
Unofficial CTB Tournament (Solo) Round 2

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Round 1 is finished.

First of all i want to apologize to everyone who was pissed by my organisation. Many unfair groups were build and so many players didn't have any chance.
BUTthis also happened because many of you didn't tell me that they can't play. I had to change the groups and that is one of the reasons why the groups were unfair. Also we had 2 downtimes ><. But whatever...

The next round won't start before the last players played the first three maps.

UPDATE: Ok tomorrow the tournament starts and i think its time to tell you the maps we are going to play. You will play 1vs1. The opponent will be decided by Time Zone and if he can play of course. I will try to keep them fair but i cant guarantee you anything.

Standard Map: 3L - Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim [Lunatic] by Dangaard
Easy Map: Chiaki Ishikawa - Uninstall [v2b's Jumping Madness!] by ignorethis
Hard Map: Demetori - Jehovah's YaHVeH [Lunatic] by happy30

Got any Questions or Requests? Post them here!

Players that reached the 2nd round:
mikhe 4pm vs alicely 4pm (I DID THIS RANDOMLY!!) mikhe won
Watase vs uranuss8600
Kiro-chan vs Azashii
hujune vs misa misa won
jamesleao vs OH-SHI- jamesleao won
Rukario485 3pm vs xLinkingx 3pm Rukario485 won
lbjornl 4pm vs emaal 4pm |bjorn| won
AleZer0 vs Annime AleZer0 won

Round 3:

But congratulations to everyone who made it into the second round (especially me XD)

But yeah hopefully the next round will be put together better and won't be f'd up by some people that just didn't come though they said they will.
How am I supposed to continue btw? I'm not officially out of the tournament I just had family conflicts d:
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I'll regroup the players that weren't be able to play or just didn't.
Give me some days and check this thread.
yaaaaaaay about this ........i'm dropping out of the tournament
as of today im quitting osu and concentrating on getting into university :T i'll start playing after school is finish and all the parties of course :D

So maybe just give my spot to Watase who was 3rd in our group
3 round player

all good luck XD

hujune wrote:

3 round player

all good luck XD
thx :3

hujune wrote:

3 round player

all good luck XD
i need good internet D: x3
hey everyone
if this tournament end i write a new post to CTB TAG(4v4) tournament
do u like? lol
All the best for the players who are still in the Tourney.
I'll be cheering for you guys from behind. Well...when I can lol.
Just to inform you all guys because I already said I'll kinda quit CTB after this,

BUT I thught that I will hst every 2 or 3 months a special CTB Tournament and sometimes with a special Gimmick(Hidden, Flashlight) but sometimes just an ordinary one.
As far as I know emaal will be helping me with hosting those so I will keep you guys informed.^^

misa wrote:

hey everyone
if this tournament end i write a new post to CTB TAG(4v4) tournament
do u like? lol
nice misa
This is a good memory will be.

misa wrote:

hey everyone
if this tournament end i write a new post to CTB TAG(4v4) tournament
do u like? lol
Great idea~~~but question is...there is only a few tag map to play and, some of the maps are not able to be alive without mods(EAZY/HT/NF)..
But anyway. I will join in this time~~~

ZHSteven wrote:

misa wrote:

hey everyone
if this tournament end i write a new post to CTB TAG(4v4) tournament
do u like? lol
Great idea~~~but question is...there is only a few tag map to play and, some of the maps are not able to be alive without mods(EAZY/HT/NF)..
But anyway. I will join in this time~~~
not tag map
no mod and only hard map

~_~Xero...Round3 map is what?

misa wrote:

~_~Xero...Round3 map is what?
And when? X_X
Grats everyone, and good luck to those who made it to the 3rd round.

P.S: your tournament idea sounds interesting, too, misa :)
Why did it stop the game?

I want to know the results: 3
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