
Do you play fullscreen or window mode?

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Do you play fullscreen or window mode?

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my computer is 1440x900 but I like to play 1024x768 Full Screen because there is no lag and the slider and notes are closer ;)
borderless is better, like really playing a game :)
Windowed mode (800x600)
There's a windowed mode?

Because even when full screen is unchecked, it's still not windowed.

McBob49 wrote:

There's a windowed mode?

Because even when full screen is unchecked, it's still not windowed.
Did you choose a smaller resolution than your screen, or is it still native?
Windowed mode (1440x900) so i dont have to look that much around the screen (got a 23" screen) and it's more comfortable to switch between the screens (dual screen setup).
Windowed Mode (Borderless 1280*800)... So I can press Window-Key without minimizing the game (Full-Screen mode will minimizing osu! while I pressed Win-Key and when I start it again... The game is laggy and I need to Restart osu!)
Fullscreen Borderless when I had did mouse + keyboard.

Now 1366 x 768 windowed when I switched to tablet. :D
Saft i Glas
Windowed mode (1280x960) :P
I am using windowed 1024x600 :3

Also this was kind of funny:
fullscreen 1920x1080

i pushed my monitor back as far as possible, on the table
I play windowed 800x600. I have tried to play in full screen but I don't like how different it feels to windowed. Sure the circles are bigger, but the cursor also moves differently. There is a different type of lag that I'm not used to. I'll stick with my small circles.
I play windowed (Widescreen) 1024x600. It's easier for me to play, edit, and mod maps.
- Marco -
Fullscreen (windowed Mode)


60fps vs 80fps in widowed but 2 years with full screen....
Fullscreen, 1920x1200.

I used to play in a 1280x1024 (I think) window, but since I started playing again end of August it's been fullscreen ever since.
Fullscreen (2560x1440) for me. I have never played a game in windowed, even less windowed with a non-native resolution, that seems really weird to me!
I picked up a 'new' CRT monitor recently (hurray high refresh rates). I'm running at 1600x1200, windowed at 1600x900. I like using combobursts every now and then, and it's very difficult to play with them enabled when using a 4:3 resolution.
I used to use 1366x768, but switched upon discovering that the image scaling issues when not playing at osu!'s native resolution (x768 or x1536) are less pronounced on this thing compared to an LCD.
Fullscreen ftw
Large windowed (1024 by 500 or something like that) on a shitty monitor.
Definitly buying a new screen asap.
windowed FTW.
Dank Bank
Am i the only one that has to over jump in windowed mode, so i use fullscreen, it makes you so much quicker in the long run, because i can 100% see the latency problems if im not at 2k fps and fullscreen no v-sync

upon reading 60% of this, it seems like so many people are noobs who dont play ligit, fullscreen, full tablet area or gtfu, no "Making the notes closer", thats just so bs, i play osu for the challange, not the pp

J4Skin wrote:

Am i the only one that has to over jump in windowed mode, so i use fullscreen, it makes you so much quicker in the long run, because i can 100% see the latency problems if im not at 2k fps and fullscreen no v-sync

upon reading 60% of this, it seems like so many people are noobs who dont play ligit, fullscreen, full tablet area or gtfu, no "Making the notes closer", thats just so bs, i play osu for the challange, not the pp
first post and it's a necro
OT : does borderless window that covers the whole screen considered as window mode or full screen
fullscreen. windowed mode is laggy as fk.

StephOsu wrote:

OT : does borderless window that covers the whole screen considered as window mode or full screen
It's still technically windowed but you could consider it fullscreen I guess.

I play fullscreen.
I got lag spike on fullscreen but not in bordeless
what is this necro.

Mikelicious wrote:

Fullscreen ftw
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