
The most angry you have gotten at osu!

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What is the worst rage/anger you have gotten while playing osu! and how did it happen?
i don't rage because i enjoy game
my first 200+ pp
clicking circles is like meditating under a waterfall, nothing rage inducing about it, but occasionally the waterfall stops... I'm a sad failer not an angry one.
My rage cycle still happens

-plays easy song for pp
-miss easy note
-miss easy note again
-gets angry
-retry and miss again
-retry and miss more
-then i lose my ability to think logically and smash the first thing i can see
-rage quit
-comes back 1 day later and repeat
Osu! can be frustrating , though i dont think anyone can get angry playing it, but i admit, i can be pretty dissapointed and sad sometimes.
Topic Starter

Jojoha wrote:

My rage cycle still happens

-plays easy song for pp
-miss easy note
-miss easy note again
-gets angry
-retry and miss again
-retry and miss more
-then i lose my ability to think logically and smash the first thing i can see
-rage quit
-comes back 1 day later and repeat
Same here
When I tried to FC some hard shit and I was like only 20-30 combo away for FC, but then I choke (results with miss) and sometimes fail if the choke is bad enough (For example with this map I played today, I choked around 1620x combo and then failed ;w;)
I don't really get angry at the game, but it's pretty damn demotivating to be surpassed by more talented players than yourself
broke a mouse once playing standard

thats about it
Once I got so angry I went to the library to check out a dictionary and spent a few hours reading it while eating boiled eggs on my porch.
I slam my keyboard and quit

-Tim- wrote:

broke a mouse once playing standard

thats about it
rip my G100S
i once got so angry i retried the beatmap
I did a fidget when I restarted a map after fcing it. It had a pause after the last spinner and I ended up restarting.

pandaBee wrote:

Once I got so angry I went to the library to check out a dictionary and spent a few hours reading it while eating boiled eggs on my porch.
A+ shitpost

Give our boy some props!
Shohei Ohtani
One time I got so mad at osu! that I blind-ranked 6 maps so that I could get removed from the BN team, only to have my silence extended when I found out that I could still rank maps even when I was silenced
Scream italian swears, wake people up, punch keyboard (cheap 25$), the desk, quit, wait 20 sec, restart game
Smash the keyboard. Walk around the room asking myself ''why da frack am I so bad''.
Usually but depending on situation i sometimes punch my table and take one of my old keyboards and throw them outside

This map knocked a shit ton of sodium chloride.
Getting angry at how angry I get from stupid things XD
The Gambler
Binge eating is one of the healthiest ways to deal with stress.

After losing a 600 combo on HR I literally ransacked my pantry and left it completely barren.

All that seaweed, cup noodles and Pocky that my sister saved up... All gone.
One of the quirks my Osu client has is that, occasionally, when I spin super duper quick on a spinner, it will pause the game.

This leads to what is often a catastrophic set of events.

1 - Game gets paused in middle of spinner, not bad by itself. Talinoth is up to 96% acc, 500x combo in a 800x combo map.
2 - Mouse cursor goes over orange "Retry" button.
3 - Talinoth accidentally hits Retry when he's absolutely slamming a 4.5 star Insane and going for the S rank.

This can typically take place in half a second.

The effects are felt for far longer.




ShadyAngel wrote:

Osu! can be frustrating , though i dont think anyone can get angry playing it, but i admit, i can be pretty dissapointed and sad sometimes.

Helpful forumgoers (totally not shitposters) wrote:

Helpful, on-topic posts <3 totally not shitposts at all what are you talking about

Astrofiziks wrote:

i don't rage because i enjoy game

Other people I disagree with wrote:

Of course nobody ever gets mad at Osu!

Hang on, I think I need to purge a lethal concentration of NaCl out of my system.

PS: Also, I now back up all critical documents in three places. The only path to enlightenment is suffering.
i never get angry, i fcd daidai genome with nf 98% acc, couldn't stop laughing for the next 10 mins
wanna see angry? look at my userpage under the "1 miss compilation"

I also get angry when:
1) I keep missing at the same part for no reason at all
2) My tablet pen dies when I'm playing (I sort of have a crack on my pen barrel but tried to fix it by taping it)
3) Fails an almost fc song because computer lag (凸)
4) When a spinner comes out at the end of the song and I thought it was the end then I start to relax, but actually THERE'S MORE
When i almost passed proluvies HDHR
Screenshot : ( dont mind name on hp bar im too lazy to edit skin )
Map link :

And when ppl bitch about hollow wings and skystar being shitmappers just because they cant read the maps because all they play are farm maps like tatoe and genome
This sliderbreak broke my koigokoro

The break made me speechless and gestured randomly in front of my computer.
99.75% wowowowww
Once Osu! crashed and i lost 6 hours of work from my map...

I was so angry that i threw my glass to the wall.
When I play a pp map and get 1x miss, then deliriously trying to make that an S by playing the same map for over an hour. My accuracy starts going down and eventually I get so tense that I can hardly even hit notes. Every time this happens I rage and quit osu for awhile...
When you fuck up a song then fc it anyway and only because you had all the acc drops at the end cant fix acc, Also random fcing a song with shit acc then not being able to get combo on it ever like.
On multiple occasions I have trolled myself by submitting a shitty HD FC on top of a nomod SS.

Playing on my old PC with a slow ass Core 2 Duo and resulting random frame drops / KB&M inconsistencies was also great
some random day over a year ago when i spent over 6 hours trying to get a good score on some beatmap then i quit rip
I was playing Airman and I hadn't beaten it at the time. I died on the last three notes cause I thought the spinner marked the end of the beatmap. Needless to say I temporarily quit osu.

Astrofiziks wrote:

i don't rage because i enjoy game
Your avatar says it all.
>hits a 100 in an otherwise SS run
I got so angry I ran over my cm storm trigger with our car and it still didnt break

itisanosu wrote:

I was playing Airman and I hadn't beaten it at the time. I died on the last three notes cause I thought the spinner marked the end of the beatmap. Needless to say I temporarily quit osu.
I uninstalled the game about 4 times because of anger/frusration
It usually happens when i see that I have these "bad days" in game all of a sudden (Which is a stupid reason, I just can't control my temper)
And guess what? I always reinstalled the game back again after 3 days without it
Mine is pretty gradual. I'm usually fine, some days i feel like a got the mofo'n sharingan and others tilt until I freakin capsize. For me to rage quit though i have to be retrying the same map for 2 to 3 hours before i have to find my sanity i.e clean glasses, make a coffee, raid the pantry; you know the deal.
well.. let's say it hurts to choke on a 200pp score
Choke :(

Last Hitcircle one miss, my Top Play with DT has a last hitcircle one miss... :(
Mirai Kuriyama
I broke my laptop and had to buy a new one the next day, I was trying to beat a hard map and blacked out for a second after failing for the umpteenth time.
Sometimes im not in the mood but i force myself to play ,i go full combo on a song i say to myself "WOW you're going strong, let's play a bit harder map."
i play that map , i say "ahh it's easy" then i loose the rhythm and i miss a single note near the end.

My biggest annoyance (can't really say rage) was having a really great play on a 5 minute song to only find out I had NF turned on.
I was FCing a really hard song and I choked in one of the final notes, I got so angry I slapped my laptop which resulted in a Blue Screen of Death. I never got angry again because I was fearing what I could do when I snapped, so if I felt myself slipping up I would just alt+f4 immediately and go play some relaxing game.
about to pass a map that was almost impossible for me , got to end with low hp, and there was a slider. a long one.
i died halfway through it, i almost smashed my keyboard and tablet
I just destroyed the menu key on my keyboard by ramming the stylus under it.

I'm having some kind of "osu! burnout syndrome" where I can't do shit anymore. Guess I have to take a break for several days; this is what helped the last times. And after returning, I was usually better than before. And even more important, the game was fun again. After my first break I was suddenly able to do longer streams, and after my second break I was able to do much bigger jumps at smaller circles sizes, so my aim suddenly improved a lot by NOT playing the game.

I guess that taking a break is necessary for the training effect to kick in. Anyone else here experiencing the same?
not being able to quit osu!

also nice old thread
-Makishima S-
The "WHY U HEFF TO BE MED" thread

Only one time throwed my pen across the room when overstreamed GoldenWolf World's End long stream in middle.
Hm never rage instead laugh if it's a 1 miss. If it's a fail near the end or something I just stop n face palm for a good 2-4 seconds.
I never have raged at osu. When i miss i just look at it and retry. I think about what i did wrong and try harder next time.
All of the times I've yelled or muttered angrily at my monitor were caused by myself which frustrated me more. Both are from bloody retry button lol.

The first one was where I press (not hold) the key to restart, so everything dims to black and I get ready to begin again, and then the map continues on. It was extremely infuriating when I was trying to FC one of those really short 1 minute maps with Hard Rock so I was restarting a ton and almost every time I didn't hold it down long enough.

Second was when I was doing pretty well and I paused during a break to go get a drink. I come back to the menu and automatically without thinking pressed 'Retry'... I just sat there for a bit then pressed Alt+F4 really hard to exit.

Edit: The ` Symbol didn't show that well

YoshikuniKazuko wrote:

All of the times I've yelled or muttered angrily at my monitor were caused by myself which frustrated me more. Both are from bloody retry button lol.

The first one was where I press (not hold) the key to restart, so everything dims to black and I get ready to begin again, and then the map continues on. It was extremely infuriating when I was trying to FC one of those really short 1 minute maps with Hard Rock so I was restarting a ton and almost every time I didn't hold it down long enough.

Second was when I was doing pretty well and I paused during a break to go get a drink. I come back to the menu and automatically without thinking pressed 'Retry'... I just sat there for a bit then pressed Alt+F4 really hard to exit.

Edit: The ` Symbol didn't show that well
You have no idea how much the retry thing infuriates me. I'll pause during a break and alt+tab to do somethinng, then I come back and I accidentally press the mouse button and the fucking cursor is akways at the top of the retry button (I play Mania). That's why I developed a habit of dragging the cursor somewhere else every time I start a song.
choking easy maps to the point where I uninstalled :^)
I Give Up
I never get mad at osu, I only get sad and upset. It was around January 2015 when I began to fall from my peak rank due to not being able to increase my eyes to ar10.3. I remember I was so depressed with myself that I played deathstream maps for hours until my hand started to hurt. Accumulated almost 200,000 hits that one day. Ten times my normal amount.
I don't really get mad at osu (or any video game), but any time my computer has a lag spike that causes a choke, I gat a little tilted.
The most angry I've gotten is when I said "fuck" too loud and got grounded... im 24.
their was this map i continously retried for hours once and knew i could fc it but the chokes was so hard i ended up just deleting it cause it enraged me so hard, and then my friend sends me an request to play for him like a month later.. yeah its that map im just about to fc on the last 2 notes i miss and i die automatically.. out of shock i dont understand why then i see i had sudden death on..



fml deleted map again n quit for like a week
I destroyed a keyboard, 3 mice on my whole osu career and that's about it.
Not really angry, but I usually get upset...

If you're asking me atm. Now I can't play anything (in osu!) cuz' of my current left hand not work well for these past months. Kind of make me upset...
For my old-self, when shitmiss near the end of the song or getting low acc I usually get upset.
i get pretty furious everyday that im not streaming any better than i was 2 years ago

i feel like aqo except im too stubborn to quit
If I can keep my anger bottled up, I sit back in my chair and just stare at the ceiling while my pulse is so strong and rapid it makes my head bob back and forth with each beat because my blood is at the boiling point. If I can't handle it, I slam my desk a few times, contemplate breaking my pen before I throw it at the wall while saying fuck fuck fuck fuck over and over. Fun game.
At the end of the level where the last note (which is a spinner 3*) I got PISED (not raged once ever in Osu) and later laughed
I once threw my mouse at the monitor and they both broke
playing aoi eir ignite
When playing the same song over 300 times and shitmiss every single firetrucking one of them.

And I know that I can play the map perfectly, because it's that single miss that separates me and a SS score
I don't really rage much at this game, but when I do, it's usually when I retry the same song for FC after a shitmiss and keep missing in the first 20 seconds over and over after previously having no issues with it.
Shino Inuzuka
When you are fcing an extremely hard map and you've been trying to for AGES and you think you finally did it... until you miss the very last note.
when u made a mistake right before the song went into a slow rhythm part, and you know you're fucked
when you playing madness map. expectation you can do it but reallita... duh... TL_T
slammed keyboard, broke one mice, that's it pretty much

Jojoha wrote:

My rage cycle still happens

-plays easy song for pp
-miss easy note
-miss easy note again
-gets angry
-retry and miss again
-retry and miss more
-then i lose my ability to think logically and smash the first thing i can see
-rage quit
-comes back 1 day later and repeat
when i'm at a multi fcing a really hard map and accidentally exit the lobby.
I'm raging when I'm underperforming a lot, like way worse than usual. Happens once every bluemoon, but I feel sorry for my osu! "friends" who'll have to bear me then lmfao.

That's all about it, I usually play for skill and fun, so any mistake will be a lesson and if I play for fun I couldn't care less.
o x
Xeno. I tried over and over and over trying to FC the map I got so mad I stopped playing osu! competitively for a while (a year) I guess I don't get visibly angry anymore. I have broken anything over osu! Maybe the worst thing I did was smash my and on the desk but that's nothing.
I missed six times by the halfway point of this map because my computer likes to lag for a split-second occasionally and break my streak. Turns out, going into fullscreen mode solved it. But I was pretty annoyed. I don't think I've ever gotten truly angry at this game, though. Usually it's just disappointment/awkward laughter if I mess up.
Getting a random slider break near the end of a song
Everytime I shitmiss

Edit: Also when I failed on the last 5 minutes on Mashiro Iro Symphony Medley
Combo breaks almost at the end when S-ing a 3.1 star Beatmap...

Weird to be pissed about.
E m i

1. had the best acc on this
2. came back after 6 months to try to ss, did that
3. was playing it for an hour only to do THAT
4. ended up HDDTing with a 50 on the first note, only ss now
osu is the only game I really tilt at. Recently I started throwing around my tablet pen because I can't keep a grip - the button fell out and it looks a bit different. Still works though. Acc is piss easy. Aim mistakes tilt me.
E m i

herrkamink wrote:

osu is the only game I really tilt at. Recently I started throwing around my tablet pen because I can't keep a grip - the button fell out and it looks a bit different. Still works though. Acc is piss easy. Aim mistakes tilt me.
your top ranks look exactly like mine
everyday because i wasn't as good as i used to
Sometimes I slam my hand down on my keyboard. This is the real reason I need a mech keyboard, if I had a normal one I'd be on my fifth by now.
i once retried this map for an entire day just to try and pass it and i ended up quitting osu for a year because of that

dont think ive ever did stuffs like slamming or hitting or throwing anything tbh

wwwww_ wrote:

Xeno. I tried over and over and over trying to FC the map I got so mad I stopped playing osu! competitively for a while (a year) I guess I don't get visibly angry anymore. I have broken anything over osu! Maybe the worst thing I did was smash my and on the desk but that's nothing.
lol guess I'm not alone in this

VanillaSandvich wrote:

i once retried this map for an entire day just to try and pass it and i ended up quitting osu for a year because of that

dont think ive ever did stuffs like slamming or hitting or throwing anything tbh

wwwww_ wrote:

Xeno. I tried over and over and over trying to FC the map I got so mad I stopped playing osu! competitively for a while (a year) I guess I don't get visibly angry anymore. I have broken anything over osu! Maybe the worst thing I did was smash my and on the desk but that's nothing.
lol guess I'm not alone in this
1 year ago i was playing multi. The host chose this map
I did an awesome sigthreading for my skill level at that moment, having less than 20 misses. Mostly "random" misses. Then i think, ohhh maybe i can full combo this. I'm going to full combo this map!!! I get so mad and play it 250 times in a row to get an A 12 misses xD. Was more than 24 hours playing it for don't get the full combo '--.
At least i get the archivment obsessed. xD

I instantly remember this thread now lol, rip choking a 7 min map

VanillaSandvich wrote:

I instantly remember this thread now lol, rip choking a 7 min map
Lol, poor guy xD
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