
Catch the beat Indonesia lounge

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Time- wrote:

Seperti yg dikatakan necro streamnya ga begitu bermasalah tinggal tap dash bisa
Yg lebih bermasalah jumpnya yg random dan ar tinggi (gabisa baca ar9+ dengan baik orz)
Sasuga Time-
Time- (Timing) nya tepat

Constantine wrote:

Time- wrote:

Anjir dah Constantine pro xd
Time- more pro xd

Constantine wrote:
Ampun Senpai :P

Cera- wrote:

Ampun Senpai :P
nggak kebalik ya .-.

lu senpai gw kouhai
ngidol dlu ya

Next kirame kirari

kenji Kohaku

El SolarBeam
Memenuhi keinginan player-player lain yg kurang setuju kalau disini cuma jadi tempat pasang rekor (maap pakai b.inggris, saya kurang lancar jelasin dalam b.indo (serius, bukan sombong ini wkwkw)
And here we go~

Shurelia's Challenge

Truly Solar approved pattern, just like Shurelia said (for those who doesn't know yet what is Solar approved pattern, just try it ;) ).

Well, first of all you might have to be careful on 70th combo, where you should move your ass quickly to the left corner but nah, you'll get used to it after some retries.

Next, I also suggest you to be careful on 133rd until 136th combo, where the hell begins. You might want to sharpen your skill in zigzag pattern beforehand, or waiting for miracle to happen in case you prefer to do so.

The most terrifying moment in this map is perhaps the 749th combo. While it is indeed almost the end of the song, don't let your tension raise too high, since the pattern here needs a really steady and accurate movement like never before. Yes, you can see from the scoreboard, many players who have dropped into that pitfall (that includes myself lol).

In conclusion, welcome to the Solar approved pattern, where you will have all those zigzag up to your heart's content.

-Necrophilia-'s Challenge

Who's not challenged to beat AR8.5 map with DT? Of course I do :D . While it is indeed quite a troublesome pattern, I had fun moving my catcher from corner to corner.

First thing first, you might want to resist in doing unnecessary movement in each of your dash. Seriously, it IS a bad habit. If you don't believe me, try to catch the 238th combo with that style.

Still can catch it until this point? Good for you then. But how about the 253rd combo? Well, I'm not sure :D

My point here is, just move as necessary as possible, since you will lose your chance to catch a far fruit more often in a high AR if you don't calm yourself in moving the catcher.

Kyon97's Challenge

Well I know, miss 1 makes me looks like nubs but let's just put it aside (it just me being drunk in the last moment, the usual symptom lol). If you prefer doing a quick, very short jump in AR8, then this map is for you (though it's not really my forte, really).

The only one you must be careful of is all those confusing stream pattern, like the 66th, 90th, 153rd, and ultimately the 165th combo with its deceitful hyperdash (I meant it literally). Well, life would be easier if not because of DT mod though.

So, for those who wants challenge in this kind of djinn pattern, you might want to try this one.

btw gpp kok yang advance atau normal sekalian :3
Let's see.

My Challenges~

Harada Hitomi - Kyoumei no True Force (True Dance) + HD

Well, ini salah satu map convert dari Std ke CtB yang sulit sekali.
Yang perlu diperhatikan dalam main diff ini adalah gunakan shift SEEFEKTIF mungkin karena Hyperdash (Red Fruit) yang disuguhkan dari map ini tidak terlalu jauh dari buah yang dituju. jdi klo mencet shiftnya kelamaan di hyperdash, nanti malah terlalu jauh. Dan bergeraklah secepat mungkin menuju buah selanjutnya jika kira-kira buah sebelumnya sudah pasti dapet karena "pixel jump". Intinya, TIMING. Coba sinkronkan dan bayangkan buah yang akan jatuh dengan irama musik/vokal dari lagu itu! Hasilnya, saat kamu mendengar suatu ketukan, bergeraklah ke arah buah, dan saat mendengar ketukan selanjutnya dari lagu itu, bergerak lagi ke arah buah selanjutnya, dan seterusnya. Dan di beberapa part, kamu harus menahan shift agar buahnya dapat semua. biasanya combo setelah 300x, kamu harus sering pakai, atau kadang menahan shift untuk nangkep buahnya. Beberapa keberuntungan mungkin bisa menyukseskannya.
Beberapa combo yang perlu diperhatikan: 23x, 260x - 265x, (Hampir semua player yang main diff ini, miss di sekitar sini)

bibuko - Reizouko Mitara Pudding ga Nai (Jumpudding!) + HD

Sesuai namanya, disini dash yang penting.
Hampir di semua part, pasti ada red fruitsnya. Bisa dibilang setiap 3 detik, selalu ada red fruits atau pixel jumps, kadang hanya 1, kadang keroyokan. Peran shift disini jga bisa macem-macem, ada yang dipencet aja, ada yang harus ditahan, ada yang harus nunggu slider beres baru diteken, dan lain-lain. HYPERDASH, TIMING, PIXELJUMPS, and some luck~
Beberapa combo yang perlu diperhatikan: 38x, 265x, 335x-340x, 800x - 826x

El SolarBeam wrote:

Memenuhi keinginan player-player lain yg kurang setuju kalau disini cuma jadi tempat pasang rekor (maap pakai b.inggris, saya kurang lancar jelasin dalam b.indo (serius, bukan sombong ini wkwkw)
And here we go~

Shurelia's Challenge

Truly Solar approved pattern, just like Shurelia said (for those who doesn't know yet what is Solar approved pattern, just try it ;) ).

Well, first of all you might have to be careful on 70th combo, where you should move your ass quickly to the left corner but nah, you'll get used to it after some retries.

Next, I also suggest you to be careful on 133rd until 136th combo, where the hell begins. You might want to sharpen your skill in zigzag pattern beforehand, or waiting for miracle to happen in case you prefer to do so.

The most terrifying moment in this map is perhaps the 749th combo. While it is indeed almost the end of the song, don't let your tension raise too high, since the pattern here needs a really steady and accurate movement like never before. Yes, you can see from the scoreboard, many players who have dropped into that pitfall (that includes myself lol).

In conclusion, welcome to the Solar approved pattern, where you will have all those zigzag up to your heart's content.
omg gratz!!!!

btw still wondering how the f i got all of the jumps llol
Pengen balik ke jaman masih lancar HDHR :(

El SolarBeam wrote:

Memenuhi keinginan player-player lain yg kurang setuju kalau disini cuma jadi tempat pasang rekor (maap pakai b.inggris, saya kurang lancar jelasin dalam b.indo (serius, bukan sombong ini wkwkw)
And here we go~

Kyon97's Challenge

Well I know, miss 1 makes me looks like nubs but let's just put it aside (it just me being drunk in the last moment, the usual symptom lol). If you prefer doing a quick, very short jump in AR8, then this map is for you (though it's not really my forte, really).

The only one you must be careful of is all those confusing stream pattern, like the 66th, 90th, 153rd, and ultimately the 165th combo with its deceitful hyperdash (I meant it literally). Well, life would be easier if not because of DT mod though.

So, for those who wants challenge in this kind of djinn pattern, you might want to try this one.
:D gg.
Emg sulit sih pattern yg disebutin , sy pake hr juga kesulitan.
El SolarBeam

LigerZero wrote:

btw gpp kok yang advance atau normal sekalian :3
hm, ini kalimatnya agak bikin tersinggung juga yak awkwk, ya biarlah

HERO - Tenohira

sekalian pamer skin baru
o.o sudah lama tak lihat ini forum.
btw hi.
hi seps
dah pada pro semua nih ye :(
El SolarBeam

fuh, akhirnya project ini beres juga :>
belajar HD
detik detik terakhir pasti gugup klo pake HD

Selamat buat para top player indo ^^ ajarin biar konsisten dong

Multiplayer's luck
ga ada result screen soalnya pake nsfw skin xd pamer dkit
"kalo lagi niat ngga dapet dapet full combonya
lagi random play malah fc"

Professor Gila
Eh Shurelia punya 2 akun ya? Jacqli (udh di banned)
Nemu disini
Udh di banned tapi masih ada di top50 anjir xD


Time- wrote:

Eh Shurelia punya 2 akun ya? Jacqli (udh di banned)
Nemu disini
Udh di banned tapi masih ada di top50 anjir xD

Ini juga xD
Mau aku report tapi takutnya Shurelia ikut menghilang nanti
1st time ar9dt :D


Time- wrote:

Mau aku report tapi takutnya Shurelia ikut menghilang nanti

You just...

Memberi terror kepada saya...


Also gapapa, buat kenang2an.
El SolarBeam
awkwk kena teror

sekalian deh daripada sepi, wubwubwub
Seneng bgt dapet #1 karena spin :D
Back to HDHR.

EDIT : satuin aja

D.N.Angel #1
Topic Starter
Gak nyangka ini thread jadi "Topics Thread" Terbanyak '3'
El SolarBeam
setelah penantian selama 2 taun asdfasdf

El SolarBeam wrote:

setelah penantian selama 2 taun asdfasdf


El SolarBeam wrote:

setelah penantian selama 2 taun asdfasdf
wkwk nyesek kan miss last combo :)
El SolarBeam

Kyon97 wrote:

wkwk nyesek kan miss last combo :)
kwkwkw belum coba lagi sih saya
tapi emang nyesek sih

udah ga nyesek lagi, terimakasih inhaler :^D

El SolarBeam wrote:

Kyon97 wrote:

wkwk nyesek kan miss last combo :)
kwkwkw belum coba lagi sih saya
tapi emang nyesek sih

udah ga nyesek lagi, terimakasih inhaler :^D
Mastah ctb
[ Mephisto ]
Mati mz thread nya, bangkitin lagi dong :^)
butuh invasion ki?
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