ohai mod from the queue thing wtv
["that" diff]
00:17:330 (17330|0) - probably can move to somewhere more comfortable imo
00:28:258 (28258|4,28258|2,28687|1,28687|5) - During the playtest, these notes are way too close, players will easily get tricked by this slowjam here, please do add a >1.0 SV here 00:28:258 - AND move the 0.5x SV forward so that the gap doesn't feel to close
00:36:830 (36830|2) - Really think that you can shorten this by 1/4 to make the transition of LNs in the left hand smoother
00:38:544 (38544|1,39401|0,39401|2) - eeeeh idk about this, it feels ok but not so ok at the same time, if possible, make it more comfortable
00:50:544 (50544|2,51615|3,51615|1,51830|5,51830|4,51830|0,52044|3,52044|6,52044|4) - Not the most comfortable LN patterning here mainly due to the long LN ( yea i know it sounds stupid ) on column 3 | i suggest to shorten that by 3/2 so that it plays better
00:52:580 (52580|5,52687|6) - Move left by 1, same thing, it plays better imo
00:53:437 - well idk, it's not consistent, you didn't map the 1/4 here but you did previously, not sure if it's a mistake or intended but wtv
00:55:151 (55151|0) - well yea, this could be more comfortable imo |
( bar on 00:54:830 - )
00:57:187 (57187|1,57187|5,57187|2,57187|4,57401|2,57401|4) - This SV is either not done well or is a trap, well idk about your intentions here, but i honestly think that SVs aren't really needed here with consideration of the feeling in the music
00:55:687 (55687|1,55687|5) - feels weird ending these LNs on an empty 1/2, might want to shorten by 1/2
01:04:258 (64258|6,64258|3,64472|6,64472|4,64687|3,64687|6) - This is extremely weird on the right hand here with 1 finger anchored while having to do hammers and LNs here, migth want to reconsider this
01:05:972 (65972|3) - if possible, make this 3/4 shorter, the anchors on both hands here feel abit to overkill and hard to time the LN ends for good accuracy
01:10:258 (70258|3,70472|5,70472|2,70472|4,70472|1,70580|4,70580|2,70687|6,70687|0,70687|5,70687|1,70794|5,70794|1,70901|2,70901|1,70901|5,70901|4) - For me, it's just very very very very very weird to hammer with these LNs here and with a SV trap after that, it really ticks me off
eeeh i don't really feel like modding this further, else i might rage or some crap
in general, i don't like this map, the LNs here makes it super awkward to execute patterns with anchors on hands especially on hammers like 01:24:401 (84401|1,84401|5,84508|5,84508|1,84615|5,84615|0,84615|1,84722|0,84722|5,84830|5,84830|0) - , i'm not even sure if this is going to be fun at all to anyone, but it is definitely going to be a challenge
additional stuff that i noticed while glancing through this
01:26:972 (86972|0,87401|6,87830|0,88687|0,88901|4) - the usage of 1/6 LNs to map to synths here feel inconsistent
01:38:972 - Might want to utilize the effect of slow SVs here so that it fits well with the soft piano here
00:21:401 (21401|1,22044|2,22258|0,22258|2,22472|1) - If possible, spread the density towards the right, since it feels a tad bit biased here
00:28:258 - Same thing here, the SV trap is just uncomfortable to play with
00:57:187 - ^
01:05:865 (65865|6) - Well, you can move this to the left hand if you want to make it more comfortable
01:07:687 (67687|1) - Might want to shorten by 1/4 here so that you end the LN with the note on the left, it feels more comfortable
01:08:972 (68972|6,68972|4) - ^
01:21:401 (81401|4,81401|6,81401|3,81615|0,81722|5,81722|1,81722|2,81830|6,81830|0,82044|6,82044|4,82044|1,82151|5,82258|6,82258|0) - wow tbh this doesn't really fit the music, it's like big diff spike where everyone misses, try to make it simpler like the patterns behind, it doesn't really need a spike with consideration of the intensity of the music imo
01:23:972 (83972|4,83972|3,83972|0) - might want to tune down the volume of the notes here, it feels too loudainofewegfouwebg
01:26:972 (86972|1,86972|0,86972|2,86972|4) - idk, BATs will probably shoot this chord down since it feels "overchorded" ( lol ) for a simple clap
01:31:687 - imo nice transition from rigid chords to a more dynamic rhythm here
01:38:544 (98544|6,98544|0) - Might want to remove these, the music cuts out the last bit of the rhythmic pattern here on 1/4, so removing this suits the music more
01:38:972 - Might want to utilize the effect of slow SVs here so that it fits well with the soft piano here
00:18:615 (18615|6,18615|3,18615|0) - OMG OVERCHORDOUABIFBFIBI idk, nerf if you want actually, hopefully bats overlook this cause idk wtf is wrong with overchording by 1 note here
00:22:901 (22901|2,23115|2) - eeeh idk about this 1/2 hammer, might want to avoid it since there's nothing really strong here to emphasize?
00:43:687 (43687|4,43687|1,43687|0,43901|3) - Might want to modify this so that the chord here has the center key within it, it gives more impact
00:49:258 - TO 00:50:115 - i feel that you can map some percussion/non-piano shit on the right hand here to keep the right hand busy and to keep the main beat here flowing
00:52:044 (52044|1,52258|5,52472|2,52687|3,52901|4) - well idk what happened here, feels like you can map something more dynamic here by adding chords or mapping 1/4 pianos
00:53:115 (53115|5,53115|1,53330|2,53544|3,53758|4,53972|5,53972|0,54187|1,54401|2,54615|3,54830|0,54830|6,55044|5,55258|4,55472|3) - Yeaaaa, feels like you got lazy at this point or something, might want to rethink about this
01:07:687 - Maybe add a note on the left most column so that you chord for the kick and the synth
01:38:972 - Might want to utilize the effect of slow SVs here so that it fits well with the soft piano here
well idk hitsound volumes seem abit inconsistent here as a side note
[Etlie's Easy]
00:18:615 (18615|6,19687|5) - Might want to swap columns for better PR
00:35:972 (35972|0,35972|1) - Might want to have this somewhere on the right, it's not that far low in terms of pitch with respect to the next 4 notes
00:37:687 - Maybe add a note on the far left here? it's easier to time a 1/1 beat compared to a 1/2
00:51:187 (51187|2,51401|4) - Hammer if possible due to piano
00:53:437 (53437|2) - This is higher pitch than 00:53:115 (53115|3) - , | Modify 00:52:901 (52901|4,53115|3,53437|2,53758|4,53972|2) - accordingly if following PR
01:05:758 (65758|2,65972|4) - Hammer if possible
01:06:294 (66294|1) - This is higher pitch than 01:05:972 (65972|4) -
01:06:830 (66830|0) - Might want to make this somewhere in the middle right, to the right of this note 01:07:258 (67258|3) -
00:57:401 (57401|5,58044|2,58258|4,58901|1) - 01:11:115 (71115|6,71758|2,71972|5,72615|1) - i think you realise these are not consistent, well idk, if you want consistency, change it, if not it's fine too
01:14:865 (74865|1,75187|5) - Might want to follow PR by ctrl h -ing
01:15:830 (75830|1,76044|2,76258|3,76580|4,76901|1,77115|3,77437|4,77758|5,77972|6) - Might want to map this better in the PR aspect
01:20:544 (80544|6) - Move to the center key for PR
01:26:758 (86758|5) - Move left by 1 for PR mainly, with respect to the previous note 01:26:330 (86330|4) -
01:30:187 (90187|6) - ^
01:38:972 - A slowdown SV here won't hurt i guess, add if you want
err nothing else except that aimod thing in which you should find a higher bitrate mp3 if possible