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Thanks a bunch monstrata + Natsu !!

Happy holidays everybody ♥

I couldn't rank this :(

Gratz bro \o\
That was fast.Congratz everyone and Merry Christmas! \:3/
wait wtf

merry christmas!

Giralda wrote:

wait wtf

grats :3
( ´∀`)-bb
Hellow, Gaia. Congratulations for ranking your mapset. I guess I was late due to the whole beatmaps i should mod from there. However, I have some points I'd like to discuss with you because, honestly, they are bugging me so bad. I do believe the effort of everyone who modded this map but the idea here is to address mapsets to the ranked page with no issues.

I stalked all the suggestions of the thread from the modders and said nothing about the kiai of Giralda's Insane. Yes, I didn't know either there even was a kiai on his diff until i was modding and I found he put a holy quick short kiai from from 00:11:266 (1) - to 00:11:433 (2) . I mean, what's the purpose of that? I see no sense on placing a kiai of 0.00250 seconds over this diff.
  1. 01:06:599 (1) - I honestly find this really weird due the way you emphasized the strong beat with the reverse. If it's a strong beat, what's the reason of highlight it with a reverse? I do believe it would make more sense if this beat 01:07:099 - were clickeable just as well as you did all the previous sections. It would be better if you tried out this rhythm.
  2. 01:09:266 (1) - Same with this one. Making 01:08:933 (3) a 3/2 slider had emphasized better the vocals as well as the instruments. In this way, you could've avoided the awkward slider reverse which isn't highlight properly the strong beat here. Like this.
  3. 01:17:266 (4) - Ending this slider in the white tick creates a particularly strange rhythm because there's no sound to highlight there. It would be way better to end it in the red tick 01:17:266 (4) - to keep consistency in the way you built up this diff.
  4. 01:19:933 (1) - I'd say what happens here is the same as the first suggest. Highlighting the main beat with the reverse creates an uncomfortable flow that this diff shouldn't follow. Making this kind of patterning had made more sense according to the way you followed vocals/instruments here. Also, I do believe this object shouldn't have NC because currently is breaking how you managed the NC over this diff.
  5. 01:22:599 (3) - This downbeat plays really odd compared in the way how you managed the diff. I think this pattern would have flown better if you hadn't made this downbeat. Something like this could improve the rhythm here.
I guess the diff indeed isn't too bad but I guess there are some lacks in the way you place NC. Sometimes the NC goes at every two white ticks like these 00:43:266 (1,2) - 01:12:933 (1,2) - but then you switched to long patterns as there ones 01:14:599 (1,2,3,4) - 00:40:599 (1,2,3,4,5) - which breaks the way you managed the NC in the beginning of the beatmap.
  1. 00:26:433 (5) - Ending this slider in the white tick plays really weird. It would be more intuitive if you extended it to 00:26:766 - to keep consistency in the way the previous pattern flows. Just as well as you did here 00:23:766 (5,6) -
  2. 00:28:933 (5,6) - The density of these notes is rather confusing due to ins't following properly the rhythm here. This is just creating a slightly overmap because of the overlaps and the overuse 1/2 which this segment in particular doesn't support it as well. It would make make more sense if you tried out this pattern to avoid that and make a more intuitive rhythm
  3. 00:39:933 (6) - Remove the reverse of this slider and add a note here 00:40:433 - because there's clearly a note which follow better the instruments there.
  4. 00:51:266 (1,2,3) - The way you built up this patter creates a rhythm very uncomfortable because the overlap you made among these two objects. I might say this rhythm could improve the readability by following the main beats here.
  1. 00:12:599 (5,6) - spacing problem here? why the spacing here is as big as 00:12:266 (4,5) - ? It would be better if you kep consistent the 1.20x DS here as well as you did in the previous patterns.
  2. 00:32:183 (5) - This note feels really overset due the silent sound the instruments create here. It would be more fitting if you removed to don't create such as high density among the notes.
  3. 00:48:099 (9,10) - The way these circles are overlap create a very awkward pattern due to the previous 1/4 stack here 00:47:849 (7,8) - It would be better to remove it to advertise players these two objects won't be clickeable as faster as the past rhythm. Just as well as you did here 01:17:433 (8,9) -
  4. 01:06:266 (9,10) - DS issue here too. It would be better if you kept the 1.30x as you did in the previous patterns.
  5. 01:28:599 (1,1,1,1) - I know this is a hard diff but the flow among these notes is rather confusing and stuck compared to the flows you did here 01:13:433 (3,4) - or here. I do believe that if you change the flow there it would be more perceptive can catchy, what about this then?
I honestly disagree how the Difficulty settings is repeated three times among the insane diffs. The OD resides on 8, the HP over 7, the AR 9 and incredibly the CS is the same. I know this go over your preferences on how you consider how hard your diffs are to set the settings, however is clearly a fact PAN's insane is the hardest and could've managed the OD higher due the jumps and patterns he used.
Uh, the Kiai's there for fountain burst... And the diff settings are honestly up to the mappers to decide. There are enough 4+ star diff's to accommodate multiple Insanes with the same difficulty settings without affecting spread.

monstrata wrote:

Uh, the Kiai's there for fountain burst... And the diff settings are honestly up to the mappers to decide. There are enough 4+ star diff's to accommodate multiple Insanes with the same difficulty settings without affecting spread.
Thanks for the clarification! *me flies*
judging from replays on the difficulty people who are actually newbies seem to especially struggle with 01:04:599 (1,2,3,4,5) - on normal probably due to the different length of these holds.

00:18:433 (3,5,6,7) - nice one gira
Topic Starter

HappyRocket88 wrote:

Hellow, Gaia. Congratulations for ranking your mapset. I guess I was late due to the whole beatmaps i should mod from there. However, I have some points I'd like to discuss with you because, honestly, they are bugging me so bad. I do believe the effort of everyone who modded this map but the idea here is to address mapsets to the ranked page with no issues.

I stalked all the suggestions of the thread from the modders and said nothing about the kiai of Giralda's Insane. Yes, I didn't know either there even was a kiai on his diff until i was modding and I found he put a holy quick short kiai from from 00:11:266 (1) - to 00:11:433 (2) . I mean, what's the purpose of that? I see no sense on placing a kiai of 0.00250 seconds over this diff. what monstrata said
  1. 01:06:599 (1) - I honestly find this really weird due the way you emphasized the strong beat with the reverse. If it's a strong beat, what's the reason of highlight it with a reverse? I do believe it would make more sense if this beat 01:07:099 - were clickeable just as well as you did all the previous sections. It would be better if you tried out this rhythm. i do this so i dont get a bunch of gross 3/2 spacings. i know i used them in other places but in those cases i didnt have a better rhythm that fits to my liking. for beginners it's much easier to play simple 1/1 spacing, so i avoid it whenever i can.
  2. 01:09:266 (1) - Same with this one. Making 01:08:933 (3) a 3/2 slider had emphasized better the vocals as well as the instruments. In this way, you could've avoided the awkward slider reverse which isn't highlight properly the strong beat here. Like this. ^
  3. 01:17:266 (4) - Ending this slider in the white tick creates a particularly strange rhythm because there's no sound to highlight there. It would be way better to end it in the red tick 01:17:266 (4) - to keep consistency in the way you built up this diff. there is a note. listen to it
  4. 01:19:933 (1) - I'd say what happens here is the same as the first suggest. Highlighting the main beat with the reverse creates an uncomfortable flow that this diff shouldn't follow. Making this kind of patterning had made more sense according to the way you followed vocals/instruments here. Also, I do believe this object shouldn't have NC because currently is breaking how you managed the NC over this diff. same
  5. 01:22:599 (3) - This downbeat plays really odd compared in the way how you managed the diff. I think this pattern would have flown better if you hadn't made this downbeat. Something like this could improve the rhythm here. what i have no idea what you're following in ur example. mine follows vocals and drums

I guess the diff indeed isn't too bad but I guess there are some lacks in the way you place NC. Sometimes the NC goes at every two white ticks like these 00:43:266 (1,2) - 01:12:933 (1,2) - but then you switched to long patterns as there ones 01:14:599 (1,2,3,4) - 00:40:599 (1,2,3,4,5) - which breaks the way you managed the NC in the beginning of the beatmap. i didn't break any consistency. i start my NCs on a new measure, or when a slider leads into a new measure. 01:15:266 - to 01:17:933 - is 2 measures / 00:40:599 (1,2,3,4,5) - same. I dont NC on note density, i NC on the song's length
  1. 00:26:433 (5) - Ending this slider in the white tick plays really weird. It would be more intuitive if you extended it to 00:26:766 - to keep consistency in the way the previous pattern flows. Just as well as you did here 00:23:766 (5,6) - 00:26:599 - is a pretty big sound imo so i mapped it.
  2. 00:28:933 (5,6) - The density of these notes is rather confusing due to ins't following properly the rhythm here. This is just creating a slightly overmap because of the overlaps and the overuse 1/2 which this segment in particular doesn't support it as well. It would make make more sense if you tried out this pattern to avoid that and make a more intuitive rhythm all that your's is different from mine is that you don't have a note on 00:29:766 - which clearly exists!! i dont see a problem with this rhythm tbh
  3. 00:39:933 (6) - Remove the reverse of this slider and add a note here 00:40:433 - because there's clearly a note which follow better the instruments there. i hate skipping snares, especially when it's for a kick (which is less prominent)
  4. 00:51:266 (1,2,3) - The way you built up this patter creates a rhythm very uncomfortable because the overlap you made among these two objects. I might say this rhythm could improve the readability by following the main beats here. what? rhythm and overlaps have absolutely nothing to do with eachother lol... your rhythming follows vocals more, mind follows drums. if i had to say i think following drums is better so players wont feel empty af when they're playing
  1. 00:12:599 (5,6) - spacing problem here? why the spacing here is as big as 00:12:266 (4,5) - ? It would be better if you kep consistent the 1.20x DS here as well as you did in the previous patterns.meh it's just 0.1
  2. 00:32:183 (5) - This note feels really overset due the silent sound the instruments create here. It would be more fitting if you removed to don't create such as high density among the notes. there is a drum beat there... it's not like a quiet little tick but a DRUM beat. its pretty noticeable imo
  3. 00:48:099 (9,10) - The way these circles are overlap create a very awkward pattern due to the previous 1/4 stack here 00:47:849 (7,8) - It would be better to remove it to advertise players these two objects won't be clickeable as faster as the past rhythm. Just as well as you did here 01:17:433 (8,9) - those notes disappear completely before the next set comes up, shouldn't be a problem for anyone playing hard anyways.
  4. 01:06:266 (9,10) - DS issue here too. It would be better if you kept the 1.30x as you did in the previous patterns. i can't have a jump? it's worth emphasizing.
  5. 01:28:599 (1,1,1,1) - I know this is a hard diff but the flow among these notes is rather confusing and stuck compared to the flows you did here 01:13:433 (3,4) - or here. I do believe that if you change the flow there it would be more perceptive can catchy, what about this then? hey your example breaks the spacing that you care so much about!! jokes aside there's a 1/1 gap in rhythm in between the notes, plus there are NCs to indicate something's different... there is no problem imo
I honestly disagree how the Difficulty settings is repeated three times among the insane diffs. The OD resides on 8, the HP over 7, the AR 9 and incredibly the CS is the same. I know this go over your preferences on how you consider how hard your diffs are to set the settings, however is clearly a fact PAN's insane is the hardest and could've managed the OD higher due the jumps and patterns he used. what monstrata said
hope this clears up some things! thx for checking tho/

Okoratu wrote:

00:18:433 (3,5,6,7) - nice one gira
When are we getting a downvote button for posts?
Thanks for the clarification Gaia, but the way you replied and denyed seems rather for the sake of not disqualifying your map than going deeply the suggestions. I still have worries about the 0.250 seconds of kiai time in Giralda's insane. Despite monstrata "said" the reasons, I'd like rather to hear Giralda about if this was intentional or not even an issue. Kiai times does affect the playability of players and, even in taiko mode that note which has kiai might alter the score they got in that mini kiai.

I still disagree in the way you structured the notes the Easy difficulty with the strong beats over the reverses and downbeats just for keeping the 1/1 consistency, which indeed, doesn't make a lot of sense with the 3/2 slider you managed in the whole diff. Some examples are these one where you end the slider in the red tick which make still an uncomfortable flow that ended breaking the 1/1 you swore you managed here.
01:22:599 (3,1) -
01:18:266 (1,2) -
01:07:933 (2,3) -
01:11:933 (3,1) -
If you said:

Gaia wrote:

i start my NCs on a new measure, or when a slider leads into a new measure
then what about this 01:12:933 (1,2) - this honestly plays weird according on how you managed the long combo here 01:09:266 (1,2,3) - or here 01:14:599 (1,2,3,4) -
or here 01:18:266 (1,2) - compared with what you did here with the long combos to place the new nc 01:19:933 (1,2,3) - or here 01:27:599 (1,2,3,4) -

Not gonna go further explanations with harder difficulties because i guess you might deny them all due the way you see your own diff. I do believe the Normal could've be more polished but those are my suggestions. Thanks for clarifying them again.
Hey HR88, my apologies for not clarifying my intentions on my previous post.

I have no problems with removing the kiai fountain. It was merely a personal preference to place an additional layer of emphasis to visually represent the transition at that point in the music. Should a disqualification occur, I would have no objections to the removal of the fountain.

My apologies again and if the map does pass through qualifications I hope you don't hold it against Gaia's reply to your mods, the guest mappers, nor myself for not being more careful about using kiai.

To provide a bit more clarity, the reason why none of the modders pointed out the kiai fountain was because my difficulty was the last to be submitted to Gaia and to my knowledge, the only modders who were able to look at my difficulty were those were after and including: p/4761510

I hope this provides a bit more understanding so please don't hold it against those who modded prior to my submission to Gaia as well.

Edit: Grammar and punctuation.
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round 2

HappyRocket88 wrote:

Thanks for the clarification Gaia, but the way you replied and denyed seems rather for the sake of not disqualifying your map than going deeply the suggestions. I still have worries about the 0.250 seconds of kiai time in Giralda's insane. Despite monstrata "said" the reasons, I'd like rather to hear Giralda about if this was intentional or not even an issue. Kiai times does affect the playability of players and, even in taiko mode that note which has kiai might alter the score they got in that mini kiai. first of all, this is a standard set, not a taiko set. the kiai burst is quite common actually, you can see examples of it in -> 02:36:534 - or -> (P A N's diff there are a lot of them)
just a few examples i can remember off the top of my head, but there are definitely more

I still disagree in the way you structured the notes the Easy difficulty with the strong beats over the reverses and downbeats just for keeping the 1/1 consistency, which indeed, doesn't make a lot of sense with the 3/2 slider you managed in the whole diff. Some examples are these one where you end the slider in the red tick which make still an uncomfortable flow that ended breaking the 1/1 you swore you managed here. cuz if i did that the entire chorus would be 3/2 repeats
01:22:599 (3,1) -
01:18:266 (1,2) -
01:07:933 (2,3) -
01:11:933 (3,1) -
If you said:

Gaia wrote:

i start my NCs on a new measure, or when a slider leads into a new measure
then what about this 01:12:933 (1,2) - this honestly plays weird according on how you managed the long combo here 01:09:266 (1,2,3) - 01:12:599 - start, 01:13:933 - 2nd measure start 01:15:266 - NC here, but since a slider goes over it so NC on the long slider
or here 01:14:599 (1,2,3,4) - 01:15:266 - 1st measure , 01:16:599 - 2nd measure . 01:18:266 - despite not being the start of a measure I decided to NC here cuz it's definitely more prominent than the previous note, so i decided to break my consistency for a tiny bit for emphasis here.
or here 01:18:266 (1,2) - compared with what you did here with the long combos to place the new nc 01:19:933 (1,2,3) - continued from above, 01:19:266 - 2nd measure is here. 01:20:599 - NC here, but long slider so put NC on it
or here 01:27:599 (1,2,3,4) - 01:27:266 - 1st measure. 01:28:599 - 2nd. 01:29:599 (4) - actually ok this shouldve been an NC but everything else above was intentional

Not gonna go further explanations with harder difficulties because i guess you might deny them all due the way you see your own diff. I do believe the Normal could've be more polished but those are my suggestions. Thanks for clarifying them again.

well it's not like I can change anything even if i wanted to haha. I'm just justifying what i did with why i did it. please don't hold it against yourself if you did . again tho, thx for checking up //i'll keep some things in mind for next maps

gira there's no need for you to apologize.. you did nothing wrong!!!!!!
Actually, not providing an explanation on such a delicate issue as the holy quick kiai time in the thread can be considered like that because it makes modders and players to know where the exciting moment starts. As long as Giralda used with a purpose which makes more sense i don't have problems with it.

Honestly, is rather impossible to get into agreement with Gaia due our "personal" way to see the Easy diff, but I still say the NC'ing in the diff plays a bit weird. Sorry for the inconvenient and discussions.

Giralda explained above?
Yep, he has no problem with removing it though. I do dislike how that 0.025 sec plays by clicking this object 00:11:266 (1) in his diff.
kiai flash are really common to use in maps xD, they bring some intense momment in the song, I think let him keep his personal preference is better, i agree with Giralda explain, anyways in case this get DQ, call monstrata and me for rebub and requalify-
UP主好喜欢你的这张图 Excellent map,I love it.XD
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謝拉 -w-/
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