
Osu! Comic

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Do you think this a good idea?

Maybe, depends on how it is when I see it
Total votes: 81
Polling ended
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Soon, maybe by today. There will be the first Osu comic made by me (WolfChan) and edited by WeegeevsWeegee. IF you want to be in it or help with it just reply saying what your intentions are :D Anyone can be part of this.
Lemon Water_old
What's it about?

WolfChan wrote:

Soon, maybe by today. There will be the first Osu comic made by me (WolfChan) and edited by WeegeevsWeegee. IF you want to be in it or help with it just reply saying what your intentions are :D Anyone can be part of this.
Do you even have any idea what you are doing...
Topic Starter

Lemon Water wrote:

What's it about?
It's just sort of a comic of random things in osu. Mostly comedy and stupidity and inside jokes on osu.
Topic Starter

adam2046 wrote:

WolfChan wrote:

Soon, maybe by today. There will be the first Osu comic made by me (WolfChan) and edited by WeegeevsWeegee. IF you want to be in it or help with it just reply saying what your intentions are :D Anyone can be part of this.
Do you even have any idea what you are doing...
Hellz Yeah. I thought it through.
Just before anyone says anything, I'm not COMPLETELY stupid, just with conversation. And Wild Shiny Pidgeys >~< I'm a better editor than you think. WolfChan uses MSPaint, but I'm going to make it look somewhat less of eyerape from quality (WolfChan's a good artist, she just refuses to use anything but MSPaint!), and make it look decent, at the very middle. And yes I will be a grammar nazi about this.

Edit: She knows what she is doing, I act smarter in private chat than in public chat. WEEGEE LOGIC, REVEALED!
Topic Starter

WeegeevsWeegee wrote:

Just before anyone says anything, I'm not COMPLETELY stupid, just with conversation. And Wild Shiny Pidgeys >~< I'm a better editor than you think. WolfChan uses MSPaint, but I'm going to make it look somewhat less of eyerape from quality (WolfChan's a good artist, she just refuses to use anything but MSPaint!), and make it look decent, at the very middle. And yes I will be a grammar nazi about this.

Edit: She knows what she is doing, I act smarter in private chat than in public chat. WEEGEE LOGIC, REVEALED!
>:( ......I'm gonna hand draw most of it. I'm a much better hand artist than on the damn comppoter.
oh, well pardon my french, It's just when I hear that you use MSPaint, then Hand-Drawn, then MSPaint, then Hand-Drawn, I get confused between the two D:

EDIT: Hey WolfChan, shouldn't you put a character list in the first post of this thread?
Water Lemon_old
I'm looking forward to it. ^^
Yup me too.
Yes ?
No ?
Maybe ?
I don't know, I'm not a doctor. Watch as I vote for all three.
people who vote for all three are asses. I voted for maybe.

Priestess In Yellow wrote:

Yes ?
No ?
Maybe ?
I don't know, I'm not a doctor. Watch as I vote for all three.

I don't know should I wait for this.

WeegeevsWeegee wrote:

Just before anyone says anything, I'm not COMPLETELY stupid[...]
Way to hand out free ammunition

inb4 Cuddlebun
:D Thank you for that incredibly kind compliment, I enjoyed it so~! :3
Shohei Ohtani
Hmmm, maybe a teaser or a piece of the artwork so that we can know what's coming?
I think this is a genuinely great idea.
Voted yes and only yes.
Maybe you should stick with simple four panel comics.
Topic Starter

Jarby wrote:

Maybe you should stick with simple four panel comics.
Dude im lazy as HELL. So I was only planning on like 4, 5, or 6 panels per comic :D. And I should have a preview pic up tonight.

WolfChan wrote:

Jarby wrote:

Maybe you should stick with simple four panel comics.
Dude im lazy as HELL. So I was only planning on like 4, 5, or 6 panels per comic :D. And I should have a preview pic up tonight.
Er, laziness isn't really the point of four panel comics. It's more to do with how the joke is delivered, you know.
Topic Starter
quote="Jarby"]Maybe you should stick with simple four panel comics.[/quote]
Dude im lazy as HELL. So I was only planning on like 4, 5, or 6 panels per comic :D. And I should have a preview pic up tonight.[/quote]
Er, laziness isn't really the point of four panel comics. It's more to do with how the joke is delivered, you know.[/quote]

I know I know. But Im saying I cant make a long comic :U so i was gonna make short jokes y'know. But it DOES depend on the joke so i just wasted typing space.

WeegeevsWeegee wrote:

I'm a better editor than you think.
Yeah, you did a fantastic job with your avatar.
Maybe I figured "Screw it I don't care about the quality of my avatar" like WolfChan

And even so, that has nothing to do with the comic. I would have edited my avatar better but just didn't feel like it.
Azure's comic idea died a few months ago which was indeed much better prepared than this one...Gah...can't keep a train of thought those avatar's are HORRIBLE


DeathxShinigami wrote:

Azure's comic idea died a few months ago which was indeed much better prepared than this one...Gah...can't keep a train of thought those avatar's are HORRIBLE

...comic? Wasn't it visual novel?
A visual novel is just hundreds of comics glued together
Well that's true. My bad.
In an intelligent, sequential order, I should add.
Hm, I'd like to try my hand at one or two comics, if you don't mind. =P

On a completely unrelated note, everyone, stop putting "maybe" or "depends" as choices for polls.
Yeah, that is kind of annoying.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Azure's comic idea died a few months ago.
Did not.

awp wrote:

A visual novel is just hundreds of comics glued together
A comic is just hundreds of lines glued together. There's no point in oversimplifying it.
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