sorry for late
[ General]
Good luck (¦3[▓▓]
[ General]
- 01:31:151 - Green line should be moved to 1/4 or 1/8 tick left, because it doesn't works if players tap the key at before the spinner.
- Muzukashii, Oni: HP seems bit too high. I recommend to set 7/6
- SV should be 1.4 since so low bpm song.
- 00:10:600 (6,8) - move to 1/2 tick right in order to stabilize the rhythm? 3/2 rhythm is bit too complicated for beginners in the intro part imo.
- 00:42:490 (22) - Consider move to 1/1 tick right in the same way as 00:49:577 (30,31,32) - . It makes more consistent rhythm imo.
- 01:04:222 (10,11,12) - Should be kk-d for the consistency with 01:19:340 (25,26,27) -.
- 01:27:372 (33) - k? so quiet part and higher pitch sound than (34).
- 01:31:151 (1) - 40% seems bit loud, consider to set 20-30%
- 00:08:002 - Missing a note.
- 00:25:955 (34,35,36) -, 00:29:734 (39,40,41) - 00:33:514 (44,45,46) - Why not same 1/2 position as 00:23:120 (30,31,32) - ? it's questionable to me.
- 01:02:096 (13,14) - How about using kd? dk > kd makes interesting flow imo.
- 01:17:214 (38,39) - ^
- 01:27:372 (58) - k? same reason as Kantan.
- 01:31:151 (1) - 2nd~4th greenlines are not needed. delete them and set 20-30% at first line.
- 00:10:364 - 00:12:254 - could have notes for the spread. This part is closer to Futsuu relatively.
- 00:22:884 (46) - k would more fit to the vocal imo.
- 00:26:899 (55) - 00:30:443 (62) - 00:34:458 (71) - ^
- 00:35:167 (73) - change to d for consistency with 00:27:608 (57) - ?
- 00:50:994 (124) - Consider adding finish in the same way as 00:50:521 (123) - .
- 00:59:144 (152,153) - 01:03:041 (166,167) - Consider deleting these notes for making same rhythm as 00:55:718 (140,141) -. In the kiai part 1/4s are bit too many. It also works for improving the spread. (now kiai seems closer to oni.)
- 01:08:238 (186,187,188) - Isn't kkk good?
- 01:18:159 (219,220) - delete, see above.
- 01:24:773 (245,246,247) - Seems overkill.
- 01:25:482 (249,250,251,252,253,254) - If you applied my opinion at Futsuu, you can also apply it at this diff.
- 01:31:151 (1) - refer to Futsuu
- Spreadを考えるとODは5.0が適当でしょう。
- 00:06:584 (10,11) - イントロパートでここだけkdなのは何故..? 少し浮いているように感じます。
- 00:16:742 (54,55,56,57,58,59,60) - 配色がコレジャナイ感。特にケツにあるkdkがなんか浮いている感じが,,, kkddkkd とか ddkkddd とかでシンプルに纏めても良いかもしれない
- 00:25:955 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93) - 音程は2小節前と多少変わっているので譜面も何かしら差別化した方が良いように思います。
- 00:42:018 (145,146) - 1/1の必要性を感じません。00:38:474 (126,127) - と同様に何かしらノートを置いたパターンを組むべきではないでしょうか。
- 00:52:411 (196,197,198,199) - うーん、d--kd-kを2回繰り返すのはベストには思えません。特に明確な目的があるようには見えませんし、何かしら配色を差別化するか片方をkkdで埋めるかしてみたほうが良いのではないでしょうか
- Kiaiパートの1/1の入れ方の一貫性がかなり欠けているように感じます。前半-後半についてはほぼコピペなので問題無いのですがそれぞれのパート内ではもっと一貫した配置でパターンを組めそうな気がしてならないです。
- 最後のスピナーFutsuu参照
- 00:16:506 (76,77,78,79) - This color seems overdone. Consider changing to simple pattern
- 00:17:451 - 00:21:230 - Density seems too high for the this calm part. You should cull some notes.
- 00:32:096 (153,154) - Why not follow the pitch of the piano?
- 00:50:521 (65,66,67,68,69) - I don't think this color is the best choice. 00:50:521 (65,67) - Try to keep the same color, it sounds the similar cymbal at these positions please. for example: K-d-kkd- e.g.: K-d-kkd-
- 00:59:616 (34) - Consider deleting this note for the consistency with 00:55:482 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - and 00:57:372 (19,20,21,22,23,24) -
- 01:03:041 (56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67) - Why you used similar pattern as 00:59:262 - ? It seems randomly. you should make another pattern or use similar pattern as 00:55:246 - for the consistency imo.
- 01:07:293 (84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94) - This stream seems too long for the this sound, I recommend deleting (87) note.
- from 01:10:364 - , Similar thoughts as first half of the kiai part.
- 01:21:939 - This stream is also questionable to me. isn't it too long for this song?
- 01:24:537 (201,202,203,204) - see above.
- 01:31:151 (1) - refer to Futsuu.
Good luck (¦3[▓▓]