21:12 Kibbleru: the stacks work well for 2 or 3 objects
21:14 Snepif: done
21:15 Kibbleru: 02:33:565 - could u nerf this section a bit?
21:15 Kibbleru: 1.3 sv pretty high o-o
21:15 Kibbleru: 02:35:014 (6,7,8) - and this stuff is more of an insane thing
21:16 Kibbleru: 02:53:565 (5,6,7) - lol u could make this part better try rotating the sliders 120% instead of freehanding them
21:17 Snepif: by nerfing the sv that "insane stuff" will be better
21:17 Snepif: i believe
21:17 Kibbleru: yeah i guess so
21:17 Kibbleru: just nerf sv a bit
21:19 Kibbleru: 01:02:550 (3) - nerf this jump a bit
21:19 Snepif: okay done all
21:19 Snepif: except
21:20 Snepif: the rotate sliders thing
21:20 Snepif: becaaause
21:20 Snepif: is it that evident?
21:20 Snepif: LOL
21:20 Kibbleru: idunno
21:20 Kibbleru: just makes it look better imo lol
21:23 Snepif: done
21:24 Kibbleru: ok let me go ask another qat LOL i think its almost good now tho
21:24 Snepif: mfw almost good
21:24 Snepif: ¬¬
21:25 Kibbleru: well i cant be sure with my opinion only lol
21:25 Snepif: im kidding
21:25 Snepif: kibbling
21:26 Kibbleru: lol
21:27 Snepif: gotta start kidding or else ill get depressed
21:27 Snepif: HEHEE
21:27 Snepif: that was also joking
21:27 Snepif: or was it?
21:27 Kibbleru: my qat stalker list is failing me
21:27 Snepif: wat stalker?
21:28 Kibbleru: i mean friends list
21:29 Snepif: oooo
21:29 Snepif: btw
21:29 Kibbleru: i dont like how they call it a friends list
21:29 Kibbleru: i dont have friends
21:29 Snepif: today something random happened to me
21:29 Kibbleru: its a lie >:U
21:29 Snepif: OOOH HAHAH NERD
21:29 Snepif: jk
21:29 *Snepif is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/64681 The O.C. Supertones - I Can Be Your Friend]
21:29 Snepif:
21:29 Kibbleru: lol
21:30 *Snepif is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/263380 Renard - I Love My Internet Friends]
21:30 Kibbleru: but like realisticly where the fk did all the qats go
21:30 Snepif: really!
21:30 Snepif: in fact
21:30 Snepif: i can even be
21:30 Snepif: your
21:30 *Snepif is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/64754 Girls' Generation - Boyfriend]
21:30 Snepif: or we can be
21:30 *Snepif is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/70918 Megurine Luka - Just Be Friends]
21:30 Snepif: okay ill stop now
21:30 Snepif: LOL
21:30 Snepif: no homo
21:34 Kibbleru: i need charles where did he go ;w;
21:35 Snepif: idk ;-;
21:36 Kibbleru: oh he responded /o/
21:41 Kibbleru: ok
21:41 Kibbleru: yeah
21:41 Kibbleru: ill get to eh modding part then
21:42 Kibbleru: the diff as it is should be fine currently
21:42 Kibbleru: so
21:42 *Kibbleru is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/563789 ONE OK ROCK - Liar [Hard]]
21:42 Kibbleru: 00:41:681 (5,6,1) - how come this spacing isnt consistent o-o
21:44 Snepif: o.O
21:44 Snepif: what do you mean
21:45 Kibbleru: 00:42:116 (6) - well from prev is 0.5 to the next is 0.3
21:46 Kibbleru: so as confirmed by charles
21:46 Kibbleru: spacing is fine
21:46 Kibbleru: but i would have a cap in the amount of the consecutive circles
21:46 Kibbleru: cuz they are somewhat hard to play and not every1 double taps
21:46 Kibbleru: anyway i noticed that most of urs are at max 5
21:46 Kibbleru: so perhaps nerf those athat go for longer?
21:47 Kibbleru: 01:47:913 (4,1) - also i found the stack to be really
21:47 Kibbleru: eh
21:47 Kibbleru: anticlimatic lol..
21:47 Kibbleru: i would really expect a bigger jump there, just felt weird to me
21:48 Kibbleru: maybe nc here 01:52:985 (4) -
21:48 Snepif: ok
21:48 Snepif: doing those
21:53 Snepif: done
21:53 Kibbleru: 02:53:565 (5,6,7) - have u tried using ctrl shift r lol
21:55 Snepif: lets see
21:56 Snepif: why?
21:56 Snepif: on which of them
21:56 Snepif: ah
21:56 Snepif: i forgot that one
21:56 Snepif: hehe
21:57 Snepif: done
21:58 Kibbleru: okay i gotta brb for a bit meanwhile can u check ur normal diff's spacings?
21:58 Snepif: already did
21:58 Snepif:
22:01 Kibbleru: k back
22:01 Snepif: +replaced hitsounds too
22:01 Snepif: i mean the one you gave me
22:02 Kibbleru: i gave u something?
22:02 Kibbleru: wait what?
22:02 Snepif: you gave me a .wav
22:02 Kibbleru: ohh
22:02 Kibbleru: yeah k
22:03 Kibbleru: well
22:03 Kibbleru: looks good now i guess o-o
22:04 Snepif: lol after editing hard
22:04 Snepif: and normal
22:04 Snepif: when you watch bloodlust
22:04 Kibbleru: 01:48:492 (2,3,4,1) - lol this bit gets kinda messy
22:04 Snepif: its like wtf so fast
22:04 Kibbleru: LOL
22:04 Snepif: hmmm
22:04 Kibbleru: well
22:04 Kibbleru: actually
22:04 Kibbleru: for these
22:04 Snepif: ok changed
22:04 Kibbleru: 01:49:942 (2,3,4,1) -
22:04 Kibbleru: try like
22:04 Kibbleru: offseting the head a bit? perhaps?
22:05 Snepif: offsetting?
22:05 Kibbleru: leme screenshot
22:05 Kibbleru: puush being slow
22:05 Snepif: kk
22:05 Kibbleru:
http://puu.sh/eFbhP/d62a46e11e.jpg22:05 Snepif: alright done
22:06 Snepif: aaaaand updated
22:07 Kibbleru: i meant do it for all of them lol >_>
22:08 Kibbleru: 01:47:623 (2,3,4,1) -
22:08 Kibbleru: 01:48:492 (2,3,4,1) -
22:08 Kibbleru: 01:50:811 (2,3,4,1) -
22:08 Snepif: OH
22:08 Snepif: hehee
22:09 Kibbleru: 01:41:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - >_> you didnt want to change these?
22:09 Kibbleru: earlier:
22:09 Snepif: hmmm i felt
22:09 Kibbleru: try limiting the amount of consecutive circles to 5
22:09 Snepif: like that one was alright
22:10 Snepif: yeah but that is an exception
22:10 Snepif: ill make (5) a slider
22:10 Snepif: actually
22:10 Snepif: ill make 6 a slider
22:10 Kibbleru: mk
22:11 Kibbleru: 01:54:579 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - same deal here too
22:11 Snepif: changed
22:11 Snepif: uploading
22:11 Snepif: jesus
22:11 Snepif: i always hit upload package
22:11 Kibbleru: those r really the only parts lol
22:11 Kibbleru: lol
22:11 Snepif: i mean export package
22:12 Snepif: looks like osu likes the package...
22:12 Snepif: updated.
22:12 Kibbleru: lol
22:12 Kibbleru: u update pretty damn fast tho wtf
22:12 Snepif: 32kbps upload masterrace
22:12 Snepif: :°)
22:16 Kibbleru: okay normal LOL
22:16 Kibbleru: 00:26:029 - bleh i really think you couldve mapped these downbeats
22:16 Kibbleru: 00:39:942 -
22:17 Snepif: hmmm i like it this way ;_;
22:17 Snepif: specially because
22:17 Snepif: this part follows the drums so much
22:17 Snepif: i didn't do this in insane because it wouldk be too much empty space
22:17 Kibbleru: 00:32:985 (1,2,3,4) - okay anyway the whistle patterns here were really weird tho lol.
22:17 Snepif: but actually i like it
22:17 Snepif: how so?¡
22:17 Kibbleru: thats fine but the whistles
22:17 Kibbleru: well
22:17 Kibbleru: ur whistles are the kick drums right?
22:18 Kibbleru: the drums in the music are on red ticks
22:18 Kibbleru: and ur hitsounds are on the white ticks
22:18 Kibbleru: o_O
22:18 Snepif: but
22:18 Snepif: there are no drums there
22:18 Snepif: dafuq
22:18 Snepif: aaah
22:18 Snepif: nvm
22:18 Snepif: im stupid
22:19 Snepif: what do you mean, there are whistles on the red ticks there
22:20 Kibbleru: i meant like
22:20 Kibbleru: the whistles
22:20 Kibbleru: are the kick drums
22:20 Kibbleru: hitsounds
22:20 Kibbleru: right?
22:20 Kibbleru: you put the whistles on 00:33:275 (2,3) -
22:20 Kibbleru: but the kick drums in the music should be
22:20 Kibbleru: 00:33:130 -
22:20 Kibbleru: 00:33:420 -
22:20 Kibbleru: 00:33:710 -
22:20 Kibbleru: 00:34:000 -
22:20 Kibbleru: and such
22:20 Kibbleru: on the red ticks
22:20 Snepif: they are on the red ticks
22:20 Snepif: wtf
22:20 Snepif: are you sure you didnt change it by accident
22:21 Snepif: or perhaps
22:21 Snepif: you are referring to anotrher diff?
22:21 Kibbleru: what are on the red ticks
22:21 Snepif: im looking at hard diff
22:21 Kibbleru: WTF
22:21 Kibbleru: normal
22:21 *Kibbleru is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/564727 ONE OK ROCK - Liar [Normal]]
22:21 Kibbleru: LOL
22:21 Snepif: oh jesus dude
22:21 Snepif: fuck you
22:21 Snepif: LOL
22:21 Kibbleru: i thought i /npd it earlier
22:21 Snepif: no lol haha
22:21 Snepif: yes, you are correct
22:21 Snepif: but i didn't map the red ticks
22:21 Snepif: what shoudl i do
22:22 Snepif: just leave it without drum hitsounds maybe?
22:22 Kibbleru: im not actually too sure about that LOL
22:22 Kibbleru: yeah
22:22 Kibbleru: well drum hitsounds would not be what we want to do
22:22 Kibbleru: but its true there shouldbe some hitsounds on it
22:22 Kibbleru: hm
22:22 Kibbleru: idk do u want to put the soft whistles?
22:22 Kibbleru: 00:32:406 - like this
22:22 Snepif: yeah probably
22:23 Kibbleru: yeah
22:23 Kibbleru: 00:35:594 (1,2,3) - also this rhythm doesn't really follow the music well
22:23 Kibbleru: isnt really anything on the white ticks since the vocals stopped there
22:23 Kibbleru: okay well 00:36:174 (3) - this follows the music
22:24 Kibbleru: 00:35:594 (1,2) - not these
22:24 Kibbleru: just delete these probably 00:35:594 (1,2) -
22:24 Kibbleru: 00:39:942 - like what u do here
22:24 Kibbleru: 00:42:261 (1,2,3) - slight spacing inconsistency
22:24 Snepif: true
22:25 Kibbleru: 00:44:579 (1,2,3) - spacing almost a bit weird here
22:25 Kibbleru: 00:46:898 (1,2,3,4) - dammit stahp switching around ;w;
22:26 Kibbleru: 00:52:550 (2) - make this 0.8 spacing lol
22:26 Snepif: done done done done
22:27 Kibbleru: 01:00:811 (1,2,3) - i dunno what happens here anymor elol
22:27 Kibbleru: should it be 1.2 or 1.3
22:27 Snepif: you make life so complicated bro
22:27 Snepif: jk
22:27 Snepif: fixing too
22:27 Snepif: should be 1.2
22:27 Kibbleru: lol
22:28 Snepif: updating
22:28 Snepif: done
22:28 Kibbleru: 01:48:927 (4) - make this 0.8
22:28 Kibbleru: 01:51:246 (4) - ^
22:29 Snepif: yes yse
22:29 Kibbleru: or im not sure what that was suppose to be
22:29 Kibbleru: ur using 0.8 for 1/2s right?
22:29 Snepif: yes
22:29 Kibbleru: 02:07:478 (1) - something weird goes on here
22:29 Snepif: i think kiais
22:29 Snepif: are 0.7
22:29 Snepif: when 1/2
22:29 Kibbleru: i mean here 02:06:898 (3) -
22:30 Kibbleru: if kiais are 0.7
22:30 Snepif: fixed
22:30 Kibbleru: then
22:30 Kibbleru: make them 0.7
22:30 Kibbleru: 01:57:478 (3) - all this stuff lol
22:30 Kibbleru: unless otherwise
22:30 Snepif: oh wtf
22:30 Snepif: thought they were
22:30 Snepif: making them right now
22:30 Kibbleru: im pretty sure u used 0.8 for these
22:30 Kibbleru: kiai parts o-o
22:30 Kibbleru: oh this one is 0.7
22:30 Kibbleru: 02:09:072 (4) -
22:31 Snepif: done
22:31 Kibbleru: 01:08:782 (4) - this is 0.8
22:31 Kibbleru: 01:16:898 (2) - also 0.8 lol
22:31 Snepif: made all 0.7
22:31 Kibbleru: k
22:31 Snepif: cause higher sv
22:31 Snepif: so higher spacing
22:31 Snepif: se we COUNTER THAT
22:31 Kibbleru: what is the default kiai spacing
22:31 Snepif: 1,1
22:31 Kibbleru: 1.1?
22:31 Kibbleru: 02:06:898 (3) - fix this one then unless u already did
22:31 Snepif: already did
22:31 Snepif: as we were talking
22:31 Snepif: hha
22:32 Snepif: 02:34:724 (3) -
22:32 Snepif: fixed that one too
22:33 Kibbleru: 02:33:565 (1,2,3) - i think make these 1.1 spacing
22:34 Snepif: did
22:34 Snepif: and updated
22:34 Snepif: update it pls :3
22:34 Kibbleru: 02:43:855 (2) -
22:34 Kibbleru: why the fk is ur timeline always zoomed in so much gdi
22:35 Snepif: what hahaha
22:35 Snepif: i hate 2 things
22:35 Kibbleru: 03:04:869 (2,1) - i have no idea how ur gunna fix htis one
22:35 Snepif: grid lvl 1
22:35 Snepif: and timeline zoomed out
22:35 Snepif: already fixed those didnt i?
22:36 Kibbleru: 03:06:029 (1) - should me more or less around 1.1
22:36 Snepif: ahhh
22:37 Kibbleru: 01:57:478 (3) - good spacing i approve (y)
http://puu.sh/eFgmB/63841cce12.png22:38 *Snepif is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/93927 Acid House Kings - Are We Lovers or Are We Friends?]
22:39 Kibbleru: okay let me search this for hidden repeats
22:39 Kibbleru: i dont think remember finding any
22:39 Snepif: u avoiding my question
22:40 Kibbleru: 00:36:174 (1) - surely could use a whistle maybe?
22:40 Snepif: yep done
22:41 Kibbleru: 00:46:898 (1,2,3,4) - but shouldnt this be 1.2 tho
22:41 Kibbleru: unless u wanted some emphasis on that part which i can understand to
22:41 Kibbleru: too
22:41 Kibbleru: if that's so just say so
22:42 Kibbleru: 00:52:550 (2) - also i think i forgot to fix this one
22:42 Snepif: i could lie
22:42 Kibbleru: should be 0.98
22:42 Snepif: if i was lazy
22:42 Kibbleru: 0.8
22:42 Snepif: but ill fix
22:42 Kibbleru: lol
22:42 Kibbleru: fair strategy
22:42 Snepif: 0.98
22:43 Kibbleru: i meant 0.8 :X
22:43 Snepif: updated
22:47 Kibbleru: here comes the super nazi
22:47 Kibbleru: 03:06:029 (1) - move this to the grid to the right
22:47 Kibbleru:
22:47 Kibbleru: ok
22:47 Kibbleru: fuck
22:47 Kibbleru: i mean left
22:47 Kibbleru: left
22:47 Kibbleru: LEFT
22:47 Snepif: still normal diff?
22:47 Snepif: cause i saw you editing hard
22:47 Snepif: rofl
22:48 Kibbleru: lol
22:48 Kibbleru: hard is good
22:48 Snepif: thats what she said..
22:48 Kibbleru: :X
22:48 Kibbleru: after u fix that nazi im on to easy
22:48 Kibbleru: not much to look at here tho
22:48 Snepif: t-t-thats not what she said
22:48 Snepif: ;_______;
22:49 Kibbleru: just looking at offscreen slider and stuff
22:49 Snepif: updated
22:50 Kibbleru: 01:40:232 (4,2) - head is a bit hidden :X
22:50 Kibbleru: u know how picky those fking qats are about easy diffs
22:51 Kibbleru: anyway try to make that overlap part more readable
22:51 Snepif: mmm ok
22:52 Snepif:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/255103122:52 Snepif:
22:52 Snepif: readable tbh
22:53 Kibbleru: 01:36:463 (1,2) - i think works better as a 1/1 slider tbh
22:53 Snepif: indeed
22:53 Snepif: the problem WAS
22:54 Snepif: there were lots of red lines there in the past
22:54 Snepif: so i couldnt do that
22:54 Snepif: ahhaa
22:54 Kibbleru: yeah ic
22:54 Kibbleru: anyway u can do it now then q:
22:54 Kibbleru: everything else looks cool in this diff
22:55 Kibbleru: oh wait
22:55 Kibbleru: 00:32:985 (1,2,3) - same issue as normal
22:55 Kibbleru: 00:37:623 (1,2,3) -
22:55 Snepif: tru
22:56 Snepif: updated
22:57 Kibbleru: 01:41:971 (2) - pls;w;
22:58 Kibbleru: just have it so the head is exposed
22:58 Snepif: easy diff? i see nothing there
22:58 Kibbleru: asfkjhsakjfhsakfjsah
22:58 Kibbleru: okay
22:58 Kibbleru: easy diff
22:58 Kibbleru: yeah
22:58 Kibbleru:
http://puu.sh/eFjtB/cb3befe417.jpg22:58 Kibbleru: 01:41:971 (2) -
22:58 Kibbleru: try using what i did ther eon the image i think it works
22:59 Snepif: okay done that
22:59 Kibbleru: update
23:00 Snepif: done
23:01 Kibbleru: finally
23:01 *Kibbleru is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/556320 ONE OK ROCK - Liar [Insanity]]
23:01 Kibbleru: this should be faster prob
23:02 Kibbleru: insane+ not so limited to difficulty q:
23:02 Snepif: what do you mean
23:02 Kibbleru: insane and up
23:03 Kibbleru: not limited to difficulty of patterns
23:03 Snepif: i think the diff is quite good as an insane
23:03 Snepif: considering the bpm of the song
23:03 Snepif: o.O
23:03 Snepif: you have bloodlust if you want faster
23:03 Kibbleru: i know lol
23:03 Kibbleru: i was just saying
23:03 Kibbleru: this should go faster
23:04 Kibbleru: because insane is not limited to being "too hard"
23:04 Snepif: AAAAAAH
23:04 Snepif: go faster i thought you meant
23:04 Snepif: the diff should be faster sv-wise and stuff
23:04 Kibbleru: o
23:04 Kibbleru: lol
23:05 Kibbleru: 02:26:463 (7,8,1) - okay this overlaps with the previous circle cuz of stack leneicy lol
23:05 Kibbleru: if u wana keep it its fine but i dont think it was intended
23:06 Kibbleru: 02:41:681 (1) - touches hp bar
23:08 Snepif: fixed
23:08 Kibbleru: bloodlust
23:08 *Kibbleru is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/569097 ONE OK ROCK - Liar [Bloodlust]]
23:08 Kibbleru: 00:58:348 (1,2) - should really swap nc lol
23:09 Snepif: wow
23:09 Snepif: my bad
23:11 Kibbleru: k im cool with this diff
23:11 Kibbleru: update and ill redl
23:11 Kibbleru: then ill check all the unrankable stuff
23:12 Snepif: updating
23:12 Kibbleru: oh fuck i gotta check sb too
23:12 Kibbleru: i called xgor so hopefully he got most lol
23:12 Kibbleru: ive never checked a sb before .-.
23:13 Snepif: there's not much to be checked
23:14 Kibbleru: i lol'd a bit
http://puu.sh/eFlOn/948ad73f7b.png23:14 Snepif: i fixed everything he told me
23:14 Snepif: UPDATED AGAIN
23:14 Snepif: ahahahaha
23:14 *Kibbleru is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/569097 ONE OK ROCK - Liar]
23:15 Kibbleru: u still have some unsnapped green sections apparently
23:15 Snepif: where
23:15 Kibbleru: let me repost them on the forums from ai bat lol
23:15 Snepif: nono
23:15 Snepif: just let me open aibaty
23:15 Kibbleru: i dont think u can click the links tho from there
23:16 Snepif: doesnt matter
23:16 Kibbleru: too lat ei posted lmao.
23:17 Kibbleru: tbh
23:17 Kibbleru: 0 tags
23:17 Kibbleru: lol
23:17 Kibbleru: let me get lanturn to see if he can come up with some metadata stuff
23:17 Snepif: ok
23:19 Snepif: brb pizza real quick
23:19 Snepif: updated
23:19 Snepif: fixed all stuff u told me now
23:20 Kibbleru: oh right
23:20 Kibbleru: about the 3 soft hitnormals
23:20 Kibbleru: why?
23:20 Kibbleru: arent they exactly the same as the default soft hitnormal?
23:23 Kibbleru: owo
23:23 Kibbleru: pls q:
23:24 Kibbleru: add Niche Syndrome to tags its the album name
23:26 Snepif: ok
23:26 Kibbleru: anyway about the soft hitnormals then
23:26 Snepif: yeah but now it's mapped like this and i'd have to remake all hitsounds
23:26 Kibbleru: what do u mean o-o?
23:27 Snepif: errr actually im retarded
23:27 Snepif: i could just delete those
23:27 Snepif: and nothing would happen
23:27 Snepif: right?
23:27 Kibbleru: yeah
23:27 Kibbleru: LOL
23:28 Kibbleru: since its the same as the default soft hitnormal
23:28 Snepif: maybe i was drunk
23:28 Snepif: although i never drank alcohol in my life
23:28 Kibbleru: lol
23:28 Snepif: updated
23:29 Kibbleru: k did u remove the hitsounds?
23:29 Kibbleru: if so i will redl
23:29 *Kibbleru is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/566506 ONE OK ROCK - Liar]
23:30 Kibbleru: wtf
23:30 Kibbleru: let me restart osu -.-
23:31 Kibbleru: okay
23:37 Kibbleru: how bout ar 5.5 for normal
23:37 Kibbleru: diff
23:37 Kibbleru: idk
23:38 Kibbleru: since easy is ar 4
23:38 Kibbleru: so
23:38 Kibbleru: may also want to lower od a bit?
23:38 Kibbleru: u there? lol
23:38 Snepif: sry
23:38 Snepif: im back
23:38 Snepif: i was finishing the pizza
23:39 Kibbleru: lol
23:39 Snepif: it was homemade
23:39 Snepif: cant resist that
23:39 Kibbleru: wow
23:39 Kibbleru: lol
23:39 Kibbleru: read above
23:39 Snepif: ok
23:39 Snepif: done
23:39 Kibbleru: maybe for normal ar+ 0.5 and od - 0.5 or 1
23:39 Kibbleru: update after
23:41 Snepif: dooone
23:41 Kibbleru: hmm did u make any changse to the other diffs owo? it prompted me to update
23:42 Snepif: o.O
23:42 Snepif: maybe
23:42 Kibbleru: o-o
23:42 Snepif: the green line
23:42 Snepif: snap
23:42 Snepif: ?
23:42 Kibbleru: hmm maybe
23:42 Snepif: yeah should be that
23:43 Snepif: (i secretely fucked em up so now you'll bubble the worst map of your life)
23:43 Kibbleru: lol
23:44 Kibbleru: welp
23:44 Kibbleru: that took a while
23:45 Snepif: indeed
23:45 Kibbleru: do u have the logs still btw
23:45 Kibbleru: for this
23:45 Kibbleru: if so post them q: