
say something weird about yourself

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Everytime I open the window I check for spiders if one is there I close it again
I'm scared of mirrors. Slightly.
I often loathe the person that I have chosen to be.
I have the issue of constantly watching people; makes me look like a creeper/stalker.

FuZ wrote:

every time i go in the bathroom i check the bathtub to see if there's no murderer hiding :v
I do this sometimes.

Chocoboeater1 wrote:

I have the issue of constantly watching people; makes me look like a creeper/stalker.
I do that a lot actually
by watching the people in my school, I can figure out their characteristics and habits, the information I gather is rather useful in the end. that's not weird
I have a mixed accent between Scottish, English and Filipino. :/
I have this deep, monotone voice .w.
I have a low voice that I hate.
Gimme a loli voice please.
I take care of others wayyyy before myself
my laziness depends on the length of my hair, the longer they are, the more lazy i am
For some reason I can't explain, I used to love to get rid of my skin peels if I got hurt.

The perks of being sadomasochistic
I never take off my jacket, unless it's absolutely required.
Whenever I see a little girl, even in public, I can't help but say 'Loli!".

Chocoboeater1 wrote:

Whenever I see a little girl, even in public, I can't help but say 'Loli!".
You can get arrested for that.

ionatheotaku wrote:

I have a low voice that I hate.
Gimme a loli voice please.
Low voices are sexy.
I strongly dislike loli voices, they are everything but cute.
You should hear me in person then

OT: Sometimes I go out of my way to avoid friends because I don't want to talk

a1l2d3r4e5d6 wrote:

I have a mixed accent between Scottish, English and Filipino. :/
I have a strong desire to hear your voice now.

Garpo wrote:

You should hear me in person then

OT: Sometimes I go out of my way to avoid friends because I don't want to talk
I would love to.
why did i read that as prison the first time wth

OT: I get jealous quite easily.
1. I can „fart“ with my right ear
2. Always bored

Garpo wrote:

OT: Sometimes I go out of my way to avoid friends because I don't want to talk
This. Just this.
I have an obsession with the word Allahu Akbar (+explosion sound effect).
Like seriously, I can't stop saying it.

No racist
Arief Santosa
always watching anime when im bored or playing osu
suspenseful anime increases my awakeness from when i was really tired before

Pituophis wrote:

a1l2d3r4e5d6 wrote:

I have a mixed accent between Scottish, English and Filipino. :/
I have a strong desire to hear your voice now.
Never! >:3

OT: I clean the toilet seat before I use it every time. Even when I know that it's been thoroughly cleaned beforehand.
I don't really feel fear even if I'm paranoid about something
I love horror movies and games,
but whenever I'm with people I can't handle them. :/

Chocoboeater1 wrote:

I love horror movies and games,
but whenever I'm with people I can't handle them. :/
I will also usually react to stimuli in a way similar to those around me, even though when I am in circumstances where I am alone I would react differently.

OT: I hatched and am watching some Triops Newberryi grow in a jar. I also have a container filled with roly polies/woodlice/sow bugs.
i have a serious, odd obsession with minami takahashi/suzuko mimorin
I Give Up
I smile when I'm sad and laugh when I cry.
I love blood.
when I want to watch/read something I don't look at the plot; instead, I look at the genre
Does identifying an anime character's seiyuu with 60-70% accuracy count as weird?
I obsess over things too much.
My eyes tear up over the slightest thing

Aomi wrote:

I get jealous quite easily.
I snap my fingers every time I play a beatmap, be it pass or fail.
I tend to wash the dishes even when they were already washed.

Just to use them.
I have a very stereotypical impression of private school students being really posh who eats nothing less than caviar and the highest quality of meat for snacks.

...even though I'm a former private school student who knew what it was really like.
My class wants to start a fundraiser to get our Year Head a tango dance class.
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