
Hello everyone! It's nice to meet you!

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Shut In Kestrel
I've had this account for almost ten months but I only really started getting into the game a few weeks ago. I never really bothered with the forums that much until now so here I am, I suppose!

There's not much to say about my Osu! life other than I'm pretty bad, can only pass the low three stars, usually play with a few friends and I have to use my laptop's trackpad (Thanks to the fact that my mouse has decided to take a trip to Timbuktu) and my keyboard.

I hope to be more active on the forums and to see you guys around :)!
Hello and welcome to the forums! ^^
Welcome to the forums.
Oh my god clicking circles with the trackpad must've been tough ._.
Welcome to the forums and enjoy osu!~ probably consider buying a new mouse
Topic Starter
Shut In Kestrel

Annadine wrote:

Oh my god clicking circles with the trackpad must've been tough ._.
Welcome to the forums and enjoy osu!~ probably consider buying a new mouse
Haha, luckily I don't have to click with it though I do have to use my ctrl and alt keys. Better than nothing I suppose. I probably should take your suggestion on board!
Welcome to Osu :)
Welcome to Osu! Enjoy your stay :D
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