
Putin-Balalaika Player Introducing after 6 years...?

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Hi everyone~
Previously I've used only language specific forums, so here I'm very new. And... I guess it is introducing time. :^)

It's already almost 6 years since I started to play osu!.
I guess it is strange to see introduction of player like me. ^^'
But anyway.

I am Russian.
My real name is Mikhail (analogue of english Michael)
My nickname is Sh1ni, aka Sh1ni_sk. It pronounces as "sheenee".
21 y.o.
Studying in university.

For now I'm streaming, and I want to share some of my highlights.

And my stream link:
I will be very happy if you visit it.
Stream is live now, btw!
Feel free to ask my anything you want.
Green Platinum
With 93 post count you aren't exactly new to the forums
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Green Platinum wrote:

With 93 post count you aren't exactly new to the forums
>> Previously I've used only language specific forums, so here I'm very new.
Woah seriously 6 years? :o
6 years ago I was still in primary school...
wow =w=
Welcome back to the forums and enjoy osu!~ ;w;)/
tough you're pro already /runs
welcome to the forums
also nice rank :>
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Annadine wrote:

Woah seriously 6 years? :o
6 years ago I was still in primary school...
wow =w=
Welcome back to the forums and enjoy osu!~ ;w;)/
tough you're pro already /runs
I'm not, actually. But I am trying my best.
Anyway, thank you soooo much~

dosu wrote:

welcome to the forums
also nice rank :>
Thank you, mate~
omg hello
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