
Status Update

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Green Platinum
Still a mark from when I got kicked in the head from Saturday Kickboxing training. :\
Lol. A fairly negative page.

Guitar exam date confirmed. I just want to get this over with so I can get taught grade 6 stuff already.
Status: Searching for weaboo disguise.
Status: I'm back lmao
Ameth Rianno
Status: Doing psyhical exercise a bit than being weak.
Shocked when osu! asked me for an email verification saying someone is pretending to be me.
Status: Can you say me who's this person?
status: my leg is stuck on the chair T^T
Status: Got new userpage banner
i have to pee
Status: I'm starting to see a pattern in my gaining of performance points.

Status: I am contemplating as to whether or not I should quit Osu!

Forbidden God wrote:

Status: I am contemplating as to whether or not I should quit Osu!
If you do, stay on the forums ;u;
Status: I took a walk with my mum for 30 minutes, now I have a pulsing headache and my right eye feels retarded. See, this is why I don't go outside. Bad things happen T T
Status: Was about to go take a walk, then read that walk are apparently bad for us, I'll procrastinate it.

HiddeNation wrote:

Status: Was about to go take a walk, then read that walk are apparently bad for us, I'll procrastinate it.
Go for that walk. Cool air and the breeze against your face brightens up the day, and walking is fun with just walking. Stimulates thinking, too. You should already be walking.

Status: making a timetable.

Aiona wrote:

Forbidden God wrote:

Status: I am contemplating as to whether or not I should quit Osu!
If you do, stay on the forums ;u;
I will most definatly stay on the forums, excuse my spelling I tend to struggle :(

HiddeNation wrote:

Status: Was about to go take a walk, then read that walk are apparently bad for us, I'll procrastinate it.

Walks are fine if you're not light sensitive :)
Status: 1x miss 3 times in a row. :x
Daichi Shinku

Pituophis wrote:

Status: 1x miss 3 times in a row. I just want my pp to expand( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Status: I watched my Dong Expands.
Status@ It seems to be every night since Saturday now, where I get this strong urge to rip someone's eyes apart and break their lower jaw off.
Status: I Just spent 45 minutes making all of the numbered skin elements and it looks like ass :x
Status: had a weird, strange, gross dream last night 😕
Green Platinum
Thinking of making a precure emblem. But which Precure?

Green Platinum wrote:

Thinking of making a precure emblem. But which Precure?
Sunny pls
Status:Maybe I'll play osu again.

hah. r.i.p the rank.
Status: Upset. Please reply you idiot.. What do I do..
Status: Drank Monster Unleaded without knowing it had no caffeine. Why the hell would someone make an energy drink with no caffeine?!? I feel more tired than before I drank it.
Daichi Shinku

Aiona wrote:

Status: Upset. Please reply you idiot.. What do I do..
Sing, like usual
Status: Spent nearly 2 hours looking up bridges. Quite an interesting read.
Daichi Shinku
Status: Just got myself a budget to buy a new PC, what can I get with 1200$?

Iridescent wrote:

Status: Just got myself a budget to buy a new PC, what can I get with 1200$?
A fairly decent rig, though don't expect to max out settings for recent games.
Status: My school schedule just gets dumber each semester. Why can't classes start at normal times? My sleeps schedule is just gonna get even worse.

Also counting down the days to winter break. Im basically done with everything except finals
Green Platinum

Renevant wrote:

Status: My school schedule just gets dumber each semester. Why can't classes start at normal times? My sleeps schedule is just gonna get even worse.

Also counting down the days to winter break. Im basically done with everything except finals
Because it is the only way it can work, as you get to more specialised classes they have to be pushed out by the more mainstream ones.

Green Platinum wrote:

Because it is the only way it can work, as you get to more specialised classes they have to be pushed out by the more mainstream ones.
I'd be a little more understanding if it didn't happen every semester since I started, even with Gen Eds.
3 years ago, I've started to watch animes'
status: I MADE COOKIES (for the very fist timmee~) but the cookies are not made from scratch ;p
Status: Many times I have told my little sister not to touch that fragile figma on my desk. Many times! I don't like it when I wake up and see that figure, disfigured. :c
Status: Derank. I'm upset.
Status: Starting to catch fruits.
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