
How do you get the correct element dimensions?

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I'm working on a personal mania skin and I'm wondering if there's any formula or something to go by to get exactly the correct element dimensions immediately instead of having to trial and error. For example let's say for 7k I want four of the notes to be 34x12 and three of the notes to be 26x12, and each note has a 2 pixel gap in between. You'd think merely saving the note files with those dimensions and throwing them into the skin folder would be all there is to it, but it's not. Instead it's a lot of back and forth, where I load up the skin, see if it's right, and if it's not (which is 99% of the time), I make an edit in size and repeat until it is. And it feels like it's a balancing act where if I finally get one thing right, another thing goes wrong, and achieving perfection seems near impossible. Right now I'm at the point where it's near perfection but some notes are incorrect length by a pixel and in some cases when I'm taking screenshots to see if everything is perfect, in one screenshot everything will be perfect, but then in the next screenshot there will be a note that is a pixel taller or shorter. The same note appearing in two different sizes.

At the end of the day, as OCD as I am, I'm just gonna deal with it as really it's basically not noticeable at all, but I'm just wondering if there's a way to 100% eliminate this and just have everything be perfect first try. Because even reaching the point of near perfection took a lot of revisions.
One shot skinning is BS, really BS.

Everything you said is reality of skinning. If ya tried to one shot every skinnable shit, expect mistakes in the end. There's no way a skinner can skin perfectly in one shot.
Basically, you can refer to this one if ya wanna stick with the standard way. If ya want to go overboard a little bit, then do hit and miss in Photoshop/GIMP/whatever editor it is.
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