
Hihi,greetings from Singapore

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Hi! I'm a rather 'new' (3months old) player from Singapore! :)
Nice to be part of the forum!

Abit of intro about myself
I play mainly CS:GO, TF2 and of course OSU!!!!
I'm a audio lover (sounds better than audiophile) and love to watch animes! (started watching since 6 months ago) >>> Prolly why osu is so interesting for me now! ;)

Still struggling to complete a 5.5* and above map. )': :(
But I'm getting there!
My goal is just to reach #10k mark :lol:
Currently at 48k
Just started trying out DT maps (really improving alot on my tapping for doubles/triples)

Don't be fooled with my account being created 6 years ago ><

I found out about osu 6 years ago but only played the tutorial =/
Wish I got into it 6 years ago, might be a whole lot better now xD

See yall around the forum~ :D
Hi Akisen!
Welcome to the forums! <3
It's cool to see a fellow singaporean around. So all the singlish can use lor haha XD
Heyo, welcome to the forums.

The Singapore Community hangs out on several media platforms also outside the game, including a Facebook Group and Discord, feel free to contact me if you're interested in joining any of these~
hey Welcome to the forums AKI
Welcome Aki!
Enjoy the forums ^_^
Welcome to forum hope u have fun here XD
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