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So, this is... in it's entirety late... seeing as I made the account and started playing about a year ago... But today is also my first day using the forums so, yeah...

Let's see... I don't exactly get online much, so my presence here will likely be lacking, so I suppose I don't really need to introduce myself either.

I found osu! while watching a streamer on for an unrelated game. They started playing a little while they were queued and waiting. But that was even longer ago. Eventually, I wanted to find a way to improve my cursor control. Since I love rhythm games already (Beat Hazard, Audiosurf), osu! really ended up being a perfect option. That's when I made my account, downloaded a few beatmaps of songs I knew... and that was that.
Good day to you sir!
Welcome to Osu
I hope your cursor control gets better the more you play osu, but for now good luck and welcome
*Insert generic welcome post here*
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