern m8 (i've tried this before, but in my 5k maps I'm picky about aesthetic value so i'd rather sacrifice some creativity in order to make it look cleaner >.>)
That's all I can help you with for the moment. if you find this mod insufficient for our M4M agreement, please tell me so and we'll discuss a solution. Anyways, regarding the beatmap you will have to mod, it will be this one: Kazuki Yanagawa, Hayato Asano, Daisuke Achiwa, Sen - Stella ~Part 1~. It's a 9K beatmap made by both Kruzon and I (sort of a collab beatmap). Take your time with the mod, there's no rush with it, it's not like we want it ranked by tomorrow.
Good Luck With Your Beatmap
Thank you yoshi!!!!! need all the mods i can get, even if it's only on one diffYoshiap wrote:
Oh boy I'm late with this. | lol don't worry i have at least 5 requests that have been pending for a month
I'm doing this as a break from the Air Raid mod XD Renard v. Renard ft. Renard obj.RenardNivInsaneLN's everywhere.
It's good. I honestly can't find any major issues, so everything below is just super nitpicky. (Also a good chance I'm just dumb and I didn't see something) I could have just made this entire thing blank, but that wouldn't be helpful would it
00:08:339 - (The notes after this, don't want to deal with snap), I would consider trying to make this space have no notes (no sound), though obviously since it results in a 5-chord immediately afterwards, it might not work too well | ✓ kami pointed this out too, said QAT might pick up on it. i deleted part of the note on lane 3
00:21:052 - Technically a softer sound than 00:20:902 - . The 3-note chord does finish off the LN though, and I can see how the layering happened too. | yeah i think one of the three notes was for the synth. I completely ignored chord consistency the entire map though, so that's probably why lawl
00:30:652 - ^ (Different reference timestamp obviously)
00:38:452 - THIS LN SECTION. IT PLAYS SO WELL. (This is possibly from my 7k experience will LN walls too. It's great. Given the star rating of 4.43* though, some tricky sections such as 00:44:227 - with 1 being held, and 00:44:377 - with 1 being released will likely trip people not used to them up. They're LNs though, they give lots of health in this game mode, so w/e) | aw, thanks <3 the SR is super underrated, but that ain't my business
00:48:352 - Maybe 2 notes? 00:48:052 - has a crash or something, so that beat is stronger than the other one. | LOL the reason for this is that there is no crash in the music, just in the hitsounds, and i charted this before adding hitsounds. anyways i dont wanna ruin the symmetry
00:49:252 - You place an extra single 00:49:552 - . Alternatively you can consider this comment to be about the double tap between 00:49:552 - and 00:49:702 - on 2. I honestly don't feel like this is a big deal, but that's because I can play it just fine. Probably doesn't need a change. | ✓ anyway got rid of a couple double taps like you said cus why not
00:50:902 - and 00:54:802 - Refer to double tap comment above. Compare to 00:54:202 - which should play just fine anyways. | i left this one actually
Basically, I can't figure out the layering for the single notes in the sections with the double LNs. | UMMM basically i did the LN first and then filled in all the empty space with single notes as if the drums and the synth awere a single layer. it's a whole thing about keeping a balance between intuitive and challenging LN, and your hand being being unable to distinguish more than one layer at a time (unlike your eyes ), and yada yada
00:57:652 - The copy pasta is real. | i charted it perfectly the first time, so any variation would make it worse
01:23:452 - I get why the single note is here, but it just feels really out of place visually in a section with only LNs. | ✓ good point, got rid of it
01:26:452 - The following section is noticeably more stressful on the left hand. Not sure if intended, but keeping this as is right now is probably fine. | oh geez, what happened is that this mapset originally had two Insane diffs, one for left-dominant people and one for right-dominant people. most of the hand bias is due to that. (personally I think hand bias is cool anyway :b)
01:36:052 - Repeat all comments from my previous stuff about the chorus. (Including the it's so good XD) | ✓ kk
I can't seem to comment on the easier diffs at all, other than the fact that the beginning section is missing from all these diffs, making the Insane have the only mapped beginning. I can try again later maybe. | tbh i didn't like the way i had it charted, so i decided leaving it out was better
Also, why is Hard+ OD 6.5, and Hard/Normal OD 7 ??? | ✓ ummm accident lol
*insert closing words here*
Thanks a bunch!!puxtu wrote:
5k is love | 5k is life
- I'm worried about the spread, can you raise up the sr on hard diff a lil bit? there's a large gap between that diff and hard+ | ✓ added 1/4s like you said
- what's up with the OD 7 on every single diff lmao | ✓ uhh changed it to 6, 6.5, 6.5, 7
00:18:652 (18652|3) - you can add a 1/4 after this note | no thanks, I'm avoiding 1/4 completely in this diff
00:21:202 (21202|1,21502|3) - ctrl+h? | ✓ ok
00:22:552 (22552|2) - 00:27:352 (27352|2) - add finish, and so on.. | actually I used snare+kick to hitsound notes like this. the default finish doesn't match the noise very well, and I couldn't find a better-sounding one, so I only used finishes for the beginning, middle, and end of the kiais
01:49:102 (109102|0) - isn't this a 1/1 ln | I ended it early to make room for the drum layer to start. I think most players won't notice, and even when they do, it won't seem that weird.
nice flow, nothing much here
00:18:727 - it's a quite loud 1/4 beat here, why don't you add a note? | ✓ had to mix up the pattern a lot, but done
00:24:352 (24352|1,24502|3,24652|4,24652|0,24802|2,24952|1) - this section too, try to add some 1/4s to incrase the sr ok? | ✓ I didn't add any here, but I put several 1/4 runs in the kiai sections
00:26:752 (26752|2) - you might want to replace this with a ln for that "drrd" sound | nah, LN is reserved for synth only
00:36:352 (36352|2) - ^ just a suggestion
00:38:152 (38152|3) - ^ oh you really have to do it here too, its a legit sound right there | same as before. I used LN in a really literal way in this diff
00:47:002 (47002|3,47152|1,47302|3) - 1/4s? | ✓ I didn't like the 1/4 here, but I added a bunch later on
01:52:852 - it felt wrong if I don't hold something here | ✓ k added a long note
00:23:902 (23902|1,24052|1,24202|1) - that's hurt, especially it's on a left side | ✓ moved the 1/4 run
00:28:852 (28852|0,29002|0) - move to 4 please? | errr this is kind of a bad pattern right now, but I don't want to change it because it has a better effect when it alternates hands
00:38:452 - woah dude nice lns walls | lol thanks
00:55:702 (55702|0,55852|0) - ctrl+right | ✓ k
I can feel the copy pasted patterns | copypasta is an important part of every mapper's diet
idk why only in this diff you mapped the intro | bc consistency between difficulties is dumb (jk it's because I couldn't find a good way to chart the intro in the other diffs)
00:25:177 (25177|1) - you know, this kind of sound should be layered by a double notes in hard and insane difficulties | I think the jack emphasizes the sound enough
00:38:152 (38152|1) - wow there should be a 1/8 burst here | I've tried using a 1/8 burst before, but I wanted to start the next section with a big chord and I couldn't find a good way to do it. consider the empty space an artistic way of representing the sound
00:47:752 - lol nice ln walls dude, but the synth sound is not stopped here | ✓ yoshi mentioned this too, so I extended the LN here
00:51:502 (51502|2,51502|0) - these noodles too | same explanation as 01:49:102 on Hard
ok nothin serious here, just some minor problems
actually, the LN on the first screenshot is from the synth layerPope Gadget wrote:
(Insane diff.)
These prolonged cymbal sounds have been charted as LNs early on in the chart but haven't been later on, despite it being the exact same sound.
01:10:552 (70552|2) - Change to LN, up to 01:10:852
01:15:352 (75352|2) - Add LN (maybe at the sacrifice of one of the other notes), up to 01:15:652
Thanks a bunch!Rivals_7 wrote:
Modding Notice
Hello Nivrad00 ^^
You requested in my queue and are on my Modding Criteria. I do not point out all thing in this mod so there might be more issues that can be found across the mapset. Make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap.Renard vs Kitsune^2 - The Castle [OsuMania] 1|2|3|4|5
Overall, all the diff is pretty well mapped.
Normal -> HP OD 7
Hard -> HP OD 7,5
Hard+ -> HP OD 8
Insane -> HP OD 8,5 | I wanted to do 5.5 - 6.0 - 6.5 - 7.0 for OD because lower ODs are better for LN maps, but 5.5 seemed too low so I made Normal 6.0 as well. I made HP 7.0 - 7.0 - 7.5 - 8.0 so that it's parallel to the OD.
Why is there 2 MP3's on the folder? The "silent.mp3" have nothing to do with the mapset and should be deleted. | ✓ oops, deleted x:
The BG should be 1366x768 or 1024x768. Find another BG | like I said in an earlier mod, I had a hard time finding a BG i liked. I don't think this is an unrankable problem so I'll leave it
00:08:377 - I don't even think there is a noise here so why the LN start here? | uh there's definitely a sound, although you could argue it shouldn't be a LN. I thought about it for a while, and I changed it back to how I had it before Kami's mod. It's just simple inverse mapping. I'll change it if it gets DQed.
00:29:752 (29752|3,29827|4,29902|3,29977|2) - Move one step to left since - 00:29:752 (29752|3) - has different noise with - 00:29:602 (29602|3) - | I don't think that's a big problem with only 5 lanes (and anyways, if it is a problem, there are like 50 different places where this happens)
00:31:402 (31402|1,31477|0) - col 1 and 3 respectively? avoid jack notes - 00:31:252 (31252|1,31402|1,31552|1) - | I like to call those notes anchors. I don't think a three-note anchor is too hard compared to the density of the map (although there was a four-note anchor that I fixed earlier this month)
00:38:752 (38752|3,38902|1) - why is this LN? the sound is just like the usual kick noises imo. change this to SN? | uhhh actually, every note in this section is a normal drum note. I only charted drums here. The reason everything is LN is a) to accent the climax of the song and b) because it's really fun
Found some LN which is also like this, pls recheck
00:54:802 - add one more note? | ✓ lol, I had a note there earlier but a modder suggested I delete it. I added it again.
01:26:602 (86602|1,86677|0) - Move this to right two steps and move - 01:26:752 (86752|3) - one step to right to avoid jack notes - 01:26:452 (86452|1,86602|1,86752|1) - | same as earlier, I think three-note anchors are fine here (besides, it's on purpose this time)
01:26:902 (86902|0) - to col 3 for more comfortable pattern. | ✓ I deleted a note instead to get rid of the trill
01:29:002 (89002|1,89077|0) - move to right one step and - 01:29:152 (89152|1) - move to left for more comfortable pattern | same as earlier
Why is the intro song empty? it should be consistent across all diff......
(unrankable issues maybe) | oh geez I sure hope it's not unrankable. I'll change it if a BN says it's unrankable
01:24:952 (84952|2,84952|3,85852|2) - uhh... maybe swap this according to the pitch, this goes more higher - 01:24:952 (84952|3,85852|2) - | ✓ sure
Oh well, not much I can find.............
Why is the intro song empty?
00:41:902 (41902|2) - this noise that this LN used seems longer. perhaps end it here - 00:42:277 - ? | ✓ a couple people mentioned this, so I finally fixed it
01:06:952 (66952|1) - to 3 or 5? | ✓ ok, moved to 3
01:44:602 (104602|3,104677|2,104752|1) - move to left and - 01:45:052 (105052|0) - to 2. better flow | ✓ this is actually a mistake, I didn't mean to put any 1/4 snap right here. So, fixed lol
If you found that this mod isn't helpful to you, don't give kudosu. If there's any Misunderstanding , You can PM me anytime to clarify the issues that i've been pointed out.
The other modder should handle this mapset from now on.
Good Luck Nivrad00 ^^
ok that was fun!! Thanks paulspoonguy wrote:
warning this post has only bad anagrams
hell no radiv (hello nivrad)
his a man god a rant sim (this mod is an anagram)
nity joe (enjoy it)
running to my eat her (turning on my heater)
[as nine (insane)]
neo|wot|there|o fur (one|two|three|four)lero bop six (spoiler box)00:09:052 - his tee flies word ll, hang toe lute a notas ACC (lol this feels weird, something) idk wtf the second part is supposed to be, but I assume he wants me to change the LN. nahhhh
00:18:652 - i talk wit bet wound terror hi as till k (i think it would work better as a trill) ✓ kk
01:06:652 - ^
00:20:302 (20302|0,20752|1) - vomit toe 3 4 (move it to 3 4) ✓ good idea
00:38:152 - elem fs type, dad ss vore not (feels empty, add notes or SV) ✓ also good idea, added SV on Insane and Hard+
00:38:452 - color muh l-pie | I have no idea what this means, so, uh, no change (I think he's just complimenting the LN)
lee raps nak (rank please)
dude turning on -> running to is pretty good actually
Thanks for being so quick <3ShikiNoHollow wrote:
form my queue
column: 1 2 3 4 5open itNM
ill only give you very small mod
00:47:752 - add heavy sound | ✓
01:45:352 - ^^ | ✓
00:18:502 - add a note | ✓
00:28:852 - ^ | ✓
00:38:152 (38152|3) - do LN | ✓
00:40:852 - add a note | ✓
00:52:852 - ^ | nah, makes the burst too cluttered
01:06:502 - ^ | ✓
01:38:452 - ^ | ✓
01:50:452 - ^ | same burst as before
01:52:552 - ^ | ✓
00:25:252 (25252|1) - move to 1 | the trill is on purpose, accents the three consecutive snares
00:26:302 - add kick | ✓
00:25:627 - add note | nah, not pretty enough
00:35:227 - ^ | same
00:50:452 - add note to 3 | too cluttered
00:54:952 - ^ to 1 | ✓
01:13:627 - add a note | same as first two suggestions. just aesthetic reasons
01:14:827 (74827|1,74864|2) - ctrl+j | ✓
01:14:677 (74677|1,74752|2) - ^ | ✓
01:48:052 - add note to 3 | too cluttered again
01:52:552 - ^ to 1 | ✓
thank you for requesting me :v
Thanks for being so quick!! You're really nice <3Hestia- wrote:
Hi Nivrad
Renard map in 2015 @_@ | renard is so good though
The only thing is it's kind of weird some LNs end early, it's not like the drum stops the sound from happening
00:51:502 (51502|0) - This noise ends on 00:51:877 - | ✓ i've gotten this suggestion tons of times so I'll apply it
00:52:402 - Add LN, there is one right after it and same setting? | nah i'm just doing the drum here
01:49:102 (109102|0) - This noise ends on 01:49:477 - | ✓
But it's also kind of weird to hit notes while having LN so do what you think is right
Nice map =w=)b
Nice map =w=)b | d(=w=
00:20:077 - Add 5? ;Not important | i don't hear anything o-o
00:30:877 - Add 5; Yes I know there might not be a drum here; Not really important but the sound @_@ | for structure and variety I switch between drum, synth, and drum+synth throughout this mapset, but I'm not charting any of the synth here so it would be weird just to include it once
00:35:677 - Add 1; Yes I know there might not be a drum here; Not really important but the sound @_@ | same thing
01:23:527 - Add note; Move 01:23:452 (83452|3) here?; Important | ummm I was about to apply this and the next suggestion, but it occurred to me that this note is more like a 1/6 or a 1/8 and that would look really weird, and I'm afraid if I use a 1/4 instead I'll get QATblasted. I'll just consider those noises part of a different layer, since there are definitely a couple layers that I'm ignoring anyways (they all sound so similar >.>)
01:23:827 - Add note; Important | same
nice noodles
00:30:727 - dudududu | this is too quiet for me, I don't think anyone will hear it (also might be a different layer?)
00:35:677 - dudududu the sound it wants to be mapped | this is one of the parts where I did drum only for style reasons ;-;
00:37:627 - add | this and the next suggestion are actually on 1/3 snap, so I think it's better to ignore those sounds than to try to map both 1/3 and 1/2 right here. too messy
00:37:777 - add | same
or not because they're not drums
im so bad at noodles lol this map is so hard for me
make the HP 8.2 | trying to keep a pattern increasing by .5
I look forward to your check!!-Kamikaze- wrote:
ok general things before I get more in depth about this:
Hard+ is not an acceptable diffname, it's not really giving an indication of how hard the map actually is. Rename Hard+ to Insane and rename Insane to Extra or something else that's relevant (please no harder insane or anything like that). | It indicates that it's between Hard and Insane. I don't wanna rename H+ to Insane or Insane to Extra because I think it would be misleading about the difficulty.
Hard+ has stacked notes at 00:36:952 (36952|1) - | ✔ fixed
You should really buff OD/HP settings by a decent amount, the chart can be spammed through even if you're pretty bad at it. Recommended settings: ✔ I'll change it, but isn't OD 8 too high for a map with all-LN sections? Also, I see no reason to go above the standard HP 8. The settings are now 7 / 7.5 / 7.5 / 8 for both OD and HP
Normal: OD 7 HP 7
Hard: OD 7,5/7 HP 7,5
Insane (Hard+): OD 7,5/8 HP 8
Extra (Insane): OD 8 HP 8,5/9
01:53:152 (113152|1,113302|3,113452|4,113602|1,113752|4,113902|3,114052|1,114202|3,114352|4,114502|1,114652|4,114802|3,114952|1,115102|3) - Maybe chain those notes into LNs? Would certainly look cool | ✔ sure that looks cool
will do a proper check in a later date
No, you don't understand. We have completely abandoned the "hard+, light insane, harder hard" or whatever in diffnames and they are mapsets are even getting disqualified for that. And the diffnames will not be misleading, inverse patterns in Hard+ aren't something you see in Hards most of the time.Nivrad00 wrote:
It indicates that it's between Hard and Insane. I don't wanna rename H+ to Insane or Insane to Extra because I think it would be misleading about the difficulty.
OD 8 is most certainly not too high for that kind of map. And there is a very good reason to put HP above 8, you can literally pass Insane with 80% accuracy by just spamming it. Do you really want that? Do you want passing that map to be trivial?Nivrad00 wrote:
✔ I'll change it, but isn't OD 8 too high for a map with all-LN sections? Also, I see no reason to go above the standard HP 8. The settings are now 7 / 7.5 / 7.5 / 8 for both OD and HP
Thanks for the great suggestions!! really excited for this icon-Kamikaze- wrote:
I'm lazy and gay
my point about diffnames still stands | ✔ totally forgot, it's changed now to Insane and LN Master
columns: |1-5|
also you know how I am, look for same things as mentioned in the whole diff, I might've missed something that I've pointed out and repeats itself
00:11:752 (11752|4,11902|3) - You should put those notes on the same column, song indicates that those two sounds repeat eachother (those are drums?) and it will be a cool tail of that pattern | ✔ sure
00:14:152 (14152|0,14302|1) - ^
00:16:552 (16552|1,16702|3) - And here as well. A cool concept would be placing the notes on 5th column on first instance, 1st on second and 3rd here
Same suggestion repeates itself around 00:59:752 - | ✔ nice idea
01:09:052 (69052|0,69202|1,69352|2,69502|3,69652|4) - Due to the more chaotic way drums are playing in the song here, maybe shuffle this pattern? Something like this I mean. This will also be nice for training patterns which is what this diff is all about from what I see | ✔
You could also transform some patterns in last chorus to make it less repetetive like for example changing 01:37:252 (97252|0,97402|2,97552|4,97702|0,97852|2,98002|4) - into 234 234 | ✔ mixed it up in both choruses
Really nice diff overall, good concepts executed correctly
00:11:752 (11752|4,11902|0) - And all similar places, same comment as on Normal | ✔
00:52:102 (52102|0,52252|2,52402|4) - This could work as a memorable transition if this was all anchored on column 3 | that seems a bit too difficult. the 1/4 runs are already the fastest bits and that spacejack would be right in the middle of two of them
00:53:152 (53152|4,53152|2,53602|2,53602|4) - One of those or even both should be singles, I don't really hear enough sounds to justify using doubles here | ✔ sure, changed the second one. I think the first one sounds pretty similar to the other drum noises I used doubles on
01:17:452 - Add a normal note here to accent the little synth bleep in the background | ✔
01:39:952 (99952|3) - Delete this note and add one note each to 01:40:102 - and 01:40:402 - those kicks should be accented properly, as in stronger | ✔
01:49:702 (109702|0,109852|2,110002|4) - Same suggestion as before
01:52:852 (112852|4) - Delete this note, you didn't accent those crashes with 3 notes when there was a LN before, the song is dying down and it's a total pain in the ass to hit in that arrangement | ✔ well this LN doesn't start at the same time as the crash like the previous ones did, but I see what you mean so I removed it
[Hard+ in reality known as Insane]
00:11:752 (11752|0,11902|1) - For this and all same places, like before, you could anchor those notes to match the drums, and if needed move 00:12:052 (12052|0) - away. This kind of little anchor patterning will honestly be really fun to play | ✔
00:18:652 (18652|0,18727|1,18802|0,18952|1,19102|0) - You sure you don't want to flip those notes? 24 15 trills play way better here imo | ✔ I was trying to spread out the notes more evenly on lanes 1 and 2 but it don't matter that much. Flipped
00:25:102 (25102|1,25177|3) - Doubles? I feel like they would fit | In general I tried to use un-glued doubles for snares like these, and save glued doubles (notes in two consecutive lanes) for the kicks. It was especially important here because I wanted to differentiate it from 00:25:552 -. However, any non-glued pattern here seemed rather obtrusive and hard to play, and I figured the little [2][4][2] trill was sufficient to represent the repeated snares
00:25:552 (25552|1,25702|1) - Delete those notes, the bass doesn't warrant 2 notes in my opinion, and 1 45 1 should be fun to play | I'm not sure what you mean. These bass kicks sound to me like all the other bass kicks in this section, which are mostly all glued doubles
00:28:552 (28552|0,28627|4,28702|0,28777|4) - Either doubles or switch up columns to make it more distinctive (In other words a 12 45 jumptrill or 1524 stream would fit) | ✔ switched up the columns
00:34:702 - Same suggestion as before
00:57:352 - You could do a little skip, or stop with SV here, song calls for it | ✔ cool, I did a little 0.3x–1.7x pause. Actually while we're on the topic, I deleted the SV at 00:38:152 - because I never liked it. I think I added it because representing noises with emptiness clashed with the general opinion of the community, but if this is about to be bubbled what the hell![]()
01:13:102 - Same suggestion as before
01:18:952 (78952|2,78952|4,78952|1) - Those should definitly not be triple, continue 1/2 layering that you had until this point up to 01:19:252 - | ✔ I was actually choosing chord density based on the amount of LNs pressed down at once, not the amount of LNs that begin on the sound. You'll notice the amount of LNs pressed down at once averages from two to four, making the three-note press visually consistent, if you will. However it was a minor touch and I don't want it to feel unintuitive, so I deleted a note lol
01:52:102 (112102|4,112252|3,112402|4) - Reverse those notes and then put a note at 01:52:552 - on 5th, fits the crash | ✔
[Insane in reality known as fucking hard as balls ow my hands]
nice suggestion but I'm afraid the community might not react well if I put unwarranted profanity in the diff name
Merry Christmas Mr. Noodle
First thing that gets me is that you've only mapped the intro in this diff and on top of that you layered really heavy noodles in there. Either map the intro in all diffs (well maybe apart from normal), or don't map it at all. | ✔ personally I think consistency between difficulties is overrated, and I originally left out the intro in the lower diffs because I wasn't content with how it looked. However I see why the community considers inconsistency like that to be sloppy, so I added the intro to Hard and Insane.
00:28:627 (28627|1,28702|3,28777|1) - This should still be a jumptrill (12 45), even if it's a transition | ✔
00:57:352 - Same SV suggestion as in Hard+ aka Insane | ✔
01:06:952 - Actually same here (check for similar sections if you decide to do them, it would look cool) | nah, I think the silence after the first chorus is significantly more impactful than the others because it goes immediately into a series of crashes.
01:26:452 - I was thinking if maybe a mild slowjam here would be a good idea, but I'm not too sure. Either way throwing this suggestion onto you | ✔ sure sounds cool
01:29:377 - & 01:29:452 - Not layering the other synth here? (the one you do doubles for) | the first one I'll leave out because I find it more intuitive to express the "sliding" sounds in this section with just one note. the second one is too quiet compared to the other notes P:
01:29:827 - Should be a double here following your structure | another slide
01:31:852 - Actually a repeated same pitch bleep as on 01:31:777 (91777|3) - and the secondary synth playing here, so should be a double with a minijack? | ✔ added one note for the secondary synth. I believe I left it out originally because I wanted to emphasize the syncopation in the lower synth. The repeated bleep sounds dubious to me... It seems almost indistinguishable from a simple sustained note and I'm not even sure if it was sequenced like that or if it was just an effect of the instrument's gritty timbre. I'll leave it as a single
01:32:002 - Missing note for secondary synth | ✔
01:34:627 - Here as well | slide
01:34:927 - And here too | slide
01:35:227 (95227|2,95252|4,95302|0,95352|2,95377|1) - Are you 100% sure about those snaps? | as far as I can tell it's a 1/4 on top of a 1/3. If you think it's something else I'll change it
Awesome, updated-Kamikaze- wrote:
Okay, next up
Pattern suggestions:
01:48:052 - Add a note for the crash? (don't forget about hitsounds) | nah, I'm committed to only mapping melody here
00:08:152 (8152|2) - Replace the LN with normal 1/3 notes, feels more accurate and in other spots you layered them | ✔
00:09:052 - 00:09:352 - Add normal notes? Feels empty | I prefer the transition as a bit of a break for this difficulty
01:18:652 (78652|1) - End this 1/4 earlier to match hardest diff? | I'm not sure what you mean, the LN in the hardest diff is the same length as this. If you mean the LN in Insane, which actually is 1/4 shorter, my justification is that it has complex LN patterns that don't jive with the longer LN choice because it would mean the release of three LNs at once on a 1/4 which was weirdly heavy
00:08:152 - make a 1/3 pattern here instead of triple longer LNs, fits better tbh | ✔
[LN Master]
You said that you wanna change that diffname so do that lol | ✔ it's Fortress now
01:35:152 - I've consulted Feerum about that snap and we've confirmed that it's okay. Though you may want to change the patterns so the spacing between 1/4 and 1/3 isn't irregular, for example to this: | nah, your suggest makes it look like they're supposed to be grace notes, which they're not
W - Whistle
F - Finish
C - Clap
00:09:652 (9652|4,10102|4,10552|4) - F
00:12:052 (12052|2,12502|2,12952|2) - F
00:14:452 (14452|2,14902|2,15352|2) - F General suggestion, use Finishes for all those crashes on all diffs, I'm not gonna point out all of them | no thanks, I don't think it fits with the type of crash used in the song. I tried to find a hitsound that matched this a long time ago, but I failed and settled on the whistle+clap combo
In case you want to keep layering them with Claps like you mostly do, layer ALL of them in this difficulty because it has none | ✔ well this was on purpose, probably to make simpler hitsounds to match a simpler map, but sure I'll add'em
00:23:902 (23902|0) - You have a clap here only in this diff, add to all or delete it here | ✔ deleted, was accident
00:27:352 (27352|2) - C? | ✔
00:30:652 (30652|4) - No C here? | no, I believe I counted this type of sound as a hi hat throughout this mapset
00:39:952 (39952|3) - C | I didn't put hitsounds on the LNs on purpose. In all the LN sections I simplified the drum patterns to make space for the LN, so I thought it would be fine to simplify the hitsounds as well. Besides, I think it's weird to put drum sounds on notes which represent the melody. If you think differently then I'll add all these. No change for now
00:40:402 (40402|0) - C
00:41:152 (41152|4,41602|4) - C
00:41:902 (41902|2) - W
00:43:852 (43852|3) - W
00:44:002 (44002|2) - C
00:45:202 (45202|2) - C
01:37:552 (97552|3,98002|0) - C
01:38:752 (98752|4,99202|4) - C
01:39:052 (99052|3,99502|2) - W
01:41:452 (101452|3) - W
01:41:602 (101602|2) - C
01:42:802 (102802|2) - C
00:40:552 (40552|2) - Add C on top of W | ✔
00:42:952 (42952|2) - Remove HS | ✔
00:45:352 (45352|3) - Add C on top of W | ✔
00:48:052 (48052|0) - W | ✔
01:38:152 (98152|2) - C on top of W | ✔
01:42:952 (102952|3) - ^ | ✔
[LN Master]
Look for anything that was mentioned already, rest looks fine
we should be good to go after this I think
The thing is, it doesn't really matter gameplay wise where the hitsound is and you did put hitsounds on LNs in harder diffs, so this inconsistency is not acceptable for me at least. I'd like you to add them.Nivrad00 wrote:
00:39:952 (39952|3) - C | I didn't put hitsounds on the LNs on purpose. In all the LN sections I simplified the drum patterns to make space for the LN, so I thought it would be fine to simplify the hitsounds as well. Besides, I think it's weird to put drum sounds on notes which represent the melody. If you think differently then I'll add all these. No change for now
Well maybe I misspoke. I believe the effect on the gameplay is if the player only sees single notes for the kicks in a certain section, but they hear the hitsounds for both kick and snare. The hitsounds on the LNs on the harder diffs, I believe, usually have single notes on the same beat, so the player doesn't feel the dissonance from hearing a hitsound while the map ONLY has a note for the melody. So I guess my objection isn't so much putting hitsounds on LNs, but putting hitsounds where the player doesn't expect it based on the map's layering.-Kamikaze- wrote:
The thing is, it doesn't really matter gameplay wise where the hitsound is and you did put hitsounds on LNs in harder diffs, so this inconsistency is not acceptable for me at least. I'd like you to add them.
Poke me back
I am, but I retired from that job to become a shipwaifu :3IamKwaN wrote:
@Kamikazi: aren't you an attack unit during WWII?