
Jeff Williams - Red Like Roses (feat. Casey Lee Williams)

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Topic Starter

suricate1 wrote:

n tem mto o q falar kkk
01:27:604 (3) - move pra x:180 y:252 fix
01:27:604 (3) - tenta deixar assim
01:32:101 (6,7,8,9) - wtf? faz outra coisa nesse pedacinho
01:43:546 (1) - pq essa eh especial? tira o new combo dela porque é começo de novo som
o resto n achei mais nem um misero erro
boa sorte kk :) vlw pela ajuda ^^
(ノ> ◇ <)ノ
Topic Starter

ghm12 wrote:

(ノ> ◇ <)ノ
just waiting ranked
IRC Mod (?
13:44 Hono: tarrasky
13:44 Hono: eu vou te bater
13:44 Hono: que pattern é essa
13:44 Tarrasky: to te assistindo
13:44 Tarrasky: mas n acontece nada
13:44 Tarrasky: parece o magikarp
13:45 Hono: 01:18:310 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
13:45 Hono: que porra é essa
13:45 Hono: tarrasky eu vou te bater
13:45 Tarrasky: isso é
13:45 Tarrasky: increase ds, ta em alta
13:45 Hono: expand dong
13:45 Hono: tira isso tá feio
13:45 Tarrasky: mas eu posso rever
13:45 Hono: ainda mais nessa parte
13:45 Tarrasky: oke
13:45 Hono: srsly
13:45 Hono: não tem climax nem nada
13:45 Hono: não tem sentido por isso aí
13:46 Tarrasky: na vdd tem
13:46 Kalindraz: "vc nao é skystar pra usar essa pattern"
13:46 Tarrasky: sou sim
13:46 Kalindraz: sim sim
13:46 Hono: eh
13:46 Hono: não gostei dessas patterns
13:46 *Tarrasky change your nickname to TarraHanzer
13:47 Hono: ali
13:47 Hono: aquele increase ali ficou bom
13:47 Hono: é sutil]
13:47 Hono: não forçado que nem o resto do começo
13:47 Hono: Tarrasky:
13:47 Tarrasky: sora pro 100x
13:48 Hono: tarrasky
13:48 Tarrasky: poi?
13:48 Hono: os ds que aumentam tão legais imo
13:48 Hono: menos o começo
13:48 Hono: tá forçado demais
13:50 Tarrasky: quem moddar dou um beijo
13:51 Tarrasky: O host está fazendo uma pausa.
13:54 Tarrasky: sora cansou no final
13:54 Hono: claro
13:54 Hono: first play
13:54 Hono: nem aqueci lmao
13:55 Hono: also, fica cansativo repetir a mesma coisa no kiai 3x
13:55 Tarrasky: entendeu pq o começo fiz meio "cancer"?
13:55 Tarrasky: tenho q respeitar o dano
13:55 Hono: n
13:55 Hono: faz algo decente e bonito
13:55 Hono: >:c
13:55 Tarrasky: :c
13:56 Tarrasky: m-mas, hanzer stailu best stailu
13:56 Hono: de resto o map tá legal
13:56 Tarrasky: the ugly is beatiful
13:56 Hono: só essas pattern ctrl c + ctrl v no kiai que tão chatas
13:56 Hono: e o começo, duh


  1. Consider add this info into tags: Theme song ruby red white black yellow trailer Rooster Teeth roosterteeth as long as you haven't added it yet. :!:
  2. Don't know about the combo colors. they're so simple, maybe you can try out other colors of the red gamma. Like this :)
  3. Oh! This point is really important! Look that the OD and the AR is pretty high in this mapset, so I really argue to increase the HP +2 or + 1.5 because of the spread. HP 5 is more common in insane diffs but no in this extra. :!:
  4. I think you can reduce the weigth of your mp3. file because it exceed the allowed size :?:
  5. This is just a nazy idea but the beginning it's a bit empty, what about mapping it? It would be great. ;)

[Crimson Death]
AiMod issues

Omg! Please, fix this aimod stuffs. Not regarding to spacing, the ones from snapped circles and sliders' ends.
  1. 02:02:844 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
  2. 02:02:994 (7) - ^.
  3. 02:03:144 (8) - ^.
  4. 04:14:884 (4) - Unsnapped slider's end.
  5. 04:16:027 (4) - ^.
  6. 04:35:884 (6) - ^.
Rthymical issues
  1. 01:10:285 (1) Shouldn't this slider start here 01:08:571 ? :o
  2. 01:18:010 Add a note maybe? just for consistency.
  3. 01:20:996 (5) What about following the piano set here with 1/2 slider and 1/1 slider. Like:
  4. 04:18:742 What about inserting a mini break here. :)
  5. 05:40:456 ^.
  6. 07:02:742 ^.
  7. 08:16:313 ^.
  8. What about a slider that starts here 08:37:742 and ends here 08:38:456 to fill tht "YOUUU" part? :)
Spacing issues
  1. 01:18:310 (1,2,3,4,5) Please, this would be more readable if you use the same DS. It's a bit confusing. :!:
  2. 01:57:919 (1) Put it here x=84|y=208 for blanketing better the linea pattern.
  3. 01:58:819 (5,6,7,8) Fix this star jump, please. :!:
  4. 01:20:848 (4,5) Use same DS please here too. There's no need of a mini-jump here.
  5. 02:01:519 (1) Just a nazi suggestion, but what about stacking that slider's end with this circle 02:01:069 (8) ? :lol:
  6. 02:03:319 (1,2,3,1,2,3) Ohh! the symmetry is real. amazing pattern :)
  7. 03:48:313 (8,2) Nazi suggestion, but the ovelap looks a bit weird.
  8. 05:15:171 (5) As this is a pentagon pattern you can set it here x=372|y=228 to make it symmetric with 05:14:885 (3)
That's all I can suggest. I can't even play extras with my rank. >.< but here a star. c:
Belo beatmap Tarrasky, eu adoraria poder ajudar mas, bleh
Good Luck tho :D
Só posso ajudar em uma coisa, muda o começo please
Topic Starter

Cubzy wrote:

Belo beatmap Tarrasky, eu adoraria poder ajudar mas, bleh
Good Luck tho :D
Só posso ajudar em uma coisa, muda o começo please
eahueahu vlw ae ^^
tou pensando em mudar o começo msm, o problema é que lá é lento q n tem mt o que fazer ;p
- Milhofo -
Yo, como pedido :D

[Crimson Death]
  1. Seu mp3 tem 12mb ._. não consigo confirmar se é de 192 kb/s porque naão tenho o sw necessário, mas não dá para diminuir um pouco?
  2. O mapa tem alguns objectos que não estão snapped, ex.: 04:14:884 (4) - slider end, check aimod
  3. Diria que OD9 vai matar qualquer player HR que não seja mlg pro, e o HP drain poderia ser um pouco maior, nem que seja 6 devido aos spinners
  4. 01:25:507 (1,2) - devia usar o mesmo spacing que 01:22:807 (3,4) -
  5. 01:26:257 (3,4) - porque é que este jump é maior que 01:26:707 (6,7) - e os restantes?
  6. 01:27:752 (4,5) - spacing
  7. 01:30:901 (1,2) - ficava melhor um slider para mappear o pull off da guitarra
  8. 01:34:501 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - odeio esta parte, unica que não gosto mesmo >.<
  9. 02:04:219 (1) - não precisa de NC imo
  10. 02:07:969 (6,7) - ctrl+g? dá highlight no salto
  11. 02:11:419 (1) - same as 2 above ^
  12. 04:21:171 (2) - ctrl+j?
  13. 05:47:456 (9) - centrar em cima (no meio) do (7) em vez de no slider end
  14. 06:00:885 (4,5) - ctrl+g e colocar o 06:01:171 (6) - a fazer blanket com (1), na posiçao x425 y108 (sugestão)
  15. 06:42:028 (8,9,10,1) - o flow aqui não é muito bom, talvez fazer os jumps um pouco maiores?
  16. 07:09:742 (9) - o mesmo que antes, colocar no meio
  17. 07:23:171 (1,2) - tirar NC e colocar no 07:23:885 (3) -
  18. 07:59:742 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - este stream vem do nada, na minha opinião deveria "avisar" o jogador com streams curvos antes, curvando 07:59:171 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - também
  19. 08:13:742 (4,1) - spacing demasiado pequeno, apesar de dar para jogar, acho que esse jump devia ser maior
  20. 08:36:313 (5,6) - talvez ctrl+g, ou mude o pattern para melhorar o flow
O resto acho que está muito bom, na minha replay deu para ver que é bastante jogável, só aquele inicio é que podia melhorar um pouco, de resto boa sorte ^^
Topic Starter

HappyRocket88 wrote:



  1. Consider add this info into tags: Theme song ruby red white black yellow trailer Rooster Teeth roosterteeth as long as you haven't added it yet. :!: fix
  2. Don't know about the combo colors. they're so simple, maybe you can try out other colors of the red gamma. Like this :) hmm, sounds nice
  3. Oh! This point is really important! Look that the OD and the AR is pretty high in this mapset, so I really argue to increase the HP +2 or + 1.5 because of the spread. HP 5 is more common in insane diffs but no in this extra. :!:
  4. I think you can reduce the weigth of your mp3. file because it exceed the allowed size :?:
  5. This is just a nazy idea but the beginning it's a bit empty, what about mapping it? It would be great. ;)

[Crimson Death]
AiMod issues

Omg! Please, fix this aimod stuffs. Not regarding to spacing, the ones from snapped circles and sliders' ends.
  1. 02:02:844 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
  2. 02:02:994 (7) - ^.
  3. 02:03:144 (8) - ^.
  4. 04:14:884 (4) - Unsnapped slider's end.
  5. 04:16:027 (4) - ^.
  6. 04:35:884 (6) - ^.
all fix, thanks ^^

Rthymical issues
  1. 01:10:285 (1) Shouldn't this slider start here 01:08:571 ? :o fix
  2. 01:18:010 Add a note maybe? just for consistency. hm, im not sure
  3. 01:20:996 (5) What about following the piano set here with 1/2 slider and 1/1 slider. Like:
  4. 04:18:742 What about inserting a mini break here. :)
  5. 05:40:456 ^.
  6. 07:02:742 ^.
  7. 08:16:313 ^.
  8. What about a slider that starts here 08:37:742 and ends here 08:38:456 to fill tht "YOUUU" part? :) noo, thats horrible x.x
Spacing issues
  1. 01:18:310 (1,2,3,4,5) Please, this would be more readable if you use the same DS. It's a bit confusing. :!:
  2. 01:57:919 (1) Put it here x=84|y=208 for blanketing better the linea pattern. fix
  3. 01:58:819 (5,6,7,8) Fix this star jump, please. :!: i improve
  4. 01:20:848 (4,5) Use same DS please here too. There's no need of a mini-jump here.
  5. 02:01:519 (1) Just a nazi suggestion, but what about stacking that slider's end with this circle 02:01:069 (8) ? :lol: hm oke
  6. 02:03:319 (1,2,3,1,2,3) Ohh! the symmetry is real. amazing pattern :)
  7. 03:48:313 (8,2) Nazi suggestion, but the ovelap looks a bit weird.
  8. 05:15:171 (5) As this is a pentagon pattern you can set it here x=372|y=228 to make it symmetric with 05:14:885 (3)
That's all I can suggest. I can't even play extras with my rank. >.< but here a star. c:


- Milhofo - wrote:

Yo, como pedido :D

[Crimson Death]
  1. Seu mp3 tem 12mb ._. não consigo confirmar se é de 192 kb/s porque naão tenho o sw necessário, mas não dá para diminuir um pouco? é sim 192kbps, o problema do peso é que a musica é grande e a qualidade do mp3 é perfeita, não pretendo tirar qualidade nem reduzir, é perimitido rankear com esse peso então rankearei
  2. O mapa tem alguns objectos que não estão snapped, ex.: 04:14:884 (4) - slider end, check aimod ja tinha arrumado, mas vlw o lembrete ^^
  3. Diria que OD9 vai matar qualquer player HR que não seja mlg pro, e o HP drain poderia ser um pouco maior, nem que seja 6 devido aos spinners sobre o drain não pretendo mecher pq tem partes com mt timing sem notas, e isso de HR pode matar de vdd eahueahu, sobre o od9 vou reduzir um pouco
  4. 01:25:507 (1,2) - devia usar o mesmo spacing que 01:22:807 (3,4) - boa, arrumei
  5. 01:26:257 (3,4) - porque é que este jump é maior que 01:26:707 (6,7) - e os restantes?
  6. 01:27:752 (4,5) - spacing
  7. 01:30:901 (1,2) - ficava melhor um slider para mappear o pull off da guitarra
  8. 01:34:501 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - odeio esta parte, unica que não gosto mesmo >.<
  9. 02:04:219 (1) - não precisa de NC imo fix
  10. 02:07:969 (6,7) - ctrl+g? dá highlight no salto fix
  11. 02:11:419 (1) - same as 2 above ^ fix
  12. 04:21:171 (2) - ctrl+j?
  13. 05:47:456 (9) - centrar em cima (no meio) do (7) em vez de no slider end
  14. 06:00:885 (4,5) - ctrl+g e colocar o 06:01:171 (6) - a fazer blanket com (1), na posiçao x425 y108 (sugestão) fica mt op
  15. 06:42:028 (8,9,10,1) - o flow aqui não é muito bom, talvez fazer os jumps um pouco maiores?
  16. 07:09:742 (9) - o mesmo que antes, colocar no meio
  17. 07:23:171 (1,2) - tirar NC e colocar no 07:23:885 (3) - fix
  18. 07:59:742 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - este stream vem do nada, na minha opinião deveria "avisar" o jogador com streams curvos antes, curvando 07:59:171 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - também fix
  19. 08:13:742 (4,1) - spacing demasiado pequeno, apesar de dar para jogar, acho que esse jump devia ser maior
  20. 08:36:313 (5,6) - talvez ctrl+g, ou mude o pattern para melhorar o flow
O resto acho que está muito bom, na minha replay deu para ver que é bastante jogável, só aquele inicio é que podia melhorar um pouco, de resto boa sorte ^^ seu mod ajudou bastante, vlw ^^
vou começar a moddar o chen ;9
IRC Mod.
2015-08-05 15:04 Crimmi: -poke-
2015-08-05 15:05 Tarrasky: yay
2015-08-05 15:05 Tarrasky: pokemon
2015-08-05 15:06 Crimmi: Alrighty then, I am going to go through this via IRC if you don't mind.
2015-08-05 15:06 Tarrasky: reeed like
2015-08-05 15:06 Tarrasky: roooooooseeeeees
2015-08-05 15:06 Tarrasky: oh, just wait one sec
2015-08-05 15:06 Tarrasky: i'm finish a mod
2015-08-05 15:11 Tarrasky: donnuts
2015-08-05 15:11 Tarrasky: ACTION is editing [ Jeff Williams - Red Like Roses (feat. Casey Lee Williams) [Crimson Dream]]
2015-08-05 15:12 Crimmi: Alright.
2015-08-05 15:12 Tarrasky: delete 01:10:285 (1) - until 08:37:456 (3) - and remap?
2015-08-05 15:12 Crimmi: Did you notice that there are some unsnapped objects
2015-08-05 15:13 Tarrasky: oh, i forgot
2015-08-05 15:16 Tarrasky: FIX
2015-08-05 15:16 Crimmi: the first part of the song sounded more like 3/4 (Waltz) rather than (6/4)
2015-08-05 15:18 Tarrasky: timing of the part 1 is from here
2015-08-05 15:18 Tarrasky: ACTION is editing [ Jeff Williams - Red Like Roses (feat. Casey Lee Williams) [Ruby]]
2015-08-05 15:18 Crimmi: ah
2015-08-05 15:22 Crimmi: 05:24:028 (2) - Maybe you can move this to x:208|y:168 to be consistent with (3,4).
2015-08-05 17:14 Tarrasky: FINNALY MY INTERNET IS BACK
2015-08-05 17:14 Tarrasky: sorry so much ;w;
2015-08-05 17:15 Crimmi: it's ok.
2015-08-05 17:18 Crimmi: 05:24:028 (2) - Maybe you can move this to x:208|y:168 to be consistent with (3,4).
2015-08-05 17:18 Tarrasky: let me look
2015-08-05 17:19 Tarrasky: the prev and next is 1,4x distance
2015-08-05 17:19 Tarrasky: so i think is consistent
2015-08-05 17:19 Tarrasky: the flow is better than i put like here 05:22:456 (1,2) -
2015-08-05 17:20 Tarrasky: not is a bad idea but i'm not sure if the gameplay will be better
2015-08-05 17:20 Tarrasky: ok done
2015-08-05 17:22 Crimmi: 05:29:313 (7) - You can stack this under (7) and the end result will look like this:
2015-08-05 17:22 Tarrasky: hm oke
2015-08-05 17:25 Crimmi: 05:57:885 (5) - Move this up a bit to x:192|y:240.
2015-08-05 17:26 Tarrasky: ok done
2015-08-05 17:30 Tarrasky: about the tags, have something to add
2015-08-05 17:32 Crimmi: Rooster Teeth
2015-08-05 17:33 Crimmi: you can also check here for tags
2015-08-05 17:35 Tarrasky: hm ok
2015-08-05 17:37 Crimmi: I think that's it xD
2015-08-05 17:37 Tarrasky: oh, oke ^^
2015-08-05 17:37 Tarrasky: thanks so much, post in the thread ^^
2015-08-05 18:13 Tarrasky: and?
2015-08-05 18:13 Tarrasky: will post in the thread?
2015-08-05 18:14 Crimmi: Sure.
Topic Starter

Crimmi wrote:

IRC Mod.
2015-08-05 15:04 Crimmi: -poke-
2015-08-05 15:05 Tarrasky: yay
2015-08-05 15:05 Tarrasky: pokemon
2015-08-05 15:06 Crimmi: Alrighty then, I am going to go through this via IRC if you don't mind.
2015-08-05 15:06 Tarrasky: reeed like
2015-08-05 15:06 Tarrasky: roooooooseeeeees
2015-08-05 15:06 Tarrasky: oh, just wait one sec
2015-08-05 15:06 Tarrasky: i'm finish a mod
2015-08-05 15:11 Tarrasky: donnuts
2015-08-05 15:11 Tarrasky: ACTION is editing [ Jeff Williams - Red Like Roses (feat. Casey Lee Williams) [Crimson Dream]]
2015-08-05 15:12 Crimmi: Alright.
2015-08-05 15:12 Tarrasky: delete 01:10:285 (1) - until 08:37:456 (3) - and remap?
2015-08-05 15:12 Crimmi: Did you notice that there are some unsnapped objects
2015-08-05 15:13 Tarrasky: oh, i forgot
2015-08-05 15:16 Tarrasky: FIX
2015-08-05 15:16 Crimmi: the first part of the song sounded more like 3/4 (Waltz) rather than (6/4)
2015-08-05 15:18 Tarrasky: timing of the part 1 is from here
2015-08-05 15:18 Tarrasky: ACTION is editing [ Jeff Williams - Red Like Roses (feat. Casey Lee Williams) [Ruby]]
2015-08-05 15:18 Crimmi: ah
2015-08-05 15:22 Crimmi: 05:24:028 (2) - Maybe you can move this to x:208|y:168 to be consistent with (3,4).
2015-08-05 17:14 Tarrasky: FINNALY MY INTERNET IS BACK
2015-08-05 17:14 Tarrasky: sorry so much ;w;
2015-08-05 17:15 Crimmi: it's ok.
2015-08-05 17:18 Crimmi: 05:24:028 (2) - Maybe you can move this to x:208|y:168 to be consistent with (3,4).
2015-08-05 17:18 Tarrasky: let me look
2015-08-05 17:19 Tarrasky: the prev and next is 1,4x distance
2015-08-05 17:19 Tarrasky: so i think is consistent
2015-08-05 17:19 Tarrasky: the flow is better than i put like here 05:22:456 (1,2) -
2015-08-05 17:20 Tarrasky: not is a bad idea but i'm not sure if the gameplay will be better
2015-08-05 17:20 Tarrasky: ok done
2015-08-05 17:22 Crimmi: 05:29:313 (7) - You can stack this under (7) and the end result will look like this:
2015-08-05 17:22 Tarrasky: hm oke
2015-08-05 17:25 Crimmi: 05:57:885 (5) - Move this up a bit to x:192|y:240.
2015-08-05 17:26 Tarrasky: ok done
2015-08-05 17:30 Tarrasky: about the tags, have something to add
2015-08-05 17:32 Crimmi: Rooster Teeth
2015-08-05 17:33 Crimmi: you can also check here for tags
2015-08-05 17:35 Tarrasky: hm ok
2015-08-05 17:37 Crimmi: I think that's it xD
2015-08-05 17:37 Tarrasky: oh, oke ^^
2015-08-05 17:37 Tarrasky: thanks so much, post in the thread ^^
2015-08-05 18:13 Tarrasky: and?
2015-08-05 18:13 Tarrasky: will post in the thread?
2015-08-05 18:14 Crimmi: Sure.
Thanks Crimmi ;D
Hi o/
mod from queue

Crimson Dream
03:41:885 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Maybe increase the distance between sliders and previous hit circles (but keep the distance between hit circles and previous sliders) to stress the sound on sliders more. Example of this later in the map: 06:26:456 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3)

05:40:313 (3) - Could replace with a slider to emphasize the guitar sound since you use it here 08:15:742 (1) - and here 04:39:028 (1) - , but not at 05:40:313 (3)

06:00:885 (4,5,6,1) - I find this a bit awkward to play. Just a suggestion, you could try putting the jumps left and right and mirror the slider like this:

06:52:599 (4,5) - Fix

Maybe replace 06:58:313 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - with sliders like 07:01:456 (5,6,1,2) - , and replace 07:01:456 (5,6,1,2) - with jumps instead since the drums are much more intense than the part where you put jumps before

07:02:599 (3) - Same as 05:40:313 (3)

Nothing more to add. Awesome map =w= can't wait for it to get ranked, hopefully. Wish you the best of luck, free star.
Topic Starter

[ Seni ] wrote:

Hi o/
mod from queue

Crimson Dream
03:41:885 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Maybe increase the distance between sliders and previous hit circles (but keep the distance between hit circles and previous sliders) to stress the sound on sliders more. Example of this later in the map: 06:26:456 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) in 03:43:599 (3) - is increase

05:40:313 (3) - Could replace with a slider to emphasize the guitar sound since you use it here 08:15:742 (1) - and here 04:39:028 (1) - , but not at 05:40:313 (3) oke

06:00:885 (4,5,6,1) - I find this a bit awkward to play. Just a suggestion, you could try putting the jumps left and right and mirror the slider like this: hm, i make somethink next to this

06:52:599 (4,5) - Fix lol, thanks

Maybe replace 06:58:313 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - with sliders like 07:01:456 (5,6,1,2) - , and replace 07:01:456 (5,6,1,2) - with jumps instead since the drums are much more intense than the part where you put jumps before

07:02:599 (3) - Same as 05:40:313 (3) ok

Nothing more to add. Awesome map =w= can't wait for it to get ranked, hopefully. Wish you the best of luck, free star. this helps a lot, thanks so much ^^
nice mod, thanks <3
Koe ;)

Crimson Sonho

Vamo lá:
  1. 01:58:819 (5) - hm abaixa ele um pouco para x433 y349 para ficar simétrico com o 01:57:919 (1) - ,01:59:419 (7) - move para x372 y128, depois move o 01:59:569 (8) - para x360 y272 .
  2. 02:00:619 (5) - NC , para fazer sentido com a seguinte patterns que vc fez (02:00:769 (6,7,8,9,10) - ) .
  3. 02:07:819 (5) - mesma coisa que eu disse acima porém essa pattern está muito estranha pois tem uma distancia um pouco que "longa" 02:07:819 (5,6,7,8) - e depois 02:08:269 (8,9,10) - fica com uma distancia muito próxima das primeiras notas 02:07:369 (2,3,4) - ,tente arruma com uma ds igual pelo menos até o (5).
  4. 02:47:925 (9) - move para x288 y20.
  5. 02:49:125 (7) - está encostando no 02:48:525 (5) - poderia arrumar ?
  6. 02:51:225 (6,7,8,9) - Usar o mesmo DS 02:50:625 (1,2,3,4) - .
  7. 03:04:425 (6,7,8,9,10) - ^.
  8. 03:07:425 (1) - move para x432 y16 , para ficar alinhado com as notas : 03:06:825 (5,7) - .
  9. 03:23:885 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - essa pattern está muito confusa,nao sei qual foi a ideia mas que tal arrumar desse jeito como fiz ?
  10. 03:52:599 (8) - move to x92 y262 , 03:52:885 (9,10,11) - ai podia fazer um triangulo, que tal :D ?
  11. 04:13:313 (4) - que tal ?
  12. 06:03:599 - ,06:05:885 - , 06:08:171 - , 06:09:313 - , 06:09:885 - vai aumentando sucessivamente o DS ou a velocidade do slider entre essas partes acho que faria mais sentido de acordo com a musica .
  13. 07:45:885 (7,8) - aqui poderia apenas ter um jump simples de 2 notas pois é apenas vocal ou a velocidade do slider bem reduzida para ficar enfático.
  14. 08:15:742 (1) - Termina aqui 08:16:313 - ?
  15. 08:37:171 (2) - aqui é apenas uma nota ,nao um slider faz um jump foda com 3 notas contando com 08:37:456 (3) - como um zig zag oou triangulo inb4 fica a critério seu :D

Enfim é isso tarra Boa Sorte <3
Topic Starter

Kalindraz wrote:

Koe ;)

Crimson Sonho

Vamo lá:
  1. 01:58:819 (5) - hm abaixa ele um pouco para x433 y349 para ficar simétrico com o 01:57:919 (1) - ,01:59:419 (7) - move para x372 y128, depois move o 01:59:569 (8) - para x360 y272 . fox
  2. 02:00:619 (5) - NC , para fazer sentido com a seguinte patterns que vc fez (02:00:769 (6,7,8,9,10) - ) .
  3. 02:07:819 (5) - mesma coisa que eu disse acima porém essa pattern está muito estranha pois tem uma distancia um pouco que "longa" 02:07:819 (5,6,7,8) - e depois 02:08:269 (8,9,10) - fica com uma distancia muito próxima das primeiras notas 02:07:369 (2,3,4) - ,tente arruma com uma ds igual pelo menos até o (5).
  4. 02:47:925 (9) - move para x288 y20.
  5. 02:49:125 (7) - está encostando no 02:48:525 (5) - poderia arrumar ? fix
  6. 02:51:225 (6,7,8,9) - Usar o mesmo DS 02:50:625 (1,2,3,4) - .
  7. 03:04:425 (6,7,8,9,10) - ^.
  8. 03:07:425 (1) - move para x432 y16 , para ficar alinhado com as notas : 03:06:825 (5,7) - .
  9. 03:23:885 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - essa pattern está muito confusa,nao sei qual foi a ideia mas que tal arrumar desse jeito como fiz ?
  10. 03:52:599 (8) - move to x92 y262 , 03:52:885 (9,10,11) - ai podia fazer um triangulo, que tal :D ?
  11. 04:13:313 (4) - que tal ?
  12. 06:03:599 - ,06:05:885 - , 06:08:171 - , 06:09:313 - , 06:09:885 - vai aumentando sucessivamente o DS ou a velocidade do slider entre essas partes acho que faria mais sentido de acordo com a musica .
  13. 07:45:885 (7,8) - aqui poderia apenas ter um jump simples de 2 notas pois é apenas vocal ou a velocidade do slider bem reduzida para ficar enfático.
  14. 08:15:742 (1) - Termina aqui 08:16:313 - ?
  15. 08:37:171 (2) - aqui é apenas uma nota ,nao um slider faz um jump foda com 3 notas contando com 08:37:456 (3) - como um zig zag oou triangulo inb4 fica a critério seu :D

mtas coisas eu revi re refiz, vlw bastante pela a ajuda ^^

Enfim é isso tarra Boa Sorte <3
Topic Starter
sorry repost x.x

Vou começar a fazer um hitsound de macho pro mapa, quem quiser me ajudar manda msg no jogo ou posta aqui, obrigado a todos ^^
depois quando terminar back mod taimu :)
  • M4M

    Crimson Dream
  1. 00:27:428 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - pretty pretty
  2. 01:39:910 (3) - would consider adding a circle here, since 01:39:001 (2) - happens to follow the same drums so hitting this right afterwards should be very intuitive + I think that it is less awkward than the 1/1 gap
  3. 02:26:719 (1,1,1,1) - eehh I guess this might just me be but I think these sound nicer as just whistles. I mean the last three only have the piano land on it anyways so a finish just feels to noisy and 02:26:719 (1) - actually doesn't have a cymbical either since the drum lands on the following red tick. If you feel like this is something that needs fixing you should obviously do it for the following ones too c:
  4. 02:48:075 (10,1,2,3,4,5) - was kinda expecting the stream here to start above 10 as I really like the up->down thingy you had going here it felt really felt more powerful to me and it just sort of keeps the momentum going
  5. 03:02:475 (10,11,1) - perhaps angle this a bit more like ? Basically enables the player to clear all the left->right jumps in one clean swipe instead of having to re-adjust to a little to hit the triplet
  6. 03:05:025 (1,2,3,4) - would do instead as it forces the player to slight speed up when going into these jumps, which overall makes them alot nicer to hit
  7. 03:21:314 (1) - lacks a bit of emphasize when compared to 03:19:028 (1) - or 03:23:600 (1) - since you essentially just lined it up with the previous circles without even spacing it out
  8. 03:46:028 (8,9,1) - could place em like to smoothen this out a little
  9. 04:28:599 (4,5) - eeh feels like 5 is lacking a bit of impact here with how close these two are, especially when looking at how sharp the angles between the previous sliders have been
  10. 04:37:885 (5) - ctrl+g on this would work very well I think, since a bit more distance between this and the following circles would also do a good job of indicating the switch from guitar to drums
  11. 05:32:028 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - considering that all of this uses something between 1.5 and 1.6 spacing, does it really make a whole lot of sense for 05:33:456 (8,9,10) - to suddenly be less spaced out? just curious cause it kinda doesn't to me ><
  12. 05:37:742 (2,4) - would personally rather ctrl+g, I think circular flow here is more natural and intuitive
  13. 06:07:742 (8,1) - asdjasd stack off
  14. 06:13:171 (2,3) - i get the idea, though I still think the angle here is a bit too sharp, making this a little clunky
  15. 06:42:456 (1) - would be nicer if ctrl+g'd I think (would probably require to you shift around to following slider[s] a bit though)
  16. 07:00:885 (1,2,3,4) - would probably ctrl+g here too. I think it's nicer for the player to go into a pattern like this with a jump or a slight speedup as it makes the following jumps a lot easier to hit
  17. 07:33:456 (3,5) - uh o ctrl+g? >< feels more natural to hit this way
  18. 07:47:885 (6,1) - minor stacking error

    feels very meh to me to copy paste the last section of the kiai too since it clearly is stronger than the previous two (it has this kinda chorus going on in the background) :/

    Good Luck!
Seto Kousuke
[Crimson Dream]
  1. 00:41:142 (1) - Não importa quanto tempo passe, ainda não gosto de como o ''bum'' forte do tambor fica na parte de baixo flúida... HDAOUEHEAODU
  2. 03:22:743 (1) - Acho que da pra afastar isso do fim da ultima sessão, de singles, coloca um pouco mais a baixo pra representar melhor a mini pausa
  3. 03:35:028 (1) - tira nc
  4. 03:35:313 (2) - poe nc
  5. 03:43:028 (1) - tirar nc tambem
  6. 04:29:456 (8,9,10) - Acho que essa triple ficaria mais no feel da música se deixasse stackada e fizesse algo tipo isso, a paradinha por causa do stack fica mais na vibe da musica
  7. 05:10:028 (7) - Por algum motivo a posição desse slider me incomoda um pouco, tenta posicionar ele mais abaixo tipo assim
  8. 05:13:456 (10) - nc
  9. 05:51:742 (8,9,10) - mesma coisa das triples do ultimo kiai, imo apenas fica melhor de jogar daquele jeito
  10. 06:10:456 (1) - Algo que eu ja te falei na primeira versão, eu ainda acho que tu tinha que fazer esse segundo trecho ser mais impactante...essa parte da musica é épica demais pra ficar na mesma coisa da primeira sessão, eu sei que tu ta fazendo o mesmo ''estilo'' no mapa inteiro, mas essa parte precisa se diferenciar do primeiro trecho dela...tu fez os hitsounds ficarem mais empolgantes, agora faz o mesmo com as patterns :3
  11. 06:33:313 (1) - ctrl+g ?hmmm not sure.
  12. 07:14:028 (8,9,10) - hello triple....we meet again.
  13. 08:03:599 (5) - Acho que esse slider fica melhor se vc posicionar ele logo onde fica o 08:03:028 (3) -
  14. 08:27:171 (7) - não, dessa vez não vim falar sobre stack! haodeuheudoa mas acho que fica muito mais empolgante se em vez de uma triple vc fizesse algo tipo assim dessa vez

Mapa lindo gogo take my star <3

se ajeitar aquele slider eu dou mais uma <3 HODAUEHUOEAD
Topic Starter

Peachtrees wrote:

  • M4M

    Crimson Dream
  1. 00:27:428 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - pretty pretty sexy sliders <3
  2. 01:39:910 (3) - would consider adding a circle here, since 01:39:001 (2) - happens to follow the same drums so hitting this right afterwards should be very intuitive + I think that it is less awkward than the 1/1 gap
  3. 02:26:719 (1,1,1,1) - eehh I guess this might just me be but I think these sound nicer as just whistles. I mean the last three only have the piano land on it anyways so a finish just feels to noisy and 02:26:719 (1) - actually doesn't have a cymbical either since the drum lands on the following red tick. If you feel like this is something that needs fixing you should obviously do it for the following ones too c: ooh, nice
  4. 02:48:075 (10,1,2,3,4,5) - was kinda expecting the stream here to start above 10 as I really like the up->down thingy you had going here it felt really felt more powerful to me and it just sort of keeps the momentum going
  5. 03:02:475 (10,11,1) - perhaps angle this a bit more like ? Basically enables the player to clear all the left->right jumps in one clean swipe instead of having to re-adjust to a little to hit the triplet done
  6. 03:05:025 (1,2,3,4) - would do instead as it forces the player to slight speed up when going into these jumps, which overall makes them alot nicer to hit done
  7. 03:21:314 (1) - lacks a bit of emphasize when compared to 03:19:028 (1) - or 03:23:600 (1) - since you essentially just lined it up with the previous circles without even spacing it out
  8. 03:46:028 (8,9,1) - could place em like to smoothen this out a little done
  9. 04:28:599 (4,5) - eeh feels like 5 is lacking a bit of impact here with how close these two are, especially when looking at how sharp the angles between the previous sliders have been fix
  10. 04:37:885 (5) - ctrl+g on this would work very well I think, since a bit more distance between this and the following circles would also do a good job of indicating the switch from guitar to drums ok
  11. 05:32:028 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - considering that all of this uses something between 1.5 and 1.6 spacing, does it really make a whole lot of sense for 05:33:456 (8,9,10) - to suddenly be less spaced out? just curious cause it kinda doesn't to me ><
  12. 05:37:742 (2,4) - would personally rather ctrl+g, I think circular flow here is more natural and intuitive remap
  13. 06:07:742 (8,1) - asdjasd stack off fix
  14. 06:13:171 (2,3) - i get the idea, though I still think the angle here is a bit too sharp, making this a little clunky fix
  15. 06:42:456 (1) - would be nicer if ctrl+g'd I think (would probably require to you shift around to following slider[s] a bit though)
  16. 07:00:885 (1,2,3,4) - would probably ctrl+g here too. I think it's nicer for the player to go into a pattern like this with a jump or a slight speedup as it makes the following jumps a lot easier to hit
  17. 07:33:456 (3,5) - uh o ctrl+g? >< feels more natural to hit this way
  18. 07:47:885 (6,1) - minor stacking error fix

    feels very meh to me to copy paste the last section of the kiai too since it clearly is stronger than the previous two (it has this kinda chorus going on in the background) :/

    Good Luck! thanks ^^

Seto Kousuke wrote:

[Crimson Dream]
    1. 00:41:142 (1) - Não importa quanto tempo passe, ainda não gosto de como o ''bum'' forte do tambor fica na parte de baixo flúida... HDAOUEHEAODU ah, ta bacaninha, da pra sentir a curvinha
    2. 03:22:743 (1) - Acho que da pra afastar isso do fim da ultima sessão, de singles, coloca um pouco mais a baixo pra representar melhor a mini pausa fix
    3. 03:35:028 (1) - tira nc
    4. 03:35:313 (2) - poe nc
    5. 03:43:028 (1) - tirar nc tambem
    6. 04:29:456 (8,9,10) - Acho que essa triple ficaria mais no feel da música se deixasse stackada e fizesse algo tipo isso, a paradinha por causa do stack fica mais na vibe da musica
    7. 05:10:028 (7) - Por algum motivo a posição desse slider me incomoda um pouco, tenta posicionar ele mais abaixo tipo assim
    8. 05:13:456 (10) - nc
    9. 05:51:742 (8,9,10) - mesma coisa das triples do ultimo kiai, imo apenas fica melhor de jogar daquele jeito
    10. 06:10:456 (1) - Algo que eu ja te falei na primeira versão, eu ainda acho que tu tinha que fazer esse segundo trecho ser mais impactante...essa parte da musica é épica demais pra ficar na mesma coisa da primeira sessão, eu sei que tu ta fazendo o mesmo ''estilo'' no mapa inteiro, mas essa parte precisa se diferenciar do primeiro trecho dela...tu fez os hitsounds ficarem mais empolgantes, agora faz o mesmo com as patterns :3
    11. 06:33:313 (1) - ctrl+g ?hmmm not sure.
    12. 07:14:028 (8,9,10) - hello triple....we meet again.
    13. 08:03:599 (5) - Acho que esse slider fica melhor se vc posicionar ele logo onde fica o 08:03:028 (3) -
    14. 08:27:171 (7) - não, dessa vez não vim falar sobre stack! haodeuheudoa mas acho que fica muito mais empolgante se em vez de uma triple vc fizesse algo tipo assim dessa vez

Mapa lindo gogo take my star <3 amei o mod <3

se ajeitar aquele slider eu dou mais uma <3 HODAUEHUOEAD por enquanto to sem ideias, acho q vou pedir pro kuron-senpai ou pro nhawa-senpai fazer um slide pra mim >w<
Hi from My Queues

First, You should add word ''~Taiko'' in taiko diff name :) In order clearly to understand that's taiko map!
00:15:428 (41) - no Big note,,,intro yet,,,a little much Big notes,,,
00:18:857 (51) - ^Is a good place, however, Big Notes is dear,,Don't you feel quiet song?
00:22:285 (61) - ^
00:25:714 (70) - ^
00:29:142 (76) - ^
00:30:857 (82) - ^
00:32:571 (87) - ^
,,,,,,,,,,So far01:08:357 (6) - Please keep in Big Notes fix.

I will continue to mod at other than Big notes
03:03:000 (170) - delete
03:08:771 (207) - ~03:16:341 (260) - I like this point,,,but other some modder maybe dislike///

05:05:028 (64) - Overlap note
05:10:885 (108) - ^

05:15:742 - ~ ????WHAT?
If you want to mod, you need to complete this map ;)

Mp3 file is too long for the music of the length. Order to keep the size of the file, please edit the mp3 file.
Unrankable Element!!

EdamaMe411 wrote:

Hi from My Queues

First, You should add word ''~Taiko'' in taiko diff name :) In order clearly to understand that's taiko map!
00:15:428 (41) - no Big note,,,intro yet,,,a little much Big notes,,,
00:18:857 (51) - ^Is a good place, however, Big Notes is dear,,Don't you feel quiet song?
00:22:285 (61) - ^
00:25:714 (70) - ^
00:29:142 (76) - ^
00:30:857 (82) - ^
00:32:571 (87) - ^
,,,,,,,,,,So far01:08:357 (6) - Please keep in Big Notes fix.

I will continue to mod at other than Big notes
03:03:000 (170) - delete
03:08:771 (207) - ~03:16:341 (260) - I like this point,,,but other some modder maybe dislike///

05:05:028 (64) - Overlap note
05:10:885 (108) - ^

05:15:742 - ~ ????WHAT?
If you want to mod, you need to complete this map ;)

Mp3 file is too long for the music of the length. Order to keep the size of the file, please edit the mp3 file.
Unrankable Element!!
You modded an unfinished version of the map.
I ask you to take a look at the map again, as it is not the same!
Thank you.
@Edama: "Taiko" in the difficulty name is not needed anymore, it's not an obligation. File size being big is not an unrankable issue since the song is 8 minutes and a half long.

Also, don't forget to uncheck "Widescreen Support"


box mods are fancier
[ Beauty Rose]
  1. 00:12:000 (35,36) - Swap maybe? Pitch goes higher -> lower
  2. 00:20:357 (56) - The pitch you've been using so long... this should be a d then
  3. 00:23:785 (65) - ^
  4. 00:34:071 (92) - Change to k to go along with vocal pitch and also to provide some variety?
  5. 00:54:857 - 01:08:571 - This section is still slow and calm but has faster pace than the beginning, so adding some 1/2 won't hut a lot. For example: 00:57:214 - is a good place. Don't be afraid to put finishers in between 1/2s since at this BPM they're EZ to hit
  6. 01:08:571 - 01:14:571 - I suggest a shaker here, instead of a break, since these kind of breaks in Taiko are not recommended
  7. 01:14:710 - 01:48:919 - On all these timing point changes, I suggest selecting "Omit first bar line" because it can cause confusion to the players
  8. 01:26:557 (53,54,55,56) - I'd revert this. (dkkd -> kddk)
  9. 02:28:597 (315) - Change to D instead to differentiate from 02:30:481 (317) - ?
  10. 02:36:540 (323) - This has lower pitch than 02:35:518 (322) - so I think it should be a D
  11. 02:37:733 - 02:41:654 - Maybe add a shaker here?
  12. 02:50:100 (41) - Move to 02:50:250 - and delete 02:50:400 (44) - to cohere with 02:47:625 - 02:48:075 - ?
  13. 02:55:275 (91) - Shouldn't this be a d to differentiate from the next 2 notes?
  14. 02:57:600 (114,115) - Swap these 2 and change 02:57:750 (116) - to d? I think it fits better
  15. 03:00:150 (141) - Shouldn't it be a d?
  16. 03:00:975 (149) - Same, I think kkddk sounds better
  17. 03:02:475 (164,165) - I think the pitch transition is better made if you turn these 2 into d's, turning the stream into a kdkkkdddk
  18. 04:02:456 (320) - At this BPM I wouldn't go for finishers at the end of streams (they are permitted, but not recommended)
  19. 04:18:170 - 04:20:599 - Same suggestion than a bit above, add a shaker
  20. 04:20:742 - 04:39:028 - I suggest adding kiai time here, I think it would fit
  21. 05:06:385 (74) - I suggest deleting this note for the same reason as 04:02:456 (320) -
  22. 05:21:670 (189) - I think changing this to d keeps better the flow
  23. 05:24:742 (213) - Same finisher suggestion than a bit above
  24. 05:33:670 (287) - I think removing this also keeps the flow more consistent
  25. 05:40:456 - 05:42:885 - Maybe put a shaker in here?
  26. 06:00:099 (10) - Maybe remove and turn 06:00:170 (11) - into a finisher?
  27. 06:05:528 (30) - This could be moved to 06:05:385 - to keep consistency, don't you think?
  28. 06:19:599 (133) - Shouldn't this be a D instead?
  29. 06:28:671 (195) - Remove for the same reason than in 04:02:456 (320) - ?
  30. 06:45:313 (324,330,336,343) - Same suggestions ^
  31. 07:01:884 (459,460,461,462,463,464) - These last k's can be turned to finishers to emphasize?
  32. 07:02:742 - 07:05:170 - Maybe add a shaker here?
  33. 07:30:028 (37) - Hm, shouldn't this be a d?
  34. 07:53:170 - I think you missed a mappable sound here
  35. 07:58:457 (195,201,207,214) - Same finisher suggestions
  36. 08:15:885 - 08:18:313 - Add a shaker perhaps?
  37. 08:37:885 - Add a shaker to end the song?

Note: this mod has been purely small suggestions, because I honestly think the map is really well done in all terms
(consistency, patterning, finisher usage). Great job!

Raiden wrote:

@Edama: "Taiko" in the difficulty name is not needed anymore, it's not an obligation. File size being big is not an unrankable issue since the song is 8 minutes and a half long.

Also, don't forget to uncheck "Widescreen Support"


box mods are fancier
[ Beauty Rose]
  1. 00:12:000 (35,36) - Swap maybe? Pitch goes higher -> lower I want it to be monotone there
  2. 00:20:357 (56) - The pitch you've been using so long... this should be a d then It sounds different to me, so it should be different
  3. 00:23:785 (65) - ^
  4. 00:34:071 (92) - Change to k to go along with vocal pitch and also to provide some variety? sure
  5. 00:54:857 - 01:08:571 - This section is still slow and calm but has faster pace than the beginning, so adding some 1/2 won't hut a lot. For example: 00:57:214 - is a good place. Don't be afraid to put finishers in between 1/2s since at this BPM they're EZ to hit added more 1/2
  6. 01:08:571 - 01:14:571 - I suggest a shaker here, instead of a break, since these kind of breaks in Taiko are not recommended fixed
  7. 01:14:710 - 01:48:919 - On all these timing point changes, I suggest selecting "Omit first bar line" because it can cause confusion to the players should be fixed now
  8. 01:26:557 (53,54,55,56) - I'd revert this. (dkkd -> kddk) yes
  9. 02:28:597 (315) - Change to D instead to differentiate from 02:30:481 (317) - ? yes
  10. 02:36:540 (323) - This has lower pitch than 02:35:518 (322) - so I think it should be a D fixed
  11. 02:37:733 - 02:41:654 - Maybe add a shaker here? I think this part is a bit calm for the spinner, the break should be fine
  12. 02:50:100 (41) - Move to 02:50:250 - and delete 02:50:400 (44) - to cohere with 02:47:625 - 02:48:075 - ? I want some variet~
  13. 02:55:275 (91) - Shouldn't this be a d to differentiate from the next 2 notes? changed differently
  14. 02:57:600 (114,115) - Swap these 2 and change 02:57:750 (116) - to d? I think it fits better yes
  15. 03:00:150 (141) - Shouldn't it be a d? changed differently
  16. 03:00:975 (149) - Same, I think kkddk sounds better yes
  17. 03:02:475 (164,165) - I think the pitch transition is better made if you turn these 2 into d's, turning the stream into a kdkkkdddk changed differently
  18. 04:02:456 (320) - At this BPM I wouldn't go for finishers at the end of streams (they are permitted, but not recommended) I will keep it, it has a 1/1 break after too
  19. 04:18:170 - 04:20:599 - Same suggestion than a bit above, add a shaker I like the silence, there isn't really any sound
  20. 04:20:742 - 04:39:028 - I suggest adding kiai time here, I think it would fit ok
  21. 05:06:385 (74) - I suggest deleting this note for the same reason as 04:02:456 (320) - it should be fine, there are enough 1/1 breaks, and it is part of my patterns
  22. 05:21:670 (189) - I think changing this to d keeps better the flow ok
  23. 05:24:742 (213) - Same finisher suggestion than a bit above again, it is given enough time for the player to recover
  24. 05:33:670 (287) - I think removing this also keeps the flow more consistent yes
  25. 05:40:456 - 05:42:885 - Maybe put a shaker in here?
  26. 06:00:099 (10) - Maybe remove and turn 06:00:170 (11) - into a finisher? better not
  27. 06:05:528 (30) - This could be moved to 06:05:385 - to keep consistency, don't you think? sure
  28. 06:19:599 (133) - Shouldn't this be a D instead? no, because of this 04:57:313 (12) -
  29. 06:28:671 (195) - Remove for the same reason than in 04:02:456 (320) - ?
  30. 06:45:313 (324,330,336,343) - Same suggestions ^
  31. 07:01:884 (459,460,461,462,463,464) - These last k's can be turned to finishers to emphasize? I think only the last finish is good
  32. 07:02:742 - 07:05:170 - Maybe add a shaker here?
  33. 07:30:028 (37) - Hm, shouldn't this be a d? yes
  34. 07:53:170 - I think you missed a mappable sound here no, following the guitar sound
  35. 07:58:457 (195,201,207,214) - Same finisher suggestions
  36. 08:15:885 - 08:18:313 - Add a shaker perhaps?
  37. 08:37:885 - Add a shaker to end the song?

Note: this mod has been purely small suggestions, because I honestly think the map is really well done in all terms
(consistency, patterning, finisher usage). Great job!
Thank you, very helpful!
Hello! | Random mod~

[Crimson Dream]
  1. 01:16:510 (1) - I'm a bit concern with this spacing . You see that the spacing is same like previous 1/2 rhythm here 01:15:160 (1,2) - , then put this slider here with the similar spacing could cause some confusion here . It affects too to 01:17:260 (2) - because they're have similar spacing too
  2. 01:19:060 (6,7,8) - This 1/4 rhythm has a similar spacing with common 1/2 spacing at entire section like 01:18:310 (1,2) - . They could make some confusion too towards the player
  3. 01:25:507 (1) - Same case with the first point, I would like to seen this slider moved out furthermore to increase intuitively while playing . (You overdid it at this entire sequences . You might be able not to apply it, so I won't mentioning them again, you need to realize it yourself)
  4. 01:43:395 (9,10,1) - Better to reduce a bit spacing between these circles . They might be too hard to be aimed . Using 1.00x spacing should be better here
  5. 01:43:470 (10) - To be honest, I wouldn't recommend you to map this point with a circle . They 01:43:395 (9,1) - doesn't have each connection to this beat, it just a faded sound from the previous drum at (9)
  6. 01:57:019 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Placement looks so boring here . As this diff is hard, I guess you can make this stream becomes more flow intuitively against players concern's
  7. 02:19:059 - What is this Greenline point supposed to? Seems that you're using it to increase the spinner sound . But, this one is unsnapped and really contradict with the next greenline at 02:19:069 - which has 40% volume whilst this greenline 02:19:059 - has 60% volume, and it doesn't even make senses because you're increasing it consecutively here
  8. 03:25:314 (3) - Shouldn't you need the accentuation here instead of 03:25:600 (4) - ? (3) carry out more stronger sound, or even strongest sound at this entire section . I would rather to make a jump to (3), not to (4) in terms of rhythmical choices
  9. 03:25:886 (1) - It goes same here, but you make (1) stacked to (2) to easily fix out this point
  10. 03:28:171 (1) - Exactly same as above
  11. 03:30:457 (1) - Same as above again, but this time, you couldn't stack it to (2) . It'll become slightly too far from the previous objects . Moving out (1) to 264|172 should be worth as it is . (You need to be conscious of its own here. I do not put my attention on this issue alone. So make sure you find everything yourself if you intend to apply)
  12. 03:37:028 - Why this beat ignored? Yeah I know it's doesn't strong but it's very supporting the strong drum sound here, like 03:36:313 (7) - 's tail, they have almost similar rhythm here (But, it's contradict with you rhythmical choices if you're following the guitar sound here . There's many of them I guess . You need to find it yourself if you're intend to applying it . But honestly, suddenly follow the guitar here creates weird polarity behind them, like this 03:47:171 (4) - , 03:49:456 (4) - , and 03:50:599 (8) - )
  13. 04:16:313 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,1) - Same as 6th point, you're absolutely could make them more funny and intuitive to play instead of keeping them spaced like this
  14. 04:18:170 - Ehh, no break?
  15. 04:32:599 (2) - Just my personal preferences, moving out this slider to 64|248 or similar places could make the flow more nicer and doesn't looks too dense like the current placement here . It would creates nice consistency towards the next sliders
  16. 04:39:170 - 04:41:456 - 04:43:742 - No break again? You overdid it, you're capable to find it yourself if you're intend to follow my suggestion
  17. 05:04:313 - Better to map this out . Your base rhythm is vocal at this entire section, so following the vocal itself here could make nice rhythm for your base rhythm . It affects too to middle red tick between these sliders 05:04:742 (3,5,7) - , 05:08:742 (1) - , 05:11:028 (1) -
  18. 05:24:670 - You particularly need to fill this point, because it still connected to each of beats here 05:24:313 (8,9,10,11,12) - , and leaving it empty would creates an awkward gap here
  19. 05:40:456 - Break?
  20. 07:02:742 - ^
  21. 07:40:742 (5) - The gap between this circle and this circle 07:41:028 (6) - is really awkward in term of rhythm issues . I would rather to replace this circle 07:40:742 (5) - with 1/1 slider rhythm to erase that awkward gap here
  22. 08:15:885 - Again, break?
  23. 08:23:456 (2) - With the same reason as 15th point, moving out this circle 216|152 would be nice in term of object placements and of course, the visual performance too
  24. 08:37:456 (3) - End the map at this slider tail point is really annoying . It's very awkward here . There's still a vocal that capable to be emphasized here 08:37:885 - , so why don't you try to add a long slider here and end it on 08:38:456 - (2/1 slider) ? It looks very more nicer here, especially for the ending
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Ipas wrote:

Hello! | Random mod~

[Crimson Dream]
  1. 03:37:028 - Why this beat ignored? Yeah I know it's doesn't strong but it's very supporting the strong drum sound here, like 03:36:313 (7) - 's tail, they have almost similar rhythm here (But, it's contradict with you rhythmical choices if you're following the guitar sound here . There's many of them I guess . You need to find it yourself if you're intend to applying it . But honestly, suddenly follow the guitar here creates weird polarity behind them, like this 03:47:171 (4) - , 03:49:456 (4) - , and 03:50:599 (8) - ) I felt stronger guitar sound at that time, and in all this moments i follow the guitar, not of strange here
  2. 04:16:313 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,1) - Same as 6th point, you're absolutely could make them more funny and intuitive to play instead of keeping them spaced like this
  3. 04:18:170 - Ehh, no break? no break
  4. 04:32:599 (2) - Just my personal preferences, moving out this slider to 64|248 or similar places could make the flow more nicer and doesn't looks too dense like the current placement here . It would creates nice consistency towards the next sliders fix
  5. 04:39:170 - 04:41:456 - 04:43:742 - No break again? You overdid it, you're capable to find it yourself if you're intend to follow my suggestion
  6. 05:04:313 - Better to map this out . Your base rhythm is vocal at this entire section, so following the vocal itself here could make nice rhythm for your base rhythm . It affects too to middle red tick between these sliders 05:04:742 (3,5,7) - , 05:08:742 (1) - , 05:11:028 (1) -
  7. 05:24:670 - You particularly need to fill this point, because it still connected to each of beats here 05:24:313 (8,9,10,11,12) - , and leaving it empty would creates an awkward gap here fix
  8. 05:40:456 - Break?
  9. 07:02:742 - ^
  10. 07:40:742 (5) - The gap between this circle and this circle 07:41:028 (6) - is really awkward in term of rhythm issues . I would rather to replace this circle fix
    07:40:742 (5) - with 1/1 slider rhythm to erase that awkward gap here
  11. 08:15:885 - Again, break?
  12. 08:23:456 (2) - With the same reason as 15th point, moving out this circle 216|152 would be nice in term of object placements and of course, the visual performance too fix
  13. 08:37:456 (3) - End the map at this slider tail point is really annoying . It's very awkward here . There's still a vocal that capable to be emphasized here 08:37:885 - , so why don't you try to add a long slider here and end it on 08:38:456 - (2/1 slider) ? It looks very more nicer here, especially for the ending seems strange for me :/
Good Luck! thanks so much <3
I apply your mod in the part 1 of the music, but after i look with a lot of calm, i think in remap in a lot of times, because not is like i think can be the better possible, and this mod helped me think about it, I'm very grateful <3
muito boooom <3 <3
IRC mod
17:47 Necroluttah: vo da um update aqui
17:48 Necroluttah: vai ser irc ta pq eu odieo moddar
17:48 Tarrasky: ok
17:48 Tarrasky: agora q kuron foi ban
17:48 Tarrasky: nem sei como vou rankear red like rose
17:48 Necroluttah: sao opinioes pessoais eu acho nao diria q ficou ruim só
17:48 Necroluttah: eu particularmente nao gosto de jogar
17:49 Tarrasky: ok
17:49 Necroluttah: 02:49:950 (3, 4, 5)
17:49 Necroluttah: eu nao sou mt fan de triplet q começa em tick branco
17:49 Tarrasky: vai ser mor aqui no chat msm?
17:49 Necroluttah: ah voce quer q eu poste?
17:49 Necroluttah: eu posso falar tudo aqui salvo o log er posto lá
17:49 Necroluttah: e*
17:49 Tarrasky: pra mim é melhor
17:49 Tarrasky: pode ser tbm
17:50 Tarrasky: nossa
17:50 Tarrasky: esssa triplet ta ridicula
17:51 Necroluttah: 02:53:625 -
17:51 Necroluttah: aqui tbm
17:51 Necroluttah: 02:59:625 -
17:51 Necroluttah: aqui ficou bom
17:51 Necroluttah: 03:00:075 -
17:51 Necroluttah: essa ficou daora
17:52 Necroluttah: '03:06:225 (1, 2, 3, 4) -
17:52 Necroluttah: aqui
17:52 Necroluttah: achei essa pattern meio fraca
17:52 Necroluttah: tipo
17:52 Necroluttah: chato de jogar
17:52 Necroluttah: comparado aos jumps q vem depois
17:52 Necroluttah: ficou bonito mas de jogar nao é tao legal
17:52 Tarrasky:
17:52 Tarrasky: melhorzinha?
17:54 Necroluttah: aham assim fica bom
17:54 Necroluttah: na verdade foi exatamente assim q eu imaginei
17:54 Necroluttah: HAEUHEA
17:54 Necroluttah: em por
17:54 Tarrasky: eahueahu
17:54 Necroluttah: 03:24:171 (3, 4) -
17:54 Necroluttah: deixa mais consistente
17:54 Necroluttah: tipo a distancia do 2 e do 3
17:55 Tarrasky: ok
17:55 Necroluttah: 03:33:314 (3, 4) -
17:55 Necroluttah: mesma coisa aqui
17:55 Necroluttah: aqui
17:55 Necroluttah: lembra q eu falei ontem q tinha umas partes q deviam ser mais espaçadas por que
17:55 Necroluttah: na musica te da um hype
17:56 Necroluttah: 03:51:170 -
17:56 Necroluttah: aqui por exemplo
17:56 Necroluttah: aqui tem tipo de um breakdown loco entao acho q devia por uns jumps espaçados
17:57 Necroluttah: 04:29:170 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) - eu amei isso
17:57 Necroluttah: 04:29:170 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) - isso ficou mt bom
17:57 Tarrasky: ok meu pc tinha desligado
17:57 Necroluttah: AEUHUAE
17:58 Necroluttah: voce recebeu oq eu tinha mandado?
17:58 Tarrasky: só até aqui
17:58 Tarrasky: 03:24:171 (3) -
17:58 Necroluttah:
17:59 Tarrasky: movi o mesmo para x:216 y:240
18:00 Necroluttah: ah e tbm tarra
18:00 Necroluttah: acho q precisa por algumas triples
18:00 Necroluttah: já q no começo tem bastante burst
18:01 Necroluttah: e na parte q fica mais agitada a musica
18:01 Necroluttah: nao tem nenhuma
18:02 Necroluttah: 07:37:028 (1) - esse pattern meio circular é ruim de jogar
18:02 Tarrasky: eu coloco tripla
18:02 Necroluttah: 07:37:028 (10) *
18:02 Tarrasky: onde ia ficar legal ter tripla
18:02 Necroluttah: acho q ficaria bom mover o 10 pra cima
18:02 Tarrasky: onde vc acha q pode ficar bom?
18:03 Tarrasky: hm ok
18:03 Necroluttah: 07:58:599 (7, 8) -
18:03 Tarrasky: onde ia ficar legal tripla?
18:03 Necroluttah: remove aqui
18:03 Necroluttah: perai ja falo
18:03 Necroluttah: 07:59:170 (14, 15) -
18:03 Necroluttah: remove aqui tbm
18:04 Necroluttah: 07:59:742 (21, 22) - e aqui
Topic Starter

Necroluttah wrote:

muito boooom <3 <3
IRC mod
17:47 Necroluttah: vo da um update aqui
17:48 Necroluttah: vai ser irc ta pq eu odieo moddar
17:48 Tarrasky: ok
17:48 Tarrasky: agora q kuron foi ban
17:48 Tarrasky: nem sei como vou rankear red like rose
17:48 Necroluttah: sao opinioes pessoais eu acho nao diria q ficou ruim só
17:48 Necroluttah: eu particularmente nao gosto de jogar
17:49 Tarrasky: ok
17:49 Necroluttah: 02:49:950 (3, 4, 5)
17:49 Necroluttah: eu nao sou mt fan de triplet q começa em tick branco
17:49 Tarrasky: vai ser mor aqui no chat msm?
17:49 Necroluttah: ah voce quer q eu poste?
17:49 Necroluttah: eu posso falar tudo aqui salvo o log er posto lá
17:49 Necroluttah: e*
17:49 Tarrasky: pra mim é melhor
17:49 Tarrasky: pode ser tbm
17:50 Tarrasky: nossa
17:50 Tarrasky: esssa triplet ta ridicula
17:51 Necroluttah: 02:53:625 -
17:51 Necroluttah: aqui tbm
17:51 Necroluttah: 02:59:625 -
17:51 Necroluttah: aqui ficou bom
17:51 Necroluttah: 03:00:075 -
17:51 Necroluttah: essa ficou daora
17:52 Necroluttah: '03:06:225 (1, 2, 3, 4) -
17:52 Necroluttah: aqui
17:52 Necroluttah: achei essa pattern meio fraca
17:52 Necroluttah: tipo
17:52 Necroluttah: chato de jogar
17:52 Necroluttah: comparado aos jumps q vem depois
17:52 Necroluttah: ficou bonito mas de jogar nao é tao legal
17:52 Tarrasky:
17:52 Tarrasky: melhorzinha?
17:54 Necroluttah: aham assim fica bom
17:54 Necroluttah: na verdade foi exatamente assim q eu imaginei
17:54 Necroluttah: HAEUHEA
17:54 Necroluttah: em por
17:54 Tarrasky: eahueahu
17:54 Necroluttah: 03:24:171 (3, 4) -
17:54 Necroluttah: deixa mais consistente
17:54 Necroluttah: tipo a distancia do 2 e do 3
17:55 Tarrasky: ok
17:55 Necroluttah: 03:33:314 (3, 4) -
17:55 Necroluttah: mesma coisa aqui
17:55 Necroluttah: aqui
17:55 Necroluttah: lembra q eu falei ontem q tinha umas partes q deviam ser mais espaçadas por que
17:55 Necroluttah: na musica te da um hype
17:56 Necroluttah: 03:51:170 -
17:56 Necroluttah: aqui por exemplo
17:56 Necroluttah: aqui tem tipo de um breakdown loco entao acho q devia por uns jumps espaçados
17:57 Necroluttah: 04:29:170 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) - eu amei isso
17:57 Necroluttah: 04:29:170 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) - isso ficou mt bom
17:57 Tarrasky: ok meu pc tinha desligado
17:57 Necroluttah: AEUHUAE
17:58 Necroluttah: voce recebeu oq eu tinha mandado?
17:58 Tarrasky: só até aqui
17:58 Tarrasky: 03:24:171 (3) -
17:58 Necroluttah:
17:59 Tarrasky: movi o mesmo para x:216 y:240
18:00 Necroluttah: ah e tbm tarra
18:00 Necroluttah: acho q precisa por algumas triples
18:00 Necroluttah: já q no começo tem bastante burst
18:01 Necroluttah: e na parte q fica mais agitada a musica
18:01 Necroluttah: nao tem nenhuma
18:02 Necroluttah: 07:37:028 (1) - esse pattern meio circular é ruim de jogar
18:02 Tarrasky: eu coloco tripla
18:02 Necroluttah: 07:37:028 (10) *
18:02 Tarrasky: onde ia ficar legal ter tripla
18:02 Necroluttah: acho q ficaria bom mover o 10 pra cima
18:02 Tarrasky: onde vc acha q pode ficar bom?
18:03 Tarrasky: hm ok
18:03 Necroluttah: 07:58:599 (7, 8) -
18:03 Tarrasky: onde ia ficar legal tripla?
18:03 Necroluttah: remove aqui
18:03 Necroluttah: perai ja falo
18:03 Necroluttah: 07:59:170 (14, 15) -
18:03 Necroluttah: remove aqui tbm
18:04 Necroluttah: 07:59:742 (21, 22) - e aqui
te amo <3

First, a replay

[Crimson Dream]
  1. 01:01:285 - feels void here. Consider add a note.
  2. 01:07:285 - maybe?

  3. 01:17:110 (2,3) - this jump dont feel intuitive, imo, a spacing to 1.5x feels better here:
  4. 01:24:607 (5) - :!: Arrow saw hiding under (3) -> , try to ask to some QAT.
  5. 01:26:107 (3) - this jumps feels a bit strange... i suggest try another stuff here :P
  6. 01:40:819 (5) - ugly flow. Try it:
    1) Rote 8 degrees to (5) and (6). ((6) is for avoid little overlap with (3))
    2) Move (5) like this:
  7. 07:36:885 (9) - imo, change spacing => nc.
  8. :idea: mm.. map have maaaaany noticeable copy/pasta... idk if this is good idea... for me, copy rhythms is fine, but not patterns.
Good luck!!
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:


First, a replay

[Crimson Dream]
  1. 01:01:285 - feels void here. Consider add a note.
  2. 01:07:285 - maybe?

  3. 01:17:110 (2,3) - this jump dont feel intuitive, imo, a spacing to 1.5x feels better here:
  4. 01:24:607 (5) - :!: Arrow saw hiding under (3) -> , try to ask to some QAT.
  5. 01:26:107 (3) - this jumps feels a bit strange... i suggest try another stuff here :P
  6. 01:40:819 (5) - ugly flow. Try it:
    1) Rote 8 degrees to (5) and (6). ((6) is for avoid little overlap with (3))
    2) Move (5) like this:
  7. 07:36:885 (9) - imo, change spacing => nc.
  8. :idea: mm.. map have maaaaany noticeable copy/pasta... idk if this is good idea... for me, copy rhythms is fine, but not patterns.
Good luck!!
thanks, all fix ^^
Não vi nada de errado no mapa, ficou muito bom
Não considere essa merda um mod, é um uma opinião minha
▸ 01:18:160 (4) - Ela fica meio estranha nessa posição. Tenta colocar ela entre 01:18:010 (3) - & 01:17:860 (2) -
▸ 05:38:599 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Tipo esse " Pré Kiai" eu tentei fazer um negocio meio estranho, não sei se ira gostar.
Tipo, fazer os jumps imitando uma rosa.

Topic Starter

AmigoDoChroome wrote:

Não vi nada de errado no mapa, ficou muito bom
Não considere essa merda um mod, é um uma opinião minha
▸ 01:18:160 (4) - Ela fica meio estranha nessa posição. Tenta colocar ela entre 01:18:010 (3) - & 01:17:860 (2) -
▸ 05:38:599 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Tipo esse " Pré Kiai" eu tentei fazer um negocio meio estranho, não sei se ira gostar.
Tipo, fazer os jumps imitando uma rosa.

considerei algumas coisas, vlw ^^
Clearly the best red like roses map out in the public.

But clearly needs more work.
Topic Starter

Boobs wrote:

Clearly the best red like roses map out in the public.

But clearly needs more work.
probably i'll abandoned, not sure
Não abandona Tarrasky :(
Mais um projeto abandonado pelo tarrasky, além de taiko rip cause beautiful
Topic Starter

ghm12 wrote:

Mais um projeto abandonado pelo tarrasky, além de taiko rip cause beautiful
rankear mapa n e comigo
gringos tudo pau no cu, n entendo pq pra rankear um mapa tem q implorar e se humilhar pra estranhos
ate os q fala minha lingua ( que eram os que eu acho que devia ter alguma consideracao, ja q meu ingl e horrivel) e tudo pau no cu tbm, se fuder


CS 4,1 mb? :3

fix this and add : marathon to metadata

[Crimson Dream]

01:19:210 (6) - NC ?
01:22:732 - add circle to make triple as here : 01:17:260 (3,4,1) -
01:35:401 (6) - NC for drums
01:57:319 (9) - NC
01:58:819 (5) - mb smth like this?
02:00:619 (5) - NC
02:04:519 (5,6) - mb ctrl + g?
02:07:819 (5) - NC
02:38:074 (1) - short spinner to 02:45:666 - and add circle or slider on 02:45:825 -
02:47:625 (7,6,6,7) - NC
03:25:314 (3) - ?
03:34:457 (3) - ^
03:51:742 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - this moment should be extra jumpy like that :
03:52:313 (7) - ^... and NC it
04:02:885 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - these sliders sounds strange on red lines :o
05:14:599 (10) - NC it ( 14 numbers is too high man )
05:39:171 (5,9) - NC it for cool pattern :3
06:44:742 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25) - em... you know what to do xD
06:59:171 (5,8,11,14) - NC it for nice pattern :)
07:39:171 (8,9,10,11,12) - imo this is overmapped
07:57:885 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25) - -----^
08:30:599 (3) - ?

And, that's it. GL :)

btw. Nice hitsounds tho, match to the instruments :3
Topic Starter

Kalibe wrote:



CS 4,1 mb? :3

fix this and add : marathon to metadata

[Crimson Dream]

01:19:210 (6) - NC ?
01:22:732 - add circle to make triple as here : 01:17:260 (3,4,1) -
01:35:401 (6) - NC for drums
01:57:319 (9) - NC
01:58:819 (5) - mb smth like this?
02:00:619 (5) - NC
02:04:519 (5,6) - mb ctrl + g?
02:07:819 (5) - NC
02:38:074 (1) - short spinner to 02:45:666 - and add circle or slider on 02:45:825 -
02:47:625 (7,6,6,7) - NC
03:25:314 (3) - ?
03:34:457 (3) - ^
03:51:742 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - this moment should be extra jumpy like that :
03:52:313 (7) - ^... and NC it
04:02:885 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - these sliders sounds strange on red lines :o
05:14:599 (10) - NC it ( 14 numbers is too high man )
05:39:171 (5,9) - NC it for cool pattern :3
06:44:742 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25) - em... you know what to do xD
06:59:171 (5,8,11,14) - NC it for nice pattern :)
07:39:171 (8,9,10,11,12) - imo this is overmapped
07:57:885 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25) - -----^
08:30:599 (3) - ?

And, that's it. GL :)

btw. Nice hitsounds tho, match to the instruments :3
thanks for mod ^^

I remap a bit the map, redownl after 16/10
Hello ~*

Crimson Dream

Coloca Rock, Marathon nas tags?

  1. 01:20:701 (3) - x:348 y:240?
  2. 01:24:607 (5) - Consegue deixa o final desse slider em x:172 y:132?
  3. 01:28:198 (3) - x:168 y:220 pra consertar o blanket
  4. 01:32:251 (5) - x:232 y:220 Talvez
  5. 01:57:019 (5) - NC?
  6. 03:04:425 (6) - ^
  7. 03:36:028 (6) - x:357 y:48
  8. 05:18:456 (3) - x:112 y:264. Blanket
  9. 05:40:313 (5) - x:352 y:246? Fica mais "quadrado"
  10. 06:45:885 (1) - x:380 y:204
  11. 06:46:956 (6) - x:260 y:120
  12. 06:56:170 (1) - Finish no inicio do slider seria ótimo
  13. 06:58:456 (3) - Finish?
  14. 08:37:885 - Coloca um hit com whistle aqui?

Mapa incrível!!! Quase não tem erros :3 GL~
Topic Starter
ok, vamos reviver essa bagunça

Hoen wrote:

Hello ~*

Crimson Dream

Coloca Rock, Marathon nas tags?

  1. 01:20:701 (3) - x:348 y:240?
  2. 01:24:607 (5) - Consegue deixa o final desse slider em x:172 y:132?
  3. 01:28:198 (3) - x:168 y:220 pra consertar o blanket
  4. 01:32:251 (5) - x:232 y:220 Talvez
  5. 01:57:019 (5) - NC?
  6. 03:04:425 (6) - ^
  7. 03:36:028 (6) - x:357 y:48
  8. 05:18:456 (3) - x:112 y:264. Blanket
  9. 05:40:313 (5) - x:352 y:246? Fica mais "quadrado"
  10. 06:45:885 (1) - x:380 y:204
  11. 06:46:956 (6) - x:260 y:120
  12. 06:56:170 (1) - Finish no inicio do slider seria ótimo
  13. 06:58:456 (3) - Finish?
  14. 08:37:885 - Coloca um hit com whistle aqui?

Mapa incrível!!! Quase não tem erros :3 GL~
quase tudo fix, só n mechi no que n ia mudar nada, ty pelo mod <3
[Crimson Dream]
01:17:410 (5) - Remove new combo, although I can see you've placed it because of the emphasis I don't think you really need it.
01:19:060 (4,5) - These need to be snapped onto 01:19:210 (6) -. So does 01:20:110 (1) -.
02:26:719 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - I think these would all be nicer curved, also don't use new combo when there's no timing changes here, it's uneccessary.
03:39:028 (3,1) - Good opportunity for a blanket of (1) on (3) here.
03:50:599 (5) - Snap this to 03:49:885 (5) -.
05:02:885 (6) - Snap this to 05:01:742 (6) -.
05:02:885 (6) - NC here or 05:03:170 (1) - here because of the upbeat.
06:02:456 (6) - Here too.
06:46:456 (6) - NC here and remove combo at 06:46:599 (1) - for the emphasis here.
Topic Starter

Kuki wrote:

[Crimson Dream]
01:17:410 (5) - Remove new combo, although I can see you've placed it because of the emphasis I don't think you really need it.
01:19:060 (4,5) - These need to be snapped onto 01:19:210 (6) -. So does 01:20:110 (1) -.
02:26:719 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - I think these would all be nicer curved, also don't use new combo when there's no timing changes here, it's uneccessary. peoples can die if not be nc
03:39:028 (3,1) - Good opportunity for a blanket of (1) on (3) here.
03:50:599 (5) - Snap this to 03:49:885 (5) -.
05:02:885 (6) - Snap this to 05:01:742 (6) -.
05:02:885 (6) - NC here or 05:03:170 (1) - here because of the upbeat.
06:02:456 (6) - Here too.
06:46:456 (6) - NC here and remove combo at 06:46:599 (1) - for the emphasis here.
all fix, thanks <3
Dunno if this is any help tbh
01:07:285 (2) - I'd NC this and 01:07:928 (5) - for design appeal.

01:16:510 (1,5) - the relationship between these two don't feel very complimentary. Maybe just style but the close edginess of them is weird.

01:43:395 (9,10,1) - space this out more and make it like stream?

01:55:219 (5,6,7,8) - distance spacing is so weird here but you can't really tell what's being emphasized

02:26:719 (1) - I sooooo want these to be spinners like on the famous Red Like Roses lool. I think it'll work well xDDD

02:56:775 (3) - red tick slider and triple starting on white isn't rhythmically sound seeing as how you start your triples on reds (like they should be)

03:07:425 (1) - might be too close to 7. Doesnt get enough "standing out" when its close to it imo

03:17:028 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I feel like this pattern could be changed to be more interesting than a copy flip... At the least, do something about (6,7) cuz that DS change although fitting just looks kinda weird. Maybe NC (7) and it'll look better.

03:19:314 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^

03:51:028 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe I'm too attached to the other map but this could be JUMPY ;www;

03:55:456 - add beat here?

03:56:170 (3,4,5) - It feels kinda weird having the stops in motion, you do it more I see but I think it'd be more fitting to the song to keep the map moving.

04:18:028 (3) - could also be a high SV round slider

04:43:599 (1) - (I would do like the other map and put it on the other side and not SV. This way it keeps the player looking for that next beat lol) I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter all that much, but using slider points can help the aesthetic of a map as well.

04:59:599 (5,1) - something's up with that NC/rhythm

05:10:742 (4) - here too maybe keep the map moving

05:14:313 (7) - remove for more JUMPS

05:38:599 (1) - im just wondering why you never like use perfect squares..

06:03:456 - DONT NEGLECT THESE BEATS PLEASE!! D: D: D: D: D: (also more jumps ;wwww;w;w;w;)

07:33:313 (3) - I'd hit these as well

Kinda hard to mod. It's okay if you disagree with all of these... If I could recommend a few things, I would try to limit the overlapping style you have and go more 'crazy' with the spacing (like how you did at the last kiai but not so crazy for the other parts) because you are using CS3 after-all. Beginning sliders are <3333
Topic Starter

Kroytz wrote:

Dunno if this is any help tbh
01:07:285 (2) - I'd NC this and 01:07:928 (5) - for design appeal.

01:16:510 (1,5) - the relationship between these two don't feel very complimentary. Maybe just style but the close edginess of them is weird.

01:43:395 (9,10,1) - space this out more and make it like stream?

01:55:219 (5,6,7,8) - distance spacing is so weird here but you can't really tell what's being emphasized

02:26:719 (1) - I sooooo want these to be spinners like on the famous Red Like Roses lool. I think it'll work well xDDD

02:56:775 (3) - red tick slider and triple starting on white isn't rhythmically sound seeing as how you start your triples on reds (like they should be)

03:07:425 (1) - might be too close to 7. Doesnt get enough "standing out" when its close to it imo

03:17:028 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I feel like this pattern could be changed to be more interesting than a copy flip... At the least, do something about (6,7) cuz that DS change although fitting just looks kinda weird. Maybe NC (7) and it'll look better.

03:19:314 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^

03:51:028 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe I'm too attached to the other map but this could be JUMPY ;www;

03:55:456 - add beat here?

03:56:170 (3,4,5) - It feels kinda weird having the stops in motion, you do it more I see but I think it'd be more fitting to the song to keep the map moving.

04:18:028 (3) - could also be a high SV round slider

04:43:599 (1) - (I would do like the other map and put it on the other side and not SV. This way it keeps the player looking for that next beat lol) I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter all that much, but using slider points can help the aesthetic of a map as well.

04:59:599 (5,1) - something's up with that NC/rhythm

05:10:742 (4) - here too maybe keep the map moving

05:14:313 (7) - remove for more JUMPS

05:38:599 (1) - im just wondering why you never like use perfect squares..

06:03:456 - DONT NEGLECT THESE BEATS PLEASE!! D: D: D: D: D: (also more jumps ;wwww;w;w;w;)

07:33:313 (3) - I'd hit these as well

Kinda hard to mod. It's okay if you disagree with all of these... If I could recommend a few things, I would try to limit the overlapping style you have and go more 'crazy' with the spacing (like how you did at the last kiai but not so crazy for the other parts) because you are using CS3 after-all. Beginning sliders are <3333
a lot of fix <3
thanks for mod, i increase a bit the cs C: C:
m4m as requested

[crimson dream]
  1. 01:18:160 (8,1) - should have higher spacing for better emphasis at (1) , try move (1) to around x404 y47 ?
  2. 01:23:257 (5,6) - I think ctrl+g this make flow here 01:22:807 (4,5,6,7,1) - better
  3. 01:28:949 (7,1) - should have bigger spacing than 01:28:798 (6,7) - since (1) sound very emphasized , try move (7) to around x440 y248
  4. 01:32:551 (7,1) - similiar to above , try move (7) to around x250 y237 ?
  5. 02:21:619 (1,2) - spacing here is pretty large compare with the previous one which make it looks weird imo , try to make spacing here like the previous ?
  6. 02:25:219 (1,2) - similiar ^^^
  7. 02:56:775 (3,4) - spacing is pretty large , I don't think (4) sound very emphasized that much so it would be better to decrease spacing here a bit
  8. 02:58:875 (7,1) - should have higher spacing than 02:58:725 (6,7) - cus (1) sound really emphasized , try move (7) to around x256 y304 ?
  9. 03:01:725 (3,4) - and yea a bit too large spacing here, (4) doesn't sound really that emphasized so using large spacing just make it play weird imo ,consider lower spacing here
    03:05:025 (1,2) - similiar ^^^
  10. 03:34:743 (4,5,1) - spacing might be a bit too big here x_x idk can't pass this lol
  11. 03:44:028 (4,1) - should have higher spacing for better emphasis at (1) , try move (1) to around x260 y56 ?
  12. 03:57:885 (1) - curve this the another way so it might make flow here 03:57:885 (1,2,3) - a bit better ?
  13. 04:10:884 (2) - try place this at around x216 y40 for better flow ?
  14. 05:04:313 (3,4) - a bit too large spacing here imo (4) doesn't sound that emphasized
  15. 05:23:028 (3) - curve this the another way so it might make flow here 05:22:885 (2,3,4) - will be better ?
  16. 05:27:742 (4,5) - should have more spacing than 05:27:599 (3,4) - , try move (4) to around x220 y180 ?
  17. 05:43:028 - somehow I feel like some spacing in 2nd kiai don't feel right when I try to hear a bit beat there , when you map a jumps if you map a large for an unemphasized beat like 05:44:742 (3,4,5) - 05:46:885 (2,3) - 05:48:313 (4,5,6,7) - 05:53:885 (3,4,5,6) - it's just feel don't right or weird imo , and yea that just what I hearing from the beat there and compare with the spacing you use so try to make spacing a bit more correlation with music here
  18. 06:26:885 (4) - 06:27:456 (3) - mapping cymbal for sliderend here sound pretty weird , I would try to make that cymbal sound clickable for better impact
  19. 06:36:742 (9,1) - should have higher spacing for better emphasis at (1) , try move (1) to around x384 y221
  20. 06:42:456 (1) - curve another way ? for better flow here 06:42:456 (1,2,3,4,5) - imo
  21. 06:52:028 (2,3) - maybe ctrl+g this would make flow here 06:52:028 (2,3,4,5,6) - better imo
  22. 07:05:313 - for 3rd kiai it's just like what I said in 2nd kiai up there
  23. 07:07:599 (1) - curve another way ? for better flow here 07:07:599 (1,2,3,4,5) - imo
  24. 07:09:885 (1) - similiar ^^
  25. 07:34:742 (10,11) - ctrl+g these for better flow here 07:34:599 (9,10,11,1) - ?
  26. 07:37:313 (1) - yea similiar to this 07:07:599 (1) -
  27. 07:38:456 (1) - ^^^ current flow just seem a bit weird for me
  28. 07:50:599 (7) - nc ? so it make spacing here
  29. 08:05:742 (4,5) - mmm maybe I feel like you can decrease spacing a bit here since I feel like it's a bit too much when (5) doesn't sound that much emphasized to me imo
  30. 08:18:456 (1) - similiar to this 07:07:599 (1) -
  31. 08:23:028 (1) - ^^^^^
  32. 08:25:313 (1) - 08:27:599 (1) - same

    uhh yea I feel like the spacing correlation can be a bit improved and the flow too can also be improved a bit imo
good luck :)
Topic Starter

CelsiusLK wrote:

m4m as requested

[crimson dream]
  1. 01:18:160 (8,1) - should have higher spacing for better emphasis at (1) , try move (1) to around x404 y47 ? hm nice fix
  2. 01:23:257 (5,6) - I think ctrl+g this make flow here 01:22:807 (4,5,6,7,1) - better ok done
  3. 01:28:949 (7,1) - should have bigger spacing than 01:28:798 (6,7) - since (1) sound very emphasized , try move (7) to around x440 y248 hm i dont move from exactly this point but i use your idea to improve, thanks ^^
  4. 01:32:551 (7,1) - similiar to above , try move (7) to around x250 y237 ?
  5. 02:21:619 (1,2) - spacing here is pretty large compare with the previous one which make it looks weird imo , try to make spacing here like the previous ?
  6. 02:25:219 (1,2) - similiar ^^^
  7. 02:56:775 (3,4) - spacing is pretty large , I don't think (4) sound very emphasized that much so it would be better to decrease spacing here a bit for aesthetics 02:57:075 (4,5,6) -
  8. 02:58:875 (7,1) - should have higher spacing than 02:58:725 (6,7) - cus (1) sound really emphasized , try move (7) to around x256 y304 ? hm ok
  9. 03:01:725 (3,4) - and yea a bit too large spacing here, (4) doesn't sound really that emphasized so using large spacing just make it play weird imo ,consider lower spacing here fix
    03:05:025 (1,2) - similiar ^^^ fix
  10. 03:34:743 (4,5,1) - spacing might be a bit too big here x_x idk can't pass this lol eh, this time have a stop timing before, is playable ^^
  11. 03:44:028 (4,1) - should have higher spacing for better emphasis at (1) , try move (1) to around x260 y56 ? fix
  12. 03:57:885 (1) - curve this the another way so it might make flow here 03:57:885 (1,2,3) - a bit better ?
  13. 04:10:884 (2) - try place this at around x216 y40 for better flow ? fix
  14. 05:04:313 (3,4) - a bit too large spacing here imo (4) doesn't sound that emphasized fix
  15. 05:23:028 (3) - curve this the another way so it might make flow here 05:22:885 (2,3,4) - will be better ? fix
  16. 05:27:742 (4,5) - should have more spacing than 05:27:599 (3,4) - , try move (4) to around x220 y180 ? fix
  17. 05:43:028 - somehow I feel like some spacing in 2nd kiai don't feel right when I try to hear a bit beat there , when you map a jumps if you map a large for an unemphasized beat like 05:44:742 (3,4,5) - 05:46:885 (2,3) - 05:48:313 (4,5,6,7) - 05:53:885 (3,4,5,6) - it's just feel don't right or weird imo , and yea that just what I hearing from the beat there and compare with the spacing you use so try to make spacing a bit more correlation with music here
  18. 06:26:885 (4) - 06:27:456 (3) - mapping cymbal for sliderend here sound pretty weird , I would try to make that cymbal sound clickable for better impact
  19. 06:36:742 (9,1) - should have higher spacing for better emphasis at (1) , try move (1) to around x384 y221 fix
  20. 06:42:456 (1) - curve another way ? for better flow here 06:42:456 (1,2,3,4,5) - imo fix
  21. 06:52:028 (2,3) - maybe ctrl+g this would make flow here 06:52:028 (2,3,4,5,6) - better imo fix
  22. 07:05:313 - for 3rd kiai it's just like what I said in 2nd kiai up there fix
  23. 07:07:599 (1) - curve another way ? for better flow here 07:07:599 (1,2,3,4,5) - imo fix
  24. 07:09:885 (1) - similiar ^^ fix
  25. 07:34:742 (10,11) - ctrl+g these for better flow here 07:34:599 (9,10,11,1) - ? fix
  26. 07:37:313 (1) - yea similiar to this 07:07:599 (1) - fix
  27. 07:38:456 (1) - ^^^ current flow just seem a bit weird for me fix
  28. 07:50:599 (7) - nc ? so it make spacing here fix
  29. 08:05:742 (4,5) - mmm maybe I feel like you can decrease spacing a bit here since I feel like it's a bit too much when (5) doesn't sound that much emphasized to me imo fix
  30. 08:18:456 (1) - similiar to this 07:07:599 (1) - fix
  31. 08:23:028 (1) - ^^^^^ fix
  32. 08:25:313 (1) - 08:27:599 (1) - same fix

    uhh yea I feel like the spacing correlation can be a bit improved and the flow too can also be improved a bit imo
good luck :) thanks ^^
Thanks for mod C:

ok 8min map lets see

[crimson wet dream]
Concurent volume value for red-green line(s):
01:21:292 -
01:37:483 -
01:38:092 -
02:26:719 -

01:01:285 (2,3) - try to find a better position for these, the current one is kinda iffy
01:07:285 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - uh this is not really following a sound thats very loud or something, no need for these jumps man
02:59:025 (1,2) - this really didnt play all that well while playing tbh

ok so this feels more like a jump training map mkay, try to use more rythms n shit. i think you did a great job on the slow parts, not gonna lie

03:56:742 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i really dont like this but at least ur consistent with it
04:16:456 (2,4) - why r these overlapping

n yeah after this the jump training rabbit style simulator 2069 begins

04:39:028 (7) - nc stuff like this imo
06:45:313 (8,7,7) - 07:58:456 (6,7,7) - how about kicksliders?

yeah the kiais are all pretty much the same and pretty boring with not very organized jump patterns and very repetitive rythms

thats all i have to say about this

it would be pretty hype if you can make this map more interesting and somehow push it to rank
so good luck!
02:00:619 - the grouping of (5),(6) then (7),(8),(9) then (10) feels awkward. especially since at 02:07:819 you use (5),(6) then (7),(8) then (9),(10)

02:48:225 (1,2,3,4) - 02:50:625 (1,2,3,4) - 02:53:025 (1,2,3,4) - no need for streams here, use them later in the map when it matches the song e.g. 02:56:025 02:56:625

02:53:625 (6,7,8) - no need for triples

02:57:375 (6,7,8) - 02:57:675 (9,10,1) - not fond of triples into triples - doesn't match rest of your mapping - 02:57:225 - consider making a 5 circle stream and remove 02:57:750 (10) ??

04:02:170 - cant hear the drum part starting until here - maybe remove 04:02:099 (5) - and make 4 part of a jump with (2)&(3)? or make (3)-(4) a slider ?

05:11:456 - personally not keen on the two sliders here - you could make the first slider 2 single circles instead - fits better with 'fai-ry-tale' as it has 2 syllables

05:30:456 (7) - feels better having the same slider as 05:29:313

06:17:170 (5) - not consistent with how you mapped the other parts - better to remove it or make the other parts like this

06:31:028 (1) - again not consistent with the other slider - 2 circles - slider so doesn't feel right

06:45:385 - the gaps could be filled with a slider on 06:45:313 (8) to 06:45:385 since the guitar note is being held

07:18:313 (3) - a single slider here is this section feels weird

07:50:885 - would place a circle here or make a slider from (2) as there is a pitch change in vocal at this point which warrants it

07:58:170 - as before

08:37:885 - just saying a fancy slider would be cool here :)
Topic Starter
a lot of fix, thanks for mod >3<
what happen to beautiful like roses D:
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