
Vocaloid UPick (Game Over)

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Frostings wrote:

Frostings wrote:

This post from Jess makes me think RB's death was unintentional. Ace used rolestop on Jess and Jess made the factionkill, thinking the rolestop was gonna bypass the LR
I stand by this post
But then wouldn't RB have not gotten hit by anything, surely, because the roleblock would've gone for him instead.
oh shet you're right

Jess wrote:

also thanks for my partner who have use my power to do silly things
The other interpretation then is Jess used Strongman thinking it wouldn't be affected by LR
That would make sense. In that situation, the only people who would've made that mistake would be me and AT, because of the fact Sakura and Amianki are both a lot more experienced than us two.

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

But then wouldn't RB have not gotten hit by anything, surely, because the roleblock would've gone for him instead.
Jess said her power was used
her power was a STRONGMAN
Although i wouldnt be surprised if Ace confused Strongman with Strongwilled.
either way, I think Sakura's idea of lynching MB first won't work out because of something I shouldn't mention, and I'm confident Ace will flip scum

Ace is a rolestopper for godsakes, we were talking all throughout Day1 about the possibility of a Doctor to make the game Nightless, and he didn't use his shot
Also i should probably finish reading the page, since Frosty already explained that, derp
Ace Timing

Sakura wrote:

Ace Timing wrote:

My best paraphrase: "concealing emotions and stuff"
I meant the flavor of your ability/ies, not only the bold stuff.
My role blocks all actions that target the my target.

Frostings wrote:

either way, I think Sakura's idea of lynching MB first won't work out because of something I shouldn't mention, and I'm confident Ace will flip scum

Ace is a rolestopper for godsakes, we were talking all throughout Day1 about the possibility of a Doctor to make the game Nightless, and he didn't use his shot
This is a good point.
If Ace is town he shouldn't have seen a strongman incoming, or would've rather at least to save RB despite he not being able to be saved.
I'm fine with an Ace lynch for today, but then if Ace is actually town, we can't use the roleblock to target Frostings. Whilst I'm getting more and more certain he is scum, if he's not then it'd be nice to at least have 1 conf town at the end of the game.
At this point im mostly waiting for Amianki's opinion.
tbh I'm just trying to figure out what night actions are optimal.
Ace Timing
So who're you guys going to lynch when I townflip? MB?
Thing is
Realistically the only roles i can see being on scum are yours and Amianki's.
You havent used your role when you could've used it to try and save someone (i.e. RB) specially after all that discussion D1 or used it to protect someone N2.
I highly doubt MB is lying about his role after the reaction test i did.
If Amianki's scum, then town has no investigative power.
My role is way too weak for a scum role (IMO), but that's up for debate if you guys disagree.

So yeah.
investigative lol
Vote: Ace Timing
I'm sure this is flipping scum, and in the 0% chance that it doesn't, there is a small chance that this lynch is better than MB's, I'm not gonna say why, because it'll help scum
Yeah looks like we're not progressing any more here.
Vote: Ace
also in the 0% chance that Ace flips town, then MB is probably the remaining scum
Ace Timing
yeah this went poorly.

VOTE: Ace Timing
honor and stuff.
So you say you're flipping scum? yay
Also I guess Jess didnt put Ace in her townreads.
Guess I made a mistake with that, but at least i was right about Drezi, haha.
Topic Starter
Ace Timing (3) - Frostings, Sakura, Ace Timing

Not voting: Magic Bomb, Amikaniajcke
Topic Starter
It's illegal to lynch a tsundere so let's go lynch a pokerface.

Ace Timing, Ten Faces (Mafia 2-shot Rolestopper), was lynched dead Day 3

Role PM
Welcome to Vocaloid Mafia!

You are Ten Faces (Mafia 2-shot Rolestopper).

So who is Gumi?

Ten Faces: Hiding feelings and stuff. Twice per game, you may rolestop someone at night, preventing all actions that targets your target at night. You may rolestop yourself.

You win when all the town members are eliminated or nothing can prevent it from happening.

Sakura, Childish War(Town 1-shot Vanilize-gladiator), survived and won!

Role PM
Welcome to Vocaloid Mafia!

You are Childish War (Town 1-shot Vanilize-gladiator).

Wrath of the Aristocrats: Once per game, you may vanilize a player.

Too Childish though: ...but you must gladiate for it. Once gladiation begins, players will gain a vote just for vanilizing between you and your target.

Weird Random Headshaking Butlers: This have absolutely nothing to do with the game but I felt like pointing it out because lulz.

You win when all the mafia members are eliminated.

Amianki, Space<=>Formation (Town Flavor Cop), survived and won!

Role PM
Welcome to Vocaloid Mafia!

You are Space <=> Formation (Town Flavor Cop).

Totally irrelevant to the song: It won't be surprising without one of those, amirite? During the night, you may visit a player to learn your target's music.

You win when all the mafia members are eliminated.

Frostings, World is Mine (Town Innocent Child), survived and won!

Role PM
Welcome to Vocaloid Mafia!

You are World is Mine (Town Innocent Child).

Number one princess

I am the number one princess of the world: When you post Sekai de Ichiban Ohimesama in the thread, mod will confirm you as town.

You win when all the mafia members are eliminated.

Magic Bomb, Meltdown (Town Reflexive Fruit Vendor), survived and won!

Role PM
Welcome to Vocaloid Mafia!

You are Meltdown (Town Reflexive Fruit Vendor).

Hey, take me to the nuclear reactor: During the night, if someone visits you, they will receive the message "Hey, take me to the nuclear reactor"

You win when all the mafia members are eliminated.
Sorry for the AtE D1 Frosty, i don't want you to feel bad for pushing me there.
Raging Bull
I never got my deadchat :(

Raging Bull wrote:

I never got my deadchat :(
Welcome to GIF game.
yeah sorry about my paranoia, I didn't know you'd get upset about it, and I didn't think I was tunneling too hard, since I had almost no case against you and I was only half-serious
Yeah, you were like that on Madoka too, but since i was town this time it agitated me a lot more.
My goal this game was to avoid getting mislynched/NKd until at least one scum had died, or until MyLo to use my Innocent Child, so I claimed VT at the start to try to avoid both those things
Pretty much for me: As Scum > I don't get agitated as much by tunnelers because i usually have scum partners that will defend me, since i tend to defend my scumbuddies a lot.
As Town > I feel cornered and alone so I start getting paranoid that im gonna be mislynched (again) because i did some stupid thing (re: me posting something without thiniking)
Never played with an Innocent Child before, so I wasn't sure when exactly was a good time to use it
But it seemed it worked out ok
There are only 2 good times to use it.
If you're gonna be lynched.
At LyLo

It's also good at MyLo if there's already a conf town.
Also, regarding the MB vs Ace lynch on Day3, I thought if we lynched MB then scum might get the idea to not make a faction kill. That way it would be MyLo with 4 people alive, requiring all 3 votes on scum to win the game.
If we lynched Ace, then I thought scum would get baited into making a NK on me to make the game LyLo and only need 2 votes on scum to win the game

I dunno if this is the correct way of going about it though
Maybe in the end game, 3 town is better than 2 town?
Uh, both MyLo and LyLo require all votes on scum to win the game.
also, man, MB got so paranoid all of a sudden in the end there. I started doubting myself except Ace's claim made 0 sense
Yeaah, Ace not even trying to stop the kill on RB after all the doctor talk made literally 0 sense.
Nor him not trying to stop a NK on someone during N2.
I still dunno how i even managed to get scumread this game '^'
apparently I'm insanely paranoid haha

also me defending Jess at the start didn't really feel like a chainsaw to me at all, I just got kinda sad seeing everyone jumping on the Jess wagon :(
I mean i had both scum buddying me, yet ppl still managed to scumread me.

Sakura wrote:

I still dunno how i even managed to get scumread this game '^'
Well, I explained what gave me that impression in my post. After 10 pages only, that lengthy analysis concluding in 1) and 2) that Frostings must be scum defending Jess felt really forced, I didn't think him saying that you're pushing Jess over way too little way too hard had been scummy. I think the Jess push itself had been fine, but the fact that you scumread Frostings right away for taking that stance felt like a setup. As in you generated the reason for him to take that (in my opinion neutral) stance, and then used it to make a case against him.
Ace Timing
@sakura if I ever seemed defensive or rude earlier on, I apoligize it was just AtE trying to get other players to think I'm town through meltdowns instead of actual points to defend myself from your onslaught.
Ace Timing

-[Jess]- wrote:

99% luck i think and i hope scum has a roleblocker than can block RB
I thought I was so screwed because of this post XD
Topic Starter
endgame scene updated
My paranoia at the end of the game was mainly due to what I realised about Jess not mentioning Ace, and Sakura's comment did seem really scummy to me, honestly xD

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

My paranoia at the end of the game was mainly due to what I realised about Jess not mentioning Ace, and Sakura's comment did seem really scummy to me, honestly xD
It's fine honestly, I also tend to get a lot of paranoia at end game, specially at LyLo.
well that was fast lmao
Also, lol, both scum self-hammered.
I lol'd more at Jess being scum -again-.
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