
In-Game Profile Stats

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +28
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Only if possible, :idea:

That in-game we can click in our avatar "View Profile" Easily and You can view it not on the website but inside the game quickly so it's fast to view
We can see there our:
Total Scores
Current Level and XP
Play count

Or we can view all the "Detailed Stats"

I know that we can go in the website however, this is quick
Only if possible that can we use it if you all agree
p/3164651/ similar?
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Blind Justice wrote: similar?
a little bit maybe similar, but i didn't put about the osu! browser thing
It talks about the ability to view profile in-game instead of using a browser
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Baraatje123 wrote:

It talks about the ability to view profile in-game instead of using a browser
If anything I just wish there was something that showed total SS's S's and A's in game so i don't have to check online to see how many SS's I've gotten

SkyHill wrote:

If anything I just wish there was something that showed total SS's S's and A's in game so i don't have to check online to see how many SS's I've gotten
Group by achieved rank?
Topic Starter

SkyHill wrote:

If anything I just wish there was something that showed total SS's S's and A's in game so i don't have to check online to see how many SS's I've gotten

Baraatje123 wrote:

SkyHill wrote:

If anything I just wish there was something that showed total SS's S's and A's in game so i don't have to check online to see how many SS's I've gotten
Group by achieved rank?
Yes of course why didnt I just think of counting!!!!!! wWOOOOWOWOWOWOWOWO ur so smart! I have over 450 why the fuck would i want to spend time counting, opening your profile is the quick way to do it to see how many i have. (When I'm SS farming) You are a doofus.
No need to be hostile. ...But what are you even talking about? You don't have to count...See this.
Anyways, this is pretty much a dupe, as this exists-- t/217615
That escalated quickly :')
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