
Global Ranking based on rank

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My thought is that we have an option in the tab where when selecting a scoreboard type, global ranking, local ranking, etc, we allow all users or just supporters to view the scoreboard based on their rank. For instance a new player who is rank 1 million+ can view what others around his rank scored on a map. This would allow newer players not to be discouraged by how they can't HDDTHRFL the easier maps and instead improve the competition by letting them see what people in his skill range could do. Another bonus to this is that it would make it easier to find people with multiple accounts. If a player rank 900,000 for instance is able to beat a 5* song there is a high chance it is a multi-accounter so we could potentially see less problems with this. IDK though just a thought feel free to add your own!
Requested and denied before

Also, post in Feature requests next time when you request something
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