
What are your osu! goals?

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SS that sandstorm map

Green Platinum wrote:

Top shitposter is a chance. The competition is fierce however with winber1 and x_Co0ki420ezi_x fighting for top spot.
I am clearly the biggest shitposter of G&R

winber and cokez1 don't stand a chance

chainpullz wrote:

Because he derailed one too many discussion I was having with valid but somewhat degenerate points.
I think you mean degenerative.
Compete in the OWC and actually be of use to my teammates.
To become a decent mapper one day
After a long pause I have to make up for the lost time.

My goal is to get 1.000 PP at the end of the year. (started with 632 PP 2 days ago)
Short term goal is 4 digit rank. Long term goal is to be good enough to rep Freedom Land in the OWC and be considered one of the top mouse/keyboard players. Fuck a tablet.
Get to a rank that I should be at rather than pretend I am a pro at rank 11k when I am much more skilled than people and basically show off... Ahhh how nice it would be to be bothered to get some of that lovely PP ;c
Be able to pick up hot Osu nerds with my skills.
reach 10k before 2015

Kheldragar wrote:

Be able to pick up hot Osu nerds with my skills.
My goal is to be under rank 2K by the end of the year. Not sure if I can make that but I'll try.
No being kicked out of 4 number rank. (Even if I'm overrank probably or just too inconsistent)
Becomming better.
Finnaly not thinking myself that I'm noob (Will probably never happens)
Being able to FC AR8 +DT
Improve my AIM to finally be able to play CS5 or CS4 + HR
Learn AR10
My goals are to pass Adult's Toy with a B or higher, and then eventually be able to FC it. It's one of the only maps that I looked at and said "I'm gonna do that" and I haven't stopped trying yet.
drum drum
being able to play taiko again

CookieNia wrote:

CookieNia wrote:

In korean #20
FC hd+hr for approved beatmaps :)

lol. very hard goals..
↑ a year ago's me lol. I alreay achieved goals.

my new goal is selected form 2014 OWC korean team member.
↑ a year ago's me, goal Failed..

My new goal is join to 2015 world top 20 players video.. :o
My new goal is to FC an AR11 song.
goal is top 100 pp by the end of 2015
To get a lot more 110-120pp plays fairly easily.

To be able to pass a 7 star map hp5+
E m i

Soulg wrote:

goal is top 100 pp by the end of 2015
Nice necropost.
be good at hd

4 digits never
I wanna be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To play maps is my real test,
To FC them is my cause.

Pituophis wrote:

I wanna be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To play maps is my real test,
To FC them is my cause.
1xmiss incoming 8-)
My osu! goals are:

1.SS Nevereverland on Hard Diff.

2.Top 30k on takio (35k Right Now)

3.Get a top 50 rank on a easy map (Get the spinner score)

4.Reach 600PP

New 4. 700pp
1. to rank a (good quality) map
2. to surpass elah
3. to get top50 in country
4. to be better on other modes
to keep having fun
to get more skilled with mouse
to be able to stream w/e BPM never gonna happen
Roxy Lalonde
to become god
E m i

Momiji wrote:

When I grow up I want to be like Mizuki and KeigoClear
To eventually get rid of the addiction

Reset- wrote:

To eventually get rid of the addiction
to be the best osu! player of my flat. and keep it that way. i'm the bestest.
Complete all the achievements (a LOT of work is going to be put in, but eventually, one day...)

Seeing those Locked makes my account feel... incomplete. I need a full profile :D
Have fun, organize better tournaments, get slowly better (OWC 2020 the dream!!!)
AR10.3 FC on my first year of playing aka this year and 3000pp, I'm not too far. Already did some ar8.5+dt fc's and peppy points are almost 2500.

And for 2016 AR11 fc at least.

Also get comfortable at some sensitivity/mouse playstyle, I still have some problems often after playing for about 8 months.
The Gambler
Design and create an osu! mania controller. Preferably with actual arcade switches. I might base it off the spacing of the sound voltex or beatmania controller but who knows if I'll make it or not.
have more fun

make the best skin despite having zero photoshop talent
I Give Up
Play at OWC in future.
Get to top 9k global and play DT better almost had it before I took a hiatus
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