
Maaya Sakamoto - Tune the Rainbow

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Topic Starter

xBubu wrote:

  • 所有難度設同樣的preview time
    (線,在瀏覽歌單時 當選到你的歌時 會從你設的黃線開始撥放
    挑一個你想要的部分 選擇工具列的Timing→Set Current Position as Preview Point)
    多餘不做的歌Cut掉 記得挑好點的地方Cut..
preview time added. Cant desice where to cut better. (ORZ...

xBubu wrote:


  • offset貌似有嚴重問題,等待其他人mod.. 而且所有難度的紅線都要一樣的= =

xBubu wrote:


  • 00:21:206(5)-new combo , 麻煩和00:20:531水平對齊..
    00:37:413(9)-bad spacing
    00:51:594(10)-請往後移半拍.. 記得把長度減短到原本結束的時間點.如果覺得這樣破壞了你的風格 可以不用改 不過可以用其他方式代替..

xBubu wrote:

00:54:295(S)-我很確定 這個轉盤應該要結束在00:58:516

xBubu wrote:

    02:09:253(7)-bad spacing
    02:17:357(5)-new combo
    02:49:411(5)-加兩個repeat,並且刪除6 ,要留著6的音效的話 就在5的結尾加clap

xBubu wrote:


  • 00:15:973(x)-add a note ,和下個note對調new combo

xBubu wrote:

00:22:219(1)-感覺需要加音效,你試試吧.也許是哨子或是clap. 然後呢,你這combo最好全往下一個grid

xBubu wrote:

00:54:633(5)-new combo
01:21:645(5)-感覺用spiner好點? 要的話 spiner請結束在01:26:879
01:46:293(7)-bad spacing. 也許可以用new combo解決...

xBubu wrote:

02:20:369(1,2,3)-刪了1 然後把2,3 往後面移動半個拍子 別忘了new combo!
整體音效是clap為小節 暫時沒修改


新修改:[Hard] 更名為 [Roya's Hard]
增加 [Hard] diff.
bpm 88.835
offset 623

Topic Starter

1000000000pa- wrote:

bpm 88.835
offset 623

100000000000000pa- wrote:

Y(=w=) 當然可以。

Download: 999999999999999999pa-.rar
....= =丫。。丫。。star
Can you use different combo colors? The orange and yellow blend in with the BG.

Scatter the Rainbow
00:37:264 (4) - new combo
00:50:942 (4) - ^
01:24:374 (1) - unrankable, start the spinner a 1/4 or 1/8 tick after the slider
02:22:797 (4) - new combo
02:31:240 (1) - unrankable, spinner must get 2k on auto
02:56:230 (1) - unrankable, start the spinner a 1/4 or 1/8 tick after the slider

Hard -hitsounds are blah. i like the hitsound dynamics on scatter the rainbow
00:11:414 (T) - use soft hitsounds for this section
00:19:349 (9) - new combo
00:30:323 (8) - ^
00:48:049 (8) - ^
00:50:919 (12) - ^
00:54:633 (19) - ^
01:52:709 (6) - ^
02:00:475 (7) - ^
02:07:565 (5) - ^
02:09:085 (8) - ^
02:10:266 (12) - ^
02:11:954 (1) - remove new combo
02:12:967 (4) - new combo
02:18:370 (5) - ^
02:23:772 (7) - ^
02:25:122 (1) - remove new combo
02:26:473 (3) - new combo

Roya's Hard honestly, i would redo the placement. There is too much overlapping and underlapping.
00:52:967 (1,2,3,4) - wtf, remove or make these jumps smaller
02:29:217 (6) - new combo

Normal feels cramped overall
00:48:070 (6) - new combo
00:49:590 (7) - ^
01:05:293 (2) - spacing
01:16:099 (2) - ^
Topic Starter

ouranhshc wrote:

Can you use different combo colors? The orange and yellow blend in with the BG.
color changed.

ouranhshc wrote:

Scatter the Rainbow
00:37:264 (4) - new combo
00:50:942 (4) - ^
01:24:374 (1) - unrankable, start the spinner a 1/4 or 1/8 tick after the slider
02:22:797 (4) - new combo
02:31:240 (1) - unrankable, spinner must get 2k on auto
02:56:230 (1) - unrankable, start the spinner a 1/4 or 1/8 tick after the slider
Scatter the Rainbow fixed.

ouranhshc wrote:

[u]Normal[/n] feels cramped overall
00:48:070 (6) - new combo
00:49:590 (7) - ^
01:05:293 (2) - spacing
01:16:099 (2) - ^
Normal fixed. And some changes.

ouranhshc wrote:

Hard -hitsounds are blah. i like the hitsound dynamics on scatter the rainbow
00:11:414 (T) - use soft hitsounds for this section
00:19:349 (9) - new combo
00:30:323 (8) - ^
00:48:049 (8) - ^
00:50:919 (12) - ^
00:54:633 (19) - ^
01:52:709 (6) - ^
02:00:475 (7) - ^
02:07:565 (5) - ^
02:09:085 (8) - ^
02:10:266 (12) - ^
02:11:954 (1) - remove new combo
02:12:967 (4) - new combo
02:18:370 (5) - ^
02:23:772 (7) - ^
02:25:122 (1) - remove new combo
02:26:473 (3) - new combo
Hard fixed.And hitsounds changes.More help request for hitsounds. :)

ouranhshc wrote:

Roya's Hard honestly, i would redo the placement. There is too much overlapping and underlapping.
00:52:967 (1,2,3,4) - wtf, remove or make these jumps smaller
02:29:217 (6) - new combo
Some changes in placement on Roya's hard.
finally playable tune the rainbow up, gj

好图~ :3

offset 623 全部难度offset一致?

01:06:644 (3) - 加多一次重复并移到前面的红线处?
01:17:281 - Add note here?
01:17:450 (3) - 减少一次重复并往后移到白线处?
02:07:599 (4) - 减少一次重复?
02:52:135 (1) - 结束于02:56:187 ?

02:52:135 (1) - 结束于02:56:187 ?

[Roya's Hard]
KIAI time 和 hard一致?

01:27:414 - KIAI 把break给盖了
01:41:850 (1) - 开始于白线?

nice map :3
Topic Starter

kino77 wrote:

好图~ :3
Thx. ;)

kino77 wrote:

offset 623 全部难度offset一致?
hard忘记调整了 :o

kino77 wrote:

01:06:644 (3) - 加多一次重复并移到前面的红线处?
01:17:281 - Add note here?
01:17:450 (3) - 减少一次重复并往后移到白线处?
02:07:599 (4) - 减少一次重复?
02:52:135 (1) - 结束于02:56:187 ?

kino77 wrote:

02:52:135 (1) - 结束于02:56:187 ?
间距调整. 音效回到soft,不知这样行吗? :?

kino77 wrote:

[Roya's Hard]
KIAI time 和 hard一致?

kino77 wrote:

01:27:414 - KIAI 把break给盖了
01:41:850 (1) - 开始于白线?

Cyril Scarlet
maybe use Sakamoto Maaya ?

other ranked map use Sakamoto Maaya XD ... 0&g=0&la=0

just suggestion ~ ~ ~ ~
artist is fine.
not sure that you use different timing in each diff, even they are multiple。
Strongly suggest that cut the mp3 file.
and start your storyboard from 0ms
and resize the 003c.png and start1.png to 640x480(because the standard size in storyboard is 640x480, and didn't you think that the file size is a bit large?)

Scatter the Rainbow:
What the... why I could see a 0.1x inherited timing section in the timing point? If you do want to use that 0.1x slider, please use uninherited timing section.
00:57:358 (1) - ,00:35:239 (5) - ,02:18:915 (3) - : aren't snapped.
00:57:358 (1) - silence the end of this slider sounds better.
00:58:624 (1) - should this spinner start in 00:58:708 ?
02:47:280 (6) - clap in the start?

Roya's Hard
object aren't snapped.

overal difficulty -1 or 2 to make it a real "Hard".
snap all plz...
00:25:440 (6) - why here? why not place it in 00:25:608 ?
00:49:581 (2) - Sorry, but I feel it is ugly... maybe place it vertical, or Symmetrical with 00:50:088 (3,4) -
01:43:267 (1) - remove new combo
01:43:943 (2) - add new combo
02:03:526 (7) - should the end of this slider use hitsound like 00:31:686 (4) - ?

same snapping problem *sign*
use distance snap, but close grid snap to replace all notes. For me, jumps should not appear in normal.
Topic Starter

abalee wrote:

artist is fine.
not sure that you use different timing in each diff, even they are multiple。
Strongly suggest that cut the mp3 file.
and start your storyboard from 0ms
and resize the 003c.png and start1.png to 640x480(because the standard size in storyboard is 640x480, and didn't you think that the file size is a bit large?)
Submit to Pending.I didn't know if I need to do this by myself or BAT.Sorry.
I think people would like this song so i just keep it full.Then i change it from 192kbps to 128kbps for reducing file size.

abalee wrote:

Scatter the Rainbow:
What the... why I could see a 0.1x inherited timing section in the timing point? If you do want to use that 0.1x slider, please use uninherited timing section.
00:57:358 (1) - ,00:35:239 (5) - ,02:18:915 (3) - : aren't snapped.
00:57:358 (1) - silence the end of this slider sounds better.
00:58:624 (1) - should this spinner start in 00:58:708 ?
02:47:280 (6) - clap in the start?

Roya's Hard
object aren't snapped.

overal difficulty -1 or 2 to make it a real "Hard".
snap all plz...
00:25:440 (6) - why here? why not place it in 00:25:608 ?
00:49:581 (2) - Sorry, but I feel it is ugly... maybe place it vertical, or Symmetrical with 00:50:088 (3,4) -
01:43:267 (1) - remove new combo
01:43:943 (2) - add new combo
02:03:526 (7) - should the end of this slider use hitsound like 00:31:686 (4) - ?

same snapping problem *sign*
use distance snap, but close grid snap to replace all notes. For me, jumps should not appear in normal.
02:22:796 (6) - new combo?
Topic Starter

abalee wrote:

02:22:796 (6) - new combo?
Colin Hou
  1. 現在已經有三個[I]的難度了 這個在rank標準上是不贊成的 可能會有一些問題 如果可能的話 把一個[I]的星數改低點變成[H]就完美了
  2. 皮膚上少了一個出miss時圖吧
  1. 01:00:059 (T) - KIAI從這裡開始
  2. 02:31:914 (T) - ^
  3. 02:34:278 (1,2) - 沒能完全重合
  4. 01:13:229 (1,2) - ^
  1. 這個難度在KIAI部份的Hitsound方案和Normal貌似不一樣...而且全部是hitnormal,這樣的話在太鼓模式下就是全紅圈了
  2. 01:00:059 (T) - 這裡加一根帶KIAI的綠線 然後前面那根線的KIAI去掉
  3. 02:31:914 (T) - ^
[Roya's Hard]:
  1. 00:35:744 (4) - new combo
  2. 01:00:059 (T) - KIAI這裡開始
  3. 02:13:003 (4) - new combo
  4. 02:18:406 (4) - ^
  5. 02:39:681 (8) - ^
[Scatter the Rainbow]:
  1. 00:54:656 (7) - new combo
  2. hentai 100%papapapa
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. 現在已經有三個[I]的難度了 這個在rank標準上是不贊成的 可能會有一些問題 如果可能的話 把一個[I]的星數改低點變成[H]就完美了
  2. 皮膚上少了一個出miss時圖吧
  1. 01:00:059 (T) - KIAI從這裡開始
  2. 02:31:914 (T) - ^
  3. 02:34:278 (1,2) - 沒能完全重合
  4. 01:13:229 (1,2) - ^
  1. 這個難度在KIAI部份的Hitsound方案和Normal貌似不一樣...而且全部是hitnormal,這樣的話在太鼓模式下就是全紅圈了
  2. 01:00:059 (T) - 這裡加一根帶KIAI的綠線 然後前面那根線的KIAI去掉
  3. 02:31:914 (T) - ^
[Roya's Hard]:
  1. 00:35:744 (4) - new combo
  2. 01:00:059 (T) - KIAI這裡開始
  3. 02:13:003 (4) - new combo
  4. 02:18:406 (4) - ^
  5. 02:39:681 (8) - ^
[Scatter the Rainbow]:
  1. 00:54:656 (7) - new combo
  2. hentai 100%papapapa
thx Colin.
Done.~ :)
0:10:078 (7) down 1 grid
0:56:344 (7) not enough spacing?
intersting spacing~

0:25:782 (4,5) right 1 grid
0:40:124 (1,2,3,4) spacing not enough?

Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

0:10:078 (7) down 1 grid
0:56:344 (7) not enough spacing?
intersting spacing~

0:25:782 (4,5) right 1 grid
0:40:124 (1,2,3,4) spacing not enough?

thx, wmfchris. :D
> <100papapapapa-

I love this song

> <罗宾加油

No critical mistake found
so there are my suggestions only :D

[Scatter the Rainbow]
Personally I hate the slider slower than notes.
02:13:847 (x)
02:14:016 (x)
02:15:029 (x) - Add notes or slider to fit vocal?

00:54:318(x) - Add note to fit vocal?
01:58:144(1) - It is overlapped by other notes , just bad looking
02:06:249(x) - add note or start the slider here to fit the music?

00:28:314 (1) - too close (It may due to my bad playing skill)
- also whistle?
00:57:357 (11) - I think soft-hitsound is better (I just think it is better if you start normal-hitsound at 01:00:059.)
01:10:105 (8) - hitsound volume 1 gird up


star :)
Topic Starter

aesopl19193 wrote:


No critical mistake found
so there are my suggestions only :D

[Scatter the Rainbow]
Personally I hate the slider slower than notes.
02:13:847 (x)
02:14:016 (x)
02:15:029 (x) - Add notes or slider to fit vocal?

00:54:318(x) - Add note to fit vocal?
01:58:144(1) - It is overlapped by other notes , just bad looking
02:06:249(x) - add note or start the slider here to fit the music?

00:28:314 (1) - too close (It may due to my bad playing skill)
- also whistle?
00:57:357 (11) - I think soft-hitsound is better (I just think it is better if you start normal-hitsound at 01:00:059.)
01:10:105 (8) - hitsound volume 1 gird up


star :)
thank you aes ;) some changes but other still there for difficulty
:) :)
Please add a hitcircle and hitcircleoverlay skin to fit the appoachcircle (or remove the appoarchcircle skin), just in case some skin out there doesn't use a round hit circle~
Timing's playable, but does sounds off a bit.... offset's a bit early, not too sure about bpm v.v;.... not to mention the vocal is quite offbeat (during the kiai)?
Cut the mp3 ._.

00:21:898 (3,1) - could you move the 1 so it doesn't overlap poorly here
01:49:026 (2) - hm, preferably follow the vocal a bit and have this slider start on the white tick (with a clap~)
01:50:377 (3) - add a clap to the repeat?
20second break is kinda long, map a bit into it please?
Lots (if not all) the stacked notes aren't "perfectly" stacked, though most aren't noticeable during play, so okay

01:06:644 (4,5,6) - offbeat vocal makes this part tricky... :x maybe add a repeat on 4?
01:11:709 - ... eh, add note?
02:35:629 (5) - offbeat vocal makes me mishit this T_T
Map is okay, vocal is distracting :x

00:40:641 (4) - hm, remove the slider slide whistle and move this left a tick, just to look and sound a bit better
02:30:901 (8) - prefer new combo here please
02:47:955 - wouldn't a note would fit here nicely?
do something with the 20sec breaks here too
This one is good, since the claps focus players' attention to the beat rather than the vocal

Scatter the Rainbow- just match the BPM to the other diffs >_>
you kinda abuse the lowest stack here, don't v.v
This... hmm... I blame the vocal x____x
lots of accelerate/decelerate spacing :o
Hitsounds could be a bit louder so it can be easier to hear the notes not following vocal (though most parts are partially follow it... D:)

:oops: Star
offset 649?
羅賓加油喔 好好聽的歌^ ^
Topic Starter

Shinxyn wrote:

Please add a hitcircle and hitcircleoverlay skin to fit the appoachcircle (or remove the appoarchcircle skin), just in case some skin out there doesn't use a round hit circle~
Timing's playable, but does sounds off a bit.... offset's a bit early, not too sure about bpm v.v;.... not to mention the vocal is quite offbeat (during the kiai)?
Cut the mp3 ._.
remove skin><. offset is set to 649.And mp3 has been cut.

Shinxyn wrote:

00:21:898 (3,1) - could you move the 1 so it doesn't overlap poorly here
01:49:026 (2) - hm, preferably follow the vocal a bit and have this slider start on the white tick (with a clap~)
01:50:377 (3) - add a clap to the repeat?
20second break is kinda long, map a bit into it please?
Lots (if not all) the stacked notes aren't "perfectly" stacked, though most aren't noticeable during play, so okay

Shinxyn wrote:

01:06:644 (4,5,6) - offbeat vocal makes this part tricky... :x maybe add a repeat on 4?
01:11:709 - ... eh, add note?
02:35:629 (5) - offbeat vocal makes me mishit this T_T
Map is okay, vocal is distracting :x
Changed some note to better timing.

Shinxyn wrote:

00:40:641 (4) - hm, remove the slider slide whistle and move this left a tick, just to look and sound a bit better
02:30:901 (8) - prefer new combo here please
02:47:955 - wouldn't a note would fit here nicely?
do something with the 20sec breaks here too
This one is good, since the claps focus players' attention to the beat rather than the vocal

Shinxyn wrote:

Scatter the Rainbow- just match the BPM to the other diffs >_>
you kinda abuse the lowest stack here, don't v.v
This... hmm... I blame the vocal x____x
lots of accelerate/decelerate spacing :o
Hitsounds could be a bit louder so it can be easier to hear the notes not following vocal (though most parts are partially follow it... D:)

>< Fixed those problems.

Thank u, Shinxyan~~~~

Gabriela Robin wrote:

Thank u, Shinxyan~~~~
:( who is Shinxyan lol
wont mind if you want to keep "my" diff in this map or not ,but remove my name from tags and comment plz, cuz my map have been COMPLETELY killed by some professional moddings.

actually im wondering if they are really more familiar with this song than me or even read my rhythm seriously ,since i had listened this song at least 30+ times when i timing'd and mapped it. also i cant understand why i have to map it with following vocal or BGM or other somethings but not with my own rhythm.
i placed my notes and adjusted the spacing elaborately for fitting the song, but now they are all delected perfectly. now i've no idea what is still survived in "my" map, nothing im afraid.

sorry,remove my name from this map, thx
Topic Starter

100pa- wrote:

wont mind if you want to keep "my" diff in this map or not ,but remove my name from tags and comment plz, cuz my map have been COMPLETELY killed by some professional moddings.

actually im wondering if they are really more familiar with this song than me or even read my rhythm seriously ,since i had listened this song at least 30+ times when i timing'd and mapped it. also i cant understand why i have to map it with following vocal or BGM or other somethings but not with my own rhythm.
i placed my notes and adjusted the spacing elaborately for fitting the song, but now they are all delected perfectly. now i've no idea what is still survived in "my" map, nothing im afraid.

sorry,remove my name from this map, thx

eveless wrote:

Gabriela Robin wrote:

Thank u, Shinxyan~~~~
:( who is Shinxyan lol

100pa- wrote:

wont mind if you want to keep "my" diff in this map or not ,but remove my name from tags and comment plz, cuz my map have been COMPLETELY killed by some professional moddings.

actually im wondering if they are really more familiar with this song than me or even read my rhythm seriously ,since i had listened this song at least 30+ times when i timing'd and mapped it. also i cant understand why i have to map it with following vocal or BGM or other somethings but not with my own rhythm.
i placed my notes and adjusted the spacing elaborately for fitting the song, but now they are all delected perfectly. now i've no idea what is still survived in "my" map, nothing im afraid.

sorry,remove my name from this map, thx
无论怎么说D: 这都是你的图 不管最后他变成什么样子
;) wonderful song>_>, why graveyard ?
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