
Feint - Tower Of Heaven (You Are Slaves)

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2015-12-16 04:38 eLy: heyyy
2015-12-16 04:40 Alyce: twehwuiq
2015-12-16 04:41 eLy: ^p-^kpknin
2015-12-16 04:43 Alyce: 00:02:686 (3) - ここ
2015-12-16 04:44 eLy: Heaven ???
2015-12-16 04:44 Alyce: 終点からメロディーが始まるの
2015-12-16 04:44 Alyce: うん
2015-12-16 04:44 Alyce: 違和感ない?
2015-12-16 04:45 eLy: この後1拍置くし大丈夫かなぁって思うんだけど
2015-12-16 04:45 eLy: どうしたらいい?
2015-12-16 04:46 Alyce: 何個か案考えてみるね
2015-12-16 04:47 Alyce: 00:02:686 (3) -  ここにcircle 00:03:028 (4) - ここから1/2slider
2015-12-16 04:47 Alyce: tte
2015-12-16 04:47 Alyce: 感じでピタッと 止める感じとかどう?
2015-12-16 04:48 eLy: ok
2015-12-16 04:49 Alyce: この曲でまっぴんぐ
2015-12-16 04:49 Alyce: むずすぎ~~~~~~~
2015-12-16 04:49 eLy: とてもわかる
2015-12-16 04:53 Alyce: mod もむzかしい
2015-12-16 04:54 Alyce: 00:08:857 (3) -  samplset Drum
2015-12-16 04:54 Alyce: additions
2015-12-16 04:54 Alyce: Soft
2015-12-16 04:54 eLy: 始点?
2015-12-16 04:54 Alyce: うん
2015-12-16 04:55 Alyce: シンセのしゅーーーーーーーーーーーーって
2015-12-16 04:55 eLy: ok
2015-12-16 04:55 Alyce: 音に合わせてsamplsetあるとかっこいい
2015-12-16 04:55 Alyce: OK~
2015-12-16 04:55 Alyce: 00:20:343 (2,3) -
2015-12-16 04:56 Alyce: 直線じゃだめなの~?_?
2015-12-16 04:56 Alyce: あああ
2015-12-16 04:56 eLy: 直線にするぐらいなら他の案で考えるけど
2015-12-16 04:56 eLy: 変えたほうがいい?????
2015-12-16 04:57 Alyce: 00:20:343 (2) - こっちは音的に 曲げるような音じゃないかな~
2015-12-16 04:57 Alyce: 00:20:857 (3) -
2015-12-16 04:57 Alyce: こっちは曲げててOK
2015-12-16 04:58 Alyce: 音が下がったあとに上がるからそれに合わせてあげられるとgood
2015-12-16 04:58 Alyce: 音取合ってるしいいっしょwって思うなら
2015-12-16 04:58 Alyce: スルーでいいよ!
2015-12-16 04:59 eLy: 2番直線にして3番曲げたら
2015-12-16 04:59 Alyce: うん
2015-12-16 04:59 eLy: 直前の一番の配置と2,3全部配置丸代わりしちゃうけど
2015-12-16 04:59 eLy: それでいいなら
2015-12-16 05:02 Alyce: 問題ないよ~
2015-12-16 05:02 eLy: ごめんここ変えたら全部変えたくなるからパスしていい???
2015-12-16 05:03 Alyce: おk~
2015-12-16 05:03 Alyce: 音取的に問題ないし
2015-12-16 05:03 Alyce: 好みの問題からね!w
2015-12-16 05:03 Alyce: 00:23:771 (2) -
2015-12-16 05:03 Alyce: ここの好みの指摘になっちゃうけど
2015-12-16 05:04 Alyce: こいつ消して ピタッと止めるのどう?
2015-12-16 05:04 Alyce: *ここも
2015-12-16 05:05 eLy: 00:35:257 (8) -
2015-12-16 05:05 eLy: ここでその音取りしてるし
2015-12-16 05:05 eLy: 変える
2015-12-16 05:05 eLy: yeah
2015-12-16 05:06 Alyce: おうけぇええええいいいいいい~
2015-12-16 05:07 eLy: かえた~
2015-12-16 05:10 Alyce: 00:46:228 (5) - ここで止めるか slider に変えない~? 音が伸びてるし単発2つだと U~N って思う部分が少しだけある
2015-12-16 05:10 Alyce:
2015-12-16 05:10 Alyce: こういうのとかDOOO?
2015-12-16 05:12 eLy: change
2015-12-16 05:12 eLy: OK
2015-12-16 05:12 eLy: ^~
2015-12-16 05:12 Alyce: 01:17:257 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -  あdd
2015-12-16 05:12 Alyce: whistle
2015-12-16 05:13 Alyce: ほじぃいいいいいいいいい
2015-12-16 05:13 eLy: done
2015-12-16 05:13 eLy: あ^~
2015-12-16 05:13 Alyce: ぶりぶり~~~~~~~~~~~
2015-12-16 05:13 eLy: 心がシャンシャンするんじゃ^~
2015-12-16 05:13 Alyce: しゃんしゃん
2015-12-16 05:13 Alyce: するの
2015-12-16 05:13 Alyce: 好きw
2015-12-16 05:13 eLy: シャンシャンといえばクリスマスですね^~
2015-12-16 05:13 eLy: わかる
2015-12-16 05:13 Alyce: うっ...
2015-12-16 05:14 eLy: ウッ・・・
2015-12-16 05:14 eLy: インドア派の我々にはどうやら無縁のイベントですね、あ^~っす
2015-12-16 05:14 Alyce: 01:18:457 (1) - additions Normal on the slider Headdddddddddddd
2015-12-16 05:14 Alyce:  低音の強い音あるし
2015-12-16 05:15 Alyce: どーん!!!って
2015-12-16 05:15 Alyce: 鳴らしたいよね
2015-12-16 05:15 eLy: DOOOOOOOOON E !
2015-12-16 05:15 Alyce: OK^
2015-12-16 05:17 Alyce: 01:39:028 (5) -
2015-12-16 05:17 Alyce: ここも~
2015-12-16 05:17 Alyce: whistle 外して additions Normal no finish にしたい
2015-12-16 05:18 eLy: DOOOOOOOOON
2015-12-16 05:18 eLy: E !
2015-12-16 05:18 Alyce: こっちのほうが響いてかっこE
star >‿<~
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

star >‿<~
thank you sukiNathan i love youuuu (≧∇≦)!
  1. したかったらAR9.2とかにもできるよ
  2. ExtraOD8にしてHeavenを8.5とか9にしてもいいかもね
  3. 00:04:228 (3) - Overmapping. 音ある?remove noteじゃない?
  4. 00:04:400 (4,5) - 単発2個も使って拾うような音でもないしスライダーに変更したほうがいいと思う
  5. 00:15:200 (3) - Overmapping
  6. 00:38:171 - add note 置く場所わからんかったらきいて
  7. 00:56:171 (9) - 流れ的に多分こう、画像見ていいなって思ったらあわせて
  8. 01:01:486 (1) - remove Nc. 新たなNcいらんでしょ
  9. 01:04:228 (1) - 上と同じ
  10. 01:06:971 (1) - 上と同じ
  11. 01:09:714 (1) - 上と同じ
  12. 01:11:600 (13,1) - 画像の用にNc入れ替えて
  13. 01:12:886 (1) - remove Nc 01:12:971 (2) - ここからNcうって
  14. 01:13:914 (1) - remove Nc Ncうつならここから 01:14:000 (2) -
  15. 01:14:686 (1) - Ncいらん
  16. 01:21:886 (1) - 上と同じ
  17. 01:23:257 (1) - 上と同じ
  18. 01:24:457 (1) - 上と同じ
  19. 01:25:828 (1) - 上と同じ
  20. 01:28:743 (1) - ^
  21. 01:29:943 (1) - ^ あとはじぶんでなおして
  22. 01:58:228 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - ここのNcは2個ずつか4個ずつです

  23. 02:00:286 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - もし曲げるなら画像みたいな感じで 02:00:628 (1) - ここから曲げましょう。言ってる意味わからんかもしれんけど画像見て気に入ったら変えて
  24. 02:14:343 (1,2,3,4) - 上と同じで曲げる場所が違う
  25. 02:15:714 (1,2,3,4,1) - 上と同じ、わからんかったら聞いて
  26. 02:39:714 (1,2,3,4) - 上と同じ、わからんかったら聞いて
  27. 02:41:343 (1,2) - ここも上と同じだしNc間違ってる

Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:

  1. したかったらAR9.2とかにもできるよ
  2. ExtraOD8にしてHeavenを8.5とか9にしてもいいかもね
  3. 00:04:228 (3) - Overmapping. 音ある?remove noteじゃない?
  4. 00:04:400 (4,5) - 単発2個も使って拾うような音でもないしスライダーに変更したほうがいいと思う
  5. 00:15:200 (3) - Overmapping
  6. 00:38:171 - add note 置く場所わからんかったらきいて
  7. 00:56:171 (9) - 流れ的に多分こう、画像見ていいなって思ったらあわせて
  8. 01:01:486 (1) - remove Nc. 新たなNcいらんでしょ
  9. 01:04:228 (1) - 上と同じ
  10. 01:06:971 (1) - 上と同じ
  11. 01:09:714 (1) - 上と同じ
  12. 01:11:600 (13,1) - 画像の用にNc入れ替えて
  13. 01:12:886 (1) - remove Nc 01:12:971 (2) - ここからNcうって
  14. 01:13:914 (1) - remove Nc Ncうつならここから 01:14:000 (2) -
  15. 01:14:686 (1) - Ncいらん
  16. 01:21:886 (1) - 上と同じ
  17. 01:23:257 (1) - 上と同じ
  18. 01:24:457 (1) - 上と同じ
  19. 01:25:828 (1) - 上と同じ
  20. 01:28:743 (1) - ^
  21. 01:29:943 (1) - ^ あとはじぶんでなおして
  22. 01:58:228 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - ここのNcは2個ずつか4個ずつです

  23. 02:00:286 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - もし曲げるなら画像みたいな感じで 02:00:628 (1) - ここから曲げましょう。言ってる意味わからんかもしれんけど画像見て気に入ったら変えて
  24. 02:14:343 (1,2,3,4) - 上と同じで曲げる場所が違う
  25. 02:15:714 (1,2,3,4,1) - 上と同じ、わからんかったら聞いて
  26. 02:39:714 (1,2,3,4) - 上と同じ、わからんかったら聞いて
  27. 02:41:343 (1,2) - ここも上と同じだしNc間違ってる

star+1 >‿<~
If I had time to come mod
nice song

  1. 00:21:543 (4) - 00:19:143 (5) - と同じ音取りにしませんか、曲にあってないと思います(言い方わかりにくかったらごめんなさい)
  2. 00:36:286 (2) - 終端にadd clap
  3. 00:41:428 (1) - ^
  4. 00:54:214 - 緑線なくていいと思います
  5. 02:14:257 (5) - whistle付けてみてはどうでしょうか
  1. 00:41:771 (2) - 終端にadd clap
  2. 00:55:143 (1) - 他の難易度だとvolume60%なのですがこの難易度だけ25%だったのが気になりました。
  3. 01:36:028 (8) - ずれてるので直しときましょう!
  4. 02:16:057 (5) - ちょっとスライダーに変化つけませんか?気に入れば画像のにしてみてください
  5. 02:44:857 (11) - Insane難易度なのでNCつけませんか? Extraはつけてましたので
  1. OD8にしませんか
  2. 00:54:457 - 緑線重なってます
  3. 00:07:828 (6) - 終わりのwhistleいらないと思います
  4. 01:35:600 (1) - 前の連打から見てNCいらないと思います、曲の変化もあまりないので・・・ もし買えるのなら01:36:286 (9) - add nc して01:36:971 (1) - remove ncしてみてください
  1. 00:41:943 (2) - 終端にadd clap
  2. 02:43:999 (3) - 目盛りに合わせておきましょう
  3. 02:11:428 (1) - NCいらないと思います。
  4. 02:11:771 (1) - ここのNCを消して02:11:943 (2) - にしてみません?
ranked待ってます 8-)
Topic Starter

A r i e wrote:


  1. 00:21:543 (4) - 00:19:143 (5) - と同じ音取りにしませんか、曲にあってないと思います(言い方わかりにくかったらごめんなさい)
  2. 00:36:286 (2) - 終端にadd clap
  3. 00:41:428 (1) - ^ 
  4. 00:54:214 - 緑線なくていいと思います
  5. 02:14:257 (5) - whistle付けてみてはどうでしょうか

  1. 00:41:771 (2) - 終端にadd clap
  2. 00:55:143 (1) - 他の難易度だとvolume60%なのですがこの難易度だけ25%だったのが気になりました。
  3. 01:36:028 (8) - ずれてるので直しときましょう!
  4. 02:16:057 (5) - ちょっとスライダーに変化つけませんか?気に入れば画像のにしてみてください
  5. 02:44:857 (11) - Insane難易度なのでNCつけませんか? Extraはつけてましたので

  1. OD8にしませんか
  2. 00:54:457 - 緑線重なってます
  3. 00:07:828 (6) - 終わりのwhistleいらないと思います
  4. 01:35:600 (1) - 前の連打から見てNCいらないと思います、曲の変化もあまりないので・・・ もし買えるのなら01:36:286 (9) - add nc して01:36:971 (1) - remove ncしてみてください
01:35:600 (1) - ここのNCはこのままで個人的にいいと思うので変えませんでした

  1. 00:41:943 (2) - 終端にadd clap
  2. 02:43:999 (3) - 目盛りに合わせておきましょう
  3. 02:11:428 (1) - NCいらないと思います。
  4. 02:11:771 (1) - ここのNCを消して02:11:943 (2) - にしてみません?


ranked待ってます 8-)
Great map, i almost have a fc on this. Hopefully it can make it to ranked :)
rank this pls :D good beatmap
STAR! :3
Topic Starter

AtHeoN wrote:

STAR! :3
thanks AtHeoN !!!!!
Currently my favorite map. Good job! ^^
Grim Rapper
Now I have 4 Feint beatmap XD
Hope that deetz, phaZ, and Aka mod your map :v
Topic Starter

Grim Rapper wrote:

Now I have 4 Feint beatmap XD
Hope that deetz, phaZ, and Aka mod your map :v
your mod might helps me as well
random passerby
00:00:971 (3,4) - fix blanket
00:06:457 (3,4) - ^
00:08:857 (2) - supposed to have finish hitsound or no? (suggest remove coz sounds bad)
00:25:314 (2,3) - i dont think this is a good idea. looks odd and flows bad. try flipping it: also provides emphasis to the next note.
00:50:686 (3) - try flipping it as well. flows better imo. also provide emphasis to (4).
01:22:057 (4,1) - fix blanket
01:24:628 (3,4) - 4 is too curved to make proper blanket. make less curved.
01:39:028 (11) - NC pls
01:50:000 (1,1) - i dont recommend 4 hit repeats. try doing something more to fill this area. it might be legal 2 years ago but its 2015 now. gotta be more creative. (no offense pls ;A;)
02:05:428 (6,7) - 02:06:800 (6,7) - 02:09:543 (6,7) - use slider from 6 to make the repeat slider (7). forum pm if confused about this.
02:17:086 (1) - maybe more appropriate continue combo
02:17:428 (5) - ^ if apply, NC here so more consistent with the similar parts later in the map
02:39:028 (1) - maybe more appropriate continue combo
02:39:371 (5) - ^ if apply, NC here so more consistent with the similar parts later in the map

good diff!
00:08:857 (1) - finish hitsound? lol
00:22:914 (3,4) - better use the same slider (prefer straight) for consistency.
01:18:114 (1) - why NC when previoous diff use continue combo?
01:18:457 - 01:39:028 - rsi for noob player ;A;

new stream map after fort's ai ie?
00:06:457 (3) - ctrl g for flow
00:08:857 (3) - why is there finish here D: check all the diffs to make sure that there is no finish hitsound

repeat these 4 for any similar combo patterns in the map
00:37:314 (8) - NC
00:38:343 (1) - continue combo
00:38:686 (9) - NC
00:39:028 (1) - continue combo

00:48:286 (3,4) - better blanket pls

good luck! (hope you can understand my mod (language barrier))
Grim Rapper

eLy wrote:

Grim Rapper wrote:

Now I have 4 Feint beatmap XD
Hope that deetz, phaZ, and Aka mod your map :v
your mod might helps me as well
I can't mod for now vacation ;p so I'll give you star :D
I'll mod it when I'm able to ;)
Good luck! Came here thanks to Cookiezi userpage. xD
Topic Starter

Anxient wrote:

random passerby
00:00:971 (3,4) - fix blanket
00:06:457 (3,4) - ^
00:08:857 (2) - supposed to have finish hitsound or no? (suggest remove coz sounds bad)
00:25:314 (2,3) - i dont think this is a good idea. looks odd and flows bad. try flipping it: also provides emphasis to the next note.
00:50:686 (3) - try flipping it as well. flows better imo. also provide emphasis to (4).
01:22:057 (4,1) - fix blanket
01:24:628 (3,4) - 4 is too curved to make proper blanket. make less curved.
01:39:028 (11) - NC pls
01:50:000 (1,1) - i dont recommend 4 hit repeats. try doing something more to fill this area. it might be legal 2 years ago but its 2015 now. gotta be more creative. (no offense pls ;A;)
02:05:428 (6,7) - 02:06:800 (6,7) - 02:09:543 (6,7) - use slider from 6 to make the repeat slider (7). forum pm if confused about this.
02:17:086 (1) - maybe more appropriate continue combo
02:17:428 (5) - ^ if apply, NC here so more consistent with the similar parts later in the map
02:39:028 (1) - maybe more appropriate continue combo
02:39:371 (5) - ^ if apply, NC here so more consistent with the similar parts later in the map

good diff!
00:08:857 (1) - finish hitsound? lol
00:22:914 (3,4) - better use the same slider (prefer straight) for consistency.
01:18:114 (1) - why NC when previoous diff use continue combo?
01:18:457 - 01:39:028 - rsi for noob player ;A;

new stream map after fort's ai ie?
00:06:457 (3) - ctrl g for flow
00:08:857 (3) - why is there finish here D: check all the diffs to make sure that there is no finish hitsound

repeat these 4 for any similar combo patterns in the map
00:37:314 (8) - NC
00:38:343 (1) - continue combo
00:38:686 (9) - NC
00:39:028 (1) - continue combo

00:48:286 (3,4) - better blanket pls

good luck! (hope you can understand my mod (language barrier))
thank you for modding ;)
fix all most everythig !

00:35:943 (3) - x288 y88あたりの位置に持ってきたほうが見やすいかなと思いました。 (こんな感じです)

01:15:714 (1,2,3,4) -
01:37:657 (1,2,3,4) -
02:21:543 (1,2,3,4) -
02:43:486 (1,2,3,4) -


Topic Starter

takonodans wrote:


00:35:943 (3) - x288 y88あたりの位置に持ってきたほうが見やすいかなと思いました。 → 変更しました、ありがとうございます! (こんな感じです)

01:15:714 (1,2,3,4) -
01:37:657 (1,2,3,4) -
02:21:543 (1,2,3,4) -
02:43:486 (1,2,3,4) -
ここらへんですが、ノーツ間隔を1.8くらいにしてノーツ同士が重ならないほうが見やすいかなと思いました。 → Hardとはいえ下がNormalしかないのでSD的にもノーチェンジで!指摘ありがとうございます。


MODありがとうたこさあああああん :)
this beatmap is just amazing really, super fun to play
ついったーで見かけたので数年振りですが少し見てみました :D

  1. 00:04:400 (3) - これ、どの音拾ってるんでしょう。個人的には無くても気にならないし、もし音入れたければ00:03:714 (2) - を 00:04:400 - まで伸ばすとかいいかもって思いました。
  2. 00:08:000 (6) - 強引にリバーススライダー使ってると感じました。00:08:171 (6) - にサークル1つ置くだけでいいかなと思いました。もしくは00:02:000 (1,2,3) - と音取り揃えちゃうとか。
  3. 00:08:857 (3) - HeavenだけSampleset Drum 入れてFinish付けてないの意図的ですか?
  4. 00:09:886 (6) - これもリバース使うとこじゃないと思います。00:10:228 - でピアノ鳴ってるのにスライダーの終点て音取っちゃうの勿体無いかなと。無難だけど
  5. 00:34:571 (6) - お尻Sampleset Normalで頭どっちもAuto?
  6. 00:55:657 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - あんま変わらないかもしれないけど、ここだけスペーシングちょっと広いの気になりました。
  7. 01:14:000 (1) - Remove NC? 特にスペーシング変わってないし入れなくて良いと思います。
  8. 01:31:743 (8,9,10,11,12) - 同じパート内(00:54:457 - ~01:39:028 - まで)で、ここだけスペーシング広げるの違和感ありました。
    あと、もしスペーシング変えるなら01:31:828 (9) - これからじゃ?
  9. 01:39:028 (5) - ここから全部ストリームになってるけど、一貫して02:05:086 (1,2) - の音取りしてるから、ここも統一しないと違和感あります。
Topic Starter

keeeeeeko wrote:

ついったーで見かけたので数年振りですが少し見てみました :D

  1. 00:04:400 (3) - これ、どの音拾ってるんでしょう。個人的には無くても気にならないし、もし音入れたければ00:03:714 (2) - を 00:04:400 - まで伸ばすとかいいかもって思いました。 → 00:04:571 - ここまで伸ばしました
  2. 00:08:000 (6) - 強引にリバーススライダー使ってると感じました。00:08:171 (6) - にサークル1つ置くだけでいいかなと思いました。もしくは00:02:000 (1,2,3) - と音取り揃えちゃうとか。 → 変更
  3. 00:08:857 (3) - HeavenだけSampleset Drum 入れてFinish付けてないの意図的ですか? → 変更しました
  4. 00:09:886 (6) - これもリバース使うとこじゃないと思います。00:10:228 - でピアノ鳴ってるのにスライダーの終点て音取っちゃうの勿体無いかなと。無難だけど → スライダーに変えました
  5. 00:34:571 (6) - お尻Sampleset Normalで頭どっちもAuto? → 変更
  6. 00:55:657 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - あんま変わらないかもしれないけど、ここだけスペーシングちょっと広いの気になりました。 → 変更
  7. 01:14:000 (1) - Remove NC? 特にスペーシング変わってないし入れなくて良いと思います。 → Remove NCするとコンボ数が16になるのが気になりましたが変更しました
  8. 01:31:743 (8,9,10,11,12) - 同じパート内(00:54:457 - ~01:39:028 - まで)で、ここだけスペーシング広げるの違和感ありました。
    あと、もしスペーシング変えるなら01:31:828 (9) - これからじゃ? → ここで一定のストリームを使うと窮屈な感じがでてしまうって理由と、この後ブレイクまではここの音取り自体が最後になるので''最後ぐらいいいや''って理由でごめんなさいノーチェンジで・・・!
  9. 01:39:028 (5) - ここから全部ストリームになってるけど、一貫して02:05:086 (1,2) - の音取りしてるから、ここも統一しないと違和感あります。 → 理解能力が足りてないのか分からなかったのでスルーで・・・
MOD助かりました!ありがとうございます :)
  1. I think you forgot to change all the green line volumes to 60%, they're all at 25% and it's way too quiet
  1. 01:38:686 (4,5) - DS error
  1. preview point conflicts with all the other difficulties
  2. 00:07:486 (5) - this isn't really following the piano properly, try splitting it into two 1/2 sliders because 00:07:828 deserves to be clickable too
  3. 00:50:000 (1) - it feels strange to have this start on nothing while having the piano on the repeat, try splitting it up into a rhythm like this
  4. 01:51:200 (1) - I think using a 1/2 repeat would be nicer so you don't completely ignore the kick at 01:51:371, it's pretty noticeable since it's in a quiet part
  5. 01:56:686 (6) - same thing as above
  6. 01:17:514 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - imo the jumps don't need to be so large here, this part is supposed to be a bit of a lull, I'd keep it around the spacing between 01:17:257 (1,2,1,2)
  7. 01:59:943 (5) - you should NC here since you increased spacing like at 02:00:286 (1) and 02:00:628 (1)
  8. 02:32:171 (9) - ^
  9. 02:12:971 (9) - ^
  10. 02:41:086 (5) - ^
  11. 02:35:000 (9,10,11) - hm I don't the turn here needs to be so sharp, the beats mapped out here dont stand out that much compared to other streams
  12. 02:42:028 (8,1) - uh I think this is a bit too much LOL, I'm pretty sure it'll be frustrating to hit especially right at the end of the map so it's up to you but I'd nerf it
    imo some of the stream shapes in this difficulty are messy
  13. 01:13:314 (5,6,7,8,9) - curve could be made smoother to match 01:13:914 (12,13,14,15,16) more
  14. 00:58:400 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - the circle here just breaks off randomly at 7 and 8
  15. 02:08:857 (1,2,3,4,1) - this just looks really random with an uneven zigzag
  16. 02:12:457 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - curves aren't really smooth and uniform
  17. 02:06:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this is very unintuitive since it has a sharp turn on a blue tick, instead of on something like 02:06:800 (5) - which is much stronger
  18. 02:07:314 (1,2,3) - same as above

eLy wrote:

keeeeeeko wrote:

ついったーで見かけたので数年振りですが少し見てみました :D

  1. 01:39:028 (5) - ここから全部ストリームになってるけど、一貫して02:05:086 (1,2) - の音取りしてるから、ここも統一しないと違和感あります。 → 理解能力が足りてないのか分からなかったのでスルーで・・・
MOD助かりました!ありがとうございます :)
02:06:457 (1) - からのジグザグストリームの音の所って、ずっと02:05:086 (1,2) - とか02:03:714 (1,2) - みたいな音取りしてたので、
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

  1. I think you forgot to change all the green line volumes to 60%, they're all at 25% and it's way too quiet
  1. 01:38:686 (4,5) - DS error
  1. preview point conflicts with all the other difficulties
  2. 00:07:486 (5) - this isn't really following the piano properly, try splitting it into two 1/2 sliders because 00:07:828 deserves to be clickable too
  3. 00:50:000 (1) - it feels strange to have this start on nothing while having the piano on the repeat, try splitting it up into a rhythm like this
  4. 01:51:200 (1) - I think using a 1/2 repeat would be nicer so you don't completely ignore the kick at 01:51:371, it's pretty noticeable since it's in a quiet part
  5. 01:56:686 (6) - same thing as above
  6. 01:17:514 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - imo the jumps don't need to be so large here, this part is supposed to be a bit of a lull, I'd keep it around the spacing between 01:17:257 (1,2,1,2)
  7. 01:59:943 (5) - you should NC here since you increased spacing like at 02:00:286 (1) and 02:00:628 (1)
  8. 02:32:171 (9) - ^
  9. 02:12:971 (9) - ^
  10. 02:41:086 (5) - ^
  11. 02:35:000 (9,10,11) - hm I don't the turn here needs to be so sharp, the beats mapped out here dont stand out that much compared to other streams
  12. 02:42:028 (8,1) - uh I think this is a bit too much LOL, I'm pretty sure it'll be frustrating to hit especially right at the end of the map so it's up to you but I'd nerf it
    imo some of the stream shapes in this difficulty are messy
  13. 01:13:314 (5,6,7,8,9) - curve could be made smoother to match 01:13:914 (12,13,14,15,16) more
  14. 00:58:400 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - the circle here just breaks off randomly at 7 and 8
  15. 02:08:857 (1,2,3,4,1) - this just looks really random with an uneven zigzag
  16. 02:12:457 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - curves aren't really smooth and uniform
  17. 02:06:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this is very unintuitive since it has a sharp turn on a blue tick, instead of on something like 02:06:800 (5) - which is much stronger
  18. 02:07:314 (1,2,3) - same as above

    → All change
thanks sukiNa !
Amazing map, keep more of this coming :D
Ranked pls? :(
Ranked pls? :(
recheck #1

  1. 00:04:743 (3,4) - this rhythm randomly stops following piano and I don't see why, try a rhythm such as this instead
  2. 00:33:200 (7,1,2,3,4) - these jumps feel out of place and overdone, nothing really changed in the music to warrant these
  3. 00:44:086 (6,7) - I think pointing this in the opposite direction feels better, the current makes you speed up towards 00:44:686 (1) with a 1/1 pause in between them so it feels awkard
  4. 00:48:286 (3,4) - imo you should space these out a bit more for the 1/1 gap
  5. 01:08:857 (1,2) - improve blanket pls
  6. 01:12:800 (13,14,1,2,3,4) - the slight curve that this has looks weird and doesn't match with anything, either make them visually similar or completely straight
  7. 01:15:200 (2,3,4) - I don't see why the zig-zag movement suddenly turns super wide-angled here, keeping the sharp-angled movement feels much better imo
  8. 01:25:571 (2,3,4,5) - overlap looks bleh, I'd move 01:25:828 (3,4,5) to blanket with the following stream
  9. 01:58:743 (2,1,2) - this angle is realllllly off-putting, try to continue the motion of 01:58:228 (1,2,1,2) with something similar to this
  10. 01:32:171 (1) - forgot finish on head?
  11. 02:10:400 (3,4,1) - curve of the stream randomly goes flat here, make it match with 02:10:228 (1,2,3)
  12. 02:21:800 (4,1,2,3,4,1) - eh I forgot to mention these stream jumps, while they make sense I seriously recommend removing them because you did them nowhere else and they're just frustrating to play, especially around the end of the map
  13. 02:29:771 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think these are overlapped too much and they stand out a looot, I'd overlap them less and keep them similar to other patterns
  14. 02:33:886 (1,3,4,5) - don't see the point of this overlap, just looks weird
  15. 02:41:086 (1) - this nc is unnecessary, there's really no difference compared to 02:40:743 (1,2,3,4) , curve of the circle could also be improved i think
I'll probably rerecheck with another mod later, still haven't looked at the other diffs closely but heaven diff needs a bit more polishing for now
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

recheck #1

  1. 00:04:743 (3,4) - this rhythm randomly stops following piano and I don't see why, try a rhythm such as this instead
  2. 00:33:200 (7,1,2,3,4) - these jumps feel out of place and overdone, nothing really changed in the music to warrant these
  3. 00:44:086 (6,7) - I think pointing this in the opposite direction feels better, the current makes you speed up towards 00:44:686 (1) with a 1/1 pause in between them so it feels awkard
  4. 00:48:286 (3,4) - imo you should space these out a bit more for the 1/1 gap
  5. 01:08:857 (1,2) - improve blanket pls
  6. 01:12:800 (13,14,1,2,3,4) - the slight curve that this has looks weird and doesn't match with anything, either make them visually similar or completely straight
  7. 01:15:200 (2,3,4) - I don't see why the zig-zag movement suddenly turns super wide-angled here, keeping the sharp-angled movement feels much better imo
  8. 01:25:571 (2,3,4,5) - overlap looks bleh, I'd move 01:25:828 (3,4,5) to blanket with the following stream
  9. 01:58:743 (2,1,2) - this angle is realllllly off-putting, try to continue the motion of 01:58:228 (1,2,1,2) with something similar to this
  10. 01:32:171 (1) - forgot finish on head?
  11. 02:10:400 (3,4,1) - curve of the stream randomly goes flat here, make it match with 02:10:228 (1,2,3)
  12. 02:21:800 (4,1,2,3,4,1) - eh I forgot to mention these stream jumps, while they make sense I seriously recommend removing them because you did them nowhere else and they're just frustrating to play, especially around the end of the map
  13. 02:29:771 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think these are overlapped too much and they stand out a looot, I'd overlap them less and keep them similar to other patterns
  14. 02:33:886 (1,3,4,5) - don't see the point of this overlap, just looks weird
  15. 02:41:086 (1) - this nc is unnecessary, there's really no difference compared to 02:40:743 (1,2,3,4) , curve of the circle could also be improved i think
I'll probably rerecheck with another mod later, still haven't looked at the other diffs closely but heaven diff needs a bit more polishing for now

→ All change !!!
thank you #1recheck !

  1. 01:28:057 (1,1) - avoid stacks like these, they're hard to read for new players
  2. 01:30:800 (3,1) - ^
  3. 02:03:714 (1,1) - ^
  4. 01:29:086 (3,1) - could improve blanket
  5. 02:44:857 - you should really make this a clickable beat, just take the repeat off of 02:44:514 (3) and have 02:44:857 as a circle
  1. 01:38:686 (4,5) - distance snap error
  2. you should add a few triplets in this diff for a better spread, all 1/4 is in the form of repeats which doesn't really count, so there's a bit of a gap between hyper
  1. 00:08:857 (2) - same thing mentioned in extra diff
  2. 00:22:057 (5,1,2) - mmm you can make these blanket better :>
  3. you don't really have to, but imo some 1/4 should be spaced a little, like 01:38:343 (1,2,3,4,5) and 02:44:343 (2,3,4) since they're at the peak of pitch, and literally everything else is stacked so they arent differentiated well
  4. 02:44:857 - pls make clickable ;;
  1. 00:08:857 (2) - same thing mentioned in extra diff
  2. 00:35:257 (5) - missing clap
  3. 00:36:286 (2) - tail missing clap
  4. 00:40:057 (4) - tail missing whistle
  5. 00:54:800 (2,1) - would be nicer to have some type of jump in between these, the entrance into the kiai definitely deserves some emphasis
  6. 01:17:086 (5) - should NC if you did it at 01:39:028 (1)
  7. 02:44:857 (5) - ^
  8. 02:19:486 (13) - NC should be here instead of at 02:19:657 (1), white tick>red tick
  1. 00:05:086 (5) - hm I get the idea behind the repeat but 00:05:771 should really be clickable to follow the melody properly
  2. 00:11:257 - this should be clickable too, such a strong beat shouldn't be left on a slider end
  3. 00:08:857 (1) - imo a finish sounds too loud, I think using drum sampleset and soft additions with a whistle sounds better like you did in heaven diff
  4. 00:34:571 (1,2) - blanket is actually off due to auto-stacking
  5. 00:40:057 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:51:028 (1,2) - ^
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:


  1. 01:28:057 (1,1) - avoid stacks like these, they're hard to read for new players → change... The shape of the slider was changed.
  2. 01:30:800 (3,1) - ^ → change
  3. 02:03:714 (1,1) - ^ → no change...
  4. 01:29:086 (3,1) - could improve blanket → ^
  5. 02:44:857 - you should really make this a clickable beat, just take the repeat off of 02:44:514 (3) and have 02:44:857 as a circle → change
  1. 01:38:686 (4,5) - distance snap error → change
  2. you should add a few triplets in this diff for a better spread, all 1/4 is in the form of repeats which doesn't really count, so there's a bit of a gap between hyper → Just as it is, then is it useless.....?
  1. 00:08:857 (2) - same thing mentioned in extra diff
  2. 00:22:057 (5,1,2) - mmm you can make these blanket better :>
  3. you don't really have to, but imo some 1/4 should be spaced a little, like 01:38:343 (1,2,3,4,5) and 02:44:343 (2,3,4) since they're at the peak of pitch, and literally everything else is stacked so they arent differentiated well
  4. 02:44:857 - pls make clickable ;;
    → All change
  1. 00:08:857 (2) - same thing mentioned in extra diff
  2. 00:35:257 (5) - missing clap
  3. 00:36:286 (2) - tail missing clap
  4. 00:40:057 (4) - tail missing whistle
  5. 00:54:800 (2,1) - would be nicer to have some type of jump in between these, the entrance into the kiai definitely deserves some emphasis
  6. 01:17:086 (5) - should NC if you did it at 01:39:028 (1)
  7. 02:44:857 (5) - ^
  8. 02:19:486 (13) - NC should be here instead of at 02:19:657 (1), white tick>red tick
    → All change
  1. 00:05:086 (5) - hm I get the idea behind the repeat but 00:05:771 should really be clickable to follow the melody properly
  2. 00:11:257 - this should be clickable too, such a strong beat shouldn't be left on a slider end
  3. 00:08:857 (1) - imo a finish sounds too loud, I think using drum sampleset and soft additions with a whistle sounds better like you did in heaven diff
  4. 00:34:571 (1,2) - blanket is actually off due to auto-stacking
  5. 00:40:057 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:51:028 (1,2) - ^
    → All change
thanks recheck#2 sukiNathan >< !
ok this should be the last thing before I bubble
just some random kiai inconsistencies, they all need to be the same throughout the set if they're all made by the same mapper
01:17:086 - you forgot to turn off kiai here for the lull in normal
01:50:000 - pretty sure this kiai in hard was a mistake, doesn't fit such a calm section
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

ok this should be the last thing before I bubble
just some random kiai inconsistencies, they all need to be the same throughout the set if they're all made by the same mapper
01:17:086 - you forgot to turn off kiai here for the lull in normal
01:50:000 - pretty sure this kiai in hard was a mistake, doesn't fit such a calm section
all change !
thank you sukiNathan ><
Nathan, tell him/her to add more tags.

Like "drum and n bass"

Yuii- wrote:

Nathan, tell him/her to add more tags.

Like "drum and n bass"
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