
Looking at cursor vs not looking at cursor (muscle memory?)

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Rely on seeing cursor
Rely on muscle memory
Depending on map/how i feel or something else
Rely on identifying as an attack helicopter
Total votes: 141
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dung eater
I'm curious on knowing how people think they aim.

If you rely more on looking at cursor, switching sensitivity is no big deal. I kinda identify as this kind of a player, switching between 0.66, 1, 1.5 doesn't really fuck up my aim at all (mid map). You might be more of a flow player, too, as you are aware of cursor. Fast/hard aim patterns might be easier to aim as you rely on looking at cursor (mental image consists of smaller segments with very frequent updates of real cursor position) instead of having a mental image of how you have to aim the pattern. If a map gets too fast to see cursor, you lose the ability to properly play it (depends a lot on your gear/skin)

If you rely more on not looking at cursor, you will perform significantly worse with higher latenchy/low hz (can't see cursor as well). You might have much easier time reading higher ars, because you have more resources to spare to read the objects when cursor position is assumed to be known at all times, but true position is updated less often. You might be snapping more. You are not really affected by maps getting faster, other than it being harder to keep in mind how to aim a pattern (obv faster maps are harder to be fast/accurate enough, but that's not the point). I might have made up stuff here because idk how people do this, if someone would like to point out inaccuracies or something I can edit this.

This is a pretty stupid poll and I'm assuming a lot. Pick whichever option you like.
-Makishima S-
Both, controlling cursor and rely on muscle memory in big jumps.
I don't really look at the cursor unless I'm really trying to focus.
It's not listed but I look at the center of the next circle I'm about to hit.This may or may not be a good idea , I don't have problems with it so far.
Other than than i voted for 'depending on how I feel like'
I Give Up
Since most players use mouse I imagine most players track cursor visually to correct mouse drift. Tablet players may track their cursor kinesthetically as there is no drift. This isnt persistent though, so mouse players could be like 60-80% visual and 20-40% kinesthetic or something, and vise versa for tablet.

Visually tracking cursor does not mean looking directly at cursor but keeping it within primary vision or peripheral fields.

KukiMonster wrote:

Visually tracking cursor does not mean looking directly at cursor but keeping it within primary vision or peripheral fields.
If this is the case then isn't this true 100% of the time you play?
Idk, I don't really pay attention to my cursor much and I can do some pretty spooky stuff with it. You don't really get the luxury of being able to stare at your cursor when you play HDHR.
Personally if it is cross screen jumps it's all yolo muscle memory (at least for mouse)
I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly
I Give Up
I just said its not persistent. Just because its in this fields does not mean youre not using any muscle memory.
Depends I guess....

If there's a map with a specific pattern of jumps. I usually see the middle screen of my monitor or the middle area of the pattern instead of focusing to the cursor. But if I need to aim-focus like in some older maps, I usually focus more to the cursor.

KukiMonster wrote:

I just said its not persistent. Just because its in this fields does not mean youre not using any muscle memory.
k fine it's mostly yolo muscle memory, the way I do it is that I look at 1 reference point in that section of jumps and then just let my hand do the magic, sometimes my cursor would be on that reference point aka "looking at my cursor".
I Give Up
My reply was response to khelly, I am using laggy phone and quote button did not work properly lol.
I think that being able to track the cursor by eye is something that practically relies on having a low latency display. I aim by watching my cursor (for the most part), and I feel as if I'm playing with an invisible cursor whenever I switch to a 60Hz LCD. But muscle memory definitely helps with snapping and aim consistency (both of which I lack).
i'm usually aware of my cursor aka visually traking it most of the time
but when there is a rly fast jumps or scren-wide jumps i can't rly track my cursor and just relay on my muscles memory
Topic Starter
dung eater
Obviously everyone has awareness of their cursor and some kind of mental image to depend on when senses can't keep up. Better wording for the poll would be to ask which strategy do you feel you rely more on. In other words, when your aim fails, do you usually put blame on not being able to observe cursor properly or having a flawed mental umace of what you were doing? Failing because od physically too hard to hit jumps doesn' count for either.

I'm gonna be riding busses/trains all day. Good to see people replying.
I try to observe the whole playfield at once to see new objects (I have invisible followpoints) and I look at the objects after the current one most of the time. Also I force myself to stay at the current object by using long but tiny cursortrail.
I never rely on muscle memory. Though it helps on its own sometimes.
I don't look at the cursor, but I try to be aware of where the cursor is at all times. I also rely heavily on muscle memory. So both, really.
I look at the cursor all the time when playing easier stuff and go full yolo for hard stuff
i look at the pen ! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

iderekmc wrote:

i look at the pen ! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
no wonder you haven't been improving
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