
Perler Art

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Still a little new to the community side of OSU so forgive me if this isn't okay for any reason. I create perler art and just wanted to share some with you all ^_^


I sent some perler stuff (including Link) out to youtuber None Like Joshua and this was the picture he posted on his social media stuffs.

This was a commission from NLJ to send to Veela. Hopefully she liked it. Over 8000 beads went into creating this project. (first ever portrait perler I've done)


Pinkie Pie photo frame

It glowssss

Some little Eeveelutions

SM/DDR arrow

Glow in the dark ITG arrow necklace

More ITG arrows (the orange and pink glow in the dark)



Yoshi (turned this one into a keychain)


Rainbow Dash cutie mark photo frame

Misc things I turned into keychains

Mega Man keychain

Mega Man

Ashina Izu
I really like it o/ especially Veela ♪
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Thanks ^_^
myghad that is so much effort but I really love your works :3
These look really nice; I especially love the touhou ones

I would love to try this as a casual hobby. Some questions, how much time did you invest into this to get art of this quality? Also are the sets expensive or cheap?
So awesome, man. Really love those.

Great job! :)
Thats awesome! Never thought its possible to do such good stuff with this.
Really really good work there :)
Please feel free to continue. Keep in mind that you can only have this one thread as your personal distribution hub.
Oh my god, seeing this makes me really want to buy it.
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Rilene wrote:

Oh my god, seeing this makes me really want to buy it.
I actually have sold most of what I've made, haha.

Nathan Kiss wrote:

These look really nice; I especially love the touhou ones

I would love to try this as a casual hobby. Some questions, how much time did you invest into this to get art of this quality? Also are the sets expensive or cheap?
I answered this via PM, but now that thread is back open I want to answer here too so if anyone else was wondering they'd see it as well.

I've actually been doing this less than a year, it does take time to get quicker at it though. For example the miku perler took me about 4hrs when I did it but now that I'm more familiar it would likely be about half that time (this is just putting together on the pegboard, doesn't account for fusing time) Things like the Veela perler take quite a while because of the large size and detail of it.

As per cost it depends on how into it you want to get. I've spent easily over $1,000 USD on it at this point. As a starting point you could get going for around $50 USD but that means buying a big tub of the beads so you can get most of the colors and sorting them out yourself (becomes really not worth it if you're going to do this often) There are some kits out there you could get to make really really simple perlers that are cheap, but if you want to make the things like I have it's going to take a little more investing.
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minibethangel wrote:

myghad that is so much effort but I really love your works :3

Underforest wrote:

So awesome, man. Really love those.

Great job! :)

miykah wrote:

Thats awesome! Never thought its possible to do such good stuff with this.
Really really good work there :)

Thank you all for your kind words <3
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Made this today, the lightening glows in the dark (My phone sucks at capturing dark pics though)
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