
Kato*Fuku - You Gotta Love Me!

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-makoto yuki
Requested by IA42 not sure it's really help but here my mod:

- 00:17:312 (1) - ctrl+G ini (bila mengikuti ini berarti anda harus memindah posisi ini 00:18:668 (2) - ke x:304 y:336, yang ini 00:19:007 (3) - ke x224 y:312 dan yang ini 00:19:346 (1) - ke x:208 y:228)
- 01:22:736 (1) pindah ke x:292 y:48
[IA42's Normal]
- 00:31:210 (2,3) - pindah ke x:248 y:104
- 01:21:210 (4) - ctrl+G & hapus repeat dan pindah ke 01:21:380- (bila mengikuti ini berarti harus menambahkan note di sini 01:21:210-)
- 01:22:396- kiai time isn't snapped
- AR: 7.5 atau 7.8
- 00:35:278 (7) - pindah ke x:280 y:324
- 00:35:956 (3) - ^^^ x:316 y:264
- 01:15:617 (1,2,3,4) - buat spasi seperti ini (
- 01:24:261 (3) - pindah ke x:332 y:68

Hope this gonna be ranked soon :D

-makoto yuki wrote:

[IA42's Normal]
- 00:31:210 (2,3) - pindah ke x:248 y:104 >Fixed
- 01:21:210 (4) - ctrl+G & hapus repeat dan pindah ke 01:21:380- (bila mengikuti ini berarti harus menambahkan note di sini 01:21:210-) >Fixed
Here the link -->
Topic Starter

-makoto yuki wrote:

Requested by IA42 not sure it's really help but here my mod:

- 00:17:312 (1) - ctrl+G ini (bila mengikuti ini berarti anda harus memindah posisi ini 00:18:668 (2) - ke x:304 y:336, yang ini 00:19:007 (3) - ke x224 y:312 dan yang ini 00:19:346 (1) - ke x:208 y:228) (No Change. bakalan berakhir tanpa blanket)
- 01:22:736 (1) pindah ke x:292 y:48 (No Change. coba deh matiin grid snap nya pasti bakal kejauhan)
- 01:22:396- kiai time isn't snapped (fixed)
- AR: 7.5 atau 7.8 (No Change. Terlalu lambat untuk Insane)
- 00:35:278 (7) - pindah ke x:280 y:324 (No Change. sengaja aku buat stack biar lebih simple)
- 00:35:956 (3) - ^^^ x:316 y:264 (^^)
- 01:15:617 (1,2,3,4) - buat spasi seperti ini ( (No Change. biar tetep ngikutin flow nya 01:15:279 (6) dan biar 01:15:957 (2) stack di 01:14:940 (5) )
- 01:24:261 (3) - pindah ke x:332 y:68 (No Change. biar stack di setiap 01:23:245 (5,7,9) )

Hope this gonna be ranked soon :D
Ok Thanks for Mod :3
Maybe not much change in my diff but that help IA42's diff :3
Hi, here for M4M from your queue. Hope it helps.

This had some problems with pacing (specifically insane). There were times where two parts of the song felt like they had different levels of energy, but I didn't have to put more energy into my play when the song increased in energy. I think a rigid use of dist snap was one reason for this, so I mention some places where dist snap could be more flexible. This does make your beatmap harder(went from 4.07 to 4.10), so if you aren't going for that, think about it more as relative changes. Instead of making the jump bigger, you could go for making everything else smaller to give the same relative increase/decrease of energy. For a better explanation of pacing, watch this:


00:09:177 (1) – not a fan of the sliderticks. The clap is an active hitsound, it's one that the player should actually click. One way to keep it and make it feel a little active is by making an anchor there and making it bend/curve sharply. Otherwise I think this indicates an odd rhythm choice.

00:23:922 (1,2) – no overlap please.


The mapset should have the same combo colors. Please talk to Fantastica to make them the same.

Overlap intentionally or else it will look bad. This means put thought into every overlap into how it looks. Generally overlap looks bad and only looks good if it fits with the pattern. Examples of bad overlap
00:04:771 (4,1) -
00:12:566 (8,1) -
00:27:482 (5,2) -
00:44:431 (1,3) -
Notice in Fantastica's difficulty how he stacks some circles. See if this can work to your advantage, but be careful that it can still be read by a Normal player

00:29:515 (1,2) – Sharp changes in flow like this are both not good looking and can feel poor to play for a Normal. Use these only when the music has very sharp changes in mood, not because you ran out of grid. Another example of (imo) too sharp a turn 00:08:499 (5) -

00:31:380 (3,1) – blanket better
00:46:804 (5,2) – blanket this better

00:57:481 (2) – not sure what beat your mapping. This feels too hard for a normal and I would delete it to better match the slow rhythm.

01:03:075 (1) – Your hitsounds are off here and in a few other places (not sure why this doesn't have a clap)

Very pretty map.

00:05:110 (5) – Consider NC to match 00:08:499 (1) – 's NC and similar to insane?
00:13:244 (6) – NC?
There are some more issues with NC and Hard and insane conflict somewhat often. Take a second look at these and pm me in game if you want to ask how I would have structured the NC. (though I'm not the best at this myself)

00:27:481 (6,7) – I think the flow should conflict with itself instead of matching itself to go with the music better, but that's just my opinion. Consider doing Ctrl + G on 6 and 7 individually.

00:53:413 (2) – has some poor overlap, how about rotating to something like this?

00:59:007 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) – so much repetitive counterclockwise flow doesn't fit the song imo.

00:58:499 (3,4) – this overlap is borderline. I think I'd be okay with it but it seems like something most people wouldn't like. Consider solution above.

01:18:668 (3,5) – the overlap isn't pleasing. More importantly, the high energy on 01:19:515 (1) -, to me, demands a jump into it. 253, 217 feels like a good place for 5, regardless of the slight overlap with fading notes. Also notice how you made 01:19:515 (1) – linear. I think this is fitting because not only does energy change mean different distance, it could suggest a difference in flow. The past combo establishes a dominant clockwise flow, which although continued with (1), the linear slider sets up a release from the neutral tone of the clockwise flow, matching the relatively high energy lyric “shin” at 01:20:193 () - . I do not like the clockwise flow at 01:20:024 (2,3) – for this reason. However, given that the rhythm is different than what I'm describing, I'm not sure this is the direction you were going for, but this is the advice I have. End rant.


00:02:398 (2) – NC to show change in sv? Maybe even consider using a unique color combo for slow sections like 00:01:890 (1) -

00:19:855 (1) – I'd like to see a different curvature/position from 00:19:177 (3) – since the singer starts to add energy here. I moved it to 474, 26 and blanketed 00:19:177 (3) - , but didn't have enough room on the grid, so if you like this change see if you can move some prior notes down. With some fidgeting, this is what I got (though I don't like the prior fidgeting because I lost the stacks that you're amazing at making, so see if there's a way to incorporate the jump idea behind this slider while maintaining what you had):

00:21:042 (4,1) – increase the dist snap from 4 into 1, energy goes up, not down

00:20:364 (2,3,4,1,2) – This is what I read from the song: 2-->3 high, 3 --> 4 low, 4 → 1 even higher, 1-->2 high, 2-->3 release of high energy, go to a small rest of 3 and 4. This is how I think your dist spacing should go: 2-->3 1.8, 3 -->4 1.4, 4→1 2.1, 1-->2 1.8, 2-->3 1.4, or something proportional
again, I lost the stacking/blanketing, but see if you can retain those elements in your own way.

00:23:753 (4) – energy up, try 67, 225

00:27:313 (2,3) – increase in energy, put 2 and 5 at 281, 73 and adjust following pattern. Alternatively, I could see both these sliders being two circles each.

00:31:719 (4,5) – feels kind of awkward. Forcing the anti-jump on the stack feels like it's too small for anti-jump. I liked keeping it normal dist spacing of 1.2. 5 doesn't fit the slowed pattern and especially doesn't make sense to be a jump off an anti-jump. You shouldn't feel obliged to keep the clap hitsound since you introduce finishes to make up for it and reinforce a slightly different rhythm. I say put 00:31:719 (4) - at 418, 309 and delete 00:31:888 (5) -

00:49:855 (1) – I don't get the reason behind lowering the sv. Explain?

00:55:957 (1,2,3,4) – I liked spacing these out. Ctrl + Shift + S by 1.2 felt nice

01:02:567 (1,2,3,4,5) – The spacing felt very small, especially since this is part of a high energy part of the song. This is somewhat of a rest pattern, but I would still increase spacing to 1.2 or 1.3x

01:07:652 (5,6,7) – I think these should have bigger spacing than 01:06:974 (2,3,4) - keeping the stack on 01:07:143 (3,6) -

01:16:974 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) – The energy here feels like it increases from the previous slider spam. See if you like this rhythm (the pattern is meh, the beat is what I'm suggesting):

If you go for above rhythm ^, make 01:19:176 (5,6) – drums and have 5 be a clap and 6 be a finish, or some similar hitsound pattern

01:23:330 (6) – hitsound sounds weird

01:24:262 (3,4,5) – this feels a little similar to the previous clockwise flow, try doing CTRL + H

01:26:974 (1) – consider Ctrl + G?

I think the normal needs a lot of work.
Request from my modding Queue!

Unfortunately, I can't mod guest difficulties or insane +.

So I can mod easy and hard for you!


00:28:838 I think it would flow a bit better if you flip this slider horizontally.

00:50:193 This slider isn't very visually appealing. You might want to move the corner point down like this.

00:52:905 (1) (2) This isn't very easy like. I'm not sure if you can change this but you should consider it.

01:00:702 This curve is a bit flat. Try making it rounder like this?

01:10:193 I think this slider would look a bit more visually appealing if you bent it more towards the middle like this.

00:47:143 I suggest a NC here because a combo lasting to 6 is a bit long for easy mode.


00:10:871 It would be a bit of work, but I think it would look better if (5) blankets (6)

00:40:193 The slow in SV here is kind of unnecessary and might cause a slider break.

00:43:075 I like the idea of them gradually getting farther apart, but for hard mode, maybe make the spacing a bit smaller... Especially considering the speed in this part of the song?

00:45:787 Again^

00:50:532 (2) (3) The spacing of this might mess people up. I suggest moving these apart, but it's your map.

01:11:210 Maybe make (9) blanket (1)?

01:13:922 to 01:15:787 this spacing is very strange, and will most likely cause people to lose their combo.

01:16:973 This curve seems more appealing.

01:23:583 I would just drag the repeater out one more instead of putting a circle here.

01:28:160 Like in easy mode, maybe make each circle a NC? Completely optional and a matter of taste.

This song is really good! I want this ranked; well done!

pinataman wrote:


The mapset should have the same combo colors. Please talk to Fantastica to make them the same. >Fixed

Overlap intentionally or else it will look bad. This means put thought into every overlap into how it looks. Generally overlap looks bad and only looks good if it fits with the pattern. Examples of bad overlap
00:04:771 (4,1) - >Fixed
00:12:566 (8,1) - >Fixed
00:27:482 (5,2) - >Fixed
00:44:431 (1,3) - >Fixed
Notice in Fantastica's difficulty how he stacks some circles. See if this can work to your advantage, but be careful that it can still be read by a Normal player

00:29:515 (1,2) – Sharp changes in flow like this are both not good looking and can feel poor to play for a Normal. Use these only when the music has very sharp changes in mood, not because you ran out of grid. Another example of (imo) too sharp a turn 00:08:499 (5) - >kinda fixed

00:31:380 (3,1) – blanket better >kinda fixed
00:46:804 (5,2) – blanket this better >Fixed

00:57:481 (2) – not sure what beat your mapping. This feels too hard for a normal and I would delete it to better match the slow rhythm. >not to hard IMO so no (Failed)

01:03:075 (1) – Your hitsounds are off here and in a few other places (not sure why this doesn't have a clap) >Fixed
Here the link -->
Topic Starter

pinataman wrote:

Hi, here for M4M from your queue. Hope it helps.

This had some problems with pacing (specifically insane). There were times where two parts of the song felt like they had different levels of energy, but I didn't have to put more energy into my play when the song increased in energy. I think a rigid use of dist snap was one reason for this, so I mention some places where dist snap could be more flexible. This does make your beatmap harder(went from 4.07 to 4.10), so if you aren't going for that, think about it more as relative changes. Instead of making the jump bigger, you could go for making everything else smaller to give the same relative increase/decrease of energy. For a better explanation of pacing, watch this: Okay I understand


00:09:177 (1) – not a fan of the sliderticks. The clap is an active hitsound, it's one that the player should actually click. One way to keep it and make it feel a little active is by making an anchor there and making it bend/curve sharply. Otherwise I think this indicates an odd rhythm choice. No Change. :3 you know the reason

00:23:922 (1,2) – no overlap please. (Fixed)

Very pretty map.

00:05:110 (5) – Consider NC to match 00:08:499 (1) – 's NC and similar to insane? (Fixed)
00:13:244 (6) – NC?
There are some more issues with NC and Hard and insane conflict somewhat often. Take a second look at these and pm me in game if you want to ask how I would have structured the NC. (though I'm not the best at this myself) (Fixed)

00:27:481 (6,7) – I think the flow should conflict with itself instead of matching itself to go with the music better, but that's just my opinion. Consider doing Ctrl + G on 6 and 7 individually. (Fixed)
00:53:413 (2) – has some poor overlap, how about rotating to something like this? (No Change. I can't give a reason so I just say, I like it be)

00:59:007 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) – so much repetitive counterclockwise flow doesn't fit the song imo. (It's OK because I like this style. So no change)

00:58:499 (3,4) – this overlap is borderline. I think I'd be okay with it but it seems like something most people wouldn't like. Consider solution above. (Accepted and Fixed)

01:18:668 (3,5) – the overlap isn't pleasing. More importantly, the high energy on 01:19:515 (1) -, to me, demands a jump into it. 253, 217 feels like a good place for 5, regardless of the slight overlap with fading notes. Also notice how you made 01:19:515 (1) – linear. I think this is fitting because not only does energy change mean different distance, it could suggest a difference in flow. The past combo establishes a dominant clockwise flow, which although continued with (1), the linear slider sets up a release from the neutral tone of the clockwise flow, matching the relatively high energy lyric “shin” at 01:20:193 () - . I do not like the clockwise flow at 01:20:024 (2,3) – for this reason. However, given that the rhythm is different than what I'm describing, I'm not sure this is the direction you were going for, but this is the advice I have. End rant. (Fixed with my own position)


00:02:398 (2) – NC to show change in sv? Maybe even consider using a unique color combo for slow sections like 00:01:890 (1) - (Fixed, just using a normal color is good IMO :3)

00:19:855 (1) – I'd like to see a different curvature/position from 00:19:177 (3) – since the singer starts to add energy here. I moved it to 474, 26 and blanketed 00:19:177 (3) - , but didn't have enough room on the grid, so if you like this change see if you can move some prior notes down. With some fidgeting, this is what I got (though I don't like the prior fidgeting because I lost the stacks that you're amazing at making, so see if there's a way to incorporate the jump idea behind this slider while maintaining what you had): (Fixed with my own style)

00:21:042 (4,1) – increase the dist snap from 4 into 1, energy goes up, not down (Fixed)

00:20:364 (2,3,4,1,2) – This is what I read from the song: 2-->3 high, 3 --> 4 low, 4 → 1 even higher, 1-->2 high, 2-->3 release of high energy, go to a small rest of 3 and 4. This is how I think your dist spacing should go: 2-->3 1.8, 3 -->4 1.4, 4→1 2.1, 1-->2 1.8, 2-->3 1.4, or something proportional
again, I lost the stacking/blanketing, but see if you can retain those elements in your own way. (Fixed with own style..... Isn't 2-->3 low ?)

00:23:753 (4) – energy up, try 67, 225 (Fixed)

00:27:313 (2,3) – increase in energy, put 2 and 5 at 281, 73 and adjust following pattern. Alternatively, I could see both these sliders being two circles each. (Fixed)

00:31:719 (4,5) – feels kind of awkward. Forcing the anti-jump on the stack feels like it's too small for anti-jump. I liked keeping it normal dist spacing of 1.2. 5 doesn't fit the slowed pattern and especially doesn't make sense to be a jump off an anti-jump. You shouldn't feel obliged to keep the clap hitsound since you introduce finishes to make up for it and reinforce a slightly different rhythm. I say put 00:31:719 (4) - at 418, 309 and delete 00:31:888 (5) - (Fixed)

00:49:855 (1) – I don't get the reason behind lowering the sv. Explain? (Fixed. I can't explain it :3)

00:55:957 (1,2,3,4) – I liked spacing these out. Ctrl + Shift + S by 1.2 felt nice (Fixed)

01:02:567 (1,2,3,4,5) – The spacing felt very small, especially since this is part of a high energy part of the song. This is somewhat of a rest pattern, but I would still increase spacing to 1.2 or 1.3x (Fixed)

01:07:652 (5,6,7) – I think these should have bigger spacing than 01:06:974 (2,3,4) - keeping the stack on 01:07:143 (3,6) -

01:16:974 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) – The energy here feels like it increases from the previous slider spam. See if you like this rhythm (the pattern is meh, the beat is what I'm suggesting): (I just change the combo arrangement. I can say it's a Little Fix)

If you go for above rhythm ^, make 01:19:176 (5,6) – drums and have 5 be a clap and 6 be a finish, or some similar hitsound pattern ?? make it drum sampleset ? I think it'snot a good idea

01:23:330 (6) – hitsound sounds weird (Listen to the song)

01:24:262 (3,4,5) – this feels a little similar to the previous clockwise flow, try doing CTRL + H (Yeah I make it similar with previous :3. I more like it. No change)

01:26:974 (1) – consider Ctrl + G? (No Change. I make it clockwise flow)

I think the normal needs a lot of work.

PolkaMocha wrote:

Request from my modding Queue!

Unfortunately, I can't mod guest difficulties or insane +. Okay Thanks :3

So I can mod easy and hard for you!


00:28:838 I think it would flow a bit better if you flip this slider horizontally. (No Change. That will make a changes to the next slider too. And I make it like that because I want the tail closer to the next slider's head and more easily to see the slider after the next slider if I play using FL)

00:50:193 This slider isn't very visually appealing. You might want to move the corner point down like this. (Fixed)

00:52:905 (1) (2) This isn't very easy like. I'm not sure if you can change this but you should consider it. (Fixed)

01:00:702 This curve is a bit flat. Try making it rounder like this? (No Change. I think it's good to be like that.)

01:10:193 I think this slider would look a bit more visually appealing if you bent it more towards the middle like this. (No Change. this red dot is for the point of tick with hitclap)

00:47:143 I suggest a NC here because a combo lasting to 6 is a bit long for easy mode. (Fixed)


00:10:871 It would be a bit of work, but I think it would look better if (5) blankets (6) (No Change. Look it from (3))

00:40:193 The slow in SV here is kind of unnecessary and might cause a slider break. (Fixed)

00:43:075 I like the idea of them gradually getting farther apart, but for hard mode, maybe make the spacing a bit smaller... Especially considering the speed in this part of the song? (Fixed)

00:45:787 Again^ (Fixed)

00:50:532 (2) (3) The spacing of this might mess people up. I suggest moving these apart, but it's your map. (No Change. If the player have consentration with this, this part will recover the HP)

01:11:210 Maybe make (9) blanket (1)? (Fixed)

01:13:922 to 01:15:787 this spacing is very strange, and will most likely cause people to lose their combo. (This is a little trick in hard diff. No Change)

01:16:973 This curve seems more appealing. (No Change. I've make the tail overlap with 01:17:651 (2) - )

01:23:583 I would just drag the repeater out one more instead of putting a circle here. (Fixed)

01:28:160 Like in easy mode, maybe make each circle a NC? Completely optional and a matter of taste. (No Change. I make it more like Insane :3)

This song is really good! I want this ranked; well done!
Thanks for mod :3
It help me...

00:52:566 (5) - NC here instead of 00:52:905 (1) for the consistency
01:12:905 (3) - the finish at the start of the slider doesn't really seem to fit, it seems too loud for it's position, and even if there was cymbals at 01:12:736 - it's not where the slider starts so it sounds awkward

IA42's Normal

00:08:499 (5) - I suggest you change this repeat slider, it has too many repeats. It's not ideal in a Normal and it's rhythm provided is not really very creative and fitting
00:12:566 (8) onwards - the spacing used keeps changing and isn't constant, this is not good for the Normal, and the spacing should be constant throughout
Won't comment further about spacing and positioning and shape due to ^
00:38:838 (6) - NC

Other than the spacing errors, I feel the rhythm used could be improved much more, because some main parts seem to be left out, while some of the rhythms are questionable, not just about to the music, but also to be made to its level as a Normal. Some sliders end on strong beats which should be where an object should start on instead. One example is 01:02:397 (4,1)


00:23:922 (3) - NC could help amplify its effect as anti-jumps
00:25:448 (1) - soft finish on start of slider
00:57:651 (3) - NC for sv change

Generally, I feel that the stacking and blanketing that you used so often here made the map more cramped and limited the expansion of it, it made the spacing so close to each other and it made things quite dense, which makes it too compact, which is not really nice, especially before 00:36:295 - which is funny because spacing started to be more breathable only when it started getting slower in the music.


00:38:838 (2) - NC here instead
00:44:940 (3,4) - you should space these 2 apart further, similar to the spacing of 00:42:906 (6,1)
01:20:024 (2) - the beat at 01:20:193 is very strong and it's the start of the held vocal, I don't think it is a good idea to have a slider end there, the feel of a slider end there is very weak, and it's not very fitting. Having a circle and 1/1 slider would be better:

Hope to see further improvements, Good Luck

neonat wrote:

IA42's Normal

00:08:499 (5) - I suggest you change this repeat slider, it has too many repeats. It's not ideal in a Normal and it's rhythm provided is not really very creative and fitting >Fixed
00:12:566 (8) onwards - the spacing used keeps changing and isn't constant, this is not good for the Normal, and the spacing should be constant throughout
Won't comment further about spacing and positioning and shape due to ^ >No changes, i like the old one
00:38:838 (6) - NC >Fixed

Other than the spacing errors, I feel the rhythm used could be improved much more, because some main parts seem to be left out, while some of the rhythms are questionable, not just about to the music, but also to be made to its level as a Normal. Some sliders end on strong beats which should be where an object should start on instead. One example is 01:02:397 (4,1) - >Kinda fixed
Here the link -->
Hello, from my queue.
  1. Remove tick from Widescreen Support. Your map doesn't have SB, so it is useless
  2. The time to start diffs is quite early. You can delay for 700, so players will have time to be ready
    AudioLeadIn: 700
  1. HP+1 (7) pls. This is Insane diff, it doesn't fit with the diff
  2. 00:01:890 (1) - Add whistle at head, that sounds nice
  3. 00:04:771 (4) - The flow and pattern isn't good for me. Also, I want to move further since it is semi stacked i think. Try this:
  4. 00:07:991 (4) - Move it abit to the right (for example as 416/304) to make the pattern nicer/
  5. 00:09:685 (3,4,5) - I'm not sure if you wanted to blanket on your purpose or not but I recommend to be like that:
  6. 00:12:567 (3) - Add whistle
  7. 00:20:024 - This instrument is really loud for me, feel quite weird to ignored it. How about changing 00:19:854 (1) - into 1/2 slider and put a circle at 00:20:193 - . They will catch both voice and instrument.
  8. 00:23:668 - Add circle, i can hear drum
  9. 00:25:109 (1) - No need NC, if you say that it is changed speed, don't worry, because you didn't use anyslider with previous NC, so it is possible to be the same combo color
  10. 00:27:143 (1) - Move to 100/56 to be better blanket
  11. 00:33:584 (5,1) - Swap NC
  12. 00:34:940 (7) - NC
  13. 00:38:669 (1,2) - Swap NC
  14. 00:48:330 (6) - Since the distance with previous notes is quite large, it is for 1/4. But for next note, although the distance didn't change but still for 1/2. It should be not recommended. I want to increase the distance for next notes larger
  15. 00:55:279 (1) - Same issue as above, previous is 1/2, next is 1/3 but they are the same distance together. Sometime, it is considered as an unrankble problem.
  16. 00:56:974 (1) - Add whistle at head
  17. 01:03:414 (1) - The slider should be ended at red tick, i think this is just a mistake
  18. 01:07:652 (5) - NC because stack hiddenly
  19. 01:12:482 (5) - I really didn't hear any sound here though you mapped 1/4, it is overmap for me. I sugguest removing it
  20. 01:11:550 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - This rhythm is really suck for me, almost it is unatural to play although they catched sounds but not perfect and abit off. Try my way:
  21. 01:28:160 (2,3,1) - I want to creat stream, really bad if ignored great drum sounds here.
  1. HP+1 (6)
  2. 00:01:890 (1) - Add whistle
  3. 00:19:346 (7) - Move the middle point abit up to fit better.
  4. 00:19:854 (1) - Move the 3rd point to the right abit.
  5. 00:43:074 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is really too difficult for players maybe, also this song is high bpm, it is easy to be missed by logical stacks. I don't recommend for this way
  6. 00:56:973 (1,2) - Add whustle at head each others
  7. 01:07:821 (4,5,6) - Feel this pattern isn't perfectly blanket. I want to make better blanket
  8. 01:12:058 (2) - The distance with (1) is so small just, 1.0x, increase pls
  9. 01:19:346 (5) - Add finish
  10. 01:22:227 (4) - NC because strong beat
  11. 01:28:159 (3,4,5) - Creat 1/4 slider with many repeats will catch drum sounds well
[IA42's Normal]
  1. 00:01:890 (1) - Add whistle at head
  2. 00:07:144 (3) - The straight slider here isnt sensible and nice for pattern and flow, try to use curved slider will be better
  3. 00:08:499 (5) - This is really weird for me to play like this, I want to end slider at 00:08:838 - , then put a circle at 00:09:177 - . Just normally, it works better
  4. 00:30:363 (1) - Remove NC
  5. 00:35:617 (2) - Move to 215/232, current is quite difficult for noob players to jump quite far. Don't worry, it is rankble
  6. 00:38:838 (6) - Add finish at head is better, also put NC
  7. 00:55:278 (6) - NC
  8. 01:05:448 (5) - ^
  9. 01:06:465 (6) - Make straight slider or cuvred one normally pls. This shape is so bad for me. They make the flow worse
  10. 01:06:973 (7,8,9) - The flow is quite bad, i can't have any idea to save this expect you must re-map this part
  11. 01:09:176 (3) - NC
  12. 01:12:736 - Add finish
  13. 01:23:753 (4) - NC
  1. 3 other diffs, Slider Tick Rate is 1, Why is this 2? Change into 1 pls
  2. The distance 1.0x is too near for me, so it isn't clear, increase to 1.1x or 1.2x would be nice
  3. 00:30:871 (1,2,3) - The flow is quite narrow, i think make larger will be clearer
  4. 01:12:905 (3) - Remove finish from head pls. There isn't it. It is at 01:12:736 - instead already
  5. 01:26:973 (1,1,1) - Remove NC
All diffs are really still not good for me generally.
Good luck!

Oyatsu wrote:

[IA42's Normal]
  1. 00:01:890 (1) - Add whistle at head >Fixed
  2. 00:07:144 (3) - The straight slider here isnt sensible and nice for pattern and flow, try to use curved slider will be better >Fixed
  3. 00:08:499 (5) - This is really weird for me to play like this, I want to end slider at 00:08:838 - , then put a circle at 00:09:177 - . Just normally, it works better >Fixed
  4. 00:30:363 (1) - Remove NC >Fixed
  5. 00:35:617 (2) - Move to 215/232, current is quite difficult for noob players to jump quite far. Don't worry, it is rankble >Fixed
  6. 00:38:838 (6) - Add finish at head is better, also put NC >Fixed
  7. 00:55:278 (6) - NC >Fixed
  8. 01:05:448 (5) - ^ >Fixed
  9. 01:06:465 (6) - Make straight slider or cuvred one normally pls. This shape is so bad for me. They make the flow worse >Fixed
  10. 01:06:973 (7,8,9) - The flow is quite bad, i can't have any idea to save this expect you must re-map this part >Re-map :c
  11. 01:09:176 (3) - NC >Fixed
  12. 01:12:736 - Add finish >Fixed
  13. 01:23:753 (4) - NC
Here the link -->
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:


00:52:566 (5) - NC here instead of 00:52:905 (1) for the consistency (Fixed)
01:12:905 (3) - the finish at the start of the slider doesn't really seem to fit, it seems too loud for it's position, and even if there was cymbals at 01:12:736 - it's not where the slider starts so it sounds awkward (Fixed)


00:23:922 (3) - NC could help amplify its effect as anti-jumps (Fixed)
00:25:448 (1) - soft finish on start of slider (Fixed)
00:57:651 (3) - NC for sv change (Fixed)

Generally, I feel that the stacking and blanketing that you used so often here made the map more cramped and limited the expansion of it, it made the spacing so close to each other and it made things quite dense, which makes it too compact, which is not really nice, especially before 00:36:295 - which is funny because spacing started to be more breathable only when it started getting slower in the music. (Fixed, I make them more separated)


00:38:838 (2) - NC here instead (Fixed)
00:44:940 (3,4) - you should space these 2 apart further, similar to the spacing of 00:42:906 (6,1) (Fixed)
01:20:024 (2) - the beat at 01:20:193 is very strong and it's the start of the held vocal, I don't think it is a good idea to have a slider end there, the feel of a slider end there is very weak, and it's not very fitting. Having a circle and 1/1 slider would be better: (Fixed)

Hope to see further improvements, Good Luck

Oyatsu wrote:

Hello, from my queue. Thanks for accept my request :3
  1. Remove tick from Widescreen Support. Your map doesn't have SB, so it is useless (Fixed)
  2. The time to start diffs is quite early. You can delay for 700, so players will have time to be ready (Fixed)
    AudioLeadIn: 700
  1. HP+1 (7) pls. This is Insane diff, it doesn't fit with the diff (Fixed)
  2. 00:01:890 (1) - Add whistle at head, that sounds nice (Fixed)
  3. 00:04:771 (4) - The flow and pattern isn't good for me. Also, I want to move further since it is semi stacked i think. Try this: (Fixed)
  4. 00:07:991 (4) - Move it abit to the right (for example as 416/304) to make the pattern nicer/ (Fixed)
  5. 00:09:685 (3,4,5) - I'm not sure if you wanted to blanket on your purpose or not but I recommend to be like that: (I don't really get it.... what's the different ?)
  6. 00:12:567 (3) - Add whistle (Fixed)
  7. 00:20:024 - This instrument is really loud for me, feel quite weird to ignored it. How about changing 00:19:854 (1) - into 1/2 slider and put a circle at 00:20:193 - . They will catch both voice and instrument. (Fixed. Remake)
  8. 00:23:668 - Add circle, i can hear drum (Fixed)
  9. 00:25:109 (1) - No need NC, if you say that it is changed speed, don't worry, because you didn't use anyslider with previous NC, so it is possible to be the same combo color (No Change. Not just a speed change, there's a change from 1/1 to 1/2 with same DS)
  10. 00:27:143 (1) - Move to 100/56 to be better blanket (I don't know why it's a better blanket. No Change)
  11. 00:33:584 (5,1) - Swap NC (Fixed)
  12. 00:34:940 (7) - NC (Fixed)
  13. 00:38:669 (1,2) - Swap NC (Fixed)
  14. 00:48:330 (6) - Since the distance with previous notes is quite large, it is for 1/4. But for next note, although the distance didn't change but still for 1/2. It should be not recommended. I want to increase the distance for next notes larger (Fixed. Remake)
  15. 00:55:279 (1) - Same issue as above, previous is 1/2, next is 1/3 but they are the same distance together. Sometime, it is considered as an unrankble problem. (Fixed. Remake again)
  16. 00:56:974 (1) - Add whistle at head (Fixed)
  17. 01:03:414 (1) - The slider should be ended at red tick, i think this is just a mistake (Fixed. Thanks, I didn't see it)
  18. 01:07:652 (5) - NC because stack hiddenly (Fixed)
  19. 01:12:482 (5) - I really didn't hear any sound here though you mapped 1/4, it is overmap for me. I sugguest removing it (Fixed)
  20. 01:11:550 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - This rhythm is really suck for me, almost it is unatural to play although they catched sounds but not perfect and abit off. Try my way: (Fixed)
  21. 01:28:160 (2,3,1) - I want to creat stream, really bad if ignored great drum sounds here. (Fixed. Remake)
  1. HP+1 (6) (Fixed)
  2. 00:01:890 (1) - Add whistle (Fixed)
  3. 00:19:346 (7) - Move the middle point abit up to fit better. (a part remaked)
  4. 00:19:854 (1) - Move the 3rd point to the right abit. (a part remaked)
  5. 00:43:074 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is really too difficult for players maybe, also this song is high bpm, it is easy to be missed by logical stacks. I don't recommend for this way (No Change. I make it a little follow the vocal. there's up vocal)
  6. 00:56:973 (1,2) - Add whustle at head each others (Some Fixed. I make them like Insane)
  7. 01:07:821 (4,5,6) - Feel this pattern isn't perfectly blanket. I want to make better blanket (No Change. I just blanket the 1st dot not the whole slider)
  8. 01:12:058 (2) - The distance with (1) is so small just, 1.0x, increase pls (Fixed. make 1.1x)
  9. 01:19:346 (5) - Add finish (No Change. It feels weird remembering the note after it have finish)
  10. 01:22:227 (4) - NC because strong beat (Fixed)
  11. 01:28:159 (3,4,5) - Creat 1/4 slider with many repeats will catch drum sounds well (Fixed)
  1. 3 other diffs, Slider Tick Rate is 1, Why is this 2? Change into 1 pls (Fixed. Because now I have a solution :3)
  2. The distance 1.0x is too near for me, so it isn't clear, increase to 1.1x or 1.2x would be nice (No Change. for easy I want to make it 1.0x DS)
  3. 00:30:871 (1,2,3) - The flow is quite narrow, i think make larger will be clearer (Fixed)
  4. 01:12:905 (3) - Remove finish from head pls. There isn't it. It is at 01:12:736 - instead already (Fixed. Wow... you have a same thinking with neonat XD)
  5. 01:26:973 (1,1,1) - Remove NC (No Change. I make it like that to add HP at the end :3)
All diffs are really still not good for me generally. :3. Okay I'll make it better in my next mapset
Good luck!
Ciyus Miapah
doing something with F-ant
13:49 Fantastica: hey Fort :3
13:49 Fort: hai
13:50 Fantastica: Mantep akhirnya ranked juga mapsetnya XD
13:50 *Fantastica is listening to [ Tristam & Braken - Frame of Mind]
13:50 Fort: oh, iya dong. kan ane udah janji
13:50 Fort: harus ditepati lah
13:50 Fantastica: di 1st page ya XD
13:51 Fort: selain di 1st page ane juga janji ke semua org
13:51 Fantastica: XD
13:51 Fantastica: btw boleh minta tolong dikit ?
13:51 *Fantastica is listening to [ Kato*Fuku - You Gotta Love Me!]
13:51 Fantastica: need mod di Normal Diff aja
13:52 Fort: dling
13:53 Fantastica: oke Thanks XD yang GD di mapset ini tiba" menghilang keberadaannya soalnya T.T
13:53 Fort: IA kemana?
13:53 Fantastica: terpaksa make new Diff =="
13:53 Fantastica: nggak tau
13:53 Fort: leh
13:54 Fantastica: coba aja cari di user nya
13:54 *Fort is editing [ Kato*Fuku - You Gotta Love Me! [Normal]]
13:54 Fantastica: user not found XD
13:55 Fort: diff ini buat apa di mod coba
13:55 Fort: dah bagus kek gini :3
13:56 Fantastica: masak sih ??? baru kelar tadi
13:57 Fort: 00:23:922 (1) - ini doang sih slider nya berjin
13:57 Fort: ditambah ada 00:25:109 (2) -
13:57 Fort: jadi ngebingungin
13:58 Fantastica: jadi 00:23:922 (1) - kebanyakan repeat ?
13:59 Fort: overall transisi vokal ke instrumen/sebaliknya ini lumayan keren
14:00 Fort: 00:23:922 (1,2) - menurut ane
14:00 Fort: daripada pakai slider mending pakai circle
14:00 Fort: soalnya kan itu hitsoundnya Finish
14:01 Fort: terasa sedikit enak di klik sih
14:01 Fantastica: khusus di 00:23:922 (1) - ?
14:01 Fort: contoh: 00:31:380 (2,3) -
14:02 Fort: 00:40:193 (1) - ini juga deh
14:02 Fort: tapi itu terserah kau
14:02 Fort: lumayan juga slider itu bikin bingung FL player
14:03 Fantastica: saranmu OK... accepted :3 di normal kayaknya lebih banya yang main itu beginner player
14:04 Fort: oke deh
14:04 Fort: 00:55:278 (1) - inspiration slider :3
14:05 Fantastica: itu juga aku terinspirasi dari mapset lain XD
14:05 Fort: tuh kan betul lol
14:06 Fort: ya tadi ane bilang mapnya keren ini
14:06 Fort: transisi vokal ke instrumen 9/10
14:06 Fantastica: makasi :3

edit: 900 post
Topic Starter
yay.... Thanks Fort :3

edit: 100th post XD
  1. At tags : inou-battle wa nichijou-kei no naka de inou battle within everyday life ending emiri kato kaori fukuhara ia42
    you should use only one inou battle also add tv size to tags
  2. imo the kiai hitsound volume is pretty low consider increase it a bit
  1. 00:34:939 (3) - delete whistle and use normal sampleset-finish at head?
  2. 00:52:905 (2) - Finish here sound pretty low , increase hitsound volume here?
  3. 00:12:566 (2,2) - Stack properly at tail
  4. 01:24:261 (2) - Try this ?
  5. 01:26:295 (1,1,1,1) - Is it necessary to NC like this?
  1. 00:08:499 (1) - double repeat is quite confuse for normal here imo
  2. 00:15:448 (2) - Try this ?
  3. 00:51:210 (3,4) - Pretty confuse for normal imo
  4. 01:15:617 (3) - I don't know why you use double repeat slider but I find it pretty hard to find a perfect part of music to use this type of slider , usually using too much is not good imo
  1. 00:43:074 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - imo pretty hard to read for hard
  2. 00:44:430 (1,2) - Not a good overlap , (1)'s body cover most of (2)'s body
  3. 00:45:786 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - imo pretty hard to read for hard
  4. 00:47:820 (3,4) - The beat here play pretty sudden a jumps here sound nice if it's insane but for hard it kinda a bit too sudden to react to sudden beat like this, also vocal play on 1/4 beat if you aim for that
  5. 00:51:210 (1,1,1,1,2) - Is it necessary to NC like this?
  6. 00:52:566 (2) - No hitsound here ? also pretty hard to see this note too
  7. 00:59:346 (5) - NC
  8. 01:02:058 (5) - NC
  9. 01:04:600 (4) - NC
  10. 01:14:939 (3) - NC for change in spacing ?
  11. 01:17:651 (2) - ^

    1. 00:10:364 (5) - NC
    2. 00:13:075 (5) - NC
    3. 00:26:635 (4,1) - Swap NC
    4. 00:28:160 (5,1) - Swap NC
    5. 00:36:296 (1,2) - Blanket?
    6. 00:37:482 (5) - NC
    7. 00:53:753 (4) - NC
    8. 01:00:703 (6,1) - Swap NC
    9. 01:02:058 (3,1) - ^
    10. 01:04:601 (5,1) - Swap NC
      I guess NC is pretty weird a bit imo
    11. 01:03:245 (5,1) - You can make jumps here
Good luck :)
Topic Starter

CelsiusLK wrote:

  1. At tags : inou-battle wa nichijou-kei no naka de inou battle within everyday life ending emiri kato kaori fukuhara ia42
    you should use only one inou battle also add tv size to tags (Fixed little. added "tv size". if I search this mapset with "Inou Battle", "inou-battle" will catch it. So that "inou battle" will be useless)
  2. imo the kiai hitsound volume is pretty low consider increase it a bit (No change. it's a perfect volume :3)
  1. 00:34:939 (3) - delete whistle and use normal sampleset-finish at head? (fixed a little. change to drum sampleset-finish)
  2. 00:52:905 (2) - Finish here sound pretty low , increase hitsound volume here? (No change. it'll be more weird if there's just one HS has a volume up)
  3. 00:12:566 (2,2) - Stack properly at tail (I won't change this DS T.T)
  4. 01:24:261 (2) - Try this ? (No change. I know the vocal and instrument are at 01:24:092, but i make it repeat to follow those 3 parts of instrument and make it more easier. Remembering this is easy diff.)
  5. 01:26:295 (1,1,1,1) - Is it necessary to NC like this? (fixed now. how many time I've modded like that T.T)
  1. 00:08:499 (1) - double repeat is quite confuse for normal here imo (not so confusing if the player concentration with the game. Not a bad IMO. but for now I'll keep mine.)
  2. 00:15:448 (2) - Try this ? (No change. I make this part fully instrument)
  3. 00:51:210 (3,4) - Pretty confuse for normal imo (not so confusing if the player concentration with the game. Not a bad IMO. but for now I'll keep mine.)
  4. 01:15:617 (3) - I don't know why you use double repeat slider but I find it pretty hard to find a perfect part of music to use this type of slider , usually using too much is not good imo (fixed. Change it to 4 circles)
  1. 00:43:074 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - imo pretty hard to read for hard (No change. for reference, see this mapset's hard)
  2. 00:44:430 (1,2) - Not a good overlap , (1)'s body cover most of (2)'s body (fixed)
  3. 00:45:786 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - imo pretty hard to read for hard (No change. for reference, see this mapset's hard)
  4. 00:47:820 (3,4) - The beat here play pretty sudden a jumps here sound nice if it's insane but for hard it kinda a bit too sudden to react to sudden beat like this, also vocal play on 1/4 beat if you aim for that (fixed. ctrl+g at (4) and repair the position)
  5. 00:51:210 (1,1,1,1,2) - Is it necessary to NC like this? (I need it. to add my HP in gameplay :3 <== Not an insane player XD)
  6. 00:52:566 (2) - No hitsound here ? also pretty hard to see this note too (fixed a little. added hitsound)
  7. 00:59:346 (5) - NC (fixed)
  8. 01:02:058 (5) - NC (fixed)
  9. 01:04:600 (4) - NC (No change. this part I make the NC follow the vocal)
  10. 01:14:939 (3) - NC for change in spacing ? (fixed)
  11. 01:17:651 (2) - ^ (fixed)

    1. 00:10:364 (5) - NC (fixed)
    2. 00:13:075 (5) - NC (I remap this part. the NC should be at 00:13:244 - it feel weird if the NC at 00:13:075 - )
    3. 00:26:635 (4,1) - Swap NC (fixed)
    4. 00:28:160 (5,1) - Swap NC (fixed)
    5. 00:36:296 (1,2) - Blanket? (fixed)
    6. 00:37:482 (5) - NC (fixed)
    7. 00:53:753 (4) - NC (fixed)
    8. 01:00:703 (6,1) - Swap NC (fixed)
    9. 01:02:058 (3,1) - ^ (fixed)
    10. 01:04:601 (5,1) - Swap NC (like hard)
      I guess NC is pretty weird a bit imo
    11. 01:03:245 (5,1) - You can make jumps here (I don't want to change 01:02:567 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - T.T)
Good luck :) yay thanks XD
Hi! From my queue~
00:08:500 (3) - Instead of this reversed slider, use a normal one? Seems a bit hard for new players.
00:15:786 (3) - Move this slider 1 time down, so the blanket becomes perfect? The stacking isn't a big problem here.
00:16:634 (4) - The clap isn't necessary.
00:28:160 (1) - A straight slider would be good there, I think it flows a bit better.
So many blankets, wohoo! Blankets for the win!
00:15:448 (2) - Move this a bit to the left, so it gets closer to slider 3, and it will get easier to read/click.
01:15:617 (3,4,5,6) - This here, is like a little jump, in a normal diff :c why don't you do something like this?
01:22:566 (1,2,3) - This here ( almost the whole diff has this-like patterns ) is a bit confusing, I tried with AR 4,3, can't find any difference. I don't know, I'll mention it.
Overall, the normal is like a normal+, I still like it tho~
Yay, blankets again!
Change AR to 8,2/3? I think some of the jumps/stacks are easier to read this way.
00:19:685 (8) - NC ?
00:19:854 (1) - Remove NC? (even easier to read)
00:25:109 (1) - Increase the length of the slider to the blue tick? Sounds kind of cool.
00:31:718 (4) - NC? Gets easier to read imo.
00:42:396 (2,3) - Can you somehow improve those symmetrical sliders?
00:49:854 (1,2,3) - Here's a little bit confusing, I mean those 3 are in one colour, and is a bit tricky to read.
The hard is pretty good I have to say.
00:33:923 (2) - A straight slider here?
Nothing else, this diff is so fun to play, like seriously : o
That's it overall, I really like 'em hitsounds. Good luck with your beatmap! 8-)
Topic Starter

Exote wrote:

Hi! From my queue~ yay
00:08:500 (3) - Instead of this reversed slider, use a normal one? Seems a bit hard for new players. (Not so hard)
00:15:786 (3) - Move this slider 1 time down, so the blanket becomes perfect? The stacking isn't a big problem here. (cool)
00:16:634 (4) - The clap isn't necessary. (okay removed)
00:28:160 (1) - A straight slider would be good there, I think it flows a bit better. (No. look if 00:28:838 (2) - ctrl+h, ctrl+>)
So many blankets, wohoo! Blankets for the win! (^_^)
00:15:448 (2) - Move this a bit to the left, so it gets closer to slider 3, and it will get easier to read/click. (I won't change the Distance snap)
01:15:617 (3,4,5,6) - This here, is like a little jump, in a normal diff :c why don't you do something like this?(same reason as above. no DS change)
01:22:566 (1,2,3) - This here ( almost the whole diff has this-like patterns ) is a bit confusing, I tried with AR 4,3, can't find any difference. I don't know, I'll mention it. (Fixed)
Overall, the normal is like a normal+, I still like it tho~ :3
Yay, blankets again! yay
Change AR to 8,2/3? I think some of the jumps/stacks are easier to read this way. (No. 8 is enough)
00:19:685 (8) - NC ? (Ok)
00:19:854 (1) - Remove NC? (even easier to read) (Ok)
00:25:109 (1) - Increase the length of the slider to the blue tick? Sounds kind of cool. (I make it same with insane)
00:31:718 (4) - NC? Gets easier to read imo. (Not a bad IMO. but I'll keep mine for now)
00:42:396 (2,3) - Can you somehow improve those symmetrical sliders? (no. I make 00:42:396 (2) - 's tail stack with 00:43:074 (1) - and 00:42:736 (3) - 's head stack with 00:43:244 (2) - )
00:49:854 (1,2,3) - Here's a little bit confusing, I mean those 3 are in one colour, and is a bit tricky to read. fixed. (Make NC on every of it)
The hard is pretty good I have to say. Thanks~~~ ^_^
00:33:923 (2) - A straight slider here? (No. The vocal "Te" is feels fetter if I make it waved :3)
Nothing else, this diff is so fun to play, like seriously : o wow... thanks for play it XD
That's it overall, I really like 'em hitsounds. Good luck with your beatmap! 8-)
what happened to the normal guest diff? :/

also I think video offset should be 463.

places to confirm
00:02:398 -
00:55:278 - ~ 00:56:634 -
01:26:295 - ~ 01:27:651 -
Topic Starter

No Dap wrote:

what happened to the normal guest diff? :/ IA42 was lost T.T, check it with link to IA42's userpage from the 1st page post. If IA42 change her username then in the posts it must be applied right ?

also I think video offset should be 463.

places to confirm
00:02:398 -
00:55:278 - ~ 00:56:634 -
01:26:295 - ~ 01:27:651 -

Okay Fixed :3
yay...No Dap come with a mod :3
Thanks XD
weee place hol


looks nice

sorry for late mod!

As requested!

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed


  1. 00:15:448 (2) - Not stack on 00:13:244 (4) - ?
  2. 00:39:685 - Clap?


  1. 00:51:210 (1,1,1,1) - Quite hard to react, I'd take it as triple hits when first playing it
  2. 00:52:566 (2) - Ending after repeat slider on Hard is kinda difficult
  3. 00:54:091 (4) - NC around somewhere here? combo seems inconsistent
  4. 01:08:837 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - NC here is different with 00:57:990 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - , please check the whole diff


  • far looks fine, nothing much unrankable

    But the pattern at front 50% part can be improved just a little more~

    And also for jumps like 01:21:211 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - , try to make them clean, not stacked

    Try to request for a few more mods, depends on how many you want

Call me back after then!
Topic Starter

Rakuen wrote:

weee place hol


looks nice

sorry for late mod!

As requested! Thanks :3

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed


  1. 00:15:448 (2) - Not stack on 00:13:244 (4) - ? yeah i don't want to make it different DS
  2. 00:39:685 - Clap? Oh right I forget it... added


  1. 00:51:210 (1,1,1,1) - Quite hard to react, I'd take it as triple hits when first playing it Remaped, make it more easier to read
  2. 00:52:566 (2) - Ending after repeat slider on Hard is kinda difficult ^^
  3. 00:54:091 (4) - NC around somewhere here? combo seems inconsistent because remaped and I change the NC position I have a solution of it without adding new NC
  4. 01:08:837 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - NC here is different with 00:57:990 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - , please check the whole diff oh I'm sorry I missed that~~~~


  • far looks fine, nothing much unrankable

    But the pattern at front 50% part can be improved just a little more~ Some part remaped

    And also for jumps like 01:21:211 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - , try to make them clean, not stacked remaped without change the pattern

    Try to request for a few more mods, depends on how many you want Okay I'll search for it

Call me back after then! Okay X3
careful. this part should be 1/6 i think
00:10:702 -
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

careful. this part should be 1/6 i think
00:10:702 -

Ah... you're right after I listen to it with 50% playback rate I found that I was wrong~~~~ My bad

Thanks for checking :) :) :)
Hello, from my modding queue!

00:07:143 (1) - maybe change to a hook slider?
00:08:838 (2) - when mapping this part, make beatsnap divisor into 1/6 and keep repeating until 00:09:064 -
00:26:295 (3) - ctrl+g?
00:35:278 (2,4) - you hear the shouting in the bg? I think for these two its better to make these a slightly faster slider
00:48:159 (4) - align with 00:47:396 (2) - sliderstart
00:55:278 (1) - move to 00:55:363 - 00:55:278 - add hitcircle, end spinner 00:56:634 -
00:57:651 (1) - why NC?
01:20:363 (3) - align sliderend with 01:19:346 (5) -
01:22:735 (2) - better blanket with 01:22:227 (1) - use 01:21:888 (3) - sliderend as example
01:23:244 (1) - ctrl g


00:04:602 (4) - align with 00:04:093 (2) -
00:05:110 (1,2) - larger jump?
00:17:652 (2) - what? why not HC - Slider?
00:44:431 (1) - I think this is kinda inappropriate. Curve slider going top left?
00:52:227 (1) - why NC?
00:55:956 (1) - Continue combo
01:08:330 (1,2,3) - consider adding hitsounds to the sliderends
01:28:499 (1) - why NC?

Welp, that's it for me! I cant mod anything below Hard ;A; Good luck! love this anime and song :D
Topic Starter

Anxient wrote:

Hello, from my modding queue!

00:07:143 (1) - maybe change to a hook slider? ah, I forgot to remap this :3 this part at least need more spacing
00:08:838 (2) - when mapping this part, make beatsnap divisor into 1/6 and keep repeating until 00:09:064 - why ? the instrument is 1/4 at all
00:26:295 (3) - ctrl+g? cool
00:35:278 (2,4) - you hear the shouting in the bg? I think for these two its better to make these a slightly faster slider I think it's ok. I don't want to use many changes in hard diff
00:48:159 (4) - align with 00:47:396 (2) - sliderstart No. this part need more spacing
00:55:278 (1) - move to 00:55:363 - 00:55:278 - add hitcircle, end spinner 00:56:634 - I think it's ok. not all spinner must be started with circle
00:57:651 (1) - why NC? SV change
01:20:363 (3) - align sliderend with 01:19:346 (5) - No. this part need more spacing
01:22:735 (2) - better blanket with 01:22:227 (1) - use 01:21:888 (3) - sliderend as example Okay
01:23:244 (1) - ctrl g fixed in other way


00:04:602 (4) - align with 00:04:093 (2) - no. not all align is good (If that you mean align is stack).
00:05:110 (1,2) - larger jump? Okay
00:17:652 (2) - what? why not HC - Slider? Ow okay okay... fixed with remapped. What you want to said is following the vocal and instrument right ?
00:44:431 (1) - I think this is kinda inappropriate. Curve slider going top left? I think so :3 so remapped to make it more clearer
00:52:227 (1) - why NC? to make it consistent with 00:51:211 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - (NC every 1 white tick)
00:55:956 (1) - Continue combo I keep NC. I'll keep NC, because there are still 1/3 but have bigger distance
01:08:330 (1,2,3) - consider adding hitsounds to the sliderends I think normal-hitnormal is enough since this hitsound is clearly to hear
01:28:499 (1) - why NC? I just follow the ranked version one :3

Welp, that's it for me! I cant mod anything below Hard ;A; It's okay, this is very nice for NM Good luck! love this anime and song :D Me too :D
Mod(nope this isnt mod i think) from t/306264.

Feel free to ignore this mod, this is subjective opinion.

I dont know what should i say, this can be ranked, so few suggestions here:
  1. 01:10:193 (2) - i think you can make this slider like (1)
  2. 01:16:973 (1) - you can make this one
  3. 01:24:092 - imo better to follow rhythm here
  1. 00:08:499 (1) - i found second repeat a bit weird but better to leave it as it is
  2. 00:26:804 - i think you missed note here
  1. 00:27:142 (2,3,4) - can suggest this:
  2. 00:31:379 (3,4) - i'm not sure about this stack, can't suggest anything but i dont think that this is good idea
  3. 00:49:854 (1,1,1) - i think you can stack them, i dont think that they are fit in your style, but remember - subjective opinion!
  1. huh look at this one -
  2. 00:13:583 (2) - you can unstack it, its really hard to read imo
  3. 00:18:498 (1) - you can ctrl+g this slider i think it looks a bit better
  4. 00:47:821 (4,5,6) - lol
I dont know what to say, I think this is a very good map.
Good Luck~
Topic Starter

Jewelery wrote:

Mod(nope this isnt mod i think) from t/306264.

Feel free to ignore this mod, this is subjective opinion. I'll accept anything if that will improve my mapping skill ;)

I dont know what should i say, this can be ranked, so few suggestions here:
  1. 01:10:193 (2) - i think you can make this slider like (1) Okay
  2. 01:16:973 (1) - you can make this one fixed in another way
  3. 01:24:092 - imo better to follow rhythm here I think it's okay to be like that. Because I don't want to make too many snap in Easy diff. And also I follof the instrument there, I know there was an instrument at 01:24:092 - , but here I keep starting at 01:24:261 - to make it repeated.
  1. 00:08:499 (1) - i found second repeat a bit weird but better to leave it as it is Okay, There's nothing problem with this. Sometimes using 2x repeated is Okay. But I wont use more than 2x repeated except there's 1/4 or more.
  2. 00:26:804 - i think you missed note here no. I just follow the drum
  1. 00:27:142 (2,3,4) - can suggest this: I've been like that before XD... But I've changed after it's modded and I've learn about flow
  2. 00:31:379 (3,4) - i'm not sure about this stack, can't suggest anything but i dont think that this is good idea I'll do something with this
  3. 00:49:854 (1,1,1) - i think you can stack them, i dont think that they are fit in your style, but remember - subjective opinion! No change. I know there's a short distance between them. So the best solution in my mind is to make things more clearer with NCs there
  1. huh look at this one - Ah... My bad. Thanks for telling me
  2. 00:13:583 (2) - you can unstack it, its really hard to read imo It's okay since this is Insane, make diffs more challenging isn't weird in Insane
  3. 00:18:498 (1) - you can ctrl+g this slider i think it looks a bit better No change. Here I won't change the distance with this flat part
  4. 00:47:821 (4,5,6) - lol Ah I know I know.... I'll change it now. After too many modded XD
I dont know what to say It's Okay... your mod was helpful ;), I think this is a very good map. Thanks XD
Good Luck~
Topic Starter
Just self mod :3...

changed Tags : Kato Emiri > Katou Emiri
Topic Starter
Another Self mod :3
changed unicode artist from かと*ふく to かとふく

Sifted through the contents and looks like most of what matters is fine.


You've got a major problem with placing any new combos though, mainly because you tend to overuse them.
They're at places where they are not needed at all.

You place them at the beginning of the vocals/verses and then in-between you tend to just slap an NC on an instrument before the start of the next line.
Problem with that is that it doesn't have a consistency throughout. I've got an example I did and perhaps you could refer to that.


In regards to the comboing, I've done a corrected version of this difficulty.
If you do apply any changes for this, I suppose the rest of the difficulties should follow.
It doesn't have to be a total change of NC in any case.

I'm not saying you should just go ahead and use mine, but rather take a look and understand the rationale behind my NC picks, and then look back to yours.
Don't forget to rename this one to something else or it'll override your own difficulty.

Apart from all this, I really have no pickings on this one. Probably my favorite out of all of them.


- 00:08:838 (3,4) - Added a little tweak, see if you like it.

- 00:19:686 (5) - Not a very comfortable position for this jump I feel. Try something like x:120, y:60 as my suggestion.

- 01:06:635 (1) - As with above, not a very prime spot to place a note. Personally, it's better off being where (2) is as an anti-jump.

- 01:26:634 (2) - Hm, why hide this note underneath ? Really ought to make it visible as with the earlier variations following the same snapping.

- 01:27:312 (2) - Following the previous example. Same for - 01:27:990 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) -

And that's it for mods.

Pretty enjoyable map. Ought to bring this to the attention of a Nominator.
Topic Starter

Faust wrote:


Sifted through the contents and looks like most of what matters is fine. yay ^_^


You've got a major problem with placing any new combos though, mainly because you tend to overuse them.
They're at places where they are not needed at all. I think so T.T

You place them at the beginning of the vocals/verses and then in-between you tend to just slap an NC on an instrument before the start of the next line.
Problem with that is that it doesn't have a consistency throughout. I've got an example I did and perhaps you could refer to that.


In regards to the comboing, I've done a corrected version of this difficulty.
If you do apply any changes for this, I suppose the rest of the difficulties should follow.
It doesn't have to be a total change of NC in any case.

I'm not saying you should just go ahead and use mine, but rather take a look and understand the rationale behind my NC picks, and then look back to yours.
Don't forget to rename this one to something else or it'll override your own difficulty. yea... I've got some idea with this... but I prefer follow the emphasis for NC rather than vocal

Apart from all this, I really have no pickings on this one. Probably my favorite out of all of them. yay ^_^


- 00:08:838 (3,4) - Added a little tweak, see if you like it. Nice Idea, maybe I'll use it sometime but not here. I think mine is still readable so I'll keep mine. beside that, I want to keep the stacks.

- 00:19:686 (5) - Not a very comfortable position for this jump I feel. Try something like x:120, y:60 as my suggestion. I've change the position in other way and make it more readable ;)

- 01:06:635 (1) - As with above, not a very prime spot to place a note. Personally, it's better off being where (2) is as an anti-jump. Okay, I've make (1) and (2) stacked. And then you can see I've make another flow after that.

- 01:26:634 (2) - Hm, why hide this note underneath ? Really ought to make it visible as with the earlier variations following the same snapping. Okay ;)

- 01:27:312 (2) - Following the previous example. Same for - 01:27:990 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Okay too ;)

And that's it for mods. Nice mods :)

Pretty enjoyable map. Ought to bring this to the attention of a Nominator. Maybe I'll ask Rakuen again after I got one more mod
Thanks for your useful mod Faust :)
and your lesson to :3
Updated ~
rip mod template

  1. I can't hear the hitsounds clearly when playing, I suggest raising volume to 75% in louder areas such as kiai.
  2. ^ I actually noticed the volumes are inconsistent between the diffs.
  1. 00:41:973 (2,3) - inconsistent rhythm. see 00:42:652 (5,6). seems to be the only one of it's kind in a repetitive part of the song so consider changing it for consistency.
  1. 00:51:888 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - yeah, i think this should be changed to 1/2 sliders for difficulty spread. that, or alternate the 1/2 slider and then triple (
  2. 01:14:261 (1,2,3,4) - i think it's better if you keep up the 1/2 rhythm. sounds undermapped here to me.
  3. 01:23:244 (1) - this rhythm feels better imo
  4. 01:27:990 (1) - similar like above, just remove some repeat and add circle. feels better
  5. 00:46:803 (7) - why is this missing one repeat (see 00:44:091 (7).)
i can't find anything in normal and easy. go call BN :p
Topic Starter

Nekomata wrote:

rip mod template rip

  1. I can't hear the hitsounds clearly when playing, I suggest raising volume to 75% in louder areas such as kiai. Nice ;) I'll use this ;)
  2. ^ I actually noticed the volumes are inconsistent between the diffs. Oh, I didn't notice it XD. Fixed >w<
  1. 00:41:973 (2,3) - inconsistent rhythm. see 00:42:652 (5,6). seems to be the only one of it's kind in a repetitive part of the song so consider changing it for consistency. Okay~ Changed ;)
  1. 00:51:888 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - yeah, i think this should be changed to 1/2 sliders for difficulty spread. that, or alternate the 1/2 slider and then triple ( Changed.. Made all of them 1/2 slider.
  2. 01:14:261 (1,2,3,4) - i think it's better if you keep up the 1/2 rhythm. sounds undermapped here to me. Nope. I''ll keep this antijump. I want to make some variations in this mapset. And it's still readable so I think it's okay.
  3. 01:23:244 (1) - this rhythm feels better imo Nice ;) and I did something on the part after it.
  4. 01:27:990 (1) - similar like above, just remove some repeat and add circle. feels better Nope. I'll keep the 1/4 in the song.
  5. 00:46:803 (7) - why is this missing one repeat (see 00:44:091 (7).) because just 3 snares was here not like 00:44:091 (7) - that have 4 snares in the song.
i can't find anything in normal and easy. :3 go call BN :p Okay :p
Thanks for mod, Nekomata :3 you're a nice Neko >w<
Updated ~~

no kd

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed


  1. 00:31:718 (2) - Snap to 1.0 DS?
  2. 00:35:278 - 00:35:956 - Maybe slider clap here
  3. 00:36:973 - Break here for the drum sound, current 1 is a bit strange


  1. 00:15:448 (2) - Any other placement? Looks to close to (1)
  2. 00:19:007 (5) - Replace to 1 circle, a bit over mapped at 00:19:177 -
  3. 01:11:888 - Slider clap


  1. 00:09:176 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Spacing looks too close here, at least use 1.4x I'd suggest. It sounds more like a faster part than the starting part.
  2. 00:21:041 (4) - Use a same DS here
  3. 00:24:939 (4) - Maybe NC for SV change


  1. 00:29:347 (5,1,2) - Looks crowded here

Call me back!
Topic Starter

Rakuen wrote:


no kd

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed


  1. 00:31:718 (2) - Snap to 1.0 DS? Nah... I've missed this one XD. fixed
  2. 00:35:278 - 00:35:956 - Maybe slider clap here okay ;)
  3. 00:36:973 - Break here for the drum sound, current 1 is a bit strange I see there's no point at the break start on mine XD. Since yours more reasonable, applied ;)


  1. 00:15:448 (2) - Any other placement? Looks to close to (1) did something for notes around it :3
  2. 00:19:007 (5) - Replace to 1 circle, a bit over mapped at 00:19:177 - okay ;)
  3. 01:11:888 - Slider clap Nah... I see I've lost the consistency between it and 01:10:193 (1) - XD . Absolutely fixed.


  1. 00:09:176 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Spacing looks too close here, at least use 1.4x I'd suggest. It sounds more like a faster part than the starting part. Used 1.4x and did some remap to keep the flow.
  2. 00:21:041 (4) - Use a same DS here okay ;)
  3. 00:24:939 (4) - Maybe NC for SV change I think it wasn't really necessary since I didn't highlly increase the SV (like 1.5< ) so it's still readable. And I'll keep the consistency with Insane diff.


  1. 00:29:347 (5,1,2) - Looks crowded here did something here.

Call me back! Okay ;)
Updated :3~~
Gratz for the bub
Topic Starter
yay... Thanks Rakuen >w<

and Shu sensei >w<
  1. remember what i said about the drum-hitnormal on your last map? yea do that
  2. your soft-hitnormal file. don't use it. the default one is quiet enough, making it quieter just makes it harder to hear which defeats the point of hitsounding completelyyyyyyyy
  3. would make sense to end the kiai at 01:23:753 - since that's where the musical phrase uh ends
  1. it's a map
  1. a few places where spacing should be higher cuz they're just too close: 00:33:922 (3,4) - just move 3 down and it's k. 00:42:736 (3,1) - same. 01:21:888 (3,1,2,3) - just rotate these two it'll work
  2. 00:39:685 (3,1,2) - would be good to make it more obvious what is 1/2 vs 1/1 here. can be done by just moving 1 closer to the previous object. something like idk
  3. 00:43:074 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:45:786 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - seems a lot like a difficulty spike to have 6 consecutive 1/2 circles with increasing spacing. the idea is cool but it's kinda death relative to the rest of the map. makin 00:43:752 (5,6) - 00:46:464 (5,6) - a slider instead of 2 circles would make it acceptable id say, waht youve got now not so much tho
  4. 00:44:091 (7) - apparently the second reverse is unsnapped by 2 milliseconds. just move it in the timeline and it'll get resnapped. editor glitches blablabla
  5. 00:52:905 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - general spacing here seems kinda overdone. right now it's around 1.5x, but doing it at 1.3x or lower would be better and uh less huge
  1. 00:08:499 (1) - 00:51:210 (3,4) - 1/2 sliders with multiple reverses are painful to read since there's no time to actually notice the second reverse. qats also think so. the first one would work fine as this and the second one would work fine undermapped as this
  2. 00:30:532 (3,1,2) - the way you've got things arranged here makes it look like 2 comes after 3. would be a lot clearer if 2 and 3 weren't overlapping
  1. there's a couple places where rhythm seems to be omitting important sounds for uh unimportant sounds. should do something about that. boxes nice
    00:09:177 (1,2,3) -
    strong sounds being ignored:

    possible alternative (works while keeping the same object placement/structure stuff):
    00:25:448 (1,2,3) -
    should be reflective of 00:14:600 (1,2,3) - since song is essentially repeating the same thing. there are other options of course, but you just really need to cover the sound here, otherwise it's super awkward
    00:59:685 (3,4) -
    instrumental and vocal stuff are emphasizing this, while you've got 4 on an insignificant sound

    kinda screws with the placements of the 2 objects before this, but o well. this is the easiest option still
    01:11:888 (2,3) -
    you get the idea by now

    01:28:329 (4) -
    forcing symmetry when rhythm doesn't support it is uh not good lol. kinda need something here

    could also shorten 3 by 1/2. doesnt really matter
  2. 00:36:973 - this situation doesn't deserve the break extension thing. i could explain why or i could just say do it and one of those options is easier for me. apparently incorrectlyusedbreaktimes are dqable too nice the sharlo's insane part
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

  1. remember what i said about the drum-hitnormal on your last map? yea do that of course I remember it lol
  2. your soft-hitnormal file. don't use it. the default one is quiet enough, making it quieter just makes it harder to hear which defeats the point of hitsounding completelyyyyyyyy Okay, deleted ;)
  3. would make sense to end the kiai at 01:23:753 - since that's where the musical phrase uh ends don't really understand why did I put the ends there XD . fixed.
  1. it's a map :3
  1. a few places where spacing should be higher cuz they're just too close: 00:33:922 (3,4) - just move 3 down and it's k. okay then ;) 00:42:736 (3,1) - same. okay (hope it's not too high >w<). 01:21:888 (3,1,2,3) - just rotate these two it'll work If I rotate them, I will lost the triangle rotate on 01:21:210 (1,2,3) - T.T . So I just do something to 01:22:227 (1) - . Anyway it means fixed :3
  2. 00:39:685 (3,1,2) - would be good to make it more obvious what is 1/2 vs 1/1 here. can be done by just moving 1 closer to the previous object. something like idk yea I see they have different snap but similar spacing XD . Fixed.
  3. 00:43:074 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:45:786 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - seems a lot like a difficulty spike to have 6 consecutive 1/2 circles with increasing spacing. the idea is cool but it's kinda death relative to the rest of the map. makin 00:43:752 (5,6) - 00:46:464 (5,6) - a slider instead of 2 circles would make it acceptable id say, waht youve got now not so much tho. Used yours. It's feels better >w<
  4. 00:44:091 (7) - apparently the second reverse is unsnapped by 2 milliseconds. just move it in the timeline and it'll get resnapped. editor glitches blablablablablabla fixed :3
  5. 00:52:905 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - general spacing here seems kinda overdone. right now it's around 1.5x, but doing it at 1.3x or lower would be better and uh less huge Applied ;)
  1. 00:08:499 (1) - 00:51:210 (3,4) - 1/2 sliders with multiple reverses are painful to read since there's no time to actually notice the second reverse. qats also think so. the first one would work fine as this and the second one would work fine undermapped as this Whoa I really didn't know if it's really a big problem :o absolutely fixed ;)
  2. 00:30:532 (3,1,2) - the way you've got things arranged here makes it look like 2 comes after 3. would be a lot clearer if 2 and 3 weren't overlapping yea my friend said it looks a bit "fooling" too XD. Fixed
  1. there's a couple places where rhythm seems to be omitting important sounds for uh unimportant sounds. should do something about that. boxes nice
    00:09:177 (1,2,3) -
    strong sounds being ignored:

    possible alternative (works while keeping the same object placement/structure stuff):

    Apply this for emphasis
    00:25:448 (1,2,3) -
    should be reflective of 00:14:600 (1,2,3) - since song is essentially repeating the same thing. there are other options of course, but you just really need to cover the sound here, otherwise it's super awkward

    Applied this fro consistency
    00:59:685 (3,4) -
    instrumental and vocal stuff are emphasizing this, while you've got 4 on an insignificant sound

    kinda screws with the placements of the 2 objects before this, but o well. this is the easiest option still

    Applied. Nice pattern for emphasis ;)
    01:11:888 (2,3) -
    you get the idea by now


    Nice pattern ;) I'll keep the screenshoted pattern because it's reasonable to end (3) at the white tick
    01:28:329 (4) -
    forcing symmetry when rhythm doesn't support it is uh not good lol. kinda need something here

    could also shorten 3 by 1/2. doesnt really matter

    Don't really sure that pattern follow something in the song. So I'll keep mine.
  2. 00:36:973 - this situation doesn't deserve the break extension thing. i could explain why or i could just say do it and one of those options is easier for me. apparently incorrectlyusedbreaktimes are dqable too nice the sharlo's insane part I don't know if this thing was DQable too XD Fixed (added some notes).
ok ok
Updated~~~ :3
so i looked at stuff again

for some reason, 00:57:990 (1) - on easy is not being counted as a new combo. just remove the nc then add it again and it fixes itself

also 00:08:500 (3) - i must have ignored the first time looking through. it would be better as a 1/1 slider for reasons stated here. i know it's dumb but yea that's just how things work sorry

also also i think you may have misinterpreted what i said about the break thing, but what you did is fine so i won't complain lol
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

so i looked at stuff again

for some reason, 00:57:990 (1) - on easy is not being counted as a new combo. just remove the nc then add it again and it fixes itself Okay

also 00:08:500 (3) - i must have ignored the first time looking through. it would be better as a 1/1 slider for reasons stated here. i know it's dumb but yea that's just how things work sorry Sure ;) changed to 1/1.

also also i think you may have misinterpreted what i said about the break thing I just think that you want to say "This point musn't break since the other diffs doesn't have it" . But I think i got a misunderstanding XD, but what you did is fine so i won't complain lol okay lol
ya i was just talking about this thing

Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

ya i was just talking about this thing

so the true problem was where to put the break start ?
anyway... Thanks >w<
Glad to see this qualified after a long time time.Congratulations Fantastica o3o/
nice, i cant beat it but i dont know why >:( :( it looks easier than it is
Ciyus Miapah
Gratz F ant \:3/
congratz!! :)
de BG dem son, gratz ciaat `_J`
Well, looks like I'm late but well.....

Congratz :D
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