Unless you happen to be mapping a map that is conveniently in 4/4 or 3/4 its pretty much impossible to truly have a correct time signature for mapping. It is impossible to correctly map a 6/8 in this game unless you want to fudge around so its not truly 6/8. sure, you could map it in 6/4 instead with really fast beats, but what happens when you need to map duplets (aka 2 notes in a 3 beat span, like triplets) at that point you either have to mess with the bpm (which nobody will like) or falsely place each note. the other option is to map in 4/4 using triplets. this actually makes it a lot harder as well when timing because every measure of 6/8 is actually 2 measures of 4/4. it would be a lot easier if you could map in 2/4. then what about maps in cut time or actual 2/4? then you must either falsely map in 4/4 or make really fast beats. and what if you dont want to map base off the time signature and just want to get rid of measures completely? well, you have to either have a HUGE time signature or suffer through 4/4 or 3/4. why cant we map in 1/4 and 2/4? it would make life so much easier with 6/8 maps ect. what is the point of having the box where you can customize your time signature when it doesn't allow you to choose the exact number of beats per measure?!
tl;dr can we please be able to map in 1/4 and 2/4?
tl;dr can we please be able to map in 1/4 and 2/4?