
KOTOKO - frozen fir tree

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Welcome back master of synthetics

I found nothing
Mister Andrea!
M4M from queue Placeholded.


Nothing found.


00:04:753 (7) : This overlapp felt a bit odd and weird imo, how abut making a curved blanked slider around 6?
00:10:063 (8) : Same this as above, also because you did this kind of thing on the next combo, it's make the whole pattern a bit more consistent.
00:18:559 : In terms of rythm it's legit and it's ok, however... imo it's worth addind a circle here, that sounds better and make the pattern as same as previously.
00:28:647 (2,3) : Maybe make this 2 sliders parallel? (Is it english? xD)
00:36:479 (6) : I didn't checked all the circle, but this kind are really shy, we cannot really hear them, on the end of sliders it's fine imo, on some circles maybe because of vocals, but here this is too shy for me, maybe consider adding a clap?
00:37:408 (3,4) : Again that's quite shy, maybe you should find a soft whistle sound for this kind of note, it seems that you follow the piano melody (i guess), so it could makes it cooler to have a whistle sound and help people while playing your map.
00:47:099 (2) : Why stacking these 2 circles? Why not making a complete line instead? I can understand that it's following your mapping style on this map, but that weird for 2 stacked circles instead of 2 sliders or 1 slider / 1 circle. :x
00:48:824 (8) : Imo the DS is quite unballanced here go change from 2.1X to 1.2X, that's a bit rude. How about rotating / making a blanket with previous slider in order to reduce the DS, that would also makes the flow better not only between (7) and (8) but also with previous circles.
00:57:983 (2) : I completely disagree with this 1/4, the vocals are on the 1/2 and there's nothing here. You should reduce this slider imo.
01:47:497 (4) : Not really sure if it's a good stack imo, right now, you go with full 1/4 + jump and here you have 1/2 stack, maybe the player will be confuse and instant tap this note and break.
02:09:011 (1,2) : You're so close of a blanket D:, but that sould be hard to correct it.
03:00:771 (7,8,9) : I'm ok for having spacing between 1/4 sliders, quite less with circles. Why don't you group them?
03:05:284 (1) : I'm not sure if ppl really appreciate this kind of stack, If it's ok too. :P
04:09:532 (1,2) : They aren't not perfectly parallel (yea Nazi stuff) :p
04:18:426 (2,3) : Hanw, obvious blanket.

And... that's all! Well overall i really really like your mapping, the rythm you used, the hitsound are really great too but yea sometimes it's too shy D:
Anyway gl hf for rank and take my star. :D
Topic Starter

MondoKuma wrote:

Squish! Squish! What's That? What am I doing?
I'm Squishing the circles of your beatmap!

What do you think I would be doing?


00:42:054 (2) - I think this should be 1/4 Tick later I'm following the instrumentals here, not vocals.

01:24:267 (3) - I think this should *START* 1/4 Tick Later (^_^) The lyrics begin where the slider already is, putting it later would make it wrong.

02:41:258 (8,9) - I think You should remove these two circles Every kiai is using a 5-note stream before that the chorus begins again.

03:08:470 (2,3,4,5,6) - I Think there should be a stream up until the 6th circle I got your point but I'm following the instrumentals here instead of the guitar, that's why it's like this.

03:09:399 (7) - Remove This Circle. Removing this circle would block the emphasis that was created by the previous doubles, that's why I would like to keep it.

03:05:816 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - There Should be a stream leading to 03:06:877 (9) - And there should be a circle @03:06:635 - I wanted to make a pause in the middle to not make a too long stream, also a note at 03:06:635 would be random honestly.

04:03:691 (2,3,4,5,6) - Turn this stream into a slider I don't see why it should be made as slider, other parts which are the same are always been 5 circles.

05:08:459 - Add a Spinner here? I wanted to end the map with a small jump, that's why I didn't add any spinner here.

Squish! Squish! Now that my first analysis of this map is done time for the second one!

Tsk. I like this one more than that bagel loving moron

02:14:311 (1,2) - Turn this into 1 Slider that goes back
The next slider already does this, doing it twice would make this part too boring to play.

02:32:365 (5,6,7,8,9) - Turn this into one slider!
No change, already explained that I'll keep the 5 circles as they are.

That's All I have for this map! Good Luck on getting it ranked!


Gaia wrote:

00:41:656 (1,2,3,4) - what is this rhythm pls =3= Nice suggestion, changed.
01:14:842 (1,2,3) - weird spacing imo As I already explained to Yui, I'm emphasizing the vocals here with this small jump.
01:27:320 (7,1,2) - 3/4 spacing looks the same as 1/2 umm *slaps That's why I added a new combo here.
02:10:063 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - try this!!! Nice suggestion again, changed.

just stalking passing by because i havent slapped in a long time!!! ;w;


Owntrolf wrote:

I be hating for all those circle+sliders because they feel like they dont fit to me

-Starting from around here 00:30:240 - you begin to go away from white ticks
00:30:240 (1,2) - This is really awkward Sekai made it this way on purpose, if more people complains about it she will change it.
00:38:072 (6) - Maybe make this parallel with red5 (im somewhat bothered with skipping that white tick) Should be okay now.
00:41:656 (1,2,3,4) - To me I find that its better to just follow the beats on white ticks I changed it with Gaia's mod, so it's okay now.
00:44:045 (4) - Maybe change this to one circle I prefer to keep it as a slider for now.
00:44:444 (5) - This is probably fine to change to 2 circles Since I'm keeping the previous one, I'll also keep this as well.
00:50:948 (8) - Maybe change this to 2 circles because I find its better to make the sliderend clickable It would ruin completely my pattern, so I won't change it, it's fine already imo.
00:57:983 (2) - This doesnt feel like it fits here, maybe delete the yellow 1 and make it into a 3/4 slider Rearranged completely this pattern.
01:12:718 (1,2) - Swap positions in timing, the slider should start first then the circle I think it's fine like it is as well.
01:33:028 (4) - This slider skips over the guitar on the red tick, (make it a triplet to 01:33:426 (5) - This part isn't following the guitar but the main beat, that's why it is like that.
01:48:824 (1) - Maybe add whistle here (also I dont understand how its so quiet compared to other whistles after it even though there isnt a green bar) Don't wanna add it there, same reason as I didn't add it at the beginning of the song, which has a similiar part.
02:44:045 (1,2,3) - Maybe change to something like this Rearranged whole pattern completely.
02:55:860 (4,5) - Blanket eachother so yellow1 wont overlap the slider edge Fixed.
04:18:028 (2,3) - Betterblanket Fixed.
05:06:612 (2) - Maybe move this near the middle for symmetry It would destroy my previous square pattern if I do that, so not gonna change it.


BeatofIke wrote:

The current timing is correct so you're good there. Anywyays, I would polish 00:09:001 (7) like this (optional):
Changed, thanks a lot!
No kudosu for this one o3o

Hi Im Nathan

Hi Im Nathan wrote:

hi from your modding queue

00:32:364 (1) - I feel liek the slider should come first then the circle, matches the vocals and feels alot better when playing This is a great suggestion, fixed.
01:24:267 (3) - would look better as a blanket I see your idea but I would like to not make a blanket here.
01:53:470 (2) - no distinguishable sound on the blue tick so end it on the red Following the piano here, that's why it's on blue tick.
01:59:842 (7) - curve it so it flows with slider (6) ? Next slider is also curve, don't wanna make this as well or otherwise it looks all the same.
02:22:806 (1,2) - nazi mod inc - they arent completly parallel. fix it? Fixed.
03:49:886 (1) - curve it? Same as I answered before, I don't want all the sliders to be curved.
04:09:001 (1,2) - these arent completely either. They look okay to me.

Thats all I could find. I hope this mod was useful, GL


Aldwych wrote:

Mister Andrea!
M4M from queue Placeholded.


Nothing found.


00:04:753 (7) : This overlapp felt a bit odd and weird imo, how abut making a curved blanked slider around 6? It's like this on purpose, would like to keep it.
00:10:063 (8) : Same this as above, also because you did this kind of thing on the next combo, it's make the whole pattern a bit more consistent. It got polished now, thanks BeatofIke!
00:18:559 : In terms of rythm it's legit and it's ok, however... imo it's worth addind a circle here, that sounds better and make the pattern as same as previously. Already denied this on Yui's mod, I'm following piano here.
00:28:647 (2,3) : Maybe make this 2 sliders parallel? (Is it english? xD) Fixed.
00:36:479 (6) : I didn't checked all the circle, but this kind are really shy, we cannot really hear them, on the end of sliders it's fine imo, on some circles maybe because of vocals, but here this is too shy for me, maybe consider adding a clap? There is already a clap there, I won't add more.
00:37:408 (3,4) : Again that's quite shy, maybe you should find a soft whistle sound for this kind of note, it seems that you follow the piano melody (i guess), so it could makes it cooler to have a whistle sound and help people while playing your map. I'm hitsounding the main beat only here though, so it would ruin my hitsounding pattern if I do, if more people complains about it, I'll see what to do.
00:47:099 (2) : Why stacking these 2 circles? Why not making a complete line instead? I can understand that it's following your mapping style on this map, but that weird for 2 stacked circles instead of 2 sliders or 1 slider / 1 circle. :x Because I'm making a square pattern here.
00:48:824 (8) : Imo the DS is quite unballanced here go change from 2.1X to 1.2X, that's a bit rude. How about rotating / making a blanket with previous slider in order to reduce the DS, that would also makes the flow better not only between (7) and (8) but also with previous circles. A small jump won't hurt players I guess, since it's a low BPM song after all.
00:57:983 (2) : I completely disagree with this 1/4, the vocals are on the 1/2 and there's nothing here. You should reduce this slider imo. Fixed with the previous mods already.
01:47:497 (4) : Not really sure if it's a good stack imo, right now, you go with full 1/4 + jump and here you have 1/2 stack, maybe the player will be confuse and instant tap this note and break. Yeah you're right, unstacked that note and spaced it normally.
02:09:011 (1,2) : You're so close of a blanket D:, but that sould be hard to correct it. Yup it's quite hard to do it better.
03:00:771 (7,8,9) : I'm ok for having spacing between 1/4 sliders, quite less with circles. Why don't you group them? It's a really small jump so it should be fine.
03:05:284 (1) : I'm not sure if ppl really appreciate this kind of stack, If it's ok too. :P I used it quite often through the map, hope it's fine for everyone to play.
04:09:532 (1,2) : They aren't not perfectly parallel (yea Nazi stuff) :p Fixed.
04:18:426 (2,3) : Hanw, obvious blanket. Fixed.

And... that's all! Well overall i really really like your mapping, the rythm you used, the hitsound are really great too but yea sometimes it's too shy D:
Anyway gl hf for rank and take my star. :D

[Snowy Winterino Weather Stuff]
  1. how to handle those 2 notes D:
  2. 00:21:745 (1,2) - not so blanket enough
  3. 00:27:585 (1) - remove clap, since i didn't hear a beat on this one, except for the chime one
  4. 00:27:585 (1) - end that note at red tick
  5. 00:55:461 (7,8) - yep, clap for these 2
  6. 01:27:585 (1,2,3,4) - try to make the spacing more equal
  7. 01:31:302 (8) - it will be great if you set it into clap instead of finish
  8. 01:50:948 (6) - dat slider anchor though LOL. making it into 90 degrees straight
  9. 02:07:939 (1,2) - try to make the blanket neater
  10. 02:10:063 (4,5) - not so neat enough here
  11. 03:19:886 (6,7) - add clap
good to see you back Andrea :D. GL!
♥ he's back
Topic Starter

-Hakurei- wrote:


[Snowy Winterino Weather Stuff]
  1. how to handle those 2 notes D:
  2. 00:21:745 (1,2) - not so blanket enough Fixed.
  3. 00:27:585 (1) - remove clap, since i didn't hear a beat on this one, except for the chime one Every white tick is using a clap, removing it would break the consistency.
  4. 00:27:585 (1) - end that note at red tick It's on blue tick on purpose.
  5. 00:55:461 (7,8) - yep, clap for these 2 There isn't any strong beat in the music though, it would sound weird imo.
  6. 01:27:585 (1,2,3,4) - try to make the spacing more equal Fixed.
  7. 01:31:302 (8) - it will be great if you set it into clap instead of finish Music here calls more for a finish rather than a clap.
  8. 01:50:948 (6) - dat slider anchor though LOL. making it into 90 degrees straight I guess it's fine.
  9. 02:07:939 (1,2) - try to make the blanket neater It's curved like that on purpose.
  10. 02:10:063 (4,5) - not so neat enough here Fixed.
  11. 03:19:886 (6,7) - add clap Would be way too loud, that part is quite calm.
good to see you back Andrea :D. GL!
Thanks for the mod c:

Chewin ♥
Aw shit haven't noticed, good to see Andrea maps :)
Andrea :) :) :)
You're back, love your mapping style uwu
~ Rebubbled #1 ~
Star :)
Nippaah *ç*
Andrea so pro ^w^
let me shoot one star b4 it gets ranked! :idea:
Call me this weekend, I still have exams this week but I'll be glad to approve this for december c:
Welcome back :D Moved to Pending~
Topic Starter
Thank you really much Gero and Habi for checking! :3

And also thanks to everyone who is supporting this map with the nice comments or stars, love you all. <3
Call me back once Inyus has modded this. By the way, 04:54:665 (3,4,5,6) - could you stack them properly? Consistency would be cool!
Also, let me suggest you to add a 4th combo colour, what do you think about green? Sounds good to me.


Yuii- wrote:

Call me back once Inyus has modded this.
I don't get it, we've already talked about approving this map by myself, you can ask him.
Topic Starter

Yuii- wrote:

Call me back once Inyus has modded this. By the way, 04:54:665 (3,4,5,6) - could you stack them properly? Consistency would be cool!
Also, let me suggest you to add a 4th combo colour, what do you think about green? Sounds good to me.

These circles at 04:54:665 (3,4,5,6) - aren't stacked on purpose, anyway I don't think adding green colour would fit with the others, so I won't add it sorry. ;w;

And yes I confirm that I've talked with Inyus about qualifying this, so don't worry Yuii, I really appreciate your recheck though! <3
Just waiting for qualify :) hype~
Andrea is back ^^ , if good to ranked this on 25 Dec :) ^^
We did IRC mod as Andrea prefered o3o/

15:44 Inyuschan: im back
15:45 Inyuschan: ??
15:46 Andrea: oh ok xd
15:46 Andrea: I'm lady :D
15:46 Inyuschan: wuuut
15:46 Andrea: ready*
15:46 Andrea: xD
15:46 Inyuschan: okay (?)
15:46 *Inyuschan is editing [ KOTOKO - frozen fir tree [Snowy]]
15:47 Inyuschan: 00:20:683 (3) - i dont really get this rhythm
15:48 Inyuschan: sounds weird
15:48 Inyuschan: because it doesnt follow... anything
15:48 Inyuschan: if she tried to follow vocal, should finish at previous red tick
15:48 Inyuschan: idk
15:49 Andrea: she did the same afterwards so probably followed something else
15:50 Inyuschan: she did the same here for example
15:50 Inyuschan: 00:27:585 (1) -
15:50 Inyuschan: which sounds weird too
15:50 Inyuschan: especially when it sounds louder before blue tick...
15:50 Andrea: I'll fix that one
15:50 Andrea: fixed it
15:51 Inyuschan: I'd fix both for a consistent rhythm but ok
15:51 Inyuschan: 00:29:178 (4) - i dont really get this one too xD
15:51 Andrea: #blamesekaiforblueticks
15:52 Inyuschan: sometimes it sounds good but XD well nvm
15:53 Andrea: her parts are mostly like that orz
15:55 Inyuschan: 01:05:815 (5) - shouldnt be down for a better flow?
15:56 Andrea: okay moved down
15:57 Inyuschan: nazi inyus is back
15:57 Andrea: haha :D
15:57 Inyuschan: 01:31:833 (1) - same thing as before xD
15:57 Inyuschan: it doesnt really fit
15:58 Inyuschan: 01:32:895 (3,4) - wtf
15:59 Andrea: let me see if I can do something in this part
16:01 Andrea: okay changed it in some way
16:02 Inyuschan: kk
16:02 Inyuschan: but i hope you understand me
16:02 Inyuschan: in that part
16:02 Inyuschan: xD
16:02 Inyuschan: it was overmapped as fuck
16:03 Andrea: more like it should've followed the guitar
16:03 Andrea: instead of the beat
16:03 Andrea: anyway it's fixed now
16:03 Andrea: and as usual, not my part :D
16:03 Inyuschan: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
16:12 Inyuschan: btw
16:12 Inyuschan: is it bubbled twice?
16:13 Andrea: yes
16:13 Andrea: Gero / Habi
16:13 Inyuschan: okay
16:13 Inyuschan: 03:20:683 (2,3) - weird rhythm
16:14 Andrea: agreed, let me fix :x
16:14 Andrea: not my part >.<
16:14 Inyuschan: i know
16:14 Inyuschan: xD
16:16 Andrea: fixed it
16:16 Inyuschan: okay
16:16 Inyuschan: now i go with NCs
16:16 Inyuschan: because i see A LOT of inconsistencies
16:16 Andrea: alright
16:17 Andrea: nazi NC mod inc
16:17 Andrea: :D
16:17 Inyuschan: i agree adding NC each two stanzas in calm parts but you suddenly change NC still in calm part at the beginning
16:17 Inyuschan: so the better way to fix it is that changing that consistency
16:17 Inyuschan: 00:04:753 (7) - NC
16:17 Inyuschan: 00:09:001 (7) - NC
16:17 Inyuschan: 00:13:249 (6) - NC
16:18 Andrea: short combos are ugly :(
16:18 Inyuschan: you can agree or not but i just say it
16:18 Inyuschan: 00:27:585 (1,2) - swap NC
16:18 Andrea: fixed this ^
16:18 Inyuschan: 00:38:736 (7) - NC
16:18 Inyuschan: 00:39:798 (1,3) -
16:18 Inyuschan: then swap these
16:19 Inyuschan: this one confused me indeed xD
16:19 Inyuschan: 00:46:568 (1,3) - swap NC
16:19 Andrea: fixed that
16:20 Inyuschan: 01:01:568 (1,2) - swap these too
16:20 Andrea: fixed all :v
16:20 Inyuschan: you can see im not too nazi (?
16:20 Inyuschan: 01:19:090 (6,1) - swap these as well
16:20 Andrea: if they're not short I'm okay with them :D
16:21 Inyuschan: 01:29:178 (1) - unnecessary NC imo o:
16:21 Andrea: it's a small jump though
16:21 Andrea: better keeping that
16:21 Inyuschan: ok then
16:22 Inyuschan: 01:44:576 (4) - missing NC
16:23 Inyuschan: 02:03:691 (6,1) - swap NC
16:23 Andrea: alright fixed
16:23 Inyuschan: 02:10:063 (4,1) - swap these ones
16:24 Andrea: done and done
16:24 Inyuschan: 02:16:435 (4,1) - these too
16:24 Inyuschan: 02:18:559 (4) - and add one here
16:24 Andrea: already did :D
16:25 Inyuschan: 02:52:010 (1,2) - swap
16:25 Andrea: done
16:25 Inyuschan: 03:25:992 (1,2) - blame Sekai, go and swap NC xd
16:26 Andrea: done xd
16:26 Inyuschan: xD
16:27 Inyuschan: orz im tired
16:28 Inyuschan: well thats all
16:28 Andrea: orz
16:28 Andrea: should I update?
16:28 Inyuschan: well you might want to add "collab" in tags
16:28 Inyuschan: as it doesnt appear anywhere else xD
16:29 Andrea: ok added
16:29 Andrea: submission time? xD
16:29 Inyuschan: all hitsounds are used i guess (?)
16:29 Andrea: yup of course
16:30 Inyuschan: go ahead then

Not much to fix but this is fine for me now :3

Topic Starter
Thank you really much Inyus :)

And also thanks everyone who supported this map <3

Take Note: I gave kudosu to Inyus in her previous post because I couldn't give her one on the post above mine.
16:26 Andrea: done xd

gj xd
P o M u T a
wow an Andrea map o:
Congrats for rank :)
The beatmaps master has returned
what would be osu! without you :D
Many people say your maps suck. I don't think so. Except for your old maps!
nice that statement is like a mix of a compliment and an insult

btw 03:10:594 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - guitar is more or less 1/3 and my sense for rhythm considerably triggered why do you do this to me
welcome back ww congrats andrea ~ :3

Okoratu wrote:

nice that statement is like a mix of a compliment and an insult

btw 03:10:594 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - guitar is more or less 1/3 and my sense for rhythm considerably triggered why do you do this to me
I'm not in-game but I can assume what you mean, guitar is 1/3 but there's also a 1/4 rhythm so I thought following it was fine.
Congrats owo
gratz Andrea and Sekai =w=/
:O Gratz :3
Topic Starter
Thanks everyone <3

And yeah Oko, I didn't follow the guitar there. xD
Gratz Andrea!
Good to see you back!
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