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hey there just dropping by some opinions

im gay

Topic Starter

handsome wrote:

hey there just dropping by some opinions

im gay

fixed to OD10 because requests
This will be eZ rank for you.
another HT challenge! haha
Luel Roseline
Another moster diff...
-Ran Yakumo-
a new HT map? im definitley joining in this time
Are you going to rank this map?
Topic Starter
i may try to, at least.
please dont be dead, this map is AMAZING
Ornsteins Gate
Pleae, don't let this die
much like Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas to me

1500th post
New diffs, nice! I was waiting for this <3
I hope it got ranked, GL!
Can you tell me where you got the bg from?

Truzon wrote:

Can you tell me where you got the bg from? ... d=45197454
can I make a taiko di... oh wait.

Sayaka- wrote:

can I make a taiko di... oh wait.
Round 4 incoming
keep up keep up, KEEP UP!!!!

I really like this song
cuz' the chorus feel like a alternative rock

"Words are my guns
Deeds are my blades
While feeling pains
I go forward" :)
Kreygasm when this gets ranked. bye apparition
[ Ohime ]
This beatmap is fantastic, nothing to change :) :D
welp time to rank this
giving some stars
when rank

Kayne wrote:

when rank
One day probably, unless Ekoro gives up kappa

Modding tomorrow poke me to make me do it baka :>
professional french modding

16:20 *Alheak is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Gone With The Blast [Insane]]
16:20 Ekoro: j'vais poster ça en attendant
16:21 Alheak: je sais pas si c'est pck j'ai passé à l'alternating mais elle était plutôt facile à jouer
16:21 Alheak: oui vas-y
16:21 Ekoro: elle vaut 4,41 aha
16:21 Ekoro: le spread est parfait avec ça
16:21 Alheak: oui
16:22 Ekoro: entre la hard (+1,32*) et la Lunatic (+1,31*)
16:22 Alheak: je suis étonné qu'elle fasse que ça
16:22 Alheak: mon insane est map en stream et pas en alt
16:22 Ekoro: on a cette impression parce que y'a beaucoup de 1/2 à 280
16:23 Alheak: je vais faire le nazi mais
16:23 Alheak: quand j'ai joué j'ai spot pas mal d'overlaps
16:23 Alheak: donc faudra paufiner ça xd
16:24 Ekoro: moi aussi j'suis nazi pour les mods t'inquiètes
16:24 Ekoro: enfin
16:24 Ekoro: j'accepte difficilement des propositions =w=
16:24 Ekoro: genre qoi
16:24 Ekoro: u*
16:24 Ekoro: ah les stacks
16:24 Ekoro: blame stack leniency ;_;
16:24 Alheak: 00:41:913 (4,2) -
16:25 Ekoro: ah ça
16:25 Alheak: oui aussi les stacks ils petent les couiles
16:25 Ekoro: c'bon, fixé
16:25 Ekoro: il était super facile à fixer celui là heureusement
16:26 Alheak: oui
16:26 Ekoro: 02:03:556 (1) - si tu parles d'un overlap comme celuici
16:26 Ekoro: j'avais pas trop le choix pour garder un flow à peu près bon xd
16:27 Ekoro: celui là était volontaire
16:27 Alheak: c'est perso mais les sliders 1/4 je préfère toujours ajouter un peu de spacing après genre 01:25:413 (5,6) -
16:27 Ekoro: un overlap "Lesjuh" quoi
16:27 Alheak: nan oui c'est bon ça
16:27 Ekoro: j'y pensais aussi
16:27 Ekoro: j'ajoute du spacing que sur un enchaînement slider-cercle
16:27 Ekoro: du moins sur cette map
16:28 Alheak: au moins tu invoques lesjuh pour de bonnes raisons
16:28 Ekoro: hahaha
16:28 Ekoro: si le cercle vient juste après le slider
16:28 Ekoro: bah t'obtiens ça
16:28 *Ekoro is listening to [ DragonForce - My Spirit Will Go On]
16:28 Ekoro: pour autant la plupart des parts sont ok (ça suit un peu le mapping de Lesjuh), les streams le sont pas du tout
16:30 Alheak: qu'est-ce qu'ils ont tous avec dragonforce
16:31 Alheak: c'est l'atrtait cookiezi je présume
16:31 Ekoro: lesjuh en a fait un culte aussi
16:31 Ekoro: avec ses trois maps
16:31 Ekoro: pour ça qu'ils prennent tous le même background avec une couleur différente lol
16:31 Alheak: oui
16:31 Alheak: le pb
16:32 Alheak: c'est que c'était bien à l'époque
16:32 Ekoro: ça dépend les maps
16:32 Ekoro: les maps de Jenny sont pas trop mal
16:32 Alheak: oui
16:32 Ekoro: fin
16:32 Ekoro: the last journey home est une bonne map par exemple
16:32 *Ekoro is listening to [ DragonForce - Dawn Over a New World]
16:32 Alheak: :^)
16:32 Ekoro: ça me fait totalement cringe par contre
16:32 Ekoro: :^)
16:33 Alheak: le meme de trop
16:33 Alheak: bon au moins il a remplacé le bg
16:34 Ekoro: hue
16:34 Ekoro: les memes maps c'est pas pour moi
16:34 Ekoro: encore les memes "song" oui
16:34 Ekoro: mais bon
16:34 Ekoro: no title :^)
16:34 Alheak: de temps en temps quoi
16:34 Alheak: brain power me fait peur
16:35 Ekoro: awi
16:35 Alheak: 02:07:842 (1,2,3,4) -
16:36 Alheak: je n'aime pas ce pattern
16:37 Alheak: pour plein de raisons
16:37 Alheak: les 1/4 sliders qui commencent sur un rouge, les stream après un 1/4 slider
16:38 Alheak: et je vois pas tellement de riaons de le map comme ça
16:38 Alheak: raisons
16:38 Ekoro: la musique
16:38 Ekoro: ça fait blanc - rouge - blanc
16:38 Ekoro: ici y'a juste deux notes après
16:38 Alheak: ou mais l'accentuation après est sur 02:08:431 -
16:39 Ekoro: ah wait
16:39 Ekoro: tu moddes quelle diff LOL
16:39 *Alheak is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - Gone With The Blast [Insane]]
16:39 Alheak: mdr
16:39 Ekoro: 02:08:431 - y'a rien ici
16:40 Alheak: uuh
16:40 Alheak: la guitare ne semble pas être sur 02:08:484 - non plus
16:40 Alheak: même si elle est assez imprécise
16:41 Ekoro: je suis pas "parfaitement" la guitare après
16:41 Ekoro: j'ajuste
16:41 Ekoro: même si je viens de le remarquer que maintenant
16:41 Ekoro: à cette vitesse on fait même plus gaffe² lol
16:41 Alheak: oui
16:41 Alheak: disons juste que pour moi ce genre de pattern est assez désagréable à jouer
16:41 Alheak: après
16:43 Ekoro: je sais pas trop perso, je pense que à ce bpm ça passe
16:43 Alheak: 02:37:627 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - à mon avis tu devrais faire le triangle en prenant en compte le stack
16:44 Alheak: valable pour le reste 02:38:484 (6,1,2,3,4,5) -
16:44 Ekoro: qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par là
16:44 Alheak: tu mappes avec les stacks ou sans?
16:45 Ekoro: je pense que oui
16:45 Alheak: no
16:45 Ekoro: a
16:46 Alheak: [ dans view]
16:46 Ekoro: non
16:46 Alheak:
16:47 Ekoro: done
16:47 Alheak: nice
16:48 Alheak: 02:52:734 (4,5,6) - y'en a un peu partout du coup
16:50 Ekoro: done
16:51 Ekoro: mon dieu j'ai du tout changer jusqu'à 02:57:556 (2) -
16:51 Ekoro: tellement j'ai dû replacer tous les stacks
16:51 Alheak: oui c'est un truc dont on fait pas attention
16:52 Alheak: moi aussi j'ai du refaire pas mal de pattern à cause de ça
16:52 Ekoro: je regarde toujours la suite
16:52 Ekoro: pour ça que je fixe rarement les suggestions
16:52 Ekoro: souvent c'est chiant de fixer le reste
16:52 Alheak: oui
16:53 Alheak: jvais la rejouer pour spot les endroits chelous mais normalement ça devrait être bon
16:57 Alheak: 02:53:056 (6,1) -
16:58 Alheak: pas le stack mais le 1/1
16:59 Ekoro: cad
16:59 Alheak: [ comme ça p-e]
16:59 Alheak: le fait qu'ils soient stack
17:00 Alheak: quand on est un cassos du finger control on tape trop et on finit par cliquer sur (1)
17:00 Alheak: et on break
17:00 Alheak: comme moi
17:02 Alheak: j'ai trouvé le fin un peu molle donc j'allais proposer de faire des streams à la place de 03:55:413 (1,2,3) - mais je penseque ça va être un peu overkill
17:03 Alheak: [ ou ça peut-être?]
17:03 Alheak: des triplés du coup on retombe sur le bon doigt
17:03 Ekoro: toutes les diffs ont la même fin
17:03 Ekoro: lol
17:04 Alheak: fuk xd
17:04 Ekoro: quand t'es un con qui veut pas niquer la map, quitte à faire un truc chelou
17:05 Ekoro:
17:05 Ekoro: buh
17:05 Alheak: mdr
17:06 Ekoro: au niveau du flow ça le fait bien
17:06 Ekoro: (la raison principale pour le changement)
17:06 Ekoro: j'ai ajusté le reste ensuite ofc
17:06 Alheak: oui

n'oublie pas de recheck toutes tes diffs pour les overlap dus aux stacks

sinon pour hard tout ce kiai 03:27:556 - a des petits overlaps un peu partout (03:29:270 (1,2) - , 03:29:698 (3,4) - etc), et même après en fait un peu: 03:52:413 (2,3) -

et dans normal 00:25:842 (1) - 03:17:270 (1) - ça fait beaucoup de repeat xd, et pour 03:46:413 (1,2) - le gap de 3/2 risque d'être dur à jouer, surtout quand tu skip le downbeat
this map will be the map that will pierce the heavens highest difficulty rating!

kds star!
Wrecking Apparation since 2K16
Now I'm almost certain that this'll be voted top five for Best of 2016.
what a great one!
Arcanum Barrier


00:18:877 (2) - This note looks severely out of place, I would just repeat the previous combo 00:48:984 (1,2,3,1) - I think this would look way cooler if you put a bit more of spacing between those notes
01:06:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Given that the first 3 notes
01:09:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Make this stream blanket the previous note from a distance and make it end in the sliderend of the slider before that note 02:53:270 (1) - This slider looks very dull to me, I would just put circles for the sliderstart- and end but I guess this is highly subjective

Timing stuff

01:03:342 (7,1) - I see no reason not to map the blue tick inbetween the sliderend and (1), it fits even with the current spacing
01:06:127 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This stream starts 1/4 and is only 1/3 at the end 01:07:842 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - These are 1/2 in the song
02:03:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This whole stream is multiple 1/4 bursts, which should look like this 02:07:842 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - This also isn't 1/3, its a 9 note 1/4 stream and a triple 03:09:556 (4) - This repeatslider is solid 1/4 in the song
03:26:699 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Is two 1/4 triples 03:54:127 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 1/4 bursts again
A lot of your 1/4 longstreams are overmapped, since you've done maps with completely right timing without overmapping, I'd assume they are, for a reason or another, intentional. I would still like them to be removed. If they were not intentional I would have no problem with pointing out all the notes I hear overmapped
Add C83 & Comiket 83 to the tags as it was released there.

Looking forward to seeing this ranked!
best of 2k16 inc
Prepare for Kyubey :V
add rsi to the tags :V
and nice song, good lucky lmao.
Topic Starter

Ukod wrote:

Arcanum Barrier


00:18:877 (2) - This note looks severely out of place, I would just repeat the previous combo It was a symetrical pattern, but eh, it'd look better, yeah00:48:984 (1,2,3,1) - I think this would look way cooler if you put a bit more of spacing between those notes can't move it anywhere due to stack, i changed the second slider though
01:06:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Given that the first 3 notes ?
01:09:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Make this stream blanket the previous note from a distance and make it end in the sliderend of the slider before that note At this point i can't get a blanket AND end it on sliderend, and this doesn't even look too bad (i didn't want to blanket it)02:53:270 (1) - This slider looks very dull to me, I would just put circles for the sliderstart- and end but I guess this is highly subjective i could get this changed but every diff has the same slider so i'll keep it for now at least

Timing stuff

01:03:342 (7,1) - I see no reason not to map the blue tick inbetween the sliderend and (1), it fits even with the current spacing i do think 1/1 breaks are odd in this kind of song, that's why i often "continue" the note with a slider
01:06:127 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This stream starts 1/4 and is only 1/3 at the end done01:07:842 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - These are 1/2 in the song fixed
02:03:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This whole stream is multiple 1/4 bursts, which should look like this I wanted to emphasize this part by making it one long stream 02:07:842 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - This also isn't 1/3, its a 9 note 1/4 stream and a triple done03:09:556 (4) - This repeatslider is solid 1/4 in the song oh shit
03:26:699 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Is two 1/4 triples i assumed this part was 1/3 because the song repeated it twice before03:54:127 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 1/4 bursts again extended the stream
A lot of your 1/4 longstreams are overmapped, since you've done maps with completely right timing without overmapping, I'd assume they are, for a reason or another, intentional. I would still like them to be removed. If they were not intentional I would have no problem with pointing out all the notes I hear overmapped
My mapping on hard maps often rely on emphasizing: i'm extending streams to make them play like an entire one. When a song goes epic like this, i want to deliver difficult parts (without being too obvious) on my harder diffs. Did it too on Everything will freeze.
Thanks for finding the 1/4 i mapped in 1/3 so the diff is more difficult, at least it may sound better now.

thanks for modding!
Okay let's go (avec 1 semaine de retard orz) et en anglais parce XD.

- General :

  1. The skill gap between Insane and Lunatic is just BIG. When Insane contains only few 1/4 as reverses sliders, Lunatic is construct with a lot of long 1/4 streams. I honestly think you should make them shorter and add more reverses sliders.
  2. AR could be more progressive for high diffs, like AR9.3 for Lunatic / AR9.6-9.7 for Extra / AR10 for Barrier.
  3. Same for OD, I think smth like 7/8/9/10 (or 7.5/8.5/9.5/10 or close to that) would fit more the spread for Insane to Barrier
  4. I don't think it's necessairy to keep Countdown / Widescreen Support / Letterbox and you know why :>
  5. Your bg is 1397*768 and not 1366*768 ^^
  6. Your mp3 is not 192kbps XD
  7. And remove your osb file, it's useless right now.

- Normal :

  1. You have some spacing issues, check AIMod for that.
  2. 00:22:413 (1,2,3,4) - Why map it so differently from 00:15:556 - when the rhythm is the same ? Make no sense.
  3. 00:25:842 (1) - A newbie won't know how much this reverse will be and can disturb him. Change it for smth more simple.
  4. 01:21:342 (2) - You break polarity here and you can feel something is wrong. I suggest you to start it from 01:21:127 - and end at same place.
  5. 02:45:556 (2) - Same as previous reverse.
  6. 03:17:270 (1) - ^
  7. 03:47:699 (2) - Once again you go from 2/1 to a 3/1 and again a 2/1, and this break the rhythm here. So just extend 03:46:413 (1) - until 03:47:270 - .

- Hard :

  1. 00:13:842 (1,1) - Ayyy stack (check other just in case).
  2. 00:25:842 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is a high amount of circles here, and we're just at the start of the song, it could be a little too much imo. Maybe change some of them for a slider ?
  3. 01:43:842 (3,4) - The rhythm feels off here I couldn't say why. I just think fully follow vocals here is not the best solution. Try to shorten 01:44:270 (4) - at 01:44:484 - .
  4. 01:48:877 (2,3) - This is even stranger imo. If you really want to keep it, do it like that , but honestly I would change it to follow smth more evident.
  5. 03:17:270 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Something like triplet -> Slider would fit more imo. The diff is already hard, but this is a pic of stress way too much here.

- Insane :

  1. 01:06:555 (1,2,3,4) - This 1/3 stream looks too much at a 1/2 stream (that's how I feel it when I test the diff), so I suggest you to do it like you did for 02:31:699 (3,4,1) - .
  2. 02:30:127 (2,2) - Stack pls.
  3. Clean imo, I just HATE 01:36:127 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this kind of pattern with double circle stack, it's just a pain to play ;w;

Don't have the lvl to do other diffs :c but hope it helps you anyway.

This is my first mod, so I'm not sure if I'm being very helpful, but here goes anyway. Feel free to not take any of my suggestions.


You've missed mapping the top right corner :(

00:11:913 (3,1) - cursor movement here is pretty awkward because of the stack and then the 1 beat wait before the single taps. I misread it as all being the same rhythm.
Maybe something like this?

00:18:127 (1,2) - changing this repeated rhythm to a stack is a bit disconcerting.

00:22:413 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - if you wanted to make it more difficult to close the difficulty gap between the Insane and Lunatic, you could add more here

00:33:556 (3,4,5,6,1) - These are the same rhythm but different patterns, maybe change 4 to stack on 5 and then change 3, 5 to flow into 6.

01:06:127 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Almost looks like the same pattern but more notes in the second stream, so maybe move decrease the spacing on the second stream or increase for first.

01:48:449 (2,3) and 01:48:984 (1,2) - Same rhythm different patterns again.
(I curved the sliders to fit back into the same note while maintaining spacing.
and to maintain spacing afterwards,

02:04:734 (2,3,4,5) - curve 4,5 from 2,3 to help flow (maintain spacing though!)

02:14:913 (4,5) - curve the triple a bit to help flow from the 2,3 curving

02:25:413 (5,6,7) - man do I love my curved triples :)

02:56:699 (1,2) - the singer is singing different rhythms, maybe try curving your sliders to match the rhythms or style? Maybe similar to what you did at 02:53:270 (1)

02:58:306 (3,1) - >90 degree angle is a bit out of the blue
this is probably not the best fix, but

03:00:127 (1,2,3,4) - since you curve 4, then try curving 2,3 as well to match the slider like

03:12:127 (1,2,3,4,5) - I like this pattern, but it's a bit out of the blue because of the repeated music in the background and the different pattern again

Overall, nice map! Nice use of distance snap over the whole map.

Please tell me if this is a good mod or not, I want to know how to improve modding! I hope this mod helped anyway.

Really like this map, good luck with ranking it :)

Just a couple of suggestions about Arcanum Barrier -

Maybe reduce the HP to 5 or 5.5? Passing this will be a challenge in itself and the HP could be considered too cruel.

Also, 00:44:699 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part of stream feels very unnatural. The player has to make two very harsh changes in cursor direction very quickly. You could keep the design but make it flow better maybe?
00:45:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - This part of the stream could also be hard to aim due to the direction changes, maybe reduce the curves a bit?

I don't have the skill to play this but this part seemed off. You can safely ignore this mod if you want, i'm rather bad tbh.

2k16 the year of 8* Madness
Please don't let it die, it's just so good (gotta learn how to stream x))
00:19:199 (1,2,1) - feels wierd imo
00:31:199 (1,2) - can get timed better i think
01:05:484 (3,4) - ^^
00:06:931 - you can place something here to fit the sounds the start
01:49:413 (3) - you can move that slider 2 ticks earlier
insane didnt find something and from there i have played enough extra to mod
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