So yeah. I'm Prop Guy! (yes, exclimation point and all). I've only been playing osu for about 5 days now, but it feels longer than that because of how addictingly fun it is.
So anyway, about myself:
I'm 22, overweight, and I work midnight shift at McDonalds. I hate my job.
I'm an aspiring game designer, I often play D&D, and am an avid gamer in general.
I also like to write, a lot, when I don't have writer's block, which is often.
My favorite genre of music is thrash metal, although I really don't discriminate against any given genre.
I like the comedy stylings of Gabriel Iglesia, Dane Cook, and Lewis Black.
Finally, I do tend to go to anime cons here and there, although there are a given few within like 6 hours of my house. (Tekkoshocon in Pittsburgh, PA; Ikasucon and A&G Ohio in Cincinnatti, Oh; Tsubasacon in Huntington, WV; and Colossalcon in Independence, Oh)
And with that said, all that I have left to say is, "I'm not fat. I'm fluffy".
So anyway, about myself:
I'm 22, overweight, and I work midnight shift at McDonalds. I hate my job.
I'm an aspiring game designer, I often play D&D, and am an avid gamer in general.
I also like to write, a lot, when I don't have writer's block, which is often.
My favorite genre of music is thrash metal, although I really don't discriminate against any given genre.
I like the comedy stylings of Gabriel Iglesia, Dane Cook, and Lewis Black.
Finally, I do tend to go to anime cons here and there, although there are a given few within like 6 hours of my house. (Tekkoshocon in Pittsburgh, PA; Ikasucon and A&G Ohio in Cincinnatti, Oh; Tsubasacon in Huntington, WV; and Colossalcon in Independence, Oh)
And with that said, all that I have left to say is, "I'm not fat. I'm fluffy".