
I am officially getting TF2 now

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SO how many hats do you guys have? [excluding the Gibus, Cheater's Lament and Bill's Hat]

I have 3
People actually care about hats? *head explodes*
But seriously, all I got is a Snoipah hat, all I need so far.
After about 4-5 months of playing, I don't have any hats apart from the Gibus.

Just my luck, eh.
I actually crafted a hat and two were random drops...
Mr Gaddy
100th post on this topic.
And just look at that.
Oh hey, the Engineer update.

Not too long to wait now, by the looks of things.
Heck yeah. I hope he gets a robot of some kind.
I just hope the engy weapons wont be as useless trivial unique as the Sandman or Bonk
New update featuring new weapons is out.

Also with pyro changes.
Pyro got back his 10 second burn, aaaand the Flare Gun now crits enemies on fire rather than the old mini-crit.
Also: Bonk is beast when capturing a point, grab all the sentries attention(and maybe some of the people on the other team) so your guys can rush through.
On another note. Much to my demise I got yet another Professional's Panama as a random drop. Really? Why, Valve? Ah well, maybe when(if) trading gets out someone would want it.
All of the weapon kill icons after the community updates

Not too interesting, but look at the bottom right corner.
Hello Laser Sentry
I will see the reflected arrow icon one day. Sooo hard to time compression blast against the huntsman.
You do it luckily.

I have once headshotted a sniper with a reflected arrow...
What weapon would create the black headshot thing beside the Ambassador headshot?
It's a new gun for the Spah. Forgot what it's called, but I saw someone with it.
I don't think it is. the new gun for the spy (The Big Kill I think it was called) is the exact same as the revolver, so I doubt it would have its own icon. It was only available for a limited time anyway
It makes sense considering the icon, but since it was limited to begin with I guess that's not it.
Apple now welcomes TF2

on a sideline: Engy has new shotgun (with a scope!)

also new comics, etc.
I dunno. That scope might not be a scope at all. could be a canister of some sort.

Either way, Im curious as to what it does.
Getting good at Sniper, but most kills still come from my Soldier.

Where exactly is the scope on engi's shotgun at, anyway? The forums are saying that since it's on the right, it's not a scope. But it looks like it's on the top to me.
Anyone remember that Polycount pack? well, the winners have been announced. None of the attributes for the new items have been announced, but the models have. some of them are pretty self-explanatory ... ?t=1362703

The new Rocket Launcher for the Soldier looks badass
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