
Tons of MP and some general future Ideas/Requests

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Would you like these changes to be implemented?

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Total votes: 146
This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +12
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fully support everything but the multiplayer avatar thing... as it was said earlier theres is just no space to fit it it...
I support them.
I hope that both ( MP-ideas and the calendar ) are possible to implement and won't take too long to do so, because i think that all of these ideas are great :D
I support everything but ranking for tag team.

Gabi wrote:

*More Tag Team colors: Right now theres only blue and red, however it would be nice if we could choose green and yellow/orange aswell. that way 4 teams of 2 players can battle it out at the same time. however, let the host decide how many team colors are allowed to be picked so people just dont go off on their own teams :$
I disagree on the bold part, since when suddenly a lot of players would leave, you're left with 3 colours for 3 players. Bad idea. Let everyone decide. In the end, if you make a team on your own, it's only harder for you since you have more beats to click.

Gabi wrote:

*Fixed Tag coop colors: When playing Tag coop, combo colors can get very hard to read, especially if you are the one who is playing with the grey/white notes, and on some maps even the red warning arrows dont show up. thats why we would like to suggest a fixed combo color, that you can setup in option and choose what color you want. this way each player gets a single note color, but other players notes will still be gray when it isn't your turn.
Support for this one, since I've found some colours to be impossible to read when in tag coop. Same goes for certain maps in which the combo colours are the greyscale failed colours.

Gabi wrote:

*Improved Tag Spectating: speaks for itself. right now when you spectate a tag game, you can only spectate 1 player playing, and when it isn't that players turn, you stop spectating untill it's his turn again. what i want is to be able to spectate the whole game, both players that is. (maybe spectating both teams at the same time is pretty impossible, but spectating one team should be able to work)

*More Detailed Tag Results:
can't say anything on these two. Supported.

Gabi wrote:

*Result screen in Tag coop mode when a team fail: Right now, if 2 teams play against each other without the nofail mod, and one of them fails, the game will just go to the fail scene and you go back to the mp lobby. it would be nice with a result screen after failing, to see which team failed, because this gets really confusing sometimes. sure a really small message pops up when failing but you arent really focused on that so its hard to spot.
Didn't notice up to now. Supported.

Gabi wrote:

*Multiplayer Lobby: so we in MP can speak without bothering #osu

Gabi wrote:

*Avatars next to names in MP lobby: in the list of names, their avatars could be next to them.
Unneccesary. No support.

Gabi wrote:

*Tag Ranking: yup its been suggested before i know ^^ :D
im not sure how this would be implemented, but i would LOVE to discuss this in a live chat instead of on forums.
No. Some maps have undivided combo colours (Nothing on my mind specifically) so you can't rank two people with hard and easy parts respectively on a same basis.

Gabi wrote:

*osu! Ingame calendar: just to make it a bit more friendlier.
on this, people can sign up (if accepted by Mods) stuff like un/official events (tournaments etc) or Bats/Mods/peppy can write down important announcements like bancho downtime or upcoming builds. also when a mod/bat etc writes something, you can see the calendar flashing, meaning an important message should be read.
The bold part would REALLY piss me off.
Topic Starter

Wojjan wrote:

I disagree on the bold part, since when suddenly a lot of players would leave, you're left with 3 colours for 3 players. Bad idea. Let everyone decide. In the end, if you make a team on your own, it's only harder for you since you have more beats to click.
This is why you have a mature host to handle how many team colors are allowed to be picked. also if you end up with an un even number you can either go normal Tag coop mode, or just go back to 2 colors. (1 team would have 2 players and 1 team would have 1)

Wojjan wrote:

The bold part would REALLY piss me off.
like i said, only when really important messages are typed it will flash. by flash i didn't mean the whole osu screen flashing, i meant just a tiny little circle maybe in the upper left corner of the osu! main menu screen. not to noticable so it wont bother anyone, but it will make sure people look at it from time to time to see if anything important has to be said.

thanks for supporting most of it :D
Topic Starter
bump :P :) :o
I support this, really good ideas n_n

Gabi wrote:

*More Tag Team colors: Right now theres only blue and red, however it would be nice if we could choose green and yellow/orange aswell. that way 4 teams of 2 players can battle it out at the same time. however, let the host decide how many team colors are allowed to be picked so people just dont go off on their own teams :$
Great idea, I'd really like to have this implemented

Gabi wrote:

*Fixed Tag coop colors: When playing Tag coop, combo colors can get very hard to read, especially if you are the one who is playing with the grey/white notes, and on some maps even the red warning arrows dont show up. thats why we would like to suggest a fixed combo color, that you can setup in option and choose what color you want. this way each player gets a single note color, but other players notes will still be gray when it isn't your turn.

NOTE: do not mix this with Tag Team colors
Support! This is very annoying

Gabi wrote:

*Improved Tag Spectating: speaks for itself. right now when you spectate a tag game, you can only spectate 1 player playing, and when it isn't that players turn, you stop spectating untill it's his turn again. what i want is to be able to spectate the whole game, both players that is. (maybe spectating both teams at the same time is pretty impossible, but spectating one team should be able to work)
Don't forget the username of the spectator keeps popping-up and disappearing on the screen of the player while playing tag. Also, Osu! should show if the player is playing tag or head to head. This is ofcourse for the spectator.

Gabi wrote:

*More Detailed Tag Results:
Something like this, but different graphics

Gabi wrote:

*Result screen in Tag coop mode when a team fail: Right now, if 2 teams play against each other without the nofail mod, and one of them fails, the game will just go to the fail scene and you go back to the mp lobby. it would be nice with a result screen after failing, to see which team failed, because this gets really confusing sometimes. sure a really small message pops up when failing but you arent really focused on that so its hard to spot.
I thought peppy was going to fix that anyway, ah well. support!

Gabi wrote:

*Multiplayer Lobby: so we in MP can speak without bothering #osu
Only if it automaticly popups when entering Multiplayer

Gabi wrote:

*osu! Ingame calendar: just to make it abit more friendlier.
on this, people can sign up (if accepted by Mods) stuff like un/official events (tournaments etc) or Bats/Mods/peppy can write down important announcements like bancho downtime or upcoming builds. also when a mod/bat etc writes something, you can see the calendar flashing, meaning an important message should be read.

you could have the calendar connected with the forums, that way we can see when players/friends are having birthdays etc. you could also check the dates of when maps got ranked etc.

Peppy recently came up with this. It isn't ingame but has the same purpose.
Support!! It will be nice all that to be implement.....

Specially these two....

Gabi wrote:

*More Tag Team colors: Right now theres only blue and red, however it would be nice if we could choose green and yellow/orange aswell. that way 4 teams of 2 players can battle it out at the same time. however, let the host decide how many team colors are allowed to be picked so people just dont go off on their own teams :$

*Fixed Tag coop colors: When playing Tag coop, combo colors can get very hard to read, especially if you are the one who is playing with the grey/white notes, and on some maps even the red warning arrows dont show up. thats why we would like to suggest a fixed combo color, that you can setup in option and choose what color you want. this way each player gets a single note color, but other players notes will still be gray when it isn't your turn.

Btw, I was thinking, it will be nice, a New Version of Tag Coop for 2 players which one player move the mouse, and the other click/tab the notes, but I don't know if it's possible, can you tell me what you think, or if you think that is possible?

And other thing, The Progress IN PROGRESS???? It will be useful for MultiPlayer, if when someone join a match in progress, he can see the progress of the beatmap, so he don't have to wait to long, or maybe leave of the room, and the match its almost over, etc.... what do you think?

PS: Hope you understand my broken English n_nU
Topic Starter

Lissette wrote:

Btw, I was thinking, it will be nice, a New Version of Tag Coop for 2 players which one player move the mouse, and the other click/tab the notes, but I don't know if it's possible, can you tell me what you think, or if you think that is possible?
for the moment i don't think this is possible due to latency differences. but im sure it will be possible in the future if LAN support would be implemented, but i really like the idea.

Lissette wrote:

And other thing, The Progress IN PROGRESS???? It will be useful for MultiPlayer, if when someone join a match in progress, he can see the progress of the beatmap, so he don't have to wait to long, or maybe leave of the room, and the match its almost over, etc.... what do you think?

PS: Hope you understand my broken English n_nU
great idea, i like it alot i will add it to the list. thanks :)
Bumping this thread because I really want to see some of this stuff added. (in particular, the choose-your-own-coop-color one)

Soaprman wrote:

Bumping this thread because I really want to see some of this stuff added. (in particular, the choose-your-own-coop-color one)

I also would love to see this implemented, would make tag coop so much more fun. I hate getting grey notes, missing 4-5 before realizing its my turn O.o ( and normally end up failing us ) D:
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i sometimes miss when im black or white.
I support this.
Topic Starter
I still want this stuff.
Yes! Support 97%

support support support (again) XD
ooo that calendar thing sounds kool :)
yeah, +1
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Topic Starter
ooh thanks for the bump. also woooooo we hit 100+ supporters :D

here is a list of the stuff added to osu! so far.

*More Detailed Tag Results* *ADDED*

*Result screen in Tag coop mode when a team fail* *ADDED*

*Multiplayer Lobby* *ADDED*

i hope more will get implemented :)
I would break down this topic into smaller chunks if I were you. Some of these deserve a different priority and each will get its own form of support. Separate topics would be much more organized and effective.
Topic Starter

strager wrote:

I would break down this topic into smaller chunks if I were you. Some of these deserve a different priority and each will get its own form of support. Separate topics would be much more organized and effective.
peppy told me not do this. he said i should gather all our ideas into 1 topic. i guess i could mark the ones that needs top priority? idk if anyone looks at this topic anymore though
I still check it from time to time. I don't want to keep bumping it all by myself, though!

Choose your own tag combo color is top priority for me.
YES +1
Totally agree. Support. :)

and adding a request for MP that i think would be useful

i would like to see in the lobby the numbers of star difficulty that has the map played in a room
and would be cool to see the mod that is being used

what do you think?
support on ALL :)
I didn't support this yet? Silly me.

I don't play MP much but the ideas are good, maybe I'll play more MP if they were implemented.
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Seems like these needs another good bumping.

Tag colors, like Soaprman, should be the priority. They are the most annoying thing, especially with maps that have 1 to 3 combos only.

I suggest to balance out the gameplay by...

"After set amount of seconds, then it's the next players turn."

10 seconds, maybe?
Topic Starter

MarioBros777 wrote:

Seems like these needs another good bumping.

Tag colors, like Soaprman, should be the priority. They are the most annoying thing, especially with maps that have 1 to 3 combos only.

I suggest to balance out the gameplay by...

"After set amount of seconds, then it's the next players turn."

10 seconds, maybe?
uhh, not quite sure what you are trying to say.
Actually, I just realized that it wouldn't help at all anyway...
Support on all.
Topic Starter
*Fixed Tag coop combo colors has been added!!!!!!!!

also bump ^^
I still support the other stuff in the OP, too. If that feature request sponsoring thing ever goes through, I'll probably just pour all my credits into this thread.
/very support Tag Rankings~
Topic Starter
hmm, i think it's about time i poked this topic ^^
Support all.

I especially like the calendar and tag ranking/color ideas.
Lemon Water_old
These ideas are sexy~

+Support on all, mostly the calender & more tag colours. ;)

Gabi wrote:

*Progress bar in MP room: Put a progress bar in the Multiplayer room so you can see how much of the song/map is left before it ends. (that way people who are looking for a fast game can wait/leave if it would take a long time for the song to finish)
Bumping because I particularly like this idea. Support.
bump. We need the progress bar.

Gabi wrote:

Me and Dangaard decided to come up with some ideas that would make MP more tag friendly, and more fun overall. alot of these have been suggested before, we would just like to bump them. Please leave a comment after you have voted. here are some ideas we came up with:

*More Tag Team colors: Right now theres only blue and red, however it would be nice if we could choose green and yellow/orange aswell. that way 4 teams of 2 players can battle it out at the same time. however, let the host decide how many team colors are allowed to be picked so people just dont go off on their own teams :$
i know that there is a request for this all ready. t/102612?hilit=more+tag+teams
*Improved Tag Spectating: speaks for itself. right now when you spectate a tag game, you can only spectate 1 player playing, and when it isn't that players turn, you stop spectating untill it's his turn again. what i want is to be able to spectate the whole game, both players that is. (maybe spectating both teams at the same time is pretty impossible, but spectating one team should be able to work)
i think there is a request for this as well >_<
*Progress bar in MP room: Put a progress bar in the Multiplayer room so you can see how much of the song/map is left before it ends. (that way people who are looking for a fast game can wait/leave if it would take a long time for the song to finish)
interesting idea
*Multiplayer Tag Ranking: yup its been suggested before i know ^^ :D
im not sure how this would be implemented, but i would LOVE to discuss this in a live chat instead of on forums.
i don't think this'll be added :(
*osu! Ingame calendar: just to make it abit more friendlier.
on this, people can sign up (if accepted by Mods) stuff like un/official events (tournaments etc) or Bats/Mods/peppy can write down important announcements like bancho downtime or upcoming builds. also when a mod/bat etc writes something, you can see the calendar flashing, meaning an important message should be read.
so like an event calender?
multiplayer tag ranking is surely a good idea
I agree
Greetings from p/5095541
I have come here to bring you back from the dead

Now rise glorious request, RISE!
great idea.
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